346 research outputs found

    First report of Citrus tristeza virus in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

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    Citrus production in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro has a strategic importance to the agricultural sector. Approximately 400,000 trees are now grown in the major citrus producing region, which is the Montenegrin Coastal Region. Satsuma mandarins and lemons grafted on Poncirus trifoliata are the most cultivated varieties. In December 2003, eight samples taken from the coastal region close to the towns of Bar and Ulcinj were analyzed using enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with SP7 antibodies produced at Universidade do Algarve, Portugal (3). Further analysis was done using immunocapture-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR) targeting the entire coat protein (CP) gene (forward primer CTV1: 5(prime)- ATGGACGACGAAACAAAGAA-3(prime) and reverse primer CTV10: 5 (prime)-ATCAACGTGTGTTGAATTTCC-3(prime)). Using both techniques, seven of eight samples analyzed were found to be infected by Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), including samples from five trees that exhibited chlorosis, gummosis, and fruit deformation, and two trees that were symptomless

    Topological Observables in Semiclassical Field Theories

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    We give a geometrical set up for the semiclassical approximation to euclidean field theories having families of minima (instantons) parametrized by suitable moduli spaces M{\cal M}. The standard examples are of course Yang-Mills theory and non-linear σ\sigma-models. The relevant space here is a family of measure spaces \tilde {\cal N} \ra {\cal M}, with standard fibre a distribution space, given by a suitable extension of the normal bundle to M{\cal M} in the space of smooth fields. Over N~\tilde {\cal N} there is a probability measure dμd\mu given by the twisted product of the (normalized) volume element on M{\cal M} and the family of gaussian measures with covariance given by the tree propagator CϕC_\phi in the background of an instanton ϕ∈M\phi \in {\cal M}. The space of ``observables", i.e. measurable functions on (N~, dμ\tilde {\cal N}, \, d\mu), is studied and it is shown to contain a topological sector, corresponding to the intersection theory on M{\cal M}. The expectation value of these topological ``observables" does not depend on the covariance; it is therefore exact at all orders in perturbation theory and can moreover be computed in the topological regime by setting the covariance to zero.Comment: 11 page

    Differentiation of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates by cleavase fragment length polymorphism (CFLP) analysis of the major coat protein gene

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    A panel of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV, genus Closterovirus, family Closteroviridae) isolates of different origins and with different biological properties were compared for polymorphisms in the major coat protein (CP) gene by cleavase fragment length polymorphism (CFLP) and single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. The similarity between the CFLP patterns, which consisted of 15 to 20 bands, was estimated by the Pearson coefficient. The clustering patterns from the CFLP data were very similar to those from sequence data in an experiment with 16 cloned standards of the CP gene. By SSCP analysis on the other hand, most of the clones were not clustered in the same way. To assess the ability of CFLP to analyse biological samples, which may consist of a mixture of genomic variants, the CP gene of 12 CTV isolates was obtained directly from infected plants by immunocapture/RT-PCR and analysed. With few exceptions, the isolates were correctly clustered according to the sequences of the variants composing the isolates. In artificial mixed infections of mild and severe isolates the patterns obtained were more closely related to the severe isolate. Thus the CFLP method was an accurate method for the identification, typing and clustering of CTV isolates. The usefulness of this technique as an alternative to SSCP analysis is suggested and discussed

    Early Acute Allograft Dysfunction in a Patient with Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    A negative mass theorem for surfaces of positive genus

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    We define the "sum of squares of the wavelengths" of a Riemannian surface (M,g) to be the regularized trace of the inverse of the Laplacian. We normalize by scaling and adding a constant, to obtain a "mass", which is scale invariant and vanishes at the round sphere. This is an anlaog for closed surfaces of the ADM mass from general relativity. We show that if M has positive genus then on each conformal class, the mass attains a negative minimum. For the minimizing metric, there is a sharp logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and a Moser-Trudinger-Onofri type inequality.Comment: 8 page

    TBCCD1, a new centrosomal protein, is required for centrosome and Golgi apparatus positioning

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    In animal cells the centrosome is actively positioned at the cell center in close association with the nucleus. The mechanisms responsible for this are not completely understood. Here we report the first characterization of human TBCCD1, a protein related to tubulin cofactor C. TBCCD1 localizes at the centrosome and at the spindle midzone, midbody and basal bodies of primary and motile cilia. Knockdown of TBCCD1 in RPE-1 cells caused the dissociation of the centrosome from the nucleus and disorganization of the Golgi apparatus. TBCCD1 depleted cells are larger, less efficient in primary cilia assembly and their migration is slower in wound-healing assays. However, the microtubule nucleating activity of the centrosome is not affected by TBCCD1 silencing. We propose that TBCCD1 is a key regulator of centrosome positioning and consequently of internal cell organization

    Keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan Menggunakan Semen Beku Dan Semen Cair Pada Sapi Peranakan Ongole

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    The purpose of this research was to know about the successfully artificial insemination (AI) using frozen and liquid semen of Ongole cross (PO) cattle indicated by Service per Conception (S/C), Days Open (DO) dan Conception Rate (CR). The materials used were 60 heads of Ongole crossbred cattle which were selected purposively using some criteria, such as having calving experience, healthy, and free from any reproduction disorder. This field experiment consisted of direct observation and interview to acquire primary and secondary data. Datas were analyzed descriptively and continued by a paired t-test. The results showed that the value of (S/C) was very significantly different (P<0.01), DO was not significantly different (P>0.05). CR for P1, P2, P3, and P4 was found 63.33% , 86.67%, 16.33%, 83.33% respectively. The conclusion of this research was AI using frozen and liquid semen with only 5 days preservation had a difference on the value of service per conception. The most successfull AI was found higher in the liquid semen which was stored for 1 and 5 days than that of frozen semen

    Co infection of OMMV and OLV-1 enhances symptoms and increases both viruses accumulation and viral derived siRNAs in plants

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    Previous extensive field surveys in olive orchards have revealed high levels of Olive mild mosaic virus (OMMV) and Olive latent virus 1 (OLV-1), frequently appearing in mixed infections. These viruses belong to genus Alphanecrovirus and their RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp),as well as their p6 and p8 amino acid sequences share over 87% identity

    Multiple solutions to a magnetic nonlinear Choquard equation

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    We consider the stationary nonlinear magnetic Choquard equation [(-\mathrm{i}\nabla+A(x))^{2}u+V(x)u=(\frac{1}{|x|^{\alpha}}\ast |u|^{p}) |u|^{p-2}u,\quad x\in\mathbb{R}^{N}%] where A A\ is a real valued vector potential, VV is a real valued scalar potential,, N≥3N\geq3, α∈(0,N)\alpha\in(0,N) and 2−(α/N)<p<(2N−α)/(N−2)2-(\alpha/N) <p<(2N-\alpha)/(N-2). \ We assume that both AA and VV are compatible with the action of some group GG of linear isometries of RN\mathbb{R}^{N}. We establish the existence of multiple complex valued solutions to this equation which satisfy the symmetry condition u(gx)=τ(g)u(x)   for allg∈G,x∈RN, u(gx)=\tau(g)u(x)\text{\ \ \ for all}g\in G,\text{}x\in\mathbb{R}^{N}, where τ:G→S1\tau:G\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^{1} is a given group homomorphism into the unit complex numbers.Comment: To appear on ZAM

    Combined expression of p20 and p23 proteins from Citrus tristeza virus show enhanced local silencing suppressor activity

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    Viruses developed a strategy to counter-defence the posttranscriptional gene silencing mechanism (PTGS) based on the activity of silencing suppressor proteins. Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), a member of the genus Closterovirus, has two suppressor proteins (p20 and p23) that target the local RNA silencing response of the host. In GFP transient co-expression assays performed on Nicotiana benthamiana 16C plants, local suppressor activity of p23 and p20 was similar. Co-expression of both proteins from a mild or a stem pitting CTV isolate showed stronger local suppression activity than either suppressor alone, with an increased GFP transcript level six-(for Gp M) to nine-fold (for Gp 3a) higher than non-inoculated 16C plants, in parallel with low accumulation of siRNAs. Further, GFP brightness of leaves infiltrated with Agrobacterium cultures at an OD600 of 0.5 was comparable to those infiltrated with OD600 0.25. These findings indicate that combined action of p20 and p23 proteins results in enhanced suppressor activity
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