665 research outputs found

    Shil'nikov Chaos control using Homoclinic orbits and the Newhouse region

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    A method of controlling Shil'nikov's type chaos using windows that appear in the 1 dimensional bifurcation diagram when perturbations are applied, and using existence of stable homoclinic orbits near the unstable one is presented and applied to the electronic Chua's circuit. A demonstration of the chaos control in the electronic circuit experiments and their simulations and bifurcation analyses are given.Comment: 23 pages, 48 figure

    Costs in English and Japanese legal procedure

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    The authors suggest that Japan is a non-litigious society because of high litigation costs and lengthy procedures and explain the system of costs and changes that have been made and consider what still needs to be done. Article by Sato Niiya and Sam Jarman (British Japanese Law Association) published in Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and its Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

    Stability of transverse dunes against perturbations; a theoretical study using dune skeleton model

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    The dune skeleton model is a reduced model to describe the formation process and dynamics of characteristic types of dunes emerging under unidirectional steady wind. Using this model, we study the dependency of the morphodynamics of transverse dunes on the initial random perturbations and the lateral field size. It was found that i) an increase of the lateral field size destabilizes the transverse dune to cause deformation of a barchan, ii) the initial random perturbations decay with time by the power function until a certain time; thereafter, the dune shapes change into three phases according to the amount of sand and sand diffusion coefficient, iii) the duration time, until the transverse dune is broken, increases exponentially with increasing the amount of sand and sand diffusion coefficient. Moreover, under the condition without the sand supply from windward ground, the destabilization of transverse dune in this model qualitatively corresponds to the subaqueous dunes in water tank experiments.Comment: 7pages, 8figure

    LOX/hydrocarbon rocket engine analytical design methodology development and validation. Volume 2: Appendices

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    This final report includes a discussion of the work accomplished during the period from Dec. 1988 through Nov. 1991. The objective of the program was to assemble existing performance and combustion stability models into a usable design methodology capable of designing and analyzing high-performance and stable LOX/hydrocarbon booster engines. The methodology was then used to design a validation engine. The capabilities and validity of the methodology were demonstrated using this engine in an extensive hot fire test program. The engine used LOX/RP-1 propellants and was tested over a range of mixture ratios, chamber pressures, and acoustic damping device configurations. This volume contains time domain and frequency domain stability plots which indicate the pressure perturbation amplitudes and frequencies from approximately 30 tests of a 50K thrust rocket engine using LOX/RP-1 propellants over a range of chamber pressures from 240 to 1750 psia with mixture ratios of from 1.2 to 7.5. The data is from test configurations which used both bitune and monotune acoustic cavities and from tests with no acoustic cavities. The engine had a length of 14 inches and a contraction ratio of 2.0 using a 7.68 inch diameter injector. The data was taken from both stable and unstable tests. All combustion instabilities were spontaneous in the first tangential mode. Although stability bombs were used and generated overpressures of approximately 20 percent, no tests were driven unstable by the bombs. The stability instrumentation included six high-frequency Kistler transducers in the combustion chamber, a high-frequency Kistler transducer in each propellant manifold, and tri-axial accelerometers. Performance data is presented, both characteristic velocity efficiencies and energy release efficiencies, for those tests of sufficient duration to record steady state values

    Addressing Practical Issues Related Tto Nursing Care For International Visitors To Hiroshima

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    Quando nove milhões de estrangeiros visitaram o Japão em 2013, o governo federal estabeleceu uma meta de atrair outros dois milhões e meio de visitantes, incluindo o turismo médico, em 2020. Esta pesquisa investiga atitudes e preocupações de enfermeiras japonesas ao lidar com pacientes estrangeiros. Os dados foram coletados no período de março a setembro de 2010, com 114 enfermeiros de três hospitais próximos a destinos turísticos populares em Hiroshima. Um questionário denominado Mari Meter foi desenvolvido especificamente para esse fim, incluindo uma seção de respostas a uma questão aberta para que os enfermeiros expressem suas opiniões. As respostas foram submetidas a procedimentos estatísticos e de análise de discurso, usando o software Text Mining Studio . As enfermeiras japonesas expressaram maior preocupação quanto a opções de pagamento, conhecimentos de línguas estrangeiras e questões de consentimento informado, ao prestar cuidados a pacientes estrangeiros. Os resultados confirmam que, a fim de proporcionar um atendimento de qualidade ao paciente, é necessário preparação extra e maior conhecimento sobre trabalhadores e visitantes internacionais por parte de profissionais de enfermagem no Japão.

Cuando nueve millones de extranjeros visitaron Japón en el año 2013, el gobierno federal estableció la meta de atraer al año 2020 a más de dos millones y medio de visitantes, incluyendo el turismo médico. Esta investigación analiza las actitudes y preocupaciones de enfermeras japonesas en el cuidado pacientes extranjeros. Los datos fueron recolectados entre marzo y septiembre del año 2010, por medio de entrevistas a 114 profesionales de enfermería de tres hospitales cercanos a zonas turísticas populares en Hiroshima. Se desarrolló específicamente para este fin un cuestionario llamado Mari Meter, con una sección con una pregunta abierta, para que las enfermeras expresan sus opiniones. Las respuestas fueron sometidas a procedimientos estadísticos y de análisis de discurso, utilizando el software Text Mining Studio. Las enfermeras japonesas expresaron su preocupación con respecto a las formas de pago, conocimientos de idiomas y tópicos del consentimiento informado mientras brindaban cuidados de enfermería a pacientes extranjeros. Los resultados confirman que para proporcionar una atención de calidad al paciente, los profesionales de enfermería en Japón necesitan de una preparación adicional y de un mayor conocimiento acerca de los trabajadores y visitantes internacionales.When nine million foreigners visited Japan in 2013, the federal government set a goal to attract an additional two and a half million visitors including medical tourists by 2020. This research investigates the attitudes and concerns of Japanese nurses when they are in a situation dealing with foreign patients. The data were collected from March through September 2010, from 114 nurses at three hospitals, in close proximity to popular tourist destinations in Hiroshima. A questionnaire was developed for this research, named Mari Meter, which included a section to write answers to an open question for the nurses to express their opinions. These responses were examined statistically and by word analysis using Text Mining Studio. Japanese nurses expressed greatest concern about payment options, foreign language skills, and issues of informed consent, when dealing with foreigners. The results confirm that, in order to provide a high quality of patient care, extra preparation and a greater knowledge of international workers and visitors are required by nursing professionals in Japan.


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    内容の要約広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(理学)Sciencedoctora