200 research outputs found

    Through-the-Wall Imaging and Multipath Exploitation

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    We consider the problem of using electromagnetic sensing to estimate targets in complex environments, such as when they are hidden behind walls and other opaque objects. The often unknown electromagnetic interactions between the target and the surrounding area, make the problem challenging. To improve our results, we exploit information in the multipath of the objects surrounding both the target and the sensors. First, we estimate building layouts by using the jump-diffusion algorithm and employing prior knowledge about typical building layouts. We also take advantage of a detailed physical model that captures the scattering by the inner walls and efficiently utilizes the frequency bandwidth. We then localize targets hidden behind reinforced concrete walls. The sensing signals reflected from the targets are significantly distorted and attenuated by the embedded metal bars. Using the surface formulation of the method of moments, we model the response of the reinforced walls, and incorporate their transmission coefficients into the beamforming method to achieve better estimation accuracy. In a related effort, we utilize the sparsity constraint to improve electromagnetic imaging of hidden conducting targets, assuming that a set of equivalent sources can be substituted for the targets. We derive a linear measurement model and employ l1 regularization to identify the equivalent sources in the vicinity of the target surfaces. The proposed inverse method reconstructs the target shape in one or two steps, using single-frequency data. Our results are experimentally verified. Finally, we exploit the multipath from sensor-array platforms to facilitate direction finding. This in contrast to the usual approach, which utilizes the scattering close to the targets. We analyze the effect of the multipath in a statistical signal processing framework, and compute the Cramer-Rao bound to obtain the system resolution. We conduct experiments on a simple array platform to support our theoretical approach


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    The proposed short-term program is designed to prepare Kosovo graduate students to transition from their academic studies in the United States to their home country Kosovo. The program design is informed by the need assessment based on consulting participants through a survey and extensive professional observations and experience of the author. It is meant to address the participants’ need to get structured support in planning and managing this significant life event, coming back to Kosovo, after one to two years away pursuing Master’s degrees in their chosen field of study, and reintegrating into their country and culture. The program is based on two levels of support, online and in-person workshops timed in a way that would best provide support and tools needed to manage the challenges of re-entry to Kosovo. The curriculum of the workshop is based on experiential learning principles combining theoretical background with practical tools needed for successful reintegration to the home country. This proposed program is designed as a low-cost addition to an existing program or future similar programs implemented by international education organizations

    Solvency II - Regulierung in der Lebensversicherung

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    Der Versicherungsmarkt zählte nicht nur in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu den dynamischsten und bedeutendsten Kräften der Gesamtwirtschaft, sondern wird auch in Zukunft eine bedeutungsvolle Position in der Marktwirtschaft einnehmen. Um die Situation auf dem Markt kontrollieren zu können, wurden immer wieder neue gesetzliche Regelungen geschaffen. Die letzte wesentliche Änderung im europäischen Versicherungsmarkt erfolgte durch die VAG-Novelle 2003, die am 1. Jänner 2004 in Kraft trat. Diese Novelle hat neue Solvenzvorschriften (Solvency I) geregelt. Dadurch wurden notwendige Anpassungen des bisherigen Verfahrens geschaffen. Eine fundamentale Reform der Solvenzvorschriften für europäische Versicherungsunternehmen spiegelt jedoch das kommende Projekt Solvency II wieder. Dieses Projekt,konstruiert als Drei-Säulen-System, führt zu einer Harmonisierung der Aufsichtsregeln im Finanzdienstleistungssektor, indem die versicherungsspezifischen Normen und Auslegungen in den Mitgliedsstaaten angepasst werden. In meiner Diplomarbeit werden die derzeit, als auch die bisher geltenden Normen im Bereich des Versicherungswesens, behandelt. Die Schwerpunkte werden die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen in Österreich und Deutschland beinhalten. Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit wurde eine Reihe von Experteninterviews mit Vertretern aus der Versicherungsbranche geführt, um darzustellen, welche Bedeutung der Praxis zukommt. Zur Durchführung der Arbeit wurden einige betriebswirtschaftliche Bücher als auch die Zeitschriften sowie Artikel aus dem Internet verwendet

    Data-driven fundamental models for pedestrian movements

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    The focus of the thesis is the utilization of the data collected using state-of-the-art tracking technologies for the characterization and modeling of pedestrian movements. In this context, the main objectives are the development of (i) data-driven definitions of fundamental variables and (ii) data-inspired mathematical formulations of fundamental relationships characterizing pedestrian traffic. The motivation of this research comes from the analysis of a real dataset collected in the train station in Lausanne, Switzerland. To collect the raw data, a large-scale network of smart sensors has been deployed in the station. We consider this case study to illustrate and validate our methodology. The definitions of fundamental traffic variables (speed, density and flow), existing in the literature are extended through a data-driven discretization framework. The framework is based on spatio-temporal Voronoi diagrams, designed using pedestrian trajectory data. The new definitions are (i) independent from an arbitrarily chosen discretization, (ii) appropriate for the multi-directional composition of pedestrian traffic, (iii) able to reflect the heterogeneity of pedestrian population and (iv) applicable to pedestrian trajectories described either analytically or as a sample of points. The performance of the approach and its advantages are illustrated empirically. Our approach outperforms the existing methodologies from the literature, in terms of the smoothness of the results, and in terms of the robustness with respect to the simulation noise and sampling frequency. To represent fundamental relationships of pedestrian traffic, we introduce probabilistic speed-density models. The approach is motivated by the high scatter in the data that we have analyzed. To characterize the observed pattern we relax the homogeneity assumption of the equilibrium relationships, and propose two models. The first model is based on distributional assumptions. The second model is more advanced, and it includes structures that are designed to capture specific aspects of the walking behavior. Various empirical tests validate the specification of both models. Contrasted with existing approaches, they yield a more realistic representation of the empirically observed phenomena. This thesis contributes with respect to the utilization of data potential in modeling of fundamental aspects related to pedestrian traffic. This becomes essential in the context of the growing data revolution and interconnected technologies that can help improve the safety and convenience of pedestrians. The methodological framework is fairly general, and it can be adapted to various pedestrian facilities

    A Three-Dimensional Microwave Sparse Imaging Approach Using Higher-Order Basis Functions

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    This paper presents a novel method for three-dimensional microwave imaging based on sparse processing. To enforce the sparsity of the unknown function, we take advantage of the fact that arbitrary three-dimensional electromagnetic fields can be decomposed into two components with respect to the radial direction: one with transverse-magnetic polarization and the other with transverse-electric polarization. Each component can be further expressed as a sum of spherical harmonics, which provide the dictionary exploited by the sparse processing algorithm. Our measurement model relates the data and the parameters of the spherical harmonics' sources, which are uniformly distributed on a grid sampling the imaging domain. By relying on the theory of degrees of freedom of electromagnetic fields, it can be shown that only a few harmonics are sufficient to accurately represent the measured scattered field from objects whose diameter is of the order of the wavelength, thus allowing reducing the dimension of the adopted dictionary. We analyze several imaging scenarios to assess the algorithm's performance, including different object shapes, sensor orientations, and signal-to-noise ratios. Moreover, we compare the obtained results with other state-of-the-art linear imaging techniques. Notably, thanks to the adopted dictionary, the proposed algorithm can yield accurate images of both convex and concave objects

    Data-driven characterization of pedestrian flows

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    We propose a novel approach to pedestrian flow characterization. The definitions of density, flow and velocity existing in the literature are extended through a data-driven spatio-temporal discretization framework. The framework is based on three-dimensional Voronoi diagrams. The new definitions are (i) independent from an arbitrarily chosen discretization; (ii) appropriate for the multi-directional composition of pedestrian traffic; (iii) able to reflect the heterogeneity of the pedestrian population; and (iv) applicable to pedestrian trajectories described either analytically or as a sample of points. Synthetic data is used to empirically investigate the performance of the approach and to illustrate its advantages

    Specifics of marketing in overcoming discrepancies on the market of agricultural products

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    In this paper, authors examine the role of marketing in overcoming the discrepancies between supply and demand, with a special emphasis on agricultural markets. Discrepancies arise as a result of specialization in production and mass production, whereby individual companies tend to make the best use of existing resources and produce large amounts of a narrow assortment, because in this way they achieve the best business results using economy of scale. Consumers, on the other hand, have diverse needs, preferences and aspirations and often demand non-standardized, customized and specific products. The result is a conflict of relatively narrow supply of individual companies and the diverse needs for products and services manifested by consumers. One of the fundamental roles of marketing is to efficiently connect supply and demand and eliminate the existing discrepancies, which is achieved by use of effective marketing channels. Specifics of agricultural products to a certain extent make harmonization of supply and demand even more difficult, taking into account the existence of a large number of small producers on the supply side, the limited seasonality of agricultural products, specific requirements related to storage, and dispersion of demand, which hinders the realization of all marketing activities in overcoming discrepancies. Taking into account previous specifics, there is a need of specialization of intermediaries who act in marketing channels, in order to efficiently eliminate discrepancies between supply and demand in the market of agricultural products.U ovom radu autori ispituju ulogu marketinga u prevazilaženju nesklada između ponude i tražnje, sa posebnim akcentom na tržišta poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Neskladi nastaju kao posledica različite ciljne usmerenosti proizvođača i potrošača. Nosioci ponude teže da na najbolji način angažuju postojeće resurse i proizvedu što veće količine proizvoda uskog asortimana, kroz specijalizaciju i masovnu proizvodnju, jer tako ostvaruju najbolje poslovne efekte koji proističu iz pristupa koji podrazumeva ekonomiju obima. Potrošači, sa druge strane, imaju raznolike potrebe, preferencije i težnje i često zahtevaju nestandardizovane, prilagođene, specifične proizvode. Tako dolazi do sukoba relativno limitirane ponude pojedinačnih kompanija i raznovrsnih potreba za proizvodima i uslugama koje ispoljavaju potrošači. Jedna od osnovnih uloga marketinga u ovom smislu je da efikasno spoji ponudu i tražnju i otkloni postojeće nesklade, što se prvenstveno realizuje korišćenjem efikasnih kanala marketinga. Specifičnosti tržišta poljoprivrednih proizvoda u određenoj meri dodatno otežavaju sprovođenje marketing aktivnosti usmerenih na usaglašavanje ponude i tražnje, imajući u vidu postojanje velikog broja sitnih proizvođača na strani ponude, sezonalnost dospevanja poljoprivrednih proizvoda, posebne zahteve u skladištenju, ali i razuđenost tražnje. Uz uvažavanje navedenih specifičnosti, nameće se potreba specijalizacije učesnika koji deluju u kanalima marketinga, kako bi se efikasno eliminisali neskladi između ponude i tražnje na tržištu poljoprivrednih proizvoda