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    Terrestrial bitumen analogue of orgueil organic material demonstrates high sensitivity to usual HF-HCl treatment

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    The relationship between the chemical composition and the interlayer spacing (d002) of organic materials (OM's) is known for various terrestrial OM's. We improved this general trend by correlation with corresponding trend of natural solid bitumens (asphaltite-kerite-anthraxolite) up to graphite. Using the improved trend we identified bitumen analogs of carbonaceous chondrite OM's residued after HF-HCl treatment. Our laboratory experiment revealed that these analogs and, hence, structure and chemical composition of carbonaceous chondrite OM's are very sensitive to the HF-HCl treatment. So, usual extraction of OM from carbonaceous chondrites may change significantly structural and chemical composition of extracted OM

    The role of information technology training in the conditions of informatization education

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    This article presents the role of informatization of education in the university. The positive aspects of the use of information technology in the educational process of both students and teachers are also consideredВ настоящей статье представлена роль информатизации образования в ВУЗе. Также рассмотрены положительные моменты использования информационных технологий в учебном процессе как студентов, так и преподавателе

    Intelligent robust control of redundant smart robotic arm Pt I: Soft computing KB optimizer - deep machine learning IT

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    Redundant robotic arm models as a control object discussed. Background of computational intelligence IT based on soft computing optimizer of knowledge base in smart robotic manipulators introduced. Soft computing optimizer is the toolkit of deep machine learning SW platform with optimal fuzzy neural network structure. The methods for development and design technology of intelligent control systems based on the soft computing optimizer presented in this Part 1 allow one to implement the principle of design an optimal intelligent control systems with a maximum reliability and controllability level of a complex control object under conditions of uncertainty in the source data, and in the presence of stochastic noises of various physical and statistical characters. The knowledge bases formed with the application of a soft computing optimizer produce robust control laws for the schedule of time dependent coefficient gains of conventional PID controllers for a wide range of external perturbations and are maximally insensitive to random variations of the structure of control object. The robustness of control laws is achieved by application a vector fitness function for genetic algorithm, whose one component describes the physical principle of minimum production of generalized entropy both in the control object and the control system, and the other components describe conventional control objective functionals such as minimum control error, etc. The application of soft computing technologies (Part I) for the development a robust intelligent control system that solving the problem of precision positioning redundant (3DOF and 7 DOF) manipulators considered. Application of quantum soft computing in robust intelligent control of smart manipulators in Part II described

    Ferramentas modernas de regulação e gestão do sortimento da empresa

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    The article proposes a number of tools for managing the assortment of the multinomenclature enterprise; the method of forming the assortment policy is improved. The role and importance of forming the assortment which is adequate to the market requirements and production capabilities are disclosed. Based on the results of leading economists, the necessity to formulate a comprehensive methodology for managing the assortment is concluded. The method of forming the assortment, proposed in the article, is adapted to the modern conditions of management. The assortment policy formation is proposed to be carried out step by step, with the using accounting data and primary information which is obtained through field research and modern Internet technologies. The indexes for estimating the assortment of the production enterprise are listed. The algorithm of an estimation of adequacy of an existing assortment to market requirements and to production possibilities is described. It is proposed to compare the stage of the product life cycle with the level of return of unrealized products and the level of production equipment loading. The integration of modern Internet technologies into the mechanism of the assortment formation is offered. The main emphasis is on calculating the coefficients of adequacy of goods to the market, corrected in real time by statistical data of the firm's website. The using of the assortment list as an instrument of assortment control at points of sale is considered. The article is of an applied nature.El artículo propone una serie de herramientas para gestionar el surtido de la empresa multinomenclatura; el método para formar la política de surtido se mejora. Se describe el papel y la importancia de formar el surtido adecuado a los requisitos del mercado y las capacidades de producción. Con base en los resultados de los principales economistas, se concluye la necesidad de formular una metodología integral para administrar el surtido. El método de formación del surtido, propuesto en el artículo, se adapta a las condiciones modernas de gestión. La formación de la política de surtido se propone llevar a cabo paso a paso, con el uso de datos contables y la información primaria que se obtiene a través de la investigación de campo y las tecnologías modernas de Internet. Se enumeran los índices para estimar el surtido de la empresa de producción. Se describe el algoritmo de una estimación de la adecuación de un surtido existente a los requisitos del mercado y a las posibilidades de producción. Se propone comparar la etapa del ciclo de vida del producto con el nivel de retorno de los productos no realizados y el nivel de carga del equipo de producción. Se ofrece la integración de las modernas tecnologías de Internet en el mecanismo de la formación del surtido. El énfasis principal está en el cálculo de los coeficientes de adecuación de los bienes al mercado, corregidos en tiempo real por los datos estadísticos del sitio web de la empresa. Se considera el uso de la lista de surtido como un instrumento de control del surtido en los puntos de venta. El artículo es de naturaleza aplicadaO artigo propõe uma série de ferramentas para gerenciar o sortimento do empreendimento multinomenclatura; o método de formar a política de sortimento é melhorado. O papel e a importância de formar o sortimento adequado às exigências do mercado e às capacidades de produção são divulgados. Com base nos resultados dos principais economistas, conclui-se a necessidade de formular uma metodologia abrangente para gerenciar o sortimento. O método de formação do sortimento, proposto no artigo, é adaptado às modernas condições de gestão. Propõe-se que a formação da política de sortimento seja realizada passo a passo, com o uso de dados contábeis e informações primárias obtidas por meio de pesquisa de campo e modernas tecnologias da Internet. Os índices para estimar o sortimento da empresa de produção são listados. O algoritmo de uma estimativa de adequação de um sortimento existente aos requisitos do mercado e às possibilidades de produção é descrito. Propõe-se comparar o estágio do ciclo de vida do produto com o nível de retorno de produtos não realizados e o nível de carregamento do equipamento de produção. A integração de tecnologias modernas da Internet no mecanismo da formação de sortimento é oferecida. A principal ênfase é no cálculo dos coeficientes de adequação dos bens ao mercado, corrigidos em tempo real pelos dados estatísticos do site da empresa. O uso da lista de sortimento como um instrumento de controle de sortimento em pontos de venda é considerado.O artigo é de natureza aplicada


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    The goal is to substantiate the change in the social significance of the cultural landscape in the development of new aspects of human activity (the development of the tourism cluster), leading to the formation of a new kind of aesthetic potential of the cultural landscape. Materials and methods. The objects of study were artificial waterways (canals and dams) of the islands of the Solovki archipelago in northern Russia, Longji rice terraces in China and lupine fields in the floodplains of New Zealand rivers. For a quantitative assessment of the aesthetic properties of landscapes, a scale of assessments of the landscape-aesthetic value of cultural landscapes was used. Discussion. The aesthetic functions of the landscape, the integrative connections between the aesthetic potential of the landscape and a comfortable favorable habitat, the role of the historical and cultural landscape in preserving the historical memory of society are considered. The quantitative and qualitative assessments of the aesthetic functions of landscapes are proposed, allowing to argue the organization of the economic system of their preservation, maintenance and restoration. It is shown that the preservation and development of the aesthetic potential of cultural landscapes can lead to a change in their development, a change in the method of nature management and the formation of a completely new type of aesthetic perception of the landscape. Conclusion. Currently, the aesthetic component of cultural landscapes has become a more significant factor than the economic functions for which they were created.El objetivo es corroborar el cambio en la importancia social del paisaje cultural en el desarrollo de nuevos aspectos de la actividad humana (el desarrollo del grupo turístico), lo que lleva a la formación de un nuevo tipo de potencial estético del paisaje cultural. Materiales y métodos. Los objetos de estudio fueron vías fluviales artificiales (canales y presas) de las islas del archipiélago Solovki en el norte de Rusia, terrazas de arroz Longji en China y campos de altramuces en las llanuras aluviales de los ríos de Nueva Zelanda. Para una evaluación cuantitativa de las propiedades estéticas de los paisajes, se utilizó una escala de evaluaciones del valor paisajístico-estético de los paisajes culturales. Discusión. Se consideran las funciones estéticas del paisaje, las conexiones integradoras entre el potencial estético del paisaje y un hábitat cómodo y favorable, el papel del paisaje histórico y cultural en la preservación de la memoria histórica de la sociedad. Se proponen las evaluaciones cuantitativas y cualitativas de las funciones estéticas de los paisajes, lo que permite argumentar la organización del sistema económico de su preservación, mantenimiento y restauración. Se muestra que la preservación y el desarrollo del potencial estético de los paisajes culturales puede conducir a un cambio en su desarrollo, un cambio en el método de gestión de la naturaleza y la formación de un tipo completamente nuevo de percepción estética del paisaje. Conclusión. Actualmente, el componente estético de los paisajes culturales se ha convertido en un factor más significativo que las funciones económicas para las que fueron creados.Целью является обоснование смены общественной значимости культурного ландшафта при развитии новых сторон деятельности человека (развитие туристического кластера), приводящее к формированию нового вида эстетического потенциала культурного ландшафта. Материалы и методы. Объектами исследования были искусственные водные пути (каналы и дамбы) островов Соловецкого архипелага на севере России, рисовые террасы Лунцзи в Китае и люпиновые поля в поймах рек Новой Зеландии. Для количественной оценки эстетических свойств ландшафтов использована шкала оценок пейзажно-эстетической ценности культурных ландшафтов. Обсуждение. Рассмотрены эстетические функции ландшафта, интегративные связи между эстетическим потенциалом ландшафта и комфортной, благоприятной среды обитания, роль историко-культурного ландшафта в сохранении исторической памяти общества. Предложены количественная и качественная оценки эстетических функций ландшафтов, позволяющие аргументировать организацию экономической системы их сохранения, поддержания и восстановления. Показано, что сохранение и развитие эстетического потенциала культурных ландшафтов может приводить к изменению их освоения, смене способа природопользования и к формированию совершенно нового типа эстетического восприятия ландшафта. Заключение. В настоящее время эстетическая составляющая культурных ландшафтов стала более значимым фактором, чем те хозяйственные функции, ради которых они создавались

    An evolutionary approach to passive learning in optimal control problems

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MWe consider the optimal control problem of a small nonlinear econometric model under parameter uncertainty and passive learning (open-loop feedback). Traditionally, this type of problems has been approached by applying linear-quadratic optimization algorithms. However, the literature demonstrated that those methods are very sensitive to the choice of random seeds frequently producing very large objective function values (outliers). Furthermore, to apply those established methods, the original nonlinear problem must be linearized first, which runs the risk of solving already a different problem. Following Savin and Blueschke (Comput Econ 48(2):317-338, 2016) in explicitly addressing parameter uncertainty with a large Monte Carlo experiment of possible parameter realizations and optimizing it with the Differential Evolution algorithm, we extend this approach to the case of passive learning. Our approach provides more robust results demonstrating greater benefit from learning, while at the same time does not require to modify the original nonlinear problem at hand. This result opens new avenues for application of heuristic optimization methods to learning strategies in optimal control research

    Influence of a high-power pulsed ion beam on the mechanical properties of corundum ceramics

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    The mechanical properties of near-surface layers of corundum ceramics treated by high-power pulsed ion beam of carbon are investigated. The samples for investigation were prepared from corundum substrate, which is usually used in microelectronic. The ion treatment was carried out at the TEMP-4M facility under the following conditions: an accelerating voltage of 160-200 keV, the current density in the pulse varied within 15-85 A/cm{2} . It was found that ion irradiation changes the structure and properties of near-surface layers of corundum ceramics. At the same time, melting and erosion of the surface layer takes place. These processes are accompanied by the formation of a network of microcracks. Microcracks are propagated only by the depth of melting layer. The mechanical properties were measured using a NanoTest600 nanohardness testing instrument. It was found that the nanohardness depends of the treatment modes. At a current density of 15A/cm{2} , with an increase treatment dose, the nanohardness of the irradiated surface layer increases in comparison with the initial value before irradiation. At higher current densities, the nanohardness of irradiated ceramics decreases relatively to the initial value before irradiation. The dependences of nanohardness off the irradiation dose in this case have the view of a curves with a minimum at irradiation doses of 2.5∙1014 and 1.3∙1014 cm{-2} , for current densities of 50 and 85 A/cm{2} , respectively

    Discursive-Pragmatic Creativity in English-Language Chinese Mass Media

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    The issue of linguistic creativity in Chinese mass media sources published in English is considered. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the English-language discourse of the Chinese mass media is studied as an independent culturally conditioned speech activity phenomenon that actualizes the cultural values of China and the civilizational values of the East. It is substantiated that linguistic creativity is realized in English texts through various forms of manifestation of Chinese national communicative identity: proverbs, allegories, analogies, hints, allusions, rooted in Chinese history, philosophy and folk experience. The updated concepts of proverbs emphasize the values of constant evolutionary movement on the principle of “movement in the still” and the values of collectivism, which are significant both in the country itself and in the region and the world. The collectivism peculiar to China determined the accentuation of the anti-value concepts of hegemony, shame, slander and humiliation. It has been proved that linguistic creativity in the Chinese media in English is also expressed in wordplay and word creation, if this contributes to a more effective presentation of China's position to the English-speaking audience and does not violate the principle of appropriateness. It has been established that in the Chinese English-language mass media, linguistic creativity is of a discursive-pragmatic nature, allows copying samples of linguistic creativity from English-language media and is supplemented with new associations and meanings in their own cultural context

    Aromatic Structure Influence on the Selectivity of Substituted Methacryloylaminophenylmethacrylates Free-Radical Polymerization

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    A new dimethacrylic monomer with biphenylbenzoate-type aromatic core was tested to the possibility to carry out its selective homopolymerization under conditions of thermoinitiated radical polymerization in DMF solution. The kinetics of thermo-induced radical homopolymerization of this monomer as well as some model compounds were studied by dilatometry. The preferring polymerization of O-methacryloyl double bond was proved by 1H NMR spectroscopy