7 research outputs found

    The Mycobiome: A Neglected Component in the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis

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    In recent years, the gut microbiota has been considered as a full-fledged actor of the gut–brain axis, making it possible to take a new step in understanding the pathophysiology of both neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, most of the studies have been devoted to gut bacterial microbiota, forgetting the non-negligible fungal flora. In this review, we expose how the role of the fungal component in the microbiota-gut-brain axis is legitimate, through its interactions with both the host, especially with the immune system, and the gut bacteria. We also discuss published data that already attest to a role of the mycobiome in the microbiota-gut-brain axis, and the impact of fungi on clinical and therapeutic research

    Early Detection of Schistosoma Egg–Induced Pulmonary Granulomas in a Returning Traveler

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    We report the case of a French traveler who developed acute pulmonary schistosomiasis 2 months after visiting Benin. He presented with a 1-month history of fever, cough, and thoracic pain. Initial investigations revealed hypereosinophilia and multiple nodular lesions on chest computed tomography scan. Lung biopsies were performed 2 months later because of migrating chest infiltrates and increasing eosinophilia. Histological examination showed schistosomal egg–induced pulmonary granulomas with ova exhibiting a prominent terminal spine, resembling Schistosoma haematobium. However, egg shells were Ziehl–Neelsen positive, raising the possibility of a Schistosoma intercalatum or a Schistosoma guineensis infection. Moreover, involvement of highly infectious hybrid species cannot be excluded considering the atypical early pulmonary oviposition. This case is remarkable because of the rarity of pulmonary schistosomiasis, its peculiar clinical presentation and difficulties in making species identification. It also emphasizes the need to consider schistosomiasis diagnosis in all potentially exposed travelers with compatible symptoms

    A summary of cryptosporidiosis outbreaks reported in France and overseas departments, 2017–2020

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    International audienceCryptosporidium is a known foodborne pathogen, ranked fifth out of 24 among foodborne parasites in terms of importance and a cause of many cryptosporidiosis outbreaks worldwide. In France, very few outbreaks were reported before 2017, and data recently obtained by the Expert Laboratory of the Cryptosporidiosis National Reference Center (CNR-LE-Cryptosporidiosis) have shown that outbreaks are in fact common and frequently underreported. In this work, we aim to report the characteristics of outbreaks detected in France during the period 2017–2020 and present a summary of investigations carried out by the CNR-LE-Cryptosporidiosis. During the study period, there were eleven cryptosporidiosis outbreaks, including three with no identified origin. Among the eight identified outbreaks: six were due to water contamination (five tap water and one recreational water), one was due to direct contact with infected calves, and one was due to consumption of contaminated curd cheese. Among these outbreaks, five of them exceeded one hundred cases. Recent results obtained by the CNR-LE-Cryptosporidiosis revealed the multiannual occurrence of Cryptosporidium outbreaks in France. Waterborne outbreaks were more frequently detected, while foodborne outbreaks which are more difficult to detect were likely underreported

    Toward the Standardization of Mycological Examination of Sputum Samples in Cystic Fibrosis : Results from a French Multicenter Prospective Study

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    IF 1.710International audienceFungal respiratory colonization of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients emerges as a new concern; however, the heterogeneity of mycological protocols limits investigations. We first aimed at setting up an efficient standardized protocol for mycological analysis of CF sputa that was assessed during a prospective, multicenter study: “MucoFong” program (PHRC-06/1902). Sputa from 243 CF patients from seven centers in France were collected over a 15-month period and submitted to a standardized protocol based on 6 semi-selective media. After mucolytic pretreatment, sputa were plated in parallel on cycloheximide-enriched (ACT37), erythritol-enriched (ERY37), benomyl dichloran–rose bengal (BENO37) and chromogenic (CAN37) media incubated at 37 °C and on Sabouraud–chloramphenicol (SAB27) and erythritol-enriched (ERY27) media incubated at 20–27 °C. Each plate was checked twice a week during 3 weeks. Fungi were conventionally identified; time for detection of fungal growth was noted for each species. Fungal prevalences and media performances were assessed; an optimal combination of media was determined using the Chi-squared automatic interaction detector method. At least one fungal species was isolated from 81% of sputa. Candida albicans was the most prevalent species (58.8%), followed by Aspergillus fumigatus (35.4%). Cultivation on CAN37, SAB27, ACT37 and ERY27 during 16 days provided an optimal combination, detecting C. albicans, A. fumigatus, Scedosporium apiospermum complex and Exophiala spp. with sensitivities of 96.5, 98.8, 100 and 100%. Combination of these four culture media is recommended to ensure the growth of key fungal pathogens in CF respiratory specimens. The use of such consensual protocol is of major interest for merging results from future epidemiological studies