12 research outputs found


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    Flakes atau sereal merupakan makanan sarapan yang banyak digemari masyarakat, karena flakes mudah untuk digunakan. Flakes umumnya dibuat dari bahan baku yang berasal dari golongan serealia dan umbi-umbian, seperti tepung terigu dan tapioka yang merupakan sumber karbohidrat dengan gula, garam dan air (Marsetio, 2006). Inovasi telah dilakukan dalam pengolahan flakes untuk meningkatkan nilai nutrisi dari flakes tersebut.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan formulasi tepung pisang dan labu kuning yang optimal terhadap tekstur flakes berdasarkan tingkat kesukaan konsumen. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan tiga ulangan dan terdiri dari perbandingan tepung pisang dan tepung labu kuning, yaitu: P1 = tepung pisang 70% : tepung labu kuning 0% : tepung terigu 30 %; P2 = tepung pisang 60% : tepung labu kuning 10% : tepung terigu 30%; P3 = tepung pisang 50% : tepung labu kuning 20% : tepung terigu 30%; P4 = tepung pisang 40% : tepung labu kuning 30% : tepung terigu 30%; P5 = tepung pisang 30% : tepung labu kuning 40%. : tepung terigu 30%. Dari hasil pengamatan dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa formulasi tepung pisang dan tepung labu kuning dalam pembuatan flakes yang paling disukai oleh konsumen adalah dengan perbandingan tepung pisang 60%, tepung labu kuning 10% dan tepung terigu 30%

    Penggunaan UV-Vis Spektroskopi dan Kemometrika untuk Uji Keaslian Kopi Codot Lampung

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    Codot coffee from Tanggamus, Lampung is one of Indonesian specialty coffee with a very limited production. In this research, an authentication study for the Codot ground roasted coffee was conducted using UV-vis spectroscopy and chemometrics. A total of 330 samples of pure and adulterated Codot coffee was prepared. The adulterated Codot coffee samples were intentionally created by adding a regular coffee (non-Codot coffee) into pure Codot coffee samples with three levels of adulterations: low (10-20%), medium (30-40%), and high level (50-60%). All samples were 0,29 mm in particle size. The extraction procedure was performed with hot distilled water (98°C). The spectral data of coffee samples were acquired using a benchtop UV-visible spectrometer in the range of 190-1100 nm using a transmittance mode. The result showed that the pure and adulterated samples could be discriminated along PC1 and PC2 axis. The classification model was developed using LDA with 90,91% of accuracy could be obtained. The LDA model was used to classify the new samples and resulted in a sensitivity (SEN) of 100%, specificity (SPEC) of 76,67%, precision (PREC) of 78,13%, and accuracy (ACC) of 87,27% could be obtained. Using PLS regression, a PLS model was developed to quantify the percentages of Codot coffee adulteration and resulted in high of coefficient of determination both in calibration and validation (R2kal = 0,99 and R2val = 0,98). These results showed that UV-vis spectroscopy and chemometrics are suitable for authentication of Codot specialty coffee with RMSEP = 2,68% and RPD in prediction of 6,49.   Keywords: authentication, LDA, PCA, PLS regression, UV-vis spectroscop

    Sintesis Nanoselulosa dari Limbah Hasil Pertanian dengan Menggunakan Variasi Konsentrasi Asam

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    Limbah hasil pertanian merupakan sumber serat yang sangat besar. Limbah hasil pertanian banyak terdapat di Provinsi Lampung antara lain adalah jerami padi dan jagung. Pemanfaatan limbah pertanian merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mendapatkan material penghasil selulosa. Nanoselulosa merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan dari selulosa yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Nanoselulosa dapat dibagi menjadi 3 tipe utama yaitu selulosa nanokristal, selulosa nanofibril, dan nanoselulosa bakterial. Nanoselulosa memiliki diameter 1-100 nm dan panjang 500-2000 nm. Beberapa teknik dikembangkan untuk mengekstrak nanoselulosa dari selulosa diantaranya hidrolisis asam, hidrolisis enzimatis, dan proses mekanis. Adapun penggunaan masing-masing metode ekstraksi dimungkinkan menghasilkan tipe dan properti nanoselulosa yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan sintesis nanoselulosa dari limbah hasil pertanian dengan berbagai konsentrasi asam untuk menghasilkan selulosa dengan ukuran nano terbaik berkisar antara 1 – 100 nm. Variasi konsentrasi H2SO4 yang digunakan yaitu 45%, 55%, dan 65%. Dari penelitian ini menghasilkan serbuk selulosa dengan ukuran nano yang bervariasi. Ukuran nanoselulosa yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 356,5 nm – 764,2 nm untuk limbah jerami padi, dan 422,6 nm – 634,0 nm untuk limbah kulit jagun

    Autentikasi Cepat Kopi Spesialti Arabika Java Preanger Kultivar Typica, Sigarar Utang dan Yellow Bourbon Menggunakan Spektroskopi UV dan Metode PLS-DA

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    Kopi spesialti arabika Java Preanger kultivar Typica, Sigarar Utang, dan Yellow Bourbon saat ini tersedia di pasar kopi premium dengan harga mahal dan saat ini menjadi salah satu target pemalsuan kopi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi aplikasi metode spektroskopi UV dan metode PLS-DA (partial least squares-discriminant analysis) untuk autentikasi cepat kopi spesialti arabika Java Preanger dengan tiga kultivar berbeda. Sampel kopi bubuk spesialti arabika dan robusta disiapkan sebanyak 550 sampel dengan berat 1 g untuk setiap sampel. Seluruh sampel diekstraksi dengan prosedur standar dan diencerkan dengan perbandingan 1:70 (volume/volume). Sampel kopi yang telah diencerkan kemudian diambil sebanyak 3 mL, dimasukkan ke dalam sel kuvet kuarsa, dan diambil spektranya menggunakan alat spektrometer UV-visible di rentang panjang gelombang 190-400 nm dengan interval 1 nm. Hasil PCA spektra hasil pengolahan di panjang gelombang 250-400 nm menunjukkan tiga kultivar kopi spesialti arabika dan kopi robusta dapat dibedakan dengan jelas dan terletak di klaster yang berbeda. Namun kopi spesialti arabika Typica dan Sigarar Utang terletak di klaster yang saling berdekatan dan sebagian sampel saling bertumpuk menunjukkan kedua kultivar kopi arabika tersebut memiliki kemiripan. Hasil PLS-DA spektra hasil pengolahan di panjang gelombang 250-400 nm menunjukkan model klasifikasi yang dibangun dapat digunakan untuk klasifikasi kopi robusta dan kopi arabika dengan tiga kultivar berbeda dengan akurasi klasifikasi mencapai 97.8 sampai 100%.Java Preanger arabica specialty coffee of Typica, Sigarar Utang, and Yellow Bourbon is currently available in the premium coffee market at high prices and is currently one of the targets for coffee fraud. This study aims to evaluate the use of the UV spectroscopy method and the PLS-DA (partial least squares-discriminant analysis) method for rapid authentication of Java Preanger arabica specialty coffee with three different cultivars. Samples of arabica specialty ground roasted coffee and robusta were prepared for 550 samples with a weight of 1 g for each sample. All samples were extracted by standard procedures and diluted in a ratio of 1:70 (volume/volume). The diluted coffee sample was then taken as much as 3 mL, inserted into a quartz cuvette cell, and the spectra were taken using a UV-visible spectrometer in the wavelength range of 190-400 nm with 1 nm intervals. The results of the PCA transformation spectra at a wavelength of 250-400 nm showed that three cultivars of arabica specialty and robusta coffee could be distinguished and were in different clusters. However, Typica and Sigarar Utang arabica specialty coffees are in clusters that are close to each other and some of them overlap each other, indicating that the two arabica specialty coffees have similarities. The results of PLS-DA transformation spectra at a wavelength of 250-400 nm show that the developed classification model can be used for the classification of robusta and arabica coffee with three different cultivars with classification accuracy reaching 97.8 to 100%

    Substitusi Minyak Sawit Merah (MSM) dan Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari Pada Pembuatan Mayonnaise Kaya Betakaroten

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    Red Palm Oil (RPO) is palm oil that is obtained without going through the bleaching process to maintain the carotenoid content. Red palm oil can be used as a source of natural vitamin A because red palm oil contains provitamin A (from β-carotene) 15-30 times higher than carrots and tomatoes. Vitamin A is important for eye health and prevents blindness, and more importantly, vitamin A can increase endurance. This study aims to obtain the best formulations of red palm oil and sunflower seed oil on chemical, organoleptic properties, as well as the emulsion power and stability of mayonnaise. The study design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. This research was based on a comparison between red palm oil (MSM) and sunflower seed oil. The research was conducted with 2 factors, namely: The first factor was the comparison of MSM concentration and sunflower seed oil, which was 0%: 100%; 1%: 99%; 2%: 98%; 3%: 97%; 4%: 96%; 5%: 95%; 6%: 94%, while the second factor is egg yolk concentration, which is 10%. Based on the results of organoleptic testing the best sample was obtained by adding 5% red palm oil and 95% sunflower seed oil. With a protein content of 36%. Fat content is 39.13%, water content is 19.83%, the viscosity of the mayonnaise produced is around 185 cP, while for microbiological testing, salmonella and E Coli, get a negative result. Keywords: Mayonnaise, Red Palm Oil (RPO


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    Coir is a fairly large part of the coconut fruit, which is 35% of the total weight of the fruit. Coconut coir consists of fibers and cork that connect one fiber to another. Fiber is a valuable part of coir. Each coconut contains 525 grams of fiber (75% of coir), and 175 grams of cork (25% of coir). The classification of fiber based on its origin is that coconut coir fiber itself is a type of natural fiber derived from the coconut plant, namely the fruit. Coconut coir when decomposed will produce coir fiber (cocofibre) and coir powder (cococoir). The purpose of the activity is to improve the understanding and skills of farmers around the Darul Iman Islamic Boarding School in Tanjung Sari Village, Natar District, to utilize coconut coir waste into products that have local competitiveness, namely brooms and doormats. The activities are carried out by learning by doing with the stages of socialization, counseling, direct implementation direct practice, and evaluation.Sabut kelapa merupakan bagian yang cukup besar dari buah kelapa, yaitu 35 % dari berat keseluruhan buah. Sabut kelapa terdiri dari serat dan gabus yang menghubungkan satu serat dengan serat lainnya. Serat adalah bagian yang berharga dari sabut. Setiap butir kelapa mengandung serat 525 gram (75% dari sabut), dan gabus 175 gram (25% dari sabut). Klasifikasi serat berdasarkan asalnya bahwa serat sabut kelapa sendiri merupakan jenis serat alami yang berasal dari tumbuhan kelapa yaitu buahnya. Sabut kelapa jika diurai akan menghasilkan serat sabut (cocofibre) dan serbuk sabut (cococoir). Tujuan kegiatan adalah meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan para petani di sekitar Ponpes Darul Iman Desa Tanjung Sari Kecamatan Natar untuk memanfaatkan limbah sabut kelapa menjadi produk yang memiliki daya saing lokal yaitu sapu dan keset. kegiatan dilakukan dengan learning by doing dengan tahapan sosialisasi, penyuluhan, pelaksanaan langsung/praktik langsung, dan evaluasi

    Peningkatan Pemasaran Produk UMKM Marning Mesuji melalui Teknologi Terbarukan

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    Jagung marning Mesuji merupakan usaha di bawah Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah berada pada kategori usaha mikro yang bergerak di bidang penjualan makanan ringan. Beraneka ragam cemilan ringan seperti jagung marning masih banyak diminati, tidak hanya untuk sekedar cemilan ataupun makanan selingan saat santai dirumah. Kondisi seperti ini dapat dijadikan sebagai peluang usaha untuk menekuni pembuatan makanan tradisional. Melihat keadaan tersebut, sehingga tersedia peluang bisnis yang sangat besar, yaitu bisnis usaha mendirikan usaha jagung marning. Permasalahan utama pada mitra yaitu pihak UMKM Marning Mesuji belum adanya kemasan marning menggunakan vakum dan penggunaan penyerap oksigen (oxygen absorber), kemasan yang digunakan belum menarik untuk dijual di toko ataupun supermarket, kemasan belum tersedia berbagai jenis ukuran dan branding yang belum dikenal banyak masyarakat luar karna kurangnya marketing. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian agar tercapai solusi dan luaran yang ditawarkan dalam pelaksanaan program PKM ini, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan pelaporan. Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh tim pengusul Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) kepada mitra yaitu dalam menyelesaikan masalah yaitu mengadakan Teknologi packaging vakum dan penggunaan penyerap oksigen dapat mempertahankan kualitas jagung maring yang telah dibuat, adanya kemasan yang lebih menjual dan desain yang menarik dan adanya aplikasi digital marketing masyarakat luar akan lebih mengenal UMKM Marning Mesuji

    Training on the Use of Fruit Dryer Technology for Optimizing MSME Production of Marning Mesuji

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    Margo Jadi Village, Mesuji Timur District, Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province is one of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) groups in the category of micro businesses engaged in selling marning corn. Marning corn is a snack that is consumed after going through a simple processing. MSME Corn marning Mesuji is managed by an industrial house consisting of several houses, namely Mr. Sahid, Mrs. Lina, Mr. Sumarnak Mrs. Maryati, Mrs. Mislah and Mrs. Sudarsih which were established in 2000. Every member of the MSME marning also cooperates with each other in all matters relating to marning production. Every MSME production of Mesuji marning corn can reach 100 kg per week to be sent out of town such as Jambi city. The production of marning is carried out with inadequate tools, to dry corn which is still conventionally boiled, that is, relying on sunlight. The team provided training on automatic fruit dryer technology which can dry wet corn quickly, not affected by the weather, the water content in boiled corn will be reduced to the maximum and make the drying process more awake and organized. With MSME partners dryers can dry marning corn more hygienic and protected from dust or dirt because corn is dried in a closed roo

    Pengaruh lama reaksi dan konsentrai asam klorida (HC1) terhadap degradasi lignoselulosa bagas tebus [Skripsi] / Kurnia Rimadhanti Ningtyas

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    Bibliografi : 42-44xviii, 41 hlm. : ill. ; 28 cm. . -- Lamp. (19 lem

    Pembuatan Kertas Komposit Berbahan Baku Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Serabut Kelapa: Manufacture of Composite Paper Material from Palm Oil Palm Empty Fruits and Coconut Fiber

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    Composite paper is paper made from a mixture of two or more kinds of paper pulp with other materials. The manufacture of composite paper in this study uses OPEFB as the basic material mixed with coconut fiber and uses cassava flour and banana flour as adhesives. Parameters observed in this study were physical and mechanical properties, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin from OPEFB composite paper and coconut fiber. Based on the results of this study, the highest mechanical physical properties of paper were thickness, grammage, and density with the addition of 20 gram cassava adhesive (1, 38 mm, 41, 78 g/m2, 0, 30 kg/m3 respectively) while the addition of banana flour had the highest mechanical physical properties at addition of 60 grams with thickness, grammage, and density (1, 49 mm, 45, 60 g/m2, 0, 30 kg/m3 respectively). As for the chemical characteristics of the paper on the adhesive cassava flour has the highest cellulose content in the addition of 20 grams of cassava flour (50, 83 %), while the treatment with the addition of banana flour has the highest cellulose content in the treatment of 60 grams (46, 76 %)