29 research outputs found

    Analytic Inversion of Emission Lines of Arbitrary Optical Depth for the Structure of Supernova Ejecta

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    We derive a method for inverting emission line profiles formed in supernova ejecta. The derivation assumes spherical symmetry and homologous expansion (i.e., v(r)∝rv(r) \propto r), is analytic, and even takes account of occultation by a pseudo-photosphere. Previous inversion methods have been developed which are restricted to optically thin lines, but the particular case of homologous expansion permits an analytic result for lines of {\it arbitrary} optical depth. In fact, we show that the quantity that is generically retrieved is the run of line intensity IλI_\lambda with radius in the ejecta. This result is quite general, and so could be applied to resonance lines, recombination lines, etc. As a specific example, we show how to derive the run of (Sobolev) optical depth τλ\tau_\lambda with radius in the case of a pure resonance scattering emission line.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters, requires aaspp4.sty to late

    Preliminary Spectral Analysis of the Type II Supernova 1999em

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    We have calculated fast direct spectral model fits to two early-time spectra of the Type-II plateau SN 1999em, using the SYNOW synthetic spectrum code. The first is an extremely early blue optical spectrum and the second a combined HST and optical spectrum obtained one week later. Spectroscopically this supernova appears to be a normal Type II and these fits are in excellent agreement with the observed spectra. Our direct analysis suggests the presence of enhanced nitrogen. We have further studied these spectra with the full NLTE general model atmosphere code PHOENIX. While we do not find confirmation for enhanced nitrogen (nor do we rule it out), we do require enhanced helium. An even more intriguing possible line identification is complicated Balmer and He I lines, which we show falls naturally out of the detailed calculations with a shallow density gradient. We also show that very early spectra such as those presented here combined with sophisticated spectral modeling allows an independent estimate of the total reddening to the supernova, since when the spectrum is very blue, dereddening leads to changes in the blue flux that cannot be reproduced by altering the ``temperature'' of the emitted radiation. These results are extremely encouraging since they imply that detailed modeling of early spectra can shed light on both the abundances and total extinction of SNe II, the latter improving their utility and reliability as distance indicators.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 2000, 54

    Analysis of the Type IIn Supernova 1998S: Effects of Circumstellar Interaction on Observed Spectra

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    We present spectral analysis of early observations of the Type IIn supernova 1998S using the general non-local thermodynamic equilibrium atmosphere code \tt PHOENIX}. We model both the underlying supernova spectrum and the overlying circumstellar interaction region and produce spectra in good agreement with observations. The early spectra are well fit by lines produced primarily in the circumstellar region itself, and later spectra are due primarily to the supernova ejecta. Intermediate spectra are affected by both regions. A mass-loss rate of order M˙∌0.0001−0.001\dot M \sim 0.0001-0.001\msol yr−1^{-1} is inferred for a wind speed of 100-1000 \kmps. We discuss how future self-consistent models will better clarify the underlying progenitor structure.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 2001, 54

    Late-Time HST Photometry of SN 1994I: Hints of Positron Annihilation Energy Deposition

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    We present multicolor Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 broadband observations of the Type Ic SN 1994I obtained approximately 280 days after maximum light. We measure the brightness of the SN and, relying on the detailed spectroscopic database of SN 1994I, we transform the ground-based photometry obtained at early times to the HST photometric system, deriving light curves for the WFPC2 F439W, F555W, F675W, and F814W passbands that extend from 7 days before to 280 days after maximum. We use the multicolor photometry to build a quasi-bolometric light curve of SN 1994I, and compare it with similarly constructed light curves of other supernovae. In doing so, we propose and test a scaling in energy and time that allows for a more meaningful comparison of the exponential tails of different events. Through comparison with models, we find that the late-time light curve of SN 1994I is consistent with that of spherically symmetric ejecta in homologous expansion, for which the ability to trap the Gamma-rays produced by the radioactive decay of 56Co diminishes roughly as the inverse of time squared. We also find that by the time of the HST photometry, the light curve was significantly energized by the annihilation of positrons.Comment: To appear in PAS

    Evidence for Type Ia Supernova Diversity from Ultraviolet Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and photometry of four Type Ia supernovae (SNe 2004dt, 2004ef, 2005M, and 2005cf) obtained with the UV prism of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. This dataset provides unique spectral time series down to 2000 Angstrom. Significant diversity is seen in the near maximum-light spectra (~ 2000--3500 Angstrom) for this small sample. The corresponding photometric data, together with archival data from Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope observations, provide further evidence of increased dispersion in the UV emission with respect to the optical. The peak luminosities measured in uvw1/F250W are found to correlate with the B-band light-curve shape parameter dm15(B), but with much larger scatter relative to the correlation in the broad-band B band (e.g., ~0.4 mag versus ~0.2 mag for those with 0.8 < dm15 < 1.7 mag). SN 2004dt is found as an outlier of this correlation (at > 3 sigma), being brighter than normal SNe Ia such as SN 2005cf by ~0.9 mag and ~2.0 mag in the uvw1/F250W and uvm2/F220W filters, respectively. We show that different progenitor metallicity or line-expansion velocities alone cannot explain such a large discrepancy. Viewing-angle effects, such as due to an asymmetric explosion, may have a significant influence on the flux emitted in the UV region. Detailed modeling is needed to disentangle and quantify the above effects.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Ap