56 research outputs found

    Genre-Compositional and Lexical-Semantic Specifics of Advertising SEO-Texts

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    Genre-compositional and lexical-semantic specifics of the English advertising SEO-texts, which are an integral part of advertising website, are considered. Advertising SEO-text is understood as a genre of advertising discourse in computer-mediated communication produced by taking into account the requirements of search engines and designed to produce a specific pragmatic effect - it urges the recipient to purchase or use the services. It is indicated that advertising SEO-text is not adequately considered in the scientific literature. It is shown that the appearance of this variety of the advertising text is determined by successful operation of the advertising sites in communicative space of the Internet, which in turn requires the use of specific technologies of text generation. The analysis is based on a corpus of advertising SEO-texts, selected by continuous sampling from the main pages of commercial sites in the UK and USA. Basic elements of genre and compositional structure of advertising SEO-text are identified, and their pragmatic and communicative functions are discussed. The analysis of means of implementation of text-forming categories of advertising SEO-text allowed the author to conclude that the category of cohesion is realized mainly by marking the main theme of SEO-text by lexical means of the language, which are in hypero-hyponymic and synonymic semantic relations and are the means of representation of underlying concepts designed to ensure the primary pragmatic function of advertising

    Strong spin-orbit induced Gilbert damping and g-shift in iron-platinum nanoparticles

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    The shape of ferromagnetic resonance spectra of highly dispersed, chemically disordered Fe_{0.2}Pt_{0.8} nanospheres is perfectly described by the solution of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation excluding effects by crystalline anisotropy and superparamagnetic fluctuations. Upon decreasing temperature, the LLG damping α(T)\alpha(T) and a negative g-shift, g(T)-g_0, increase proportional to the particle magnetic moments determined from the Langevin analysis of the magnetization isotherms. These novel features are explained by the scattering of the q0q \to 0 magnon from an electron-hole (e/h) pair mediated by the spin-orbit coupling, while the sd-exchange can be ruled out. The large saturation values, α(0)=0.76\alpha(0)=0.76 and g(0)/g01=0.37g(0)/g_0-1=-0.37, indicate the dominance of an overdamped 1 meV e/h-pair which seems to originate from the discrete levels of the itinerant electrons in the d_p=3 nm nanoparticles.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (http://prb.aps.org/

    A linked cluster expansion for the calculation of the semi-inclusive A(e,e'p)X processes using correlated Glauber wave functions

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    The distorted one-body mixed density matrix, which is the basic nuclear quantity appearing in the definition of the cross section for the semi-inclusive A(e,e'p)X processes, is calculated within a linked-cluster expansion based upon correlated wave functions and the Glauber multiple scattering theory to take into account the final state interaction of the ejected nucleon. The nuclear transparency for 16O and 40Ca is calculated using realistic central and non-central correlations and the important role played by the latter is illustrated.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX, 3 ps figures. Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Сombined treatment of squamous-cell anal cancer

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    Since 1974 chemoradiation scheme proposed by Nigro remains the standard of care for squamous-cell anal cancer in most countries. Improvement of treatment results can be achieved by developing new treatment schemes including different radio- and chemosensitizers.Methods. Results of treatment of 157 T1–4N0–2M0 squamous-cell anal cancer patients, which underwent treatment during 1990–2012 were analyzed. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group A received hyperfractionated radiotherapy (RT) single dose 1.2 Gy bid, total dose 40–44 Gy with 3–5 sessions of local hyperthermia (HT) during treatment; group B had similar RT + HT scheme with addition of chemotherapy (CT) with cisplatin 20 mg/m2 in days 1, 3 weeks 1–4 and bleomycin 15 mg in days 2, 4 weeks 1–4; group C had RT with single dose 2 Gy, same total dose, HT and CT as in group B and additionally received metronidazole 10 g/m2 per rectum in a polymeric composition. Two weeks after 1st treatment stage a second course of RT was carried out 20–24 Gy in 2 Gy fractions in all patient groups.Results. Sphincter-sparing treatment was carried out in 11 (50 %), 71 (80.68 %) and 44 (93.62 %) in groups A, B and C accordingly. Three year overall survival (OS) was 60.0; 82.4; 96.4 %; 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) 36.6; 69.8 and 76.3 % accordingly.Conclusions. In our study combined treatment using radiosensitization allow to improve sphincter preservation rate to 93 %, improve OS and DFS for squamous-cell anal cancer patients

    Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Gases

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    We carried out three-dimensional simulations, with about 1.4 million particles, of phase segregation in a low density binary fluid mixture, described mesoscopically by energy and momentum conserving Boltzmann-Vlasov equations. Using a combination of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo(DSMC) for the short range collisions and a version of Particle-In-Cell(PIC) evolution for the smooth long range interaction, we found dynamical scaling after the ratio of the interface thickness(whose shape is described approximately by a hyperbolic tangent profile) to the domain size is less than ~0.1. The scaling length R(t) grows at late times like t^alpha, with alpha=1 for critical quenches and alpha=1/3 for off-critical ones. We also measured the variation of temperature, total particle density and hydrodynamic velocity during the segregation process.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, 4 Postscript figures, submitted to PR

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Spinodal Decomposition in Three-Dimensional Binary Fluids

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    Using large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of a two-component Lennard-Jones model in three dimensions, we show that the late-time dynamics of spinodal decomposition in concentrated binary fluids reaches a viscous scaling regime with a growth exponent n=1n=1, in agreement with experiments and a theoretical analysis for viscous growth.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    There was investigated kinetic of processes on graphite anode in oxidative melt on the base of eutectic CsCl–KCl–NaCl with additives TeO2 and NaF at temperature 600 °C. There were researched relationships between limiting current of ions tellurium’s overcharge and limiting current of discharge of oxygen-containing ions and content of TeO2 and NaF. Excess of these currents leads to chlorine evolution in oxychloride melts and freons in oxychloride-fluoride melts. There was offered mechanism of TeO2 dissolution in chloride and chloride-fluoride melts with generation and subsequent dissociation of tellurium oxychloride with forming of O2–, TeCl6 2–, and [TeO2Cl]–. Its availability in electrolyte was confirmed by method of infrared spectroscopy, and explains high rate of discharge of oxygenated ions at the anode.Изучена кинетика процессов на графитовом аноде в оксигалогенидных расплавах на основе эвтектики CsCl–KCl–NaCl с добавками TeO2 и NaF при температуре 600 °С. Исследованы зависимости предельных токов перезаряда ионов теллура и остаточных токов разряда кислородсодержащих ионов от содержания TeO2 и NaF. Превышение этих токов приводит к выделению хлора в оксихлоридных расплавах и фреонов в оксихлоридно-фторидных расплавах. Предложен механизм растворения TeO2 в хлоридных и хлоридно-фторидных расплавах с формированием и последующей диссоциацией оксихлорида теллура с образованием O2–, TeCl62–, [TeO2Cl]–. Их присутствие в электролите подтверждено методом инфракрасной спектроскопии и объясняет высокие скорости разряда на аноде кислородсодержащих ионов

    Biology of moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria

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    The moderately halophilic heterotrophic aerobic bacteria form a diverse group of microorganisms. The property of halophilism is widespread within the bacterial domain. Bacterial halophiles are abundant in environments such as salt lakes, saline soils, and salted food products. Most species keep their intracellular ionic concentrations at low levels while synthesizing or accumulating organic solutes to provide osmotic equilibrium of the cytoplasm with the surrounding medium. Complex mechanisms of adjustment of the intracellular environments and the properties of the cytoplasmic membrane enable rapid adaptation to changes in the salt concentration of the environment. Approaches to the study of genetic processes have recently been developed for several moderate halophiles, opening the way toward an understanding of haloadaptation at the molecular level. The new information obtained is also expected to contribute to the development of novel biotechnological uses for these organisms

    Electromagnetic radiation efficiency of body-implanted devices

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    Autonomous wireless body-implanted devices for biotelemetry, telemedicine, and neural interfacing constitute an emerging technology providing powerful capabilities for medicine and clinical research. We study the through-tissue electromagnetic propagation mechanisms, derive the optimal frequency range, and obtain the maximum achievable efficiency for radiative energy transfer from inside a body to free space. We analyze how polarization affects the efficiency by exciting TM and TE modes using a magnetic dipole and a magnetic current source, respectively. Four problem formulations are considered with increasing complexity and realism of anatomy. The results indicate that the optimal operating frequency f for deep implantation (with a depth d3 cm) lies in the (108-109)-Hz range and can be approximated as f=2.2×107/d. For a subcutaneous case (d3 cm), the surface-wave-induced interference is significant: within the range of peak radiation efficiency (about 2×108 to 3×109 Hz), the max-to-min ratio can reach a value of 6.5. For the studied frequency range, 80%-99% of radiation efficiency is lost due to the tissue-air wave-impedance mismatch. Parallel polarization reduces the losses by a few percent; this effect is inversely proportional to the frequency and depth. Considering the implantation depth, the operating frequency, the polarization, and the directivity, we show that about an order-of-magnitude efficiency improvement is achievable compared to existing devices