68 research outputs found

    Entretien avec Linda Nochlin

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    Chaque historienne de l’art, chaque historien de l’art a ses figures tutélaires, son panthéon de personnalités intellectuelles qui ont changé le cours de ses travaux : Linda Nochlin appartient à cette constellation d’étoiles qui, dans l’histoire de l’art de la seconde partie du xxe siècle, a littéralement transformé le cours de la discipline. Il est rare de pouvoir l’avancer aussi explicitement et encore plus de le dater exactement car, en partageant une question en 1971, et non pas en livran..

    The Rise and Fall, and the Rise (Again) of Feminist Research in Music: 'What Goes Around Comes Around'

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    This article reports from a two-phase study that involved an analysis of the extant literature followed by a three-part survey answered by seventy-one women composers. Through these theoretical and empirical data, the authors explore the relationship between gender and music’s symbolic and cultural capital. Bourdieu’s theory of the habitus is employed to understand the gendered experiences of the female composers who participated in the survey. The article suggests that these female composers have different investments in gender but that, overall, they reinforce the male habitus given that the female habitus occupies a subordinate position in relation to that of the male. The findings of the study also suggest a connection between contemporary feminism and the attitudes towards gender held by the participants. The article concludes that female composers classify themselves, and others, according to gendered norms and that these perpetuate the social order in music in which the male norm dominates

    Introduction to EJES special journal issue on ‘Feminist Interventions in Intermedial Studies'

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    Abstract The feminist project has radicalised text/image relationships in myriad ways, disrupting the contours of discipline and medium. The multifaceted recyclings of a transdisciplinary methodology remind us that although in the past decades text/image studies has become an established academic research field in the first decades of the twenty-first century, its subversive potential to challenge cultural hegemonies has not diminished. On the contrary, intermedial fusions remain loaded with political and ethical issues that are in search of sites of resistance for marginalised, othered social subjects and meanings. The introduction explains how this special journal issue emerges from and is addressed to the politically significant network of feminist researchers -- artists, theoreticians, activists -- we believe we share ties with on account of putting the study of intermediality in the service of 'constructing a radically new understanding of our world in all its horror and hope' (Pollock, 1988: 22)

    Women, Art, and Power and Other Essays

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    Women, Art and Power

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    El ensayo «¿Porqué no ha habido grandes mujeres artistas?» de Nochlin, profesora de historia dei arle de la Universidad de Nueva York fue publicado por primera vez en 1971, y supuso el primer paso en la investigación histórica del arte con relación a la mujer. Este ensayo ha sido nuevamente publicado en Londres, por la editorial Thames and Hudson, el año 1989 junto con otros ensayos de gran interes relativos a la historia del arte, en los cuales el análisis histórico tradicional..

    Critical Perspectives on Linda Nochlin’s Feminist Scholarship

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    Mulheres, arte e poder

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    Women Artists: 1550 - 1950

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