80 research outputs found

    Cryogel composites for cadmium removal : evaluating combinations and adsorption by molecularly imprinted polymers

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Química. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Unlocking the potential of snake venom-based molecules against the malaria, Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis triad

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    Funding Information: This work received financial support from PT national funds ( FCT/MCTES , Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through the project CIRCNA/BRB/0281/2019 . Funding Information: This work received financial support from PT national funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through the project CIRCNA/BRB/0281/2019.The authors further thank FCT/MCTES for supporting Research Units LAQV-REQUIMTE (UIDB/50006/2020), GHTM (UID/Multi/04413/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsMalaria, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease are vector-borne protozoal infections with a disproportionately high impact on the most fragile societies in the world, and despite malaria-focused research gained momentum in the past two decades, both trypanosomiases and leishmaniases remain neglected tropical diseases. Affordable effective drugs remain the mainstay of tackling this burden, but toxicicty, inneficiency against later stage disease, and drug resistance issues are serious shortcomings. One strategy to overcome these hurdles is to get new therapeutics or inspiration in nature. Indeed, snake venoms have been recognized as valuable sources of biomacromolecules, like peptides and proteins, with antiprotozoal activity. This review highlights major snake venom components active against at least one of the three aforementioned diseases, which include phospholipases A2, metalloproteases, L-amino acid oxidases, lectins, and oligopeptides. The relevance of this repertoire of biomacromolecules and the bottlenecks in their clinical translation are discussed considering approaches that should increase the success rate in this arduous task. Overall, this review underlines how venom-derived biomacromolecules could lead to pioneering antiprotozoal treatments and how the drug landscape for neglected diseases may be revolutionized by a closer look at venoms. Further investigations on poorly studied venoms is needed and could add new therapeutics to the pipeline.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Dança & Parkinson: Relato de um Projeto De Extensão

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    A Doença de Parkinson (DP), caracterizada por ser progressiva e neurodegenerativa, é uma das enfermidades neurológicas mais frequentes na atualidade. A dança pode ser uma importante ferramenta no tratamento complementar destes pacientes, quando somada a terapias medicamentosas e fisioterápicas tradicionais

    Scent-marking and maintenance behaviour of captive red brocket males (Mazama rufa) kept eight hours in a new environment: Marcação de odor e comportamento de manutenção de machos veado-mateiros (Mazama rufa) mantidos oito horas em um novo ambiente

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    Wild animals in captivity are often transferred to other facilities when cleaning or maintenance of the facilities where they live is carried out. The aim of this study was to assess the behavioural response of five red brocket males (Mazama rufa) after being moved to a new environment. The animals are kept in individual stalls, being eventually moved to an unfamiliar stall, previously occupied by other individuals. The latencies and frequencies of scent-marking and maintenance behaviours were recorded for eight hours after moving each animal to the new stall. Licking behaviour was the behaviour most frequently displayed (20 to 62 times), with latencies ranging from 0,02 to 12,17min. It was followed by urinating/defecating with a frequency of 24 to 56 times (latency 2,13-46 min) and flehmen, with a frequency of 11 to 24 times (latency 0,1-21,08 min). Rubbing was observed in only two deer. The Pearson´s correlation coefficients showed a positive association between flehmen and licking latencies and urinating/defecating and sleeping latencies (P<0,05, for both). It also showed that flehmen and urinating/defecating frequencies are inversely related (P<0,05). The behaviour of M. rufa males after being moved to an unfamiliar stall were characterized by common exploratory and scent-marking behaviours

    Formação docente na perspectiva da educação das relações étnico-raciais / Teacher training from the perspective of education in ethnic-racial relations

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os dados de pesquisa sobre a concepção de docentes sobre a temática afro-brasileira conforme a Lei 10.639/03 e apresentar as ações desenvolvidas no Prolicen junto ao curso de Ciências Biológicas, da UFPB. A pesquisa foi de abordagem qualitativa, com a utilização de um questionário, tendo como participantes professores, educadores e interessados na temática sobre o fortalecimento da identidade afro-brasileira que frequentaram um curso de formação docente ofertado pelo Prolicen. Os dados foram analisados em categorias de estudos sobre a concepção dos participantes sobre a temática e os estudos sobre vossas práticas educacionais para o enfrentamento do racismo em ambiente escolar e sobre etnicidade. Quanto às produções relacionadas aos estudos pelos estudantes envolvidos no Prolicen, descrevemos: participação na formação docente aos participantes da pesquisa; a elaboração de recursos didáticos como vídeos aulas, página em rede social com publicação aberta a todos sobre etnicidade e educação antirracista; além da elaboração de um livro com propostas educativas organizadas em módulos que possam ser utilizadas no ensino fundamental

    Hipertermia maligna en Brasil: análisis de la actividad del hotline en 2009

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease that causes abnormal hypermetabolic reaction to halogenated anesthetics and/or depolarizing muscle relaxants. In Brazil, there is a hotline telephone service for MH since 1991, available 24 hours a day in São Paulo. This article analyzes the activity of the Brazilian hotline service for MH in 2009. METHODS: Prospective analysis of all phone calls made to the Brazilian hotline service for MH from January to December 2009. RESULTS: Twenty-two phone calls were received: 21 from the South/Southeast region of Brazil and one from the North region. Fifteen calls were requests for general information about MH. Seven were about suspected MH acute episodes, two of which were not considered as MH. In five episodes compatible with MH, all patients received halogenated volatile anesthetics (2, isoflurane; 3, sevoflurane) and one also used succinylcholine; there were four men and one woman, with a mean age of 18 years (2-27). The problems described in the five MH episodes were tachycardia (5), increased expired carbon dioxide (4), hyperthermia (3), acidemia (1), rhabdomyolysis (1), and myoglobinuria (1). One patient received dantrolene. All five patients with MH episodes were follow-up in the intensive care unit and recovered without sequelae. Susceptibility to MH was later confirmed in two patients by in vitro muscle contracture test. CONCLUSIONS: The number of calls per year in the Brazilian hotline service for MH is still low. The characteristics of MH episode were similar to those reported in other countries. The knowledge of MH in Brazil needs to be increased.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La Hipertermia Maligna (HM) es una enfermedad farmacogenética, con una reacción hipermetabólica anormal a los anestésicos halogenados y/o relajantes musculares despolarizantes. Desde 1991 existe un servicio hotline de atención telefónica para la HM en Brasil a disposición las 24 horas del día en São Paulo. Este artículo analiza la actividad del servicio brasileño de hotline para la HM en el 2009. MÉTODOS: Análisis prospectivo de todas las llamadas telefónicas realizadas al servicio brasileño de hotline para la HM, desde enero a diciembre de 2009. RESULTADOS: Se recibieron 22 llamadas; 21 provenientes del Sur y Sudeste de Brasil y una del Norte. Quince eran solicitudes de informaciones generales sobre la HM. Siete fueron sobre sospechas de crisis agudas de HM, de las cuales dos no fueron consideradas como HM. En las cinco crisis compatibles con la HM, todos los pacientes recibieron anestésicos inhalatorios halogenados (2 isoflurano, 3 sevoflurano) y uno también usó succinilcolina. Había cuatro hombres y una mujer, con un promedio de edad de 18 años (2-27). Los problemas descritos en las cinco crisis de HM: taquicardia (cinco), aumento del gas carbónico espirado (cuatro), hipertermia (tres), acidemia (uno), rabdomiólisis (uno) y mioglobinuria (uno). Un paciente recibió dantrolene. Todos los cinco pacientes con crisis de HM recibieron acompañamiento en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y se recuperaron sin secuelas. La susceptibilidad a la HM fue posteriormente confirmada en dos pacientes por medio del test de la contractura muscular in vitro. CONCLUSIONES: El número de llamadas por año al servicio brasileño de hotline para la HM todavía es pequeño. Las características de las crisis fueron similares a las descritas en otros países. Es necesario aumentar el conocimiento que se tiene sobre la HM en Brasil.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Hipertermia maligna (HM) é doença farmacogenética, com reação hipermetabólica anormal a anestésicos halogenados e/ou relaxantes musculares despolarizantes. Desde 1991 há um serviço hotline de atendimento telefônico para HM no Brasil, disponível 24 horas por dia, em São Paulo. Este artigo analisa a atividade do serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM em 2009. MÉTODOS: Análise prospectiva de todas chamadas telefônicas paria maligna (HM) é doença farmacogenética, com reação hipermetabólica anormal a anestésicos halogenados e/ou relaxantes musculares despolarizantes. Desde 1991 há um serviço hotline de atendimento telefônico para HM no Brasil, disponível 24 horas por dia, em São Paulo. Este art go analisa a at vidade do serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM em 2009a o serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM, de janeiro a dezembro de 2009. RESULTADOS: Foram recebidas 22 ligações; 21 provenientes do Sul-Sudeste do Brasil e uma do Norte. Quinze eram pedidos de informações gerais sobre HM. Sete foram suspeitas de crises agudas de HM, das quais duas não foram consideradas como HM. Nas cinco crises compatíveis com HM, todos os pacientes receberam anestésicos inalatórios halogenados (2 isoflurano, 3 sevoflurano) e um usou também succinilcolina; havia quatro homens e uma mulher, com média de idade de 18 anos (2-27). Problemas descritos nas cinco crises de HM: taquicardia (cinco), aumento do gás carbônico expirado (quatro), hipertermia (três), acidemia (um), rabdomiólise (um) e mioglobinúria (um). Um paciente recebeu dantrolene. Todos os cinco pacientes com crises de HM foram seguidos em unidade de terapia intensiva e recuperaram-se sem sequelas. A suscetibilidade à HM foi posteriormente confirmada em dois pacientes por meio do teste de contratura muscular in vitro. CONCLUSÕES: O número de chamadas por ano no serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM ainda é reduzido. As características das crises foram similares às descritas em outros países. É preciso aumentar o conhecimento sobre HM no Brasil.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Setor de Doenças NeuromuscularesUNIFESP, EPM, Setor de Doenças NeuromuscularesSciEL

    Automated impedance-based and manual leukocyte differential counts in healthy equines

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    The speed and convenience provided by automated cell counters are reasons for the increasing use of this technology in veterinary practice, with impedance methodology being one of the most commonly used in Brazil. In this regard, the objective of this study was to compare the automated differential leukocyte count obtained by impedance with the manual count obtained from the evaluation of blood smears in healthy horses. For this purpose, the automated differential leukocyte count using a veterinary cell counter (Abx Micros ESV 60, Horiba) was compared to the manual count using optical microscopy in 545 blood samples from healthy horses. Paired t-tests or Wilcoxon tests, Deming regression, Pearson or Spearman correlations, and Bland-Altman analysis were used, considering differences significant when p<0.05. The automated method showed higher concentrations of segmented neutrophils and monocytes, and lower concentrations of lymphocytes and eosinophils compared to the manual method. The mean error of the automated count was -10.26% for segmented neutrophils, 11.04% for lymphocytes, -41.39% for monocytes, and -10.84% for eosinophils, ranging from -200% to 161.4% depending on the cell type. There was a significant correlation between the methodologies only for the counts of segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. In conclusion, the manual differential leukocyte count in healthy horses cannot be replaced by the automated method, and the analysis of blood smears remains a fundamental tool for the proper interpretation of the leukogram in horses.The speed and convenience provided by automated cell counters are reasons for the increasing use of this technology in veterinary practice, with impedance methodology being one of the most commonly used in Brazil. In this regard, the objective of this study was to compare the automated differential leukocyte count obtained by impedance with the manual count obtained from the evaluation of blood smears in healthy horses. For this purpose, the automated differential leukocyte count by impedance using a veterinary cell counter (Abx Micros ESV 60, Horiba) was compared to the manual count using optical microscopy in 545 blood samples from healthy horses. Paired t-tests or Wilcoxon tests, Deming regression, Pearson or Spearman correlations, and Bland-Altman analysis were used, considering differences significant when p<0.05. All optical microscopy counts were carried out by the same veterinary clinical pathologist with ten years of previous experience in the area. The automated method showed higher concentrations of segmented neutrophils and monocytes, and lower concentrations of lymphocytes and eosinophils compared to the manual method. The mean error of the automated count was -10.26% for segmented neutrophils, 11.04% for lymphocytes, -41.39% for monocytes, and -10.84% for eosinophils, ranging from -200% to 161.4% depending on the cell type. There was a significant correlation between the methodologies only for the counts of segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. In conclusion, the manual differential leukocyte count in healthy horses cannot be replaced by the automated method, and the analysis of blood smears remains a fundamental tool for the proper interpretation of the leukogram in horses

    Tendências epidemiológicas dos óbitos por neoplasia de próstata na região nordeste, entre 2018 a 2022

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    Investigar a incidência do câncer de próstata nos estados do Nordeste, durante o período de 2018 a 2022. Este estudo retrospectivo envolveu a coleta de dados da base DATASUS (Departamento de Informática do SUS), especificamente do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM), A pesquisa focalizou indivíduos a partir de 14 anos de idade ou mais, diagnosticados com a referida patologia durante o período estabelecido. As variáveis analisadas incluem ano de diagnóstico e notificação, sexo biológico, etnia, faixa etária, escolaridade e categoria de exposição. Durante o período de 2018 a 2022, foram registrados aproximadamente 22.358 óbitos por câncer de próstata, com uma prevalência maior entre os idosos com mais de 80 anos e pessoas pardas. Este estudo destaca a importância da realização de testes de prevenção e diagnóstico precoce do câncer de próstata, além de servir como ferramenta para análise dos índices de letalidade associados a essa doença