23 research outputs found

    Freedom Learning in University (MBKM): Strengthening Social Studies Curriculum Through Critical Pedagogy

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    The emergence of society 5.0 era opens opportunities as well as challenges that are increasingly complex for the education world existence and progress with information and communication technology (ICT) support in learning process which is expected to be able to produce students who are adaptive to social changes around them. A lack of relevant curriculum regarding access to learning and technology is also still a challenge for the education world. The education system and social studies curriculum in Indonesia must improve to be able to adapt to science and technology development in this society 5.0 era through a critical pedagogical theory approach. The paper aims to contribute visible ideas on strengthening the social studies curriculum through critical pedagogy in the MBKM context. The research method used is qualitative with a literature review that is relevant to the social studies curriculum through critical pedagogy in the MBKM context. The analysis results show that strengthening the social studies curriculum through critical pedagogy in the MBKM context is by implementing the significant learning models and providing space for developing student competencies. Keywords: critical pedagogy, freedom learning, MBKM, social studies curriculu


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    This research aimed to know the significant effect of Gamification based on Balinese Local Story toward students’ listening comprehension. The implementation of one group pretest posttest was a design for collecting the data. The pretest and posttest was in the form of multiple choice tests. The research population consisted of 164 students of SD Negeri 2 Anturan. Then, the research sample was 5th grade students who consisted of 21 students. The result of the data presented that, there was significance different score between pretest and posttest. The mean score of pretest was 43.37. In contrast, the mean score of posttest was 79.74. Based on the results, the mean score of posttest was higher than pretest. The result of effect size was 3.190 that means to large effect. The result of effect size showed Gamification based on Balinse local story could improve students’ listening comprehension. &nbsp

    A Comparative Study on the Effect of Cooperative Learning Techniques (Nht & Tps) on Students\u27 Reading Comprehension Viewed From Different Text Types

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    The present study aimed at comparing the effect of two cooperative learning techniques, namely, Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Think-Pair-Share (TPS) viewed from different text types (narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition) on students\u27 reading comprehension. The research design used in this study was Post-test Only Comparison Group Design. The samples were two classes of the eleventh grade students at SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. After the treatment sessions, post-test was administered to obtain the data. The data obtained from the post-test were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. From the analyses, it was found that there was a significant difference between the effect of those techniques. There was an interaction between the techniques and the text types. NHT affected better than TPS although in spoof and hortatory exposition texts the differences were not significant. This study has the implication to EFL pedagogy especially in the teaching of reading skill

    INTERLANGUAGE PRODUCED BY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN RECOUNT TEXT (Interlanguage (Bahasa Antara) yang Dihasilkan oleh Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam Teks Rekon)

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    Karangan yang ditulis oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama mengandung kalimat-kalimat salah yang  menggambarkan bahasa mereka.  Bahasa yang dihasilkan oleh siswa-siswa ini biasa dirujuk sebagai interlanguage (bahasa antara). Apakah bahasa pertama atau bahasa sasaran memengaruhi kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut?  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interlanguage  yang digunakan oleh siswa-siswa yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing dalam teks rekon.  Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas 20 orang siswa sekolah menengah pertama di Buleleng.   Data dikumpulkan melalui latihan menulis terbimbing dalam bentuk teks rekon.  Empat langkah ditempuh dalam menganalisis data, yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasikan, mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan bentuk linguistik dalam tulisan siswa. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pengaruh bahasa ibu terhadap bahasa antara siswa antara lain adalah penggunaan tata bahasa Indonesia, penggunaan kata-kata Indonesia, penghilangan  pemarkah jamak -s, penghilangan TO BE dan aspek kala dari verba.  Pengaruh bahasa sasaran antara lain adalah  padanan yang salah,  penambahan kata sandang, kesalahan dalam memilih pronomina  dan overgeneralisasi bentuk lampau -ed. English text written by junior high school students consists of erroneous sentences which describe learners' language. Either the native language or target language influences the errors. This term is called interlanguage. The study aimed at describing the interlanguage produced by EFL students in recount text. The subjects of the study were 20 students of junior high school in Buleleng Regency.  The data was collected through a guided writing exercise in the form of recount text. There were four steps in analyzing the data, namely identifying errors, classification, description, and explanation. The result shows that native language influence includes Indonesian grammar patterns, Indonesian words, wrong selection of word form, the omission of plural marker -s,  TO BE deletion, and verb tense.  Target language influence includes false friend, the addition of articles, wrong choice of pronoun, and overgeneralization of past form -ed

    Gamified Balinese Local Stories Effect As A Teaching Media Towards Young Learners’ Speaking Skill

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu efek dari gamifikasi cerita lokal Bali sebagai media belajar terhadap keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk pelajar usia dini. Kuasi-eksperimental dengan desain one group pre-test post-test diterapkan sebagai metode penelitian. Seluruh siswa SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu menjadi populasi penelitian ini sedangkan sampelnya yaitu 38 siswa kelas 5 pada tahun akademik 2019/2020. Adapun 3 instrumen yang digunakan meliputi gamifikasi berdasarkan cerita lokal Bali sebagai instrumen perlakuan, tes keterampilan berbicara sebagai instrumen pretest-posttest dan rubrik penilaian berbicara. 5 dimensi keterampilan berbicara dijadikan landasan pembuatan rubrik penilaian. Pretest dan posttest diberikan kepada grup eksperimental sebanyak 6 kali secara berulang. Setelah diberikan perlakuan, skor rata-rata posttest siswa lebih tinggi (79,95) dibandingkan skor rata-rata pretest (69,97). Hasil dari paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa Sig (2-tailed) adalah .000 yang menunjukkan adanya efek signifikan dari penggunaan gamifikasi cerita lokal Bali sebagai media pengajaran pada keterampilan berbicara pelajar usia dini.Abstract: This study was aimed to find out the effect of gamified Balinese local stories as teaching media towards young learners’ speaking skills in English. Quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design was implemented as the method of this research. All of the students of SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu became the population of this study, while the sample was 38 fifth grade students in the academic year of 2019/2020. There were three instruments in this research that included gamified Balinese local stories as the treatment instrument, speaking test as the pretest-posttest instrument, and speaking rubric. Five dimensions of speaking skills were inserted in the speaking rubric. Pretest and posttest were given to the experimental group for six times repeatedly. After being treated, the average score of students’ posttests was higher (79.95) than the average score of pretests (69.97). Also, the result of the paired sample t-test revealed that the value of Sig (2-tailed) is .000 which implied that there was a significant effect of gamified Balinese local stories as teaching media towards young learners’ speaking skills

    Investigating The Effect of Gamified Balinese Local Stories As A Teaching Media on Young Learners’ Writing Skill

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang memiliki tujuan untuk menginvestigasi efek dari gamifikasi berdasarkan cerita lokal Bali sebagai media belajar terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa kelas 5 SD. Desain yang diaplikasikan pada penelitian ini adalah kuasi-eksperimental dengan one group pre-test post-test. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 6 kali pertemuan di SDN 1 Banyuning yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan siswa di SDN 1 Banyuning sebagai populasi dengan sampelnya adalah 31 siswa kelas 5 SD pada tahun akademik 2019/2020. Ada dua jenis instrumen yang digunakan yakni; instrumen perlakuan dan instrumen pretest posttest. Instrumen perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu gamifikasi itu sendiri, sedangkan instrumen pretest posttest yang digunakan adalah dalam bentuk tes menulis. Para siswa diberikan pretest dan posttest di setiap pertemuan. Hasil dari pretest dan posttest menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata post-test siswa lebih tinggi dibandingan nilai rata-rata pre-test (85.39 > 51.73). Kemudian, hasil dari pengujian hipotesis dengan paired sampe t-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-hitung lebih besar dari t-tabel (13.533 > 1.796). Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa terdapat efek yang signifikan dari penggunaan gamifikasi berdasarkan cerita lokal Bali sebagai media pengajaran terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa kelas 5 SD.Abstract: 21st century learning requires the implementation of digital-based teaching media. The study aimed at examining the effect of gamification based on Balinese local stories as teaching media on fifth grade students’ writing skill. Quasi-experimental research method with one group pre-test post-test was implemented. The study was conducted at SDN 1 Banyuning, Buleleng Regency, Bali. There were 31 samples of the fifth-grade students in academic year 2019/2020. Two instruments were administrated; treatment instrument (gamification based on Balinese local story) and pretest and posttest instrument (in the form of writing test). The students were repeatedly given six pre-test and post-test in the six meetings. The score of pre-test and post-test showed significant difference where post-test was higher than pre-test (85.39 > 51.73). The hypothesis testing result revealed that the tobs of the data was higher than the t cv (13.533 > 1.796) with (α = 0.05). This indicated that there was a significant effect of gamification based on Balinese local stories as teaching media on the fifth-grade students’ writing skill. Thus, Gamification based on Balinese local story is suggested to be used as teaching media to develop students’ writing skill

    The development of website games as learning media for 4th-grade elementary students

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan game website sebagai media pembelajaran untuk siswa kelas 4 sekolah dasar pada semester dua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain dan pengembangan (D&D) oleh Richey & Klein (2007) dengan model ADDIE (analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi). Terdapat beberapa instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam proses pengambilan data, yang bernama panduan wawancara kepada guru bahasa Inggris, lembar observasi untuk mengobservasi proses pembelajaran di kelas, analisis dokumen dalam bentuk modul pembelajaran dan alur tujuan pembelajaran, lembar penilaian ahli untuk ahli pendidikan, dan lembar kuesioner pengguna untuk guru dan lima siswa sekolah dasar kelas 4. Hasil penelitian ini adalah prototype game website. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa prototype game website dikualifikasi sebagai media yang sangat valid. Oleh karena itu, game website ini layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk siswa kelas 4 sekolah dasar.Abstract: This study aims to develop a website game as learning media for 4th-grade elementary students in the second semester. The subjects of this study were 4th-grade elementary students and an English teacher. The research method used is design and development (D&D) by Richey & Klein (2007) using ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) mode. Several research instruments were used in the data collection process, namely interview guides for English teachers, observation sheets to observe the learning process in the classroom, documents analysis in the form of teaching modules and objective learning flow, expert judgment sheet for the educational experts, user questionnaire sheet for the teacher and five 4th-grade elementary students. The outcome of this research is a website game prototype. The results of the data analysis show that the website game prototype qualified as a very valid product. Therefore, this website game is feasible to use as a learning media for 4th-grade elementary students

    Integrating Tri Hita Karana in Character Education

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    As a reference for education in Indonesia, the 2013 curriculum emphasizes 18 characters that must be incorporated into the entire teaching and learning process. The Tri Hita Karana idea is intimately tied to and associated with these character values in Bali. According to this phenomenon mentioned, this study aimed at investigating the Elementary school teacher and parents’ perception. By using a questionnaire-based survey approach, this study involved 24 primary school teachers and 22 parents as the participants. It was found that teachers’ perception is 4.15 which belongs to positive category. Therefore, the teachers realized the importance of the implementation of character education and need to be taught inside and outside classroom. The mean score of parents’ perception is 4.11 which belongs to positive category. The result anova test confirmed that there is no different perceptions between primary school instructors and parents towards the essential of integrating Tri Hita Karana into the process of character education