Substitusi Minyak Sawit Merah (MSM) dan Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari Pada Pembuatan Mayonnaise Kaya Betakaroten


Red Palm Oil (RPO) is palm oil that is obtained without going through the bleaching process to maintain the carotenoid content. Red palm oil can be used as a source of natural vitamin A because red palm oil contains provitamin A (from β-carotene) 15-30 times higher than carrots and tomatoes. Vitamin A is important for eye health and prevents blindness, and more importantly, vitamin A can increase endurance. This study aims to obtain the best formulations of red palm oil and sunflower seed oil on chemical, organoleptic properties, as well as the emulsion power and stability of mayonnaise. The study design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. This research was based on a comparison between red palm oil (MSM) and sunflower seed oil. The research was conducted with 2 factors, namely: The first factor was the comparison of MSM concentration and sunflower seed oil, which was 0%: 100%; 1%: 99%; 2%: 98%; 3%: 97%; 4%: 96%; 5%: 95%; 6%: 94%, while the second factor is egg yolk concentration, which is 10%. Based on the results of organoleptic testing the best sample was obtained by adding 5% red palm oil and 95% sunflower seed oil. With a protein content of 36%. Fat content is 39.13%, water content is 19.83%, the viscosity of the mayonnaise produced is around 185 cP, while for microbiological testing, salmonella and E Coli, get a negative result. Keywords: Mayonnaise, Red Palm Oil (RPO

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