72 research outputs found

    Assessing Hospital Management Performance in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) During the COVID-19:A Study from the Pandemic Outbreak Perspective

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    In the early stages of the pandemic, both poor and developed nations lacked healthcare infrastructure capacity. ICUs had more patients than ordinary wards, and hospital resources for patients were minimal. The possibility of contamination and infection, as well as restricted resources, pose challenges to ICU staff. The circumstance posed a significant difficulty for ICU management to protect healthcare staff while providing healthcare services to patients. Similarly, technology participation in prevention and dissemination control was limited both within and outside of ICUs treating infected patients. The current study investigated the hospital management performance in intensive care units (ICUs) during the COVID-19. We used the PRISM statement 2020 to include and exclude the records in the study. In addition, the study used the VOS viewer software to identify key term occurrences and classification of literature. The major three categories find COVID-19, ICUs and performance management. The current study findings indicate that healthcare personnel such as physicians, nurses, and other support staff made significant contributions during the peak period of pandemic transmission. Nurses are the closest to the infected patients within the ICUs, and the findings show that a considerable percentage of nurses have been infected with the COVID-19 virus (Kramer et al., 2021). Aside from this, in ICUs, technology engagement and infrastructure are substantially lower than in pandemic control and management. Future pandemic damage control and minimising the strain on healthcare workers require advanced technologies and performance management mechanisms. Furthermore, AI and robotic technology can be utilised to address this challenge

    Scientific Mapping of Industry 4.0 Research:A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The fourth industrial revolution is progressing very rapidly. This research aims to investigate the research patterns and trends of industry 4.0 research with a focus on manufacturing. This bibliometric analysis is performed on data of the past five years (2016 to 2020) retrieved from the Scopus database. This research is conducted on 1426 articles in which the top productive countries, authors, institutions, and most cited articles were investigated. Findings demonstrated that Italy, the United States, and China are the most active countries in terms of research publications. South China University of Technology (China) has been identified as the most productive institution.  Wan, J., Li, D., Rauch, E. were found to be the most productive authors. Industry 4.0 is primarily focused on the fields of engineering and computer science and sustainability is the most prolific journal. Co-occurrence analysis of keywords, co-authorship analysis of authors and countries were carried out along with bibliographic coupling of documents using VoS viewer which is the most common information visualisation software. This article summarises the growth of Industry 4.0 in the past five years and gives a short overview of the related works and applications of Industry 4.0.</p

    Effectiveness of Digital Technology in Education During COVID-19 Pandemic. A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Digital technologies are viewing as a gateway to solve many of the problems arising from the crisis. How can we provide efficient education in COVID-19? To extend classroom learning to the home is a challenging task for the nations and the COVID-19 outbreak put the world in a situation from home learning. This study will analyze the overall resources and digital technologies available for education from home. For this purpose, Scopus and web of science databases are used to find the literature. The final 82 articles are select for the SLR (systematic literature review). The data inclusion and exclusion process are used in the PRISMA statement 2015 for quality assessment of data. The bibliometric analysis will conduct for text frequency co-occurrence and collaborations between the authors in countries. The vital step of data classification will process according to the author's segmentation and published research settings. In the last findings of the study, reports will explain past literature and recent outbreak. We are applying bibliometric analysis, showing that reviews are classified into 04 main clusters for analysis and discussion. These are 1) Digital Education Quick Shift Online Teaching and Learning for during Covid19 Pandemic 2) Digital Education during Pandemic and Rethinking for Sustainable Community; 3) Digital education for medical education and healthcare in hospital; 4) Digital Education and Digital innovation development during Covid19 pandemic. These findings are expected to benefit stakeholders studying and working relevant in digital education during and resilient post-Covid-19 pandemic.publishedVersio

    Efficacy and pitfalls of digital technologies in healthcare services:A systematic review of two decades

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    The use of technology in the healthcare sector and its medical practices, from patient record maintenance to diagnostics, has significantly improved the health care emergency management system. At that backdrop, it is crucial to explore the role and challenges of these technologies in the healthcare sector. Therefore, this study provides a systematic review of the literature on technological developments in the healthcare sector and deduces its pros and cons. We curate the published studies from the Web of Science and Scopus databases by using PRISMA 2015 guidelines. After mining the data, we selected only 55 studies for the systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. The study explores four significant classifications of technological development in healthcare: (a) digital technologies, (b) artificial intelligence, (c) blockchain, and (d) the Internet of Things. The novel contribution of current study indicate that digital technologies have significantly influenced the healthcare services such as the beginning of electronic health record, a new era of digital healthcare, while robotic surgeries and machine learning algorithms may replace practitioners as future technologies. However, a considerable number of studies have criticized these technologies in the health sector based on trust, security, privacy, and accuracy. The study suggests that future studies, on technological development in healthcare services, may take into account these issues for sustainable development of the healthcare sector

    The Significance of Digital Marketing in Shaping Ecotourism Behaviour through Destination Image

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    Ecotourism is the most encompassing alternative approach, and it is usually regarded as a panacea capable of combining economic development, environmental protection, and community well-being. Pakistan’s ecotourism industry is relatively new and has significant growth potential, with approximately 6 million domestic and international tourists visiting various northern destinations in 2018. However, as the number of tourists grows, so do the difficulties or obstacles associated with visitor/tourist behaviour, such as pollution, forest cutting, wildlife turmoil, filthy waste/garbage, and forest fire. These potential hazards have become natural environment-harming concerns that occur daily. Prior studies and government policies have emphasised the increasing knowledge and responsibility of ecotourism behaviour among tourists to address the issues. Digital marketing is known as a flashy way to connect with tourists by providing them with diverse tour information and destination images; however, reviews show that a smaller number of previous research in the tourism industry has been involved with digital marketing strategies. They use a quantitative design and Structural Equation Model testing. The guaranteed validity and reliability is an adaptive questionnaire created and tested in pilot research. For data gathering, a multistage sampling method is utilised. This research included 384 tourist respondents from three regions that used digital marketing for their travelling. It was chosen using a random and purposeful sampling process. The study found that destination image is positively connected to ecotourism. The current study employs the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical contribution. The study’s findings suggest that visitors, the government, the tourism industry, and the community may use digital marketing strategies to encourage ecotourism behaviour

    Facilitating combined upper and lower abdominal laparoscopic surgeries

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