592 research outputs found

    Dynamics rammers with two pairs of shock generators

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    The results of a numerical-analytic study for the dynamics of a vibro-impact mechanism with a crank vibration generator are presented in this paper. We show bifurcation diagrams and stability regions that let us find basic patterns in the reorganization of motion modes when the mechanism’s parameters change

    Heat treatment forming a dissipative metal base in wear-resistant chromium-alloyed cast iron

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    The maximum abrasive wear resistance is provided by a metal base from metastable retained austenite and martensite. Such a microstructure of 260Kh16M2 and 250Kh25MFT chromium cast irons with different types of Cr 7 C 3 and Cr 23 C 6 , carbides is created by high-temperature quenching with heating to temperatures of 1125-1170 °C and cooling in oil or air. Austenite is transformed to disperse martensite on the working surface as a result of the impact of abrasive particles during operation. Together with carbides, it provides a high hardening level and a high working capacity of the secondary microstructure of the cast irons. © 2018 Author(s)

    Features of the exogenic development of Passalurus ambiguus (Nematoda, Oxyuroidae) at different temperature regimes

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    Passalurosis is a prevalent disease among helminthiases of domestic rabbits. This invasion is caused by the nematode Passalurus ambiguus (Nematoda, Oxyuroidae), which is cosmopolitan and localized in the cecum and colon of rabbits. Passalurosis is highly contagious and capable of unlimited spread, due to the biological characteristics of its pathogen, such as the conditions that ensure maximum preservation of parasites at exogenous stages of their development. Experimental research in the laboratory established the timing of development of P. ambiguus eggs isolated from the gonads of female helminths, depending on temperature regimes and features of their growth and development. According to the morphological features of Passalurus eggs, four stages were distinguished in their exogenous development: zygote, cleavage and formation of blastomeres, formation of larvae and motile larvae. Depending on the cultivation temperature, the duration of embryogenesis ranged from 4 to 9 days, and egg viability ranged from 59.3% to 72.7%. The most favourable temperature regime for the development of P. ambiguus eggs was the temperature of 35 °C, at which 72.7% of eggs with motile larvae were formed within 4 days. At this temperature, the zygote stage lasted for 1 day of cultivation, the stage of cleaving and formation of blastomeres occurred on days 1–2, the stage of larval formation on days 1–3, and the stage of formation of motile larva on days 3–4. At lower temperatures, the term of development of Passalurus eggs increased, and the number of viable eggs decreased. At temperatures of 30 °С and 25 °С, the development of Passalurus eggs took place during 5 and 7 days, respectively, and the viability was 66.7% and 62.7%. At these temperatures, the zygote stage lasted 1–2 and 1–3 days, the stage of cleaving and formation of blastomeres occurred on days 1–3 and 1–4, the stage of larval formation lasted from days 2–4 and 2–6, and the stage of formation of motile larvae took place on days 3–5 and 4–7, respectively. The least favourable temperature for the development of P. ambiguus eggs was the temperature of 20 °С, at which the formation of motile larvae occurred in 9 days, and their viability was only 59.3%. At this temperature, the zygote stage lasted 1–4 days, the stage of cleaving and blastomere formation occurred on days 2–6, and the larval formation stage on days 3–8, and the motile larval stage happened on days 5–9. The growth and development of P. ambiguus eggs was accompanied by significant changes in morphometric parameters, such as the increase in egg width and thinning of egg shell at the egg shell plug. The obtained data will allow preventive measures to be effectively implemented on rabbit farms that are susceptible to pinworms, taking into account the terms of exogenous development of pathogens in different seasons

    Deformations of the Retaining Structures Upon Deep Excavations in Moscow

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    Foundation trenches for the buildings having underground floors and vehicular traffic tunnels are excavated in Moscow in congested urban housing environment. A retaining structure is a “slurry wall” made of cast-in-place reinforced concrete), and “soil-mixed-wall”. Retaining structures of trenches are fastened with the help of anchors, metal tie-beams, struts or floor structures. During the monitoring performed at major Moscow construction sites with deep trenches the (NIIOSP) named after Gersevanov created a database on retaining structures deformations

    The experimental cascade curves of EAS at E sub 0 10(17) eV obtained by the method of detection of Cherenkov pulse shape

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    The individual cascade curves of EAS with E sub 0 10 to the 17th power eV/I to 3/ were studied by detection of EAS Cherenkov light pulses. The scintillators located at the center of the Yakutsk EAS array within a 500-m radius circle were used to select the showers and to determine the main EAS parameters. The individual cascade curves N(t) were obtained using the EAS Cherenkov light pulses satisfying the following requirements: (1) the signal-to-noise ratio fm/delta sub n 15, (2) the EAS axis-detector distance tau sub 350 m, (3) the zenith angle theta 30 deg, (4) the probability for EAS to be detected by scintillators W 0.8. Condition (1) arises from the desire to reduce the amplitude distortion of Cherenkov pulses due to noise and determines the range of EAS sizes, N(t). The resolution times of the Cherenkov pulse shape detectors are tau sub 0 approx. 23 ns which results in distortion of a pulse during the process of the detection. The distortion of pulses due to the finiteness of tau sub 0 value was estimated. It is shown that the rise time of pulse becomes greater as tau sub 0.5/tau sub 0 ratio decreases

    Individual Style of a Politician in the Light of the Comic

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    The article analyzes public communication of a well-known Russian public and political figure, ex-Mayor of Ekaterinburg (2013-2018) Eu. V. Roizman. We understand an individual discourse of a politi­cian as a fragment of the national political discourse, which is characterized through the prism of current trends in the development of public communication. One of the trends is the interrelation of political and entertainment discourse in the media, which manifests itself among other things in the active use by pol­iticians and journalists of all kinds of comic tools. In this paper the comic is considered as a linguistic and pragmatic category with a certain semantic content, and a system of means and mechanisms of expression; the means of the comic are expected to provide a certain impact on the recipient of the political text. They vary in the terms of originality and pragmatic functions, and when incorporating into the political discourse they manifest themselves in the individual style of politicians, public figures and journalists in very different ways.The purpos.Статья посвящена анализу публичной речевой практики мэра Екатеринбурга Е. В. Ройзмана

    Applications of principal component analysis to breath air absorption spectra profiles classification

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    The results of numerical simulation of application principal component analysis to absorption spectra of breath air of patients with pulmonary diseases are presented. Various methods of experimental data preprocessing are analyzed


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    В статье рассмотрены особенности разработки контрольно-оценочных средств в учреждении среднего профессионального образованияThe article describes the features of the development of tools for assessing the knowledge of students in institutions of secondary vocational educatio


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    В статье рассматриваются особенности процедуры государственной аттестации в свете новых образовательных стандартовThe article discusses the features of the state certification procedure in the light of new educational standard


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    Local anesthesia is an integral component of medical procedures in today's children's dental practice. Enumeration of intraoral drugs containing anesthetics, for pediatric dentistry is extremely insufficient. Urgent is the development of children and of the dental gel containing trimekain, for application anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to study the adhesive properties of comparative gel compositions containing various combinations and trimekain potential of shaping. The studies revealed gel compositions with excellent adhesion characteristics, which can be recommended for further screening on the creation of children's dental gel trimecaine