121 research outputs found

    Potential for agronomical enhancement of millet yield via Jatropha curcas oilcake fertilizer amendment using placed application technique

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    This study carried out at the ICRISAT research station of Sadoré in Niger aimed at determining the impact of placed application technique of Jatropha oilcake on millet agronomic parameters. The experimental design was a randomised blocs including five treatments and four replicates. Control was plots without fertilizer while J_100 g, J_200 g, and J_300 gwere plots receiving 100 g , 200 g and 300 g of Jatropha oilcake respectively per seed hole and the plots NPK_6 g were receiving 6 g of NPK (15, 15, 15) per seed hole. ANOVA test was used for data analyses. Only the Control had significantly low number of tillers. At the end of the vegetative period J_300 g has the highest plants. J_300 g induced 196% increase of grain yield compared to the Control. The substitution of NPK (15,15,15) by 100 g, 200 g and 300 g of Jatropha oilcake per seed hole induced 79 - 52.93%, 92 – 72.23% and 152 – 100.65% increase of grain yield respectively compared to the Control in 2009 and 2010. With regard to the grain yield in 2009 and 2010, 100 g of Jatropha cake per seed hole can replace the current 6 g (NPK) per seed hole.Keywords: Jatropha oilcake, NPK (15, 15, 15), millet (H.K.P), placed application, fertilizer, Sadoré –Nige

    Diagnostic moléculaire d’helicobacter pylori par PCR chez les patients en consultation gastroentérologique au Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou

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    Introduction: L'infection par Helicobacter pylori constitue un problème de santé publique notamment dans les pays en développement. Elle entraine une gastrite pouvant évoluer vers des formes sévères d'ulcération et de transformation maligne. La présenté étude avait pour objectif de diagnostiquer H. pylori par des techniques sérologique et moléculaire au Burkina Faso. Méthodes: L'étude prospective a été conduite de mars à juin 2012 sur 70 patients venus en consultation dans le service de gastroentérologie au Centre Médical Saint Camille. Le diagnostic de H. pylori a été réalisé par le test ELISA Immunocomb (ORGENICS Ltd, Yavne, Israël) et la PCR sur des biopsies gastriques prélevées sur les patients. Résultats: Les pathologies gastroduodénales étaient plus fréquentes chez les patients de plus de 45 ans. Les prévalences de H. pylori étaient respectivement de 88,57% et de 91,43% par sérologie Immunocomb et par PCR. La différence entre les deux techniques n'était pas significative (P = 0,573). La performance de la PCR a été comparée à celle de la technique Immunocomb. Les résultats montrent une sensibilité et une spécificité de 92,2% et 50,0% pour la technique Immunocomb. Conclusion: Le diagnostic de H. pylori par PCR est plus spécifique que le test sérologique Immunocomb et devrait être introduit dans le diagnostic de routine de cette bactérie pathogène au Burkina Faso

    Comparative evaluation of automated KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher Scientific) and manual QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) extraction methods for SARS-CoV-2

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    Background: The extraction step of the viral material of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) influences the quality of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results in diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the automated extraction system "KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher)" compared to the manual method with the "QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen)". Methodology: From October to December 2020, comparative diagnostic evaluation of two methods of SARSCoV-2 RNA extraction methods was conducted on 159 fresh and 120 frozen nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal specimens collected from travellers and suspected cases or contacts of COVID-19 patients in Burkina Faso. The FastPlexTM Triplex 1-Step COVID 19 Detection Kit (RT-PCR, RNA extraction free) (Precigenome LLC) was used to amplify on the same PCR plate, RNA extracts from manual QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit and automated KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher) using the QuantStudio5 thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems). Analysis of the diagnostic performance of the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR assay following RNA extraction by the two methods was done using an online OpenEpi software. Results: For fresh samples, the study found a slightly higher RT-PCR positivity rate following manual extraction (12.6%) than automated extraction (9.4%). For frozen samples, the positivity rate was far higher for manual (38.33%) than automated extraction method (20.83%). The results show that the performance of the automated extraction was inferior when compared to the manual extraction for both fresh samples (sensitivity 35%, specificity 94.2%) and frozen samples (sensitivity 43.5%, specificity 93.2%). However, using McNemar Chi-square with Yates correction, there was no significant difference in positivity rate of RT-PCR (x2=0.76, p=0.38) between the two extraction methods for the fresh samples, but there was a significant difference (x2=12.9, p= 0.0003) in the extraction of the frozen samples. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher) automatic extraction method was less sensitive and specific than QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) manual extraction method. This information can serve as guide to laboratories in the choice of RNA extraction methods to use for RT-PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2

    La grille au service du développement médical en Afrique

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    PCSV, présenté par F. Jacq, pas de proceedingsObjectives: Telemedicine networks allow to train local physicians and to improve diagnosis by exchanging medical data. But the set-up of multipoint dynamic telemedicine requires moving towards GRID technologies. The objective is to develop telemedicine services for physicians from Burkina Faso and France with the perspective of setting up a grid infrastructure between the participating medical sites. Methods: A web site to exchange diagnosis on diabetic retinopathy was developed in PHP. Another application using web services was developed to exchange patient information on ophthalmology between two databases. Results: The main difficulty comes from limited resources in developing countries including staff skills, bandwidth and funding. But the collaboration with dispensaries opened a door to enhanced collaboration between physicians of France and Burkina Faso Conclusions: These applications are designed with the aim of their use on grids which opens the perspective of multipoint dynamic telemedicine. We are developing a new generation of telemedicine service using experience acquired in the last two years

    Quality Of Antenatal Care In Rural Southern Tanzania: A Reality Check.

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    Counselling on the danger signs of unpredictable obstetric complications and the appropriate management of such complications are crucial in reducing maternal mortality. The objectives of this study were to identify gaps in the provision of ANC services and knowledge of danger signs as well as the quality of care women receive in case of complications. The study took place in the Rufiji District of Tanzania in 2008 and was conducted in seven health facilities. The study used (1) observations from 63 antenatal care (ANC) sessions evaluated with an ANC checklist, (2) self-assessments of 11 Health workers, (3) interviews with 28 pregnant women and (4) follow-up of 12 women hospitalized for pregnancy-related conditions.Blood pressure measurements and abdominal examinations were common during ANC visits while urine testing for albumin or sugar or haemoglobin levels was rare which was often explained as due to a lack of supplies. The reasons for measuring blood pressure or abdominal examinations were usually not explained to the women. Only 15/28 (54%) women were able to mention at least one obstetric danger sign requiring medical attention. The outcomes of ten complicated cases were five stillbirths and three maternal complications. There was a considerable delay in first contact with a health professional or the start of timely interventions including checking vital signs, using a partograph, and detailed record keeping. Linking danger signs to clinical and laboratory examination results during ANC with the appropriate follow up and avoiding delays in emergency obstetric care are crucial to the delivery of coordinated, effective care interventions

    Evaluation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in two areas of intense seasonal malaria transmission: Secondary analysis of a household-randomised, placebo-controlled trial in Houndé District, Burkina Faso and Bougouni District, Mali.

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is now widely deployed in the Sahel, including several countries that are major contributors to the global burden of malaria. Consequently, it is important to understand whether SMC continues to provide a high level of protection and how SMC might be improved. SMC was evaluated using data from a large, household-randomised trial in Houndé, Burkina Faso and Bougouni, Mali. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The parent trial evaluated monthly SMC plus either azithromycin (AZ) or placebo, administered as directly observed therapy 4 times per year between August and November (2014-2016). In July 2014, 19,578 children aged 3-59 months were randomised by household to study group. Children who remained within the age range 3-59 months in August each year, plus children born into study households or who moved into the study area, received study drugs in 2015 and 2016. These analyses focus on the approximately 10,000 children (5,000 per country) under observation each year in the SMC plus placebo group. Despite high coverage and high adherence to SMC, the incidence of hospitalisations or deaths due to malaria and uncomplicated clinical malaria remained high in the study areas (overall incidence rates 12.5 [95% confidence interval (CI): 11.2, 14.1] and 871.1 [95% CI: 852.3, 890.6] cases per 1,000 person-years, respectively) and peaked in July each year, before SMC delivery began in August. The incidence rate ratio comparing SMC within the past 28 days with SMC more than 35 days ago-adjusted for age, country, and household clustering-was 0.13 (95% CI: 0.08, 0.20), P < 0.001 for malaria hospitalisations and deaths from malaria and 0.21 (95% CI 0.20, 0.23), P < 0.001 for uncomplicated malaria, indicating protective efficacy of 87.4% (95% CI: 79.6%, 92.2%) and 78.3% (95% CI: 76.8%, 79.6%), respectively. The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia at weekly surveys during the rainy season and at the end of the transmission season was several times higher in children who missed the SMC course preceding the survey contact, and the smallest prevalence ratio observed was 2.98 (95% CI: 1.95, 4.54), P < 0.001. The frequency of molecular markers of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and amodiaquine (AQ) resistance did not increase markedly over the study period either amongst study children or amongst school-age children resident in the study areas. After 3 years of SMC deployment, the day 28 PCR-unadjusted adequate clinical and parasitological response rate of the SP + AQ regimen in children with asymptomatic malaria was 98.3% (95% CI: 88.6%, 99.8%) in Burkina Faso and 96.1% (95% CI: 91.5%, 98.2%) in Mali. Key limitations of this study are the potential overdiagnosis of uncomplicated malaria by rapid diagnostic tests and the potential for residual confounding from factors related to adherence to the monthly SMC schedule. CONCLUSION: Despite strong evidence that SMC is providing a high level of protection, the burden of malaria remains substantial in the 2 study areas. These results emphasise the need for continuing support of SMC programmes. A fifth monthly SMC course is needed to adequately cover the whole transmission season in the study areas and in settings with similar epidemiology. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The AZ-SMC trial in which these data were collected was registered at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT02211729

    Towards grid-enabled telemedicine in Africa

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    Telemedicine services are very relevant tools to train local physicians and to improve diagnosis by exchanging medical data. Telemedicine networks allow these exchanges but the set-up of multipoint dynamic telemedicine requires moving towards GRID technologies. A healthgrid is an environment where data of medical interest can be stored and is easily available between the different actors of healthcare. Two telemedicine applications were developed to link physicians from Burkina Faso and France with the perspective of setting up a grid infrastructure between the participating medical sites. A web site to exchange diagnosis on diabetic retinopathy was developed in PHP and another application using web services was developed to exchange patient information between two databases.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, IST-Africa 2006 Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, to be published in the proceeding

    Nutritional status in young children prior to the malaria transmission season in Burkina Faso and Mali, and its impact on the incidence of clinical malaria.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria and malnutrition remain major problems in Sahel countries, especially in young children. The direct effect of malnutrition on malaria remains poorly understood, and may have important implications for malaria control. In this study, nutritional status and the association between malnutrition and subsequent incidence of symptomatic malaria were examined in children in Burkina Faso and Mali who received either azithromycin or placebo, alongside seasonal malaria chemoprevention. METHODS: Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was measured in all 20,185 children who attended a screening visit prior to the malaria transmission season in 2015. Prior to the 2016 malaria season, weight, height and MUAC were measured among 4149 randomly selected children. Height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-height, and MUAC-for-age were calculated as indicators of nutritional status. Malaria incidence was measured during the following rainy seasons. Multivariable random effects Poisson models were created for each nutritional indicator to study the effect of malnutrition on clinical malaria incidence for each country. RESULTS: In both 2015 and 2016, nutritional status prior to the malaria season was poor. The most prevalent form of malnutrition in Burkina Faso was being underweight (30.5%; 95% CI 28.6-32.6), whereas in Mali stunting was most prevalent (27.5%; 95% CI 25.6-29.5). In 2016, clinical malaria incidence was 675 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 613-744) in Burkina Faso, and 1245 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 1152-1347) in Mali. There was some evidence that severe stunting was associated with lower incidence of malaria in Mali (RR 0.81; 95% CI 0.64-1.02; p = 0.08), but this association was not seen in Burkina Faso. Being moderately underweight tended to be associated with higher incidence of clinical malaria in Burkina Faso (RR 1.27; 95% CI 0.98-1.64; p = 0.07), while this was the case in Mali for moderate wasting (RR 1.27; 95% CI 0.98-1.64; p = 0.07). However, these associations were not observed in severely affected children, nor consistent between countries. MUAC-for-age was not associated with malaria risk. CONCLUSIONS: Both malnutrition and malaria were common in the study areas, high despite high coverage of seasonal malaria chemoprevention and long-lasting insecticidal nets. However, no strong or consistent evidence was found for an association between any of the nutritional indicators and the subsequent incidence of clinical malaria

    Land-use change to bioenergy: grassland to short rotation coppice willow has an improved carbon balance

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    The effect of a transition from grassland to second-generation (2G) bioenergy on soil carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance is uncertain, with limited empirical data on which to validate landscape-scale models, sustainability criteria and energy policies. Here, we quantified soil carbon, soil GHG emissions and whole ecosystem carbon balance for short rotation coppice (SRC) bioenergy willow and a paired grassland site, both planted at commercial scale. We quantified the carbon balance for a 2-year period and captured the effects of a commercial harvest in the SRC willow at the end of the first cycle. Soil fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) did not contribute significantly to the GHG balance of these land uses. Soil respiration was lower in SRC willow (912 ± 42 g C m−2 yr−1) than in grassland (1522 ± 39 g C m−2 yr−1). Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) reflected this with the grassland a net source of carbon with mean NEE of 119 ± 10 g C m−2 yr−1 and SRC willow a net sink, −620 ± 18 g C m−2 yr−1. When carbon removed from the ecosystem in harvested products was considered (Net Biome Productivity), SRC willow remained a net sink (221 ± 66 g C m−2 yr−1). Despite the SRC willow site being a net sink for carbon, soil carbon stocks (0–30 cm) were higher under the grassland. There was a larger NEE and increase in ecosystem respiration in the SRC willow after harvest; however, the site still remained a carbon sink. Our results indicate that once established, significant carbon savings are likely in SRC willow compared with the minimally managed grassland at this site. Although these observed impacts may be site and management dependent, they provide evidence that land-use transition to 2G bioenergy has potential to provide a significant improvement on the ecosystem service of climate regulation relative to grassland systems
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