105 research outputs found

    Structure and phase composition of the superalloy on the basis of Ni-Al-Cr alloyed by Re and La

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    Qualitative and quantitative studies of the structure, phase composition, morphology of phase of the high-rhenium alloys additionally doped with La were carried out by TEM and SEM methods. The alloy was obtained by directional solidification method. It was shown that introduction of Re and La to an alloy leads to formation of new phases: [beta] and [chi] , which bring serious irregularities in the structure of quasicuboids of [gamma]'-phase

    Formation structural phase gradients in rail steel during long-term operation

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    The paper presents results of the structural and phase analysis of the surface layer composition in the type R65 rail steel in its original state and after long-term operation. It is shown that long-term operation of rail steel is accompanied by its structural and phase modification at a depth of not less than 2 mm. The structural elements are detected that can be stress concentrators

    The structure of heat-resisting alloy modified by thermal treatment and alloyed by rhenium and lanthanum

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    The paper presents the scanning and transmission electron microscope investigations of the structure, phase composition, and morphology of heat-resisting alloy modified by thermal treatment and additionally alloyed by rhenium and lanthanum. Rhenium alloy is obtained by the directional crystallization technique. The structural investigations are carried out for three alloy states, i.e. 1) original (after the directional crystallization); 2) 1150°С annealing during 1 h and 1100°С annealing during 480 h; 3) 1150°С annealing during 1 h and 1100°С annealing during 1430 h. It is shown that fcc-based [gamma]- and [gamma]'-phases are primary in all states of the alloy. [gamma]'-phase has L12 structure, while [gamma]-phase is a disordered phase. Rhenium and lanthanum are phase-forming elements. Investigations show that high-temperature annealing modifies the structural and phase conditions of the heat-resisting alloy

    The structure of heat-resisting alloy modified by thermal treatment and alloyed by rhenium and lanthanum

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    The paper presents the scanning and transmission electron microscope investigations of the structure, phase composition, and morphology of heat-resisting alloy modified by thermal treatment and additionally alloyed by rhenium and lanthanum. Rhenium alloy is obtained by the directional crystallization technique. The structural investigations are carried out for three alloy states, i.e. 1) original (after the directional crystallization); 2) 1150°С annealing during 1 h and 1100°С annealing during 480 h; 3) 1150°С annealing during 1 h and 1100°С annealing during 1430 h. It is shown that fcc-based [gamma]- and [gamma]'-phases are primary in all states of the alloy. [gamma]'-phase has L12 structure, while [gamma]-phase is a disordered phase. Rhenium and lanthanum are phase-forming elements. Investigations show that high-temperature annealing modifies the structural and phase conditions of the heat-resisting alloy

    A Mathematical model for Astrocytes mediated LTP at Single Hippocampal Synapses

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    Many contemporary studies have shown that astrocytes play a significant role in modulating both short and long form of synaptic plasticity. There are very few experimental models which elucidate the role of astrocyte over Long-term Potentiation (LTP). Recently, Perea & Araque (2007) demonstrated a role of astrocytes in induction of LTP at single hippocampal synapses. They suggested a purely pre-synaptic basis for induction of this N-methyl-D- Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor-independent LTP. Also, the mechanisms underlying this pre-synaptic induction were not investigated. Here, in this article, we propose a mathematical model for astrocyte modulated LTP which successfully emulates the experimental findings of Perea & Araque (2007). Our study suggests the role of retrograde messengers, possibly Nitric Oxide (NO), for this pre-synaptically modulated LTP.Comment: 51 pages, 15 figures, Journal of Computational Neuroscience (to appear

    Formation of students' scientific thinking based on the learning of methods of the substance analysis

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    Introduction. In Federal State Standards of the Higher Education (FSS HE) of the natural-science and technical specialties and also in a number of the corresponding professional standards, the competence in the field of analytical chemistry is specified as one of the main qualification characteristics of an expert/university graduate. It is caused by interdisciplinarity of analytical chemistry and a wide range of application of analysis methods which are used today not only directly on chemical production, but also in power engineering, construction engineering, metallurgy, materials science, standardization, certification, and many other spheres. At the current time, however, there is a big gap between achievements of chemical science and content of high school discipline that reduces quality of staff training demanded in labour market. This discrepancy is caused both by preservation of traditional methodology of teaching chemistry and the reasons of the methodical plan. The aim of the publication is to search for more effective and productive ways of mastering the educational material that is relevant for acquiring the qualifications required from the university graduate. Methodology and research methods. Methodological framework of the article involves the concepts of chemical and natural-science education at the higher school; the principles of the system-based, cognitive, practice-focused and competence-based training. Results and scientific novelty. On the basis of the review and generalization of scientific and methodological resources on the theory and practice of application of the analysis methods of substances from didactic positions, a number of these methods have been singled out and compared; their role and features in determination of a molecule structure and other characteristics of an individual substance and its solutions have been shown. Despite the fact that the work is carried out using known methods of analysis, such a generalization makes it possible to more clearly understand the principles of the choice of a method and the method importance according to the purposes and specifics of the studied object that is essential for formation of research skills during training, as well as for formation of scientific thinking and the required qualification acquisition by graduates of the natural-science and technical specialties. In order to update the acquired knowledge, the examples illustrating applied use of various analysis methods in modern research and production practice have been collected. Tables have been made for a faster perception of the material by methods of analysis for the purpose of an informed choice of the method. Reliance on the principle of tabular collection of material makes it easier to understand the individuality of the method; allows teachers to reduce their workload; and on the part of students, to shorten the time and simplify the procedure of choosing the method of chemical, physicochemical and/or physical analysis. Practical significance. The work is compiled in accordance with the State General Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, and can be recommended to practising and beginning teachers of higher education institutions, as well as graduate students of chemical specialties. The materials presented in the article can assist in designing the curricula of chemical disciplines or modules of educational programs. © 2018 Obrazovanie i Nauka. All rights reserved

    Nitric Oxide Signaling Modulates Synaptic Transmission during Early Postnatal Development

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    Early γ-aminobutyric acid mediated (GABAergic) synaptic transmission and correlated neuronal activity are fundamental to network formation; however, their regulation during early postnatal development is poorly understood. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important retrograde messenger at glutamatergic synapses, and it was recently shown to play an important role also at GABAergic synapses in the adult brain. The subcellular localization and network effect of this signaling pathway during early development are so far unexplored, but its disruption at this early age is known to lead to profound morphological and functional alterations. Here, we provide functional evidence—using whole-cell recording—that NO signaling modulates not only glutamatergic but also GABAergic synaptic transmission in the mouse hippocampus during the early postnatal period. We identified the precise subcellular localization of key elements of the underlying molecular cascade using immunohistochemistry at the light—and electron microscopic levels. As predicted by these morpho-functional data, multineuron calcium imaging in acute slices revealed that this NO-signaling machinery is involved also in the control of synchronous network activity patterns. We suggest that the retrograde NO-signaling system is ideally suited to fulfill a general presynaptic regulatory role and may effectively fine-tune network activity during early postnatal development, while GABAergic transmission is still depolarizing

    Rapid and Long-Lasting Increase in Sites for Synapse Assembly during Late-Phase Potentiation in Rat Hippocampal Neurons

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    Long-term potentiation in hippocampal neurons has stages that correspond to the stages of learning and memory. Early-phase (10–30 min) potentiation is accompanied by rapid increases in clusters or puncta of presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins, which depend on actin polymerization but not on protein synthesis. We have now examined changes in pre- and postsynaptic puncta and structures during glutamate-induced late-phase (3 hr) potentiation in cultured hippocampal neurons. We find that (1) the potentiation is accompanied by long-lasting maintenance of the increases in puncta, which depends on protein synthesis, (2) most of the puncta and synaptic structures are very dynamic, continually assembling and disassembling at sites that are more stable than the puncta or structures themselves, (3) the increase in presynaptic puncta appears to be due to both rapid and more gradual increases in the number of sites where the puncta may form, and also to the stabilization of existing puncta, (4) under control conditions, puncta of postsynaptic proteins behave similarly to puncta of presynaptic proteins and share sites with them, and (5) the increase in presynaptic puncta is accompanied by a similar increase in presumably presynaptic structures, which may form at distinct as well as shared sites. The new sites could contribute to the transition between the early and late phase mechanisms of plasticity by serving as seeds for the formation and maintenance of new synapses, thus acting as local “tags” for protein synthesis-dependent synaptic growth during late-phase plasticity

    Synaptic Plasticity and NO-cGMP-PKG Signaling Regulate Pre- and Postsynaptic Alterations at Rat Lateral Amygdala Synapses Following Fear Conditioning

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    In vertebrate models of synaptic plasticity, signaling via the putative “retrograde messenger” nitric oxide (NO) has been hypothesized to serve as a critical link between functional and structural alterations at pre- and postsynaptic sites. In the present study, we show that auditory Pavlovian fear conditioning is associated with significant and long-lasting increases in the expression of the postsynaptically-localized protein GluR1 and the presynaptically-localized proteins synaptophysin and synapsin in the lateral amygdala (LA) within 24 hrs following training. Further, we show that rats given intra-LA infusion of either the NR2B-selective antagonist Ifenprodil, the NOS inhibitor 7-Ni, or the PKG inhibitor Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS exhibit significant decreases in training-induced expression of GluR1, synaptophysin, and synapsin immunoreactivity in the LA, while those rats infused with the PKG activator 8-Br-cGMP exhibit a significant increase in these proteins in the LA. In contrast, rats given intra-LA infusion of the NO scavenger c-PTIO exhibit a significant decrease in synapsin and synaptophysin expression in the LA, but no significant impairment in the expression of GluR1. Finally, we show that intra-LA infusions of the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 or the CaMKII inhibitor KN-93 impair training-induced expression of GluR1, synapsin, and synaptophysin in the LA. These findings suggest that the NO-cGMP-PKG, Rho/ROCK, and CaMKII signaling pathways regulate fear memory consolidation, in part, by promoting both pre- and post-synaptic alterations at LA synapses. They further suggest that synaptic plasticity in the LA during auditory fear conditioning promotes alterations at presynaptic sites via NO-driven “retrograde signaling”