56 research outputs found

    Lasten kokemuksia montessoriryhmän vuorovaikutuksesta

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Oulun seudun ammattikorkeakoulu, sosiaali- ja terveysalan yksikkö Sosaalialan koulutusohjelma, Sosionomi (AMK) Tekijät: Marjokaisa Nissinen & Riikka Peltoniemi Opinnäytetyön nimi: Lasten kokemuksia montessoriryhmän vuorovaikutuksesta Työn ohjaajat: Helena Malmivirta & Riikka Suokas Työn valmistumislukukausi ja -vuosi: syksy 2010 Sivumäärä: 66 + 2 sivua liitteitä Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia ja kuvailla 5-6 –vuotiaiden kokemuksia eri-ikäisistä lapsista koostuvan montessoriryhmän vuorovaikutuksesta. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli tuoda esille 5-6 -vuotiaiden lasten kokemuksia lapsilähtöisesti heidän kertomanaan vuorovaikutustilanteista eri-ikäisten lasten kanssa montessoripedagogisessa ryhmässä. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä avaamme lapsikäsityksemme ja tarkastelemme 5-6-vuotiasta lasta hänen kehityksensä ja toimintansa kautta. Lapsen toimintaa tarkastelimme muun muassa vuorovaikutuksen ja vertaissuhteiden näkökulmista. Lapsilähtöisyyttä olemme tarkastelleet montessoripedagogiikan yhteydessä. Tutkimuksemme on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus. Aineiston keruun suoritimme avoimella haastattelumenetelmällä lapsilähtöisesti lasten kertoessa tarinan muodossa kokemuksiaan vuorovaikutustilanteista. Haastateltaviksi valikoitui huoltajien suostumusten perusteella kahdeksan 5-6 –vuotiasta lasta. Tutkimusaineiston analysoimme aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että montessoriympäristö eri-ikäisine lapsineen synnyttää monenlaisia vuorovaikutustilanteita. Vuorovaikutukseen ja sen syntymiseen vaikuttivat useat eri tekijät, joista yllättäen sukupuolen merkitys korostui. Vertaisuuden kokeminen ja toisen lapsen ikä vaikuttavat lasten vuorovaikutuksen muodostumiseen. Lapset synnyttävät vuorovaikutustilanteita yhteisistä mielenkiinnon kohteista ja mieluisista leikeistä. Eri-ikäisten lasten ryhmä koetaan luonnollisena, mutta vuorovaikutuksessa suositaan omanikäisiä ja -tasoisia lapsia. Tiedostettua ja tiedostamatonta ohjausta ja oppimista eri-ikäisten lasten kesken tapahtuu montessoriympäristössä päivittäin. Sukupuolen merkitys korostuu lasten muodostamissa vuorovaikutussuhteissa. Näkemysero sukupuolten välillä korostuu erityisesti poikien painottaessa samaa sukupuolta olevan toverin merkitystä ja kokiessa vuorovaikutuksen toisen sukupuolen kanssa lähes nolostuttavaksi asiaksi. Vuorovaikutusta vähentävä ja sitä rikkova tekijä on häiritsevä käytös. Asiasanat: Varhaiskasvatus, 5-6 –vuotias lapsi, kokemus, vuorovaikutus, montessoripedagogiikka, laadullinen tutkimusABSTRACT Oulu University of Applied Sciences, School of Health and Social Care Degree Programme in Social Services, Social Councelor Authors: Marjokaisa Nissinen & Riikka Peltoniemi Title of Thesis: Children’s experiences about interaction in a Montessori pedagogical child group Supervisors: Helena Malmivirta & Riikka Suokas Term and year when the thesis was submitted: autumn 2010 Number of pages: 66 + 2 appendices The purpose of our thesis was to research and describe from 5 to 6 years old children’s experiences about interaction in a Montessori pedagogical child group. The purpose of our thesis was to research and describe from 5 to 6 years old children´s experiences about interaction in a Montessori pedagogical child group. The goal of this thesis was to show how 5-6 year old's experience interactions between children of different ages within a Montessori environment that is mixed age 3-6 years. We recorted the children´s own point of view, with their own words. The theoretical frame of preference of the study included the concept of our idea of man and the examination of 5 to 6 year olds through their development and actions. Children´s actions are observed from their interactions and from a peer relations perspective. We have examined child-orientedness in relation to the Montessori pedagogy. Our thesis is a qualitavive one and the data was collected using an open interview method as the children were telling stories about their experiences. We interviewed eight children in total. The material for the research was analyzed by using the material based content analysis method. The research results indicate that a Montessori enviroment, with children of different ages, creates versa-tile interaction situations. Many different factors affected the interaction, for example the other child's age and the feeling of peerdom. The interaction rises from mutual interests and games that both of the children found pleasing.Even though a group of children of different ages is seen as natural, in the interaction the children prefer other children where the age and skill-levels is about the same. Acknowledged and subconscious guidance and learning between children of different ages takes place in a Montessori enviroment daily. Genders significance gets accentuated unexpectedly in the results. The boys particularly share and accentuate the importance of a same-sex companion and feel the interaction between genders to be embarassing. Disturbing behavior also diminished and prevented interaction. Keywords: Early childhood education, 5-6-year old child, experience, interaction, Montessori pedagogy, qualitavive researc

    A cross-sectional study of children's temperament, food consumption and the role of food-related parenting practices

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    Although evidence exists of the association between children's temperament and weight, only few studies have examined how temperament is associated with actual food consumption among preschoolers. We examined concurrent associations between children's temperament and the consumption of different foods, and investigated whether the association between children's temperament and vegetable consumption is mediated by vegetable-related parenting practices. We utilized the data from the cross-sectional DAGIS study of 864 preschool children aged between three to six and their families, conducted between 2015 and 2016 in Finland. The parents reported their children's temperament, food consumption, and their vegetable-related parenting practices. Adjusted logistic regression analyses found positive associations between surgency and vegetable consumption as well as between effortful control and vegetable consumption. Both associations were mediated by one examined vegetable-related parenting practice: enhanced availability and autonomy support. No associations were found between children's negative affectivity and food consumption or vegetable-related parenting practices. In conclusion, children's temperament may be an important factor behind food-related parenting practices and children's diet. However, further longitudinal research and research covering different food-related parenting practices and home environment factors is necessary to better understand the complex associations between temperament and food consumption among young children.Peer reviewe

    The Contribution of Preschool Meals to the Diet of Finnish Preschoolers

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    Preschool meals may influence the formation of children’s dietary habits and health. We assessed the contribution of preschool meals to the diet of Finnish children. We used food record data from the cross-sectional DAGIS survey and selected recording days which included all three meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack) at preschool. We analyzed the diet of three- to four-year-olds (n = 324) and five- to six-year-olds (n = 233). Preschool meals accounted for 54% of the weekday’s energy intake in both age groups, and provided ≥60% of total fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins D and E. More than 60% of fish dishes but only one third of total daily fresh fruit were consumed at preschool. The mean (SD) percentages of energy from protein and fat at preschool were 17% (3%) and 30% (7%) in the younger and 17% (3%) and 31% (6%) in the older age group, respectively. The mean proportions of energy from added sugar at preschool were below 5% in both age groups. On average, salt intake exceeded recommendations and 60% of salt came from preschool food. Tackling high salt intake should be a future goal of guidance for early childhood education and care food services

    Parental Happiness Associates With the Co-occurrence of Preschool-Aged Children’s Healthy Energy Balance-Related Behaviors

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).We examined whether parental happiness associate with preschoolers’ healthy energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs) and with the co-occurrence of multiple healthy EBRBs. This cross-sectional study included 647 pairs of parents (88% mothers) and children (mean age 4.7, SD 0.9 years). Parents completed the Subjective Happiness Scale. In addition, ActiGraph accelerometers measured children’s physical activity, and parents reported screen time and food consumption on behalf of their children. We defined four healthy EBRBs: meeting physical activity guidelines; meeting screen time guidelines; a higher consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries; and a lower consumption of sugary foods, treats and drinks. Parental happiness scores did not associate with children’s healthy EBRBs when each behavior was analyzed separately. However, parents with higher happiness scores were more likely to have a child with 2 or 3–4 healthy EBRBs than a child with 0–1 healthy EBRBs. To conclude, parents who are happier have children with multiple healthy EBRBs. Targeting parental wellbeing should be considered when promoting children’s healthy EBRBs.Peer reviewe

    Selvitys Team Finland -verkoston toiminnan ja johtamisen uudistamisesta

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    Ulkoministeriön (UM) ja työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön (TEM) työryhmä on selvittänyt pääministeri Petteri Orpon hallitusohjelman Team Finland -toimintaa koskevien kirjausten toimeenpanoa. Hallitusohjelman mukaan Team Finland -verkoston johtamista ja toimintaa tulee uudistaa yhdessä elinkeinoelämän kanssa, vahvistaa UM:n ohjausroolia sekä selvittää Business Finlandin (BF) ulkomaantoimintojen siirtoa osaksi Suomen edustustoverkkoa. Selvitystyöryhmä on tunnistanut vertaismaiden vienninedistämismalleista hyviä käytänteitä Team Finland (TF) -verkoston kehittämistyöhön. Suomen vienninedistämisjärjestelmän keskeiseksi epäkohdaksi todetaan hajanainen johtamisjärjestelmä erityisesti ulkomaanverkostossa, jota johdetaan kahdesta eri organisaatiosta. Selvitys esittää kolme ratkaisumallia, joilla Team Finland verkoston johtamista ja vienninedistämistoimintaa voidaan tehostaa ja yksinkertaistaa. Selvitys esittää alustavat arviot näiden mallien toteutuksesta ml. tarvittavat lainsäädäntömuutokset sekä arviot kunkin mallin eduista, haitoista ja riskeistä. Selvityksessä esitettävät ratkaisumallit ovat: 1. Team Finland -verkoston johtamisrakenteen uudistaminen kotimaassa 2. Team Finland -verkoston johtamisrakenteen uudistaminen kotimaassa sekä UM:n ohjausroolin vahvistaminen ulkomaaverkostossa 3. BF:n ulkomaantoimintojen siirto ulkoasianhallintoo

    The Contribution of Preschool Meals to the Diet of Finnish Preschoolers

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    Preschool meals may influence the formation of children’s dietary habits and health. We assessed the contribution of preschool meals to the diet of Finnish children. We used food record data from the cross-sectional DAGIS survey and selected recording days which included all three meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack) at preschool. We analyzed the diet of three- to four-year-olds (n = 324) and five- to six-year-olds (n = 233). Preschool meals accounted for 54% of the weekday’s energy intake in both age groups, and provided ≥60% of total fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins D and E. More than 60% of fish dishes but only one third of total daily fresh fruit were consumed at preschool. The mean (SD) percentages of energy from protein and fat at preschool were 17% (3%) and 30% (7%) in the younger and 17% (3%) and 31% (6%) in the older age group, respectively. The mean proportions of energy from added sugar at preschool were below 5% in both age groups. On average, salt intake exceeded recommendations and 60% of salt came from preschool food. Tackling high salt intake should be a future goal of guidance for early childhood education and care food services.</p

    Utredning om reformen av Team Finland-nätverkets verksamhet och ledning

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    Utrikesministeriets och arbets- och näringsministeriets arbetsgrupp har utrett genomförandet av de föresatser för Team Finland-verksamheten som står skrivna i Petteri Orpos regeringsprogram. I enlighet med regeringsprogrammet förnyas ledningen av Team Finland-nätverket och dess verksamhet gemensamt med näringslivet, stärks utrikesministeriets styrande roll och utreds överförandet av Business Finlands verksamhet i utlandet till Finlands beskickningsnät. I jämförelseländernas exportfrämjande modeller har utredningsgruppen identifierat god praxis som kan användas i Team Finland-nätverkets utvecklingsarbete. En stor brist i Finlands exportfrämjande system är det splittrade ledningssystemet, särskilt utlandsnätverket, som leds av två olika organisationer. I utredningen föreslås tre olika lösningsmodeller som kan effektivisera och förenkla ledningen av Team Finland-nätverket och dess exportfrämjande verksamhet. Utredningen presenterar preliminära bedömningar av genomförandet av dessa modeller inklusive ändringar i lagstiftningen och bedömningar av varje modells fördelar, nackdelar och risker. De lösningsmodeller som presenteras i utredningen är: 1. Team Finland-nätverkets ledningsstruktur i Finland reformeras 2. Team Finland-nätverkets ledningsstruktur i Finland reformeras och utrikesministeriets styrande roll i utlandsnätverket stärks 3. Business Finlands verksamhet i utlandet överförs till utrikesförvaltninge

    A cross-sectional study of children's temperament, food consumption and the role of food-related parenting practices

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    Although evidence exists of the association between children's temperament and weight, only few studies have examined how temperament is associated with actual food consumption among preschoolers. We examined concurrent associations between children's temperament and the consumption of different foods, and investigated whether the association between children's temperament and vegetable consumption is mediated by vegetable-related parenting practices. We utilized the data from the cross-sectional DAGIS study of 864 preschool children aged between three to six and their families, conducted between 2015 and 2016 in Finland. The parents reported their children's temperament, food consumption, and their vegetable-related parenting practices. Adjusted logistic regression analyses found positive associations between surgency and vegetable consumption as well as between effortful control and vegetable consumption. Both associations were mediated by one examined vegetable-related parenting practice: enhanced availability and autonomy support. No associations were found between children's negative affectivity and food consumption or vegetable-related parenting practices. In conclusion, children's temperament may be an important factor behind food-related parenting practices and children's diet. However, further longitudinal research and research covering different food-related parenting practices and home environment factors is necessary to better understand the complex associations between temperament and food consumption among young children.</p
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