24 research outputs found

    Toimiiko yhteistyö, toteutuuko perhekeskeisyys? : vanhempien kokemuksia neuvolan ja pÀivÀhoidon yhteistyöstÀ laajassa nelivuotistarkastuksessa

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyö on osa pÀÀkaupunkiseudun varhaiskasvatuksen kehittĂ€misyksikön VKK-Metron yhteistyössĂ€ Helsingin yliopiston ja alueen ammattikorkeakoulujen kanssa toteuttamaa Katse Lapseen -hanketta. Hankkeen (2011–2013) tavoitteena on lapsen hyvinvointitiedon moniammatillinen tuottaminen ja seuraaminen pĂ€ivĂ€hoidon sekĂ€ neuvolan yhteistyönĂ€. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli arvioida laajan nelivuotistarkastuksen toteutumista vanhempien nĂ€kökulmasta. TutkimuskysymyksillĂ€ selvitettiin kuinka perhekeskeisyys vanhempien kokemuksen mukaan toteutuu laajassa nelivuotistarkastuksessa, jossa on sovellettu Hyve-mallin mukaista tiedonkeruuta sekĂ€ mitĂ€ hyötyjĂ€ ja kehittĂ€misehdotuksia vanhemmat nĂ€kevĂ€t Hyve-mallissa. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa lasten ja perheiden hyvinvointi- ja terveysperuspalveluiden kehittĂ€miseksi. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin haastattelemalla vanhempia (N=6) kahdessa helsinkilĂ€isessĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€kodissa helmikuussa 2013. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisĂ€llönanalyysilla. Perhekeskeisyyden osalta kĂ€vi ilmi, ettĂ€ perheen hyvinvoinnin kartoitus ei korostunut verrattuna aiempiin lapselle tehtyihin tarkastuksiin. Perhekeskeisyyden toteutumista tarkasteltiin osallistumisen ja osallisuuden keinoin. Molempien vanhempien osallistumista tarkastukseen heikensivĂ€t molempien vanhempien osallistumista painottavan tiedottamisen riittĂ€mĂ€ttömyys sekĂ€ aikataulujen yhteensopimattomuus. Vain puolet perheistĂ€ osallistui tarkastukseen kummankin vanhemman voimin. Myös puutteet vanhempien osallisuudessa heikensivĂ€t perhekeskeisyyden toteutumista. Osallisuutta mÀÀritteli se, kuinka vanhempien oma arvio lapsen kehityksestĂ€ oli lĂ€snĂ€ tarkastuksen vaiheissa ja kuinka se huomioitiin. Hyve-mallin mukaisen tarkastuksen hyödyiksi koettiin sen kokonaisvaltaisuus, moniammatillisuuden hyödyntĂ€minen sekĂ€ pyrkimys havaita lasten mahdolliset kehitysongelmat varhain. TĂ€rkeimmĂ€ksi kehittĂ€misehdotukseksi nostettiin yhteenvedon laatiminen lĂ€pikĂ€ydystĂ€ tarkastuksesta. Muita kehittĂ€misehdotuksia olivat: tiedonkulun parantaminen, lapsen kohtaaminen yksilönĂ€, perhelĂ€htöisyyden korostaminen sekĂ€ prosessin toimivuuteen liittyvĂ€t tekijĂ€t. Laajan nelivuotistarkastuksen tavoitteet eivĂ€t vanhempien kokemusten mukaan tiedonkulun ja perhekeskeisyyden osalta tĂ€ysin tĂ€yttyneet. Tarkastuksen vahvuuksina nĂ€yttĂ€ytyivĂ€t pyrkimys kokonaisvaltaiseen lapsen kehityksen arviointiin sekĂ€ ongelmien varhaiseen tunnistamiseen. Koko perheen hyvinvoinnin tukeminen sekĂ€ Hyve-mallin kehittĂ€minen on tĂ€rkeÀÀ, joten aihetta olisi tarpeen tutkia laajemmin ja suuremmalla otoksella.This final project was part of a project called ÂŽKatse lapseenÂŽ (in English, The Child in Focus -program, own translation), which was carried out by the VKK-Metro (The Centre of Excellence on Social Welfare in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area), University of Helsinki and the Helsinki Metropolitan Area of universities of applied sciences. The aim of this project (2011-2013) was to collect and monitor information on the wellbeing of children through a combined effort by kindergartens and child health centres. The aim of this final project was to evaluate the realization of the extensive physical examination of four-year-old children, focusing on the perspective of the parents by assessing their experiences on how well the family-oriented approach was conducted and what the possible benefits and improvements parents perceived in this new procedure. The data was collected by interviewing parents of four-year-olds (N=6) in two kindergartens in Helsinki, Finland. The interviews were conducted in February 2013. The material was analyzed using the methods of inductive content analysis. The results showed that the assessment of the well-being of the families was not in fact emphasized. The fulfilment of a family-oriented approach was examined through participation and inclusion. The number of both parents attending the physical examination was small due to the insufficient information on the recommended participation of both parents as well as unsuited timetables. Only in half of the cases, both parents were present during the physical examination. A lack of parents’ inclusion also reduced the realization of a family-oriented approach. Parents’ inclusion was defined by the presence of the parents’ own evaluation of the progress of the child during the various stages of the examination and how the evaluation was acknowledged. According to the results, benefits gained from were its comprehensive nature, exploitation of professionals and aim to detect difficulties at an early stage. The most valued development suggestion was to make a summing-up of the examination. Other development suggestions were improving the communication between child health centers and kindergartens, assessing the child as an individual, emphasizing a family-oriented approach and factors affecting the functionality of the process. According to parents’ experiences, the goals for communication and family-oriented approach were not fully met in the extensive physical examination. Strengths acknowledged were the aim for a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s development and the early identification of problems. The support of the wellbeing of the family unit as well as the development of the Hyve-program are important and, therefore the subject should be further studied with greater sample

    1,6-Dehydropinidine Is an Abundant Compound in Picea abies (Pinaceae) Sprouts and 1,6-Dehydropinidine Fraction Shows Antibacterial Activity against Streptococcus equi Subsp. equi

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    Knowledge about the defensive chemistry of coniferous trees has increased in recent years regarding a number of alkaloid compounds; in addition to phenolics and terpenes. Here, we show that Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), an important boreal zone tree species; accumulates 1,6-dehydropinidine (2-methyl-6-(2-propenyl)-1,6-piperideine) in its needles and bark. We reanalyzed previously published GC-MS data to obtain a full picture of 1,6-dehydropinidine in P. abies. 1,6-dehydropinidine appeared to especially accumulate in developing spring shoots. We used solid-phase partitioning to collect the alkaloid fraction of the sprouts and thin-layer chromatography to purify 1,6-dehydropinidine. The antibacterial properties of the 1,6-dehydropinidine fraction were tested using a broth microdilution method; with Streptococcus equi subsp. equi as a model organism. Based on our results 1,6-dehydropinidine is common in alkaloid extractions from P. abies (0.4 ± 0.03 mg g−1 dw in mature needles) and it is especially abundant in young spruce shoots (2.7 ± 0.5 mg g−1 dw). Moreover; 1,6-dehydropinidine extracted from P. abies sprouts showed mild antibacterial potential against Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (MIC 55 ”g mL−1). The antibacterial activity of a plant compound thought of as an intermediate rather than an end-product of biosynthesis calls for more detailed studies regarding the biological function of these coniferous alkaloid

    1,6-Dehydropinidine Is an Abundant Compound in Picea abies (Pinaceae) Sprouts and 1,6-Dehydropinidine Fraction Shows Antibacterial Activity against Streptococcus equi Subsp. equi

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    Knowledge about the defensive chemistry of coniferous trees has increased in recent years regarding a number of alkaloid compounds; in addition to phenolics and terpenes. Here, we show that Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), an important boreal zone tree species; accumulates 1,6-dehydropinidine (2-methyl-6-(2-propenyl)-1,6-piperideine) in its needles and bark. We reanalyzed previously published GC-MS data to obtain a full picture of 1,6-dehydropinidine in P. abies. 1,6-dehydropinidine appeared to especially accumulate in developing spring shoots. We used solid-phase partitioning to collect the alkaloid fraction of the sprouts and thin-layer chromatography to purify 1,6-dehydropinidine. The antibacterial properties of the 1,6-dehydropinidine fraction were tested using a broth microdilution method; with Streptococcus equi subsp. equi as a model organism. Based on our results 1,6-dehydropinidine is common in alkaloid extractions from P. abies (0.4 ± 0.03 mg g−1 dw in mature needles) and it is especially abundant in young spruce shoots (2.7 ± 0.5 mg g−1 dw). Moreover; 1,6-dehydropinidine extracted from P. abies sprouts showed mild antibacterial potential against Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (MIC 55 ”g mL−1). The antibacterial activity of a plant compound thought of as an intermediate rather than an end-product of biosynthesis calls for more detailed studies regarding the biological function of these coniferous alkaloid

    Haavanhoito-opas Lapinlahden kunnan vanhuspalveluyksiköihin

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyöprosessin aikana tehtiin selkeĂ€ ja kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllinen haavanhoito-opas Lapinlahden kunnan vanhuspal-veluyksiköissĂ€ työskenteleville hoitajille. Oppaan tavoitteena oli parantaa hoitajien tietĂ€mystĂ€ vanhusten ihon hoidosta, haavojen ennaltaehkĂ€isystĂ€ ja hoidosta sekĂ€ haavojen kirjaamisesta. Tavoitteena oli, ettĂ€ haavanhoito-oppaasta hyötyvĂ€t vĂ€lillisesti ne asiakkaat, jotka kĂ€rsivĂ€t akuuteista tai kroonisista haavoista. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tuotoksena ovat opinnĂ€ytetyöraportti sekĂ€ kirjallinen haavanhoito-opas. Raportissa on kĂ€ytetty nĂ€yttöön perustuvaa tutkimustietoa ihon rakenteesta, ikÀÀntymismuutoksista, haavojen paranemisprosessista, akuuteista haavoista, kroonisista haavoista, haavanhoitotuotteista sekĂ€ haavojen kirjaamisesta. Opas koostuu A5-kokoisista sivuista, joissa on taulukoita, kuvia ja lyhyitĂ€ tekstiosuuksia. Oppaan ulkoasun toteutti graafisen alan ammattilainen ja sitĂ€ painatettiin kolme kappaletta. Oppaan sisĂ€llön ja ulkomuodon suunnittelimme yhdessĂ€ yh-teyshenkilömme kanssa. Kirjallisella haavanhoito-oppaalla voitiin vastata toimeksiantajan tarpeisiin; opas toimii tiedonlĂ€hteenĂ€ hoitotyössĂ€ ja hoitajien tukena haavanhoidossa. Oppaan avulla hoitajat pystyvĂ€t edistĂ€mÀÀn potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua ennalta-ehkĂ€isemĂ€llĂ€ haavoja sekĂ€ hoitamaan haavoja aiempaa tehokkaammin. Opasta voidaan hyödyntÀÀ toimeksianta-jan lisĂ€ksi koko ammattialaan maassamme ja kehittÀÀ hoitajien haavanhoidon osaamista. Haavanhoito-oppaan sisĂ€ltöÀ tulisi pĂ€ivittÀÀ sÀÀnnöllisesti, jolloin sen kĂ€ytettĂ€vyys sĂ€ilyisi. Haavanhoito-opasta voi jatkossa kehittÀÀ lisÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ siihen erilaisia haavoja ja niiden hoitoa tai syventÀÀ tietoisuutta yhdenlaisista haavois-ta. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voisi tutkia kuinka paljon haavanhoito-oppaan kĂ€yttöönotto on vaikuttanut haavojen paranemisaikoihin tai hoihoitajien osaamiseen.During the implementation process of this thesis, an explicit and practical wound care guide was compiled for nurses working in the units of elderly care in the municipality of Lapinlahti. The objective of the thesis was to im-prove nurses’ knowledge of skin care, wound care and wound prevention of the elderly, as well as the registration of wounds. An additional, goal was also that the wound care guide would indirectly benefit clients who suffer from acute or chronic wounds. The outcome of the thesis project are the report in hand, and the wound care guide book. In the report, evidence based research results concerning the structure of skin, changes caused by aging recovery process, acute wounds, chronic wounds, wound care products and wound registration were used as reference. The wound care guide consists of A5-sized pages including charts, pictures and short descriptions. The graphic design of the thesis was implemented by a professional graphic designer, and three copies of it were printed. The contents and the ap-pearance were designed by us and our contact person. The wound care guide book meets the needs of the principal: the wound care guide can be used as a source of information in nursing, and as support for nurses in wound care. By means of the guide, nurses can improve the patients’ quality of life as they will be able to prevent and care for wounds more efficiently. The thesis can also serve the whole profession in Finland by improving nurses’ know-how in wound care

    How do self-regulation and effort in test-taking contribute to undergraduate students’ critical thinking performance?

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    Critical thinking is a multifaceted construct involving a set of skills and affective dispositions together with self-regulation. The aim of this study was to explore how self-regulation and effort in test-taking contribute to undergraduate students’ performance in critical thinking assessment. The data were collected in 18 higher education institutions in Finland. A total of 2402 undergraduate students at the initial and final stages of their bachelor degree programmes participated in the study. An open-ended performance task, namely the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) International, was assigned to assess students’ critical thinking, and a self-report questionnaire was used to measure self-regulation and effort in test-taking. Information on test-taking time was also utilised in the analysis. The interrelations between the variables were analysed with correlations and structural equation models. The results indicate that self-regulation in test-taking has only indirect effects on critical thinking performance task scores, with effort and time as mediating variables. More precisely, planning contributed to critical thinking performance indirectly through test-taking time and effort, while monitoring had no significant relation to critical thinking performance. The findings did not differ between the initial-stage and final-stage students. The model explained a total of 36% of the variation in the critical thinking performance task scores for the initial-stage students and 27% for the final-stage students. The findings indicate that performance-based assessments should be carefully designed and implemented to better capture the multifaceted nature of critical thinking.peerReviewe

    Assessment of Undergraduate Students' Learning Outcomes in Finland (Kappas!)

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    The Kappas! study investigated the level of Finnish undergraduate students’ generic skills, what factors are associated with the level of generic skills, and to what extent these skills develop during higher education studies. The participants (n = 2402) were initial and final stage Bachelor-level students from 11 universities and 7 universities of applied sciences in Finland. The assessed generic skills were analytic reasoning and evaluation, problem solving, writing effectiveness, and writing mechanics. They were measured by Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) International instrument developed by US-based Council for Aid to Education (CAE). CLA+ International consisted of one performance task (PT), 25 selected-response questions (SRQs), and a background information survey. The instrument was translated from English into Finnish and Swedish. An internet-based testing was carried out at participating higher education institutions between August 2019 and March 2020. The Kappas! dataset contains national raw data in SPSS format (.sav) accompanied with data key files in Excel format (.xlsx). The raw data contain data on students sampled from 18 Finnish higher education institutions*. The identification information of the students as well as the names of the higher education institutions have been removed from the dataset. For detailed description of the objectives, implementation, and results of the Kappas! study, please see the final report of the project (in Finnish): Ursin, J., Hyytinen, H. & Silvennoinen, K. (toim.) 2021. Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden geneeristen taitojen arviointi : Kappas!-hankkeen tuloksia. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja 2021:6. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-263-892-2 *HEI-specific data are confidential and cannot be published. Each participating HEI has received its own data anonymized

    Growth and defence of aspen (Populus tremula L.) after three seasons under elevated temperature and UV-B.

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    Abstract The predicted climate change will affect the growth and secondary chemistry of plants, but most studies only include leaves, and leave out the effects on the secondary chemistry of other plant parts. In a field experiment, we studied the stem phenolic chemistry, as well as the growth of male and female genotypes of aspen (Populus tremula L.) after three years under single (T, UV-A, UV-B) and combined treatments (UVA+T, UVB+T) at elevated temperature (T, +2짞C) and ultraviolet-B radiation (+30% UV-B). In addition, bud weight, photosynthesis, as well as leaf rust attack and leaf herbivory, were measured. We found that elevated temperature markedly reduced concentrations of salicylates, which were the most abundant compounds among the low molecular weight phenolics in the stem. Elevated temperature also increased the biomass, height and diameter of both males and females as well as leaf area and herbivory damage in leaves. In combination with UV-B, elevated temperature decreased the height of both males and females. Moreover, male buds were bigger than female buds, and females had higher chlorophyll content than did males. To conclude, warming promoted growth and reduced phenolic concentration in stems of P. tremula with little difference between the sexes during the adult vegetative phase. UV-B had no individual effects on any of the studied variables implying that the plants were fairly tolerant to increased UV-B levels.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Do stressed children have a lot on their plates? A cross-sectional study of long-term stress and diet among Finnish preschoolers

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    We examined the association between hair cortisol concentration (HCC) - an indicator of long-term stress - and diet among preschoolers in a cross-sectional design. The participants were 597 Finnish 3-6-year-olds, and the data were collected in 2015-16. We used 4-cm hair samples to analyze HCC during the past four months. Food consumption was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire, and we used consumption frequencies of selected food groups as well as data-driven dietary pattern scores in the analyses. The parents of the participating children reported their educational level and family income. The researchers measured the children's weight and height. We examined the associations between HCC and diet using multilevel linear mixed models adjusted for age, gender, the highest education in the family, household relative income, and child BMI. Higher HCCs were associated with less frequent consumption of fruit and berries (B estimate -1.17, 95% CI -2.29, -0.05) and lower scores in a health-conscious dietary pattern (B estimate -0.38, 95% CI -0.61, -0,14). Higher HCCs were also associated with more frequent consumption of sugary beverages (B estimate 1.30, 95% CI 0.06, 2.54) in a model adjusted for age, gender and highest education in the family, but the association attenuated after further adjustments. Our results are parallel with previous studies that show a link between stress and unhealthy diet. In the future, longitudinal studies are needed to establish a causal relationship between stress and diet among children.YPeer reviewe