108 research outputs found

    Nonlocal radiative coupling in non monotonic stellar winds

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    There is strong observational evidence of shocks and clumping in radiation-driven stellar winds from hot, luminous stars. The resulting non monotonic velocity law allows for radiative coupling between distant locations, which is so far not accounted for in hydrodynamic wind simulations. In the present paper, we determine the Sobolev source function and radiative line force in the presence of radiative coupling in spherically symmetric flows, extending the geometry-free formalism of Rybicki and Hummer (1978) to the case of three-point coupling, which can result from, e.g., corotating interaction regions, wind shocks, or mass overloading. For a simple model of an overloaded wind, we find that, surprisingly, the flow decelerates at all radii above a certain height when nonlocal radiative coupling is accounted for. We discuss whether radiation-driven winds might in general not be able to re-accelerate after a non monotonicity has occurred in the velocity law.Comment: accepted by A&A, 8 pages, 4 figure

    New ATCA, ALMA and VISIR observations of the candidate LBV SK-67266 (S61): the nebular mass from modelling 3D density distributions

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    We present new observations of the nebula around the Magellanic candidate Luminous Blue Variable S61. These comprise high-resolution data acquired with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), the Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (ALMA), and VISIR at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The nebula was detected only in the radio, up to 17 GHz. The 17 GHz ATCA map, with 0.8 arcsec resolution, allowed a morphological comparison with the Hα\alpha Hubble Space Telescope image. The radio nebula resembles a spherical shell, as in the optical. The spectral index map indicates that the radio emission is due to free-free transitions in the ionised, optically thin gas, but there are hints of inhomogeneities. We present our new public code RHOCUBE to model 3D density distributions, and determine via Bayesian inference the nebula's geometric parameters. We applied the code to model the electron density distribution in the S61 nebula. We found that different distributions fit the data, but all of them converge to the same ionised mass, ~0.1 M\rm M\odot, which is an order of magnitude smaller than previous estimates. We show how the nebula models can be used to derive the mass-loss history with high-temporal resolution. The nebula was probably formed through stellar winds, rather than eruptions. From the ALMA and VISIR non-detections, plus the derived extinction map, we deduce that the infrared emission observed by space telescopes must arise from extended, diffuse dust within the ionised region.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Authors list corrected. In press in MNRAS. RHOCUBE code available online ( https://github.com/rnikutta/rhocube

    ALMA observations of cool dust in a low-metallicity starburst, SBS0335-052

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Cycle 0 Band 7 observations of an extremely metal-poor dwarf starburst galaxy in the Local Universe, SBS0335-052 (12+log(O/H)~7.2). With these observations, dust is detected at 870micron (ALMA Band 7), but 87% of the flux in this band is due to free-free emission from the starburst. We have compiled a spectral energy distribution (SED) of SBS0335-052 that spans almost 6 orders of magnitude in wavelength and fit it with a spherical dust shell heated by a single-age stellar population; the best-fit model gives a dust mass of (3.8+/-0.6)x10^4 Msun. We have also constructed a SED including Herschel archival data for IZw18, another low-metallicity dwarf starburst (12+log(O/H)=7.17), and fit it with a similar model to obtain a dust mass of (3.4+/-1.0)x10^2 Msun. Compared with their atomic gas mass, the dust mass of SBS0335-052 far exceeds the prediction of a linear trend of dust-to-gas mass ratio with metallicity, while IZw18 falls far below. We use gas scaling relations to assess a putative missing gas component in both galaxies and find that the missing, possibly molecular, gas in SBS0335-052 is a factor of 6 times higher than the value inferred from the observed HI column density; in IZw18 the missing component is 4 times smaller. Ultimately, despite their similarly low metallicity, the differences in gas and dust column densities in SBS0335-052 and IZw18 suggest that metal abundance does not uniquely define star-formation processes. At some level, self-shielding and the survival of molecules may depend just as much on gas and dust column density as on metallicity. The effects of low metallicity may at least be partially compensated for by large column densities in the interstellar medium.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Luminous Blue Variable RMC127 as seen with ALMA and ATCA

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    We present ALMA and ATCA observations of the luminous blue variable \rmc. The radio maps show for the first time the core of the nebula and evidence that the nebula is strongly asymmetric with a Z-pattern shape. Hints of this morphology are also visible in the archival \emph{HST} Hα\rm H\alpha image, which overall resembles the radio emission. The emission mechanism in the outer nebula is optically thin free-free in the radio. At high frequencies, a component of point-source emission appears at the position of the star, up to the ALMA frequencies. The rising flux density distribution (Sνν0.78±0.05S_{\nu}\sim \nu^{0.78\pm0.05}) of this object suggests thermal emission from the ionized stellar wind and indicates a departure from spherical symmetry with ne(r)r2n_{e}(r)\propto r^{-2}. We examine different scenarios to explain this excess of thermal emission from the wind and show that this can arise from a bipolar outflow, supporting the suggestion by other authors that the stellar wind of \rmc is aspherical. We fit the data with two collimated ionized wind models and we find that the mass-loss rate can be a factor of two or more smaller than in the spherical case. We also fit the photometry obtained by IR space telescopes and deduce that the mid- to far-IR emission must arise from extended, cool (80K\sim80\,\rm K) dust within the outer ionized nebula. Finally we discuss two possible scenarios for the nebular morphology: the canonical single star expanding shell geometry, and a precessing jet model assuming presence of a companion star.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (minor revision included

    AGN Dusty Tori: II. Observational Implications of Clumpiness

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    From extensive radiative transfer calculations we find that clumpy torus models with \No \about 5--15 dusty clouds along radial equatorial rays successfully explain AGN infrared observations. The dust has standard Galactic composition, with individual cloud optical depth \tV \about 30--100 at visual. The models naturally explain the observed behavior of the 10\mic silicate feature, in particular the lack of deep absorption features in AGN of any type. The weak 10\mic emission feature tentatively detected in type 2 QSO can be reproduced if in these sources \No drops to \about 2 or \tV exceeds \about 100. The clouds angular distribution must have a soft-edge, e.g., Gaussian profile, the radial distribution should decrease as 1/r1/r or 1/r21/r^2. Compact tori can explain all observations, in agreement with the recent interferometric evidence that the ratio of the torus outer to inner radius is perhaps as small as \about 5--10. Clumpy torus models can produce nearly isotropic IR emission together with highly anisotropic obscuration, as required by observations. In contrast with strict variants of unification schemes where the viewing-angle uniquely determines the classification of an AGN into type 1 or 2, clumpiness implies that it is only a probabilistic effect; a source can display type 1 properties even from directions close to the equatorial plane. The fraction of obscured sources depends not only on the torus angular thickness but also on the cloud number \No. The observed decrease of this fraction at increasing luminosity can be explained with a decrease of either torus angular thickness or cloud number, but only the latter option explains also the possible emergence of a 10\mic emission feature in QSO2.Comment: To appear in ApJ September 20, 200

    Near-Infrared Polarimetric Adaptive Optics Observations of NGC 1068: A torus created by a hydromagnetic outflow wind

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    We present J' and K' imaging linear polarimetric adaptive optics observations of NGC 1068 using MMT-Pol on the 6.5-m MMT. These observations allow us to study the torus from a magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) framework. In a 0.5" (30 pc) aperture at K', we find that polarisation arising from the passage of radiation from the inner edge of the torus through magnetically aligned dust grains in the clumps is the dominant polarisation mechanism, with an intrinsic polarisation of 7.0%±\pm2.2%. This result yields a torus magnetic field strength in the range of 4-82 mG through paramagnetic alignment, and 13920+11^{+11}_{-20} mG through the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. The measured position angle (P.A.) of polarisation at K' is found to be similar to the P.A. of the obscuring dusty component at few parsec scales using infrared interferometric techniques. We show that the constant component of the magnetic field is responsible for the alignment of the dust grains, and aligned with the torus axis onto the plane of the sky. Adopting this magnetic field configuration and the physical conditions of the clumps in the MHD outflow wind model, we estimate a mass outflow rate \le0.17 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} at 0.4 pc from the central engine for those clumps showing near-infrared dichroism. The models used were able to create the torus in a timescale of \geq105^{5} yr with a rotational velocity of \leq1228 km s1^{-1} at 0.4 pc. We conclude that the evolution, morphology and kinematics of the torus in NGC 1068 can be explained within a MHD framework.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    Counter-rotation and High-velocity Outflow in the Parsec-scale Molecular Torus of NGC 1068

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    We present 1.4 pc resolution observations of 256 GHz nuclear radio continuum and HCN (J=32J=3 \to 2) in the molecular torus of NGC 1068. The integrated radio continuum emission has a flat spectrum consistent with free-free emission and resolves into an X-shaped structure resembling an edge-brightened bicone. HCN is detected in absorption against the continuum, and the absorption spectrum shows a pronounced blue wing that suggests a high-velocity molecular outflow with speeds reaching 450 km/s. Analysis of the off-nucleus emission line kinematics and morphology reveals two nested, rotating disk components. The inner disk, inside r1.2r\sim 1.2 pc, has kinematics consistent with the nearly edge-on, geometrically thin water megamaser disk in Keplerian rotation around a central mass of 1.66\times 10^7\,\mbox{M}_\odot. The outer disk, which extends to 7\sim 7~pc radius, counter-rotates relative to the inner disk. The rotation curve of the outer disk is consistent with rotation around the same central mass as the megamaser disk but in the opposite sense. The morphology of the molecular gas is asymmetric around the nuclear continuum source. We speculate that the outer disk formed from more recently introduced molecular gas falling out of the host galaxy or from a captured dwarf satellite galaxy. In NGC 1068, we find direct evidence that the molecular torus consists of counter-rotating and misaligned disks on parsec scales.ERC grant 695671 'QUENCH

    Mid-infrared imaging- and spectro-polarimetric subarcsecond observations of NGC 1068

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    We present sub-arcsecond 7.5-13 μ\mum imaging- and spectro-polarimetric observations of NGC 1068 using CanariCam on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. At all wavelengths, we find: (1) A 90 ×\times 60 pc extended polarized feature in the northern ionization cone, with a uniform \sim44^{\circ} polarization angle. Its polarization arises from dust and gas emission in the ionization cone, heated by the active nucleus and jet, and further extinguished by aligned dust grains in the host galaxy. The polarization spectrum of the jet-molecular cloud interaction at \sim24 pc from the core is highly polarized, and does not show a silicate feature, suggesting that the dust grains are different from those in the interstellar medium. (2) A southern polarized feature at \sim9.6 pc from the core. Its polarization arises from a dust emission component extinguished by a large concentration of dust in the galaxy disc. We cannot distinguish between dust emission from magnetically aligned dust grains directly heated by the jet close to the core, and aligned dust grains in the dusty obscuring material surrounding the central engine. Silicate-like grains reproduce the polarized dust emission in this feature, suggesting different dust compositions in both ionization cones. (3) An upper limit of polarization degree of 0.3 per cent in the core. Based on our polarization model, the expected polarization of the obscuring dusty material is \lesssim0.1 per cent in the 8-13 μ\mum wavelength range. This low polarization may be arising from the passage of radiation through aligned dust grains in the shielded edges of the clumps.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication at MNRA


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    We have detected in ALMA observations CO J = 6 - 5 emission from the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068. The low-velocity (up to +/- 70 km/s relative to systemic) CO emission resolves into a 12x7 pc structure, roughly aligned with the nuclear radio source. Higher-velocity emission (up to +/- 400 km/s) is consistent with a bipolar outflow in a direction nearly perpendicular (roughly 80 degrees) to the nuclear disk. The position-velocity diagram shows that in addition to the outflow, the velocity field may also contain rotation about the disk axis. These observations provide compelling evidence in support of the disk-wind scenario for the AGN obscuring torus.FONDECYT (Grant ID: 3140436), Science and Technology Facilities CouncilThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Institute of Physics Publishing via http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/2041-8205/829/1/L

    The Dusty Tori of Nearby QSOs as Constrained by High-Resolution Mid-IR Observations

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    We present mid-infrared (MIR; 7.5–13.5 μm) imaging and spectroscopy observations obtained with the CanariCam (CC) instrument on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS for a sample of 20 nearby, MIR bright and X-ray luminous quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). We find that for the majority of QSOs the MIR emission is unresolved at angular scales ∼0.3 arcsec, corresponding to physical scales ≲ 600 pc. We find that the higher-spatial resolution CC spectra have similar shapes to those obtained with Spitzer/IRS, and hence we can assume that the spectra are not heavily contaminated by extended emission in the host galaxy. We thus take advantage of the higher signal-to-noise ratio Spitzer/IRS spectra, as a fair representation of the nuclear emission, to decompose it into a combination of active galactic nuclei (AGN), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and stellar components. In most cases, the AGN is the dominant component, with a median contribution of 85 per cent of the continuum light at MIR (5–15 μm) within the IRS slit. This IR AGN emission is well reproduced by clumpy torus models. We find evidence for significant differences in the parameters that describe the dusty tori of QSOs when compared with the same parameters of Seyfert 1 and 2 nuclei. In particular, we find a lower number of clouds (N0 ≲ 12), steeper radial distribution of clouds (q ∼ 1.5–3.0) and clouds that are less optically thick (τV ≲ 100) than in Seyfert 1, which could be attributed to dusty structures that have been partially evaporated and piled up by the higher radiation field in QSOs. We find that the combination of the angular width σtorus, viewing angle i, and number of clouds along the equatorial line, N0, produces large escape probabilities (Pesc \u3e 2 per cent) and low geometrical covering factors (f2 ≲ 0.6), as expected for AGN with broad lines in their optical spectra