94 research outputs found
Response inhibition is linked to emotional devaluation: behavioural and electrophysiological evidence
To study links between the inhibition of motor responses and emotional evaluation, we combined electrophysiological measures of prefrontal response inhibition with behavioural measures of affective evaluation. Participants first performed a Go-Nogo task in response to Asian and Caucasian faces (with race determining their Go or Nogo status), followed by a trustworthiness rating for each face. Faces previously seen as Nogo stimuli were rated as less trustworthy than previous Go stimuli. To study links between the efficiency of response inhibition in the Go-Nogo task and subsequent emotional evaluations, the Nogo N2 component was quantified separately for faces that were later judged to be high versus low in trustworthiness. Nogo N2 amplitudes were larger in response to low-rated as compared to high-rated faces, demonstrating that trial-by-trial variations in the efficiency of response inhibition triggered by Nogo faces, as measured by the Nogo N2 component, co-vary with their subsequent affective evaluation. These results suggest close links between inhibitory processes in top-down motor control and emotional responses
Comparative measurements of carbon dioxide fluxes from two nearby towers in a central Amazonian rainforest: the Manaus LBA site
Forests around Manaus have staged the oldest and the longest forest-atmosphere CO2 exchange studies made anywhere in the Amazon. Since July 1999 the exchange of CO2, water, and energy, as well as weather variables, have been measured almost continuously over two forests, 11 km apart, in the Cuieiras reserve near Manaus, Brazil. This paper presents the sites and climatology of the region based upon the new data sets. The landscape consists of plateaus dissected by often waterlogged valleys, and the two sites differ in terms of the relative areas of those two landscape components represented in the tower footprints. The radiation and wind climate was similar to both towers. Generally, both the long-wave and short-wave radiation input was less in the wet than in the dry season. The energy balance closure was imperfect (on average 80%) in both towers, with little variation in energy partitioning between the wet and dry seasons; likely a result of anomalously high rainfall in the 1999 dry season. Fluxes of CO2 also showed little seasonal variation except for a slightly shorter daytime uptake duration and somewhat lower respiratory fluxes in the dry season. The net effect is one of lower daily net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in the dry season. The tower, which has less waterlogged valley areas in its footprint, measured a higher overall CO2 uptake rate. We found that on first sight, NEE is underestimated during calm nights, as was observed in many other tower sites before. However, a closer inspection of the diurnal variation of CO2 storage fluxes and NEE suggests that at least part of the nighttime deficits is recovered from either lateral influx of CO2 from valleys or outgassing of soil storage. Therefore there is a high uncertainty in the magnitude of nocturnal NEE, and consequently preliminary estimates of annual carbon uptake reflecting this range from 1 to 8 T ha-1 y-1, with an even higher upper range for the less waterlogged area. The high uptake rates are clearly unsustainable and call for further investigations into the integral carbon balance of Amazon landscapes
Dynamic sustained attention markers differentiate atypical development: the case of Williams syndrome and Down's syndrome
Impaired sustained attention is considered an important factor in determining poor functional outcomes across multiple cognitive and behavioural disorders. Sustained attention is compromised for both children with Williams syndrome (WS) and Down's syndrome (DS), but specific difficulties remain poorly understood because of limitations in how sustained attention has been assessed thus far. In the current study, we compared the performance of typically developing children (N = 99), children with WS (N = 25), and children with DS (N = 18), on a Continuous Performance Task - a standard tool for measuring sustained attention. In contrast to previous studies, primarily focused on overall differences in mean performance, we estimated the extent to which performance changed over time on task, thus focusing directly on the sustained element of performance. Children with WS and children with DS performed more poorly overall compared to typically developing children. Importantly, measures specific to changes over time differentiated between children with the two syndromes. Children with WS showed a decrement in performance, whereas children with Down's syndrome demonstrated non-specific poor performance. In addition, our measure of change in performance predicted teacher-rated attention deficits symptoms across the full sample. An approach that captures dynamic changes in performance over assessments may be fruitful for investigating similarities and differences in sustained attention for other atypically developing populations. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
An airborne regional carbon balance for central amazonia
We obtained regional estimates of surface CO2 exchange rates using atmospheric boundary layer budgeting techniques above tropical forest near Manaus, Brazil. Comparisons were made with simultaneous measurements from two eddy covariance towers below. Although there was good agreement for daytime measurements, large differences emerged for integrating periods dominated by the night-time fluxes. These results suggest that a systematic underestimation of night time respiratory effluxes may be responsible for the high Amazonian carbon sink suggested by several previous eddy covariance studies. Large CO2 fluxes from riverine sources or high respiratory losses from recently disturbed forests do not need to be invoked in order to balance the carbon budget of the Amazon. Our results do not, however, discount some contribution of these processes to the overall Amazon carbon budget
Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes from central amazonian rainforest inferred from tower-based and airborne measurements, and implications on the atmospheric chemistry and the local carbon budget
We estimated the isoprene and monoterpene source strengths of a pristine tropical forest north of Manaus in the central Amazon Basin using three different micrometeorological flux measurement approaches. During the early dry season campaign of the Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (LBA-CLAIRE-2001), a tower-based surface layer gradient (SLG) technique was applied simultaneously with a relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) system. Airborne measurements of vertical profiles within and above the convective boundary layer (CBL) were used to estimate fluxes on a landscape scale by application of the mixed layer gradient (MLG) technique. The mean daytime fluxes of organic carbon measured by REA were 2.1 mg C m^−2 h^−1 for isoprene, 0.20 mg C m^−2 h^−1 for α-pinene, and 0.39 mg C m^−2 h^−1 for the sum of monoterpenes. These values are in reasonable agreement with fluxes determined with the SLG approach, which exhibited a higher scatter, as expected for the complex terrain investigated. The observed VOC fluxes are in good agreement with simulations using a single-column chemistry and climate model (SCM).\ud
In contrast, the model-derived mixing ratios of VOCs were by far higher than observed, indicating that chemical processes may not be adequately represented in the model. The observed vertical gradients of isoprene and its primary degradation products methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR) suggest that the oxidation capacity in the tropical CBL is much higher than previously assumed. A simple chemical kinetics model was used to infer OH radical concentrations from the vertical gradients of (MVK+MACR)/isoprene. The estimated range of OH concentrations during the daytime was 3–8×10^6 molecules cm^−3, i.e., an order of magnitude higher than is estimated for the tropical CBL by current state-of-the-art atmospheric chemistry and transport models. The remarkably high OH concentrations were also supported by results of a simple budget analysis, based on the flux-to-lifetime relationship of isoprene within the CBL. Furthermore, VOC fluxes determined with the airborne MLG approach were only in reasonable agreement with those of the tower-based REA and SLG approaches after correction for chemical decay by OH radicals, applying a best estimate OH concentration of 5.5×10^6 molecules cm^−3. The SCM model calculations support relatively high OH concentration estimates after specifically being constrained by the mixing ratios of chemical constituents observed during the campaign.\ud
The relevance of the VOC fluxes for the local carbon budget of the tropical rainforest site during the measurements campaign was assessed by comparison with the concurrent CO2 fluxes, estimated by three different methods (eddy correlation, Lagrangian dispersion, and mass budget approach). Depending on the CO2 flux estimate, 1–6% or more of the carbon gained by net ecosystem productivity appeared to be re-emitted through VOC emissions
Intoxicação aguda com sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis (Leg. Papilionoideae) em suínos
Relata-se necrose hepatocelular em suínos após consumo de ração que continha grãos de sorgo-granífero (Sorghum bicolor) acidentalmente contaminado com sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis. Morreram 76 suínos em quatro propriedades no município de Juscimeira, MT. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram-se 24-48 horas após o consumo da ração contaminada e foram caracterizados por depressão, letargia, apatia, inapetência, vômito, mucosas ictéricas ou pálidas, ascite, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral com movimentos de pedalagem e convulsões, a evolução clínica foi de 48-60 horas seguida de morte. As Principais alterações macroscópicas foram fígado aumentado de tamanho com evidenciação do padrão lobular, ascite e hidrotórax com líquido de coloração amarelo avermelhado contendo filamentos com aspecto de fibrina, linfonodos aumentados e edema pulmonar interlobular. A doença foi reproduzida utilizando-se 16 suínos divididos em seis grupos que receberam sementes de C. spectabilis em diferentes doses. Necrose hepatocelular ocorreu em sete suínos, sendo dois que receberam doses diárias 2,5g/kg e cinco que receberam doses únicas de 5,0 e 9,5g/kg. Dez doses diárias de 0,5 e 1,25g/kg causaram fibrose hepática
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