236 research outputs found

    Constraining the dark components of the Universe through CMB and Large Scale Structure

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    Cosmology has come a long way since its inception. Today, Cosmology has become a pre-cision Science in which precise measurements of the sky are possible. The Planck mission was no less than a milestone in our understanding of the Universe. The measurement of the anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) made by Planck placed the standard cosmological model - the ΛCDM - on a firm footing, thereby strongly constraining the Physics of the early universe. Despite its richness and glory, the primary and secondary anisotropies of the CMB are only a part of the cosmic story and it loosely constrains the parameters to which the later evolution of the universe is sensitive. Additionally, the ΛCDM model has little to say about the inflationary epoch of the Universe. The remaining part of the story is hidden in the evolution and istribution of matter perturbations in the Universe and their cross-correlation with measurements of the CMB. Already existing galaxy surveys have put tighter constraints on the parameters of the standard ΛCDM models and, furthermore, prefer the ΛCDM model when additional free parameters are added, such as dark energy or curvature of the Universe. The late-iSW signal in the cross-correlation of temperature and galaxy number count measurement is useful, perhaps also a unique, probe of the fundamental cosmological question concerning the later epoch of the universe. In this thesis, I outline my work for the Euclid experiment which is set to launch in the summer of 2023. In particular, I worked in the MBX Science Working Group of Euclid in the development of the pipeline to search for the signal of the late-iSW effect of CMB in the cross-correlation of CMB with the measurement of galaxy number counts in Euclid. My activities in Euclid concerned the development and analysis of the likelihood code in the end-to-end pipeline. In addition, I also made performance forecasts for Euclid for the late-iSW cross-correlation probe. The developed likelihood has been used to perform the bulk of the validation activity and analysis in the group much of which I have been a part of. I also outline my activity in the development of the likelihood in the official Euclid likelihood interface CLOE. I also elaborate on my activities outside Euclid in exploring the fundamental questions concerning the nature of dark matter, in particular the stability of dark matter in the Universe.La cosmologia ha fatto molta strada dalla sua nascita. Oggi, la cosmologia `e diventata una scienza di precisione in cui misure accurate sono possibili. La missione Planck ha rappresentato una tappa fondamentale nella nostra comprensione dell’Universo. Le misure delle anisotropie della radiazione cosmica di fondo (CMB) hanno consolidato il modello cosmologico standard LambdaCDM, fornendo forti vincoli alla fisica dell’Universo primordiale. Nonostante la ricchezza di informazioni che possiamo ricavarne, le anisotropie della CMB ci permettono di vincolare solo una parte della storia dell’Universo, in quanto ci consentono di porre solo deboli vincoli sui parametri da cui dipende l’evoluzione dell’Universo a tempi pi`u tardi. Inoltre, il modello LambdaCDM non ci dice molto sull’epoca inflazionaria. La parte rimanente della storia `e codificata nell’evoluzione e nella distribuzione della materia nell’Universo, e le loro cross-correlazione con le misure della CMB. Le survey di galassie hanno gi`a migliorato i vincoli ai parametri del modello LCDM e, inoltre, hanno evidenziato una preferenza per il modello LCDM quando altri parametri liberi sono aggiunti, come l’energia oscura o la curvatura dell’Universo. La misura del late-iSW nella cross-correlazione di CMB e galaxy number count `e un’utile, e per certi versi unica, probe per investigare le domande fondamentali riguardanti l’epoca pi`u recente dell’Universo. In questa tesi presento il lavoro che ho svolto durante il mio dottorato per il satellite Euclid, il cui lancio `e programmato per l’estate 2023. In particolare, ho lavorato nel team CMBX Science Working Group di Euclid per lo sviluppo della pipeline per la ricerca del segnale del late iSW nella cross-correlazione tra le misure di CMB e quelle di galaxy number counts di Euclid. La mia attivit`a in Euclid ha riguardato lo sviluppo e l’analisi del codice di likelihood nella pipeine end-to-end. Inoltre, ho effettuato dei forecasts per Euclid sempre nell’ambito della cross-correlazione per lo studio del late-iSW. Lo sviluppo della likelihood `e stato usato per la maggior parte delle attivit`a di validazione e analisi nel gruppo CMBX, a molte delle quali ho preso parte in prima persona. In questa tesi discuto anche la mia attivit`a nello sviluppo della likelihood nell’interfaccia CLOE della likelihood di Euclid. Infine, presento le attivit`a che ho svolto al di fuori di Euclid, in cui ho esplorato alcune domande fondamentali riguardanti la natura della materia oscura, in particolare la sua stabilit`a nell’Universo

    Reimagining the future: The biomimetic economy

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    Growing global population and a rising middle-class (three billion globally by 2030 – Ellen MacArthur Foundation)are putting a strain on the environment and depleting the world’s stock of biophysical resources. The dominant economic system behaves as a linear system and based on the rapid use, disposal, and replacement of goods (Benyus, 1997). The global capitalist economic system has poorly prepared to deal with unexpected events such as climate change and its impacts. To deal with global impending and complex issues, we propose a renewed model of an economic system that closely integrates Biomimicry principles. Biomimicry is the study of how nature’s systems and processes function to solve the problems of survival. Nature’s dynamics are then applied human innovation (Benyus, 1997). The environmental technologies and societal innovations we need are often already present the core of nature’s design since nature has, through evolution, already found the most energy-efficient solution for many problems. Biomimicry therefore promises to be a cogent design tool for the near future (Passino, 2004). Our GIGAmap, Reimagining the Future: The Biomimetic Economy, isan exploration of the nature of economic systems in relation to ecological systems – resilience, optimization, adaptability, systems based, value based and life supporting – through the design principals of biomimicry. Through our research, we created a learning tool that allows users interested in developing healthy economies and sustainable business practices to follow and learn from the principles of diversification; import shifting, succession; the three-horizon framework, biodiversity; multiple feedback loops and symbiosis; the sharing economy. In addition, we describe the creation of a new framework, titled the shared futures infinity loop (SFI Loop), which posits to replace the panarchy (Holling, 2001) as the model for sustainable economic progression to create a more sustainable world

    The Limitless Institute: The Human Accelerator

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    Higher education and universities have not truly transformed in centuries but may now be going through dramatic change. This report will look at some of the conundrums and trends that provide a glimpse of the future of higher education. The landscape is encapsulated by introducing some of the academies leading the charge in developing new models and approaches to higher education. Finally, the ingredients of the potential solution address the gaps and needs of the target market. This solution due to its complexity and magnitude, needs to be a suite of versatile solutions rather than a single uniform one. And The Limitless Institute does exactly that through its highly modular program built into the existing systems. Finally, the report explores new mediums through which higher education could be delivered; including a reality show. The report concludes by stitching the need and desired outcomes for higher education with the potential curriculum

    PƙepracovĂĄnĂ­ procesu plĂĄnovĂĄnĂ­ vĂœroby pro vybranou divizi

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    The diploma thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with general information about types of production, storage, inventory and ERP technologies. The practical part includes the introduction of the company and its production and the analysis of the current state. The production of 3 types of products over 4 years was analyzed. Based on the analysis, stock limits were proposed for all 3 product types, which are the signal limits for starting further production.DiplomovĂĄ prĂĄce obsahuje teoretickou a praktickou část. TeoretickĂĄ část se zabĂœvĂĄ zĂĄkladnĂ­mi infomacemi tĂœkajĂ­cĂ­mi se typĆŻ vĂœroby, skladovĂĄnĂ­, zĂĄsobami a ERP technologiemi. PraktickĂĄ část zahrnuje pƙedstavenĂ­ společnosti a jejich produktĆŻ, analĂœzu současnĂ©ho stavu. Byla analyzovĂĄna vĂœroba 3 typĆŻ vĂœrobkĆŻ v prĆŻběhu 4 let. Na zĂĄkladě provedenĂ© analĂœzy byly navrĆŸeny pro vĆĄechny 3 typy vĂœrobkĆŻ limitnĂ­ hranice skladovanĂœch vĂœrobkĆŻ, kterĂ© jsou signĂĄlnĂ­ hranicĂ­ pro spuĆĄtěnĂ­ dalĆĄĂ­ vĂœroby.345 - Katedra mechanickĂ© technologievelmi dobƙ

    Optimization of deep learning features for age-invariant face recognition

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    This paper presents a methodology for Age-Invariant Face Recognition (AIFR), based on the optimization of deep learning features. The proposed method extracts deep learning features using transfer deep learning, extracted from the unprocessed face images. To optimize the extracted features, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) procedure is designed in order to select the most relevant features to the problem of identifying a person based on his/her facial images over different ages. For classification, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifiers with different distance metrics are investigated, i.e., Correlation, Euclidian, Cosine, and Manhattan distance metrics. Experimental results using a Manhattan distance KNN classifier achieves the best Rank-1 recognition rate of 86.2% and 96% on the standard FGNET and MORPH datasets, respectively. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, our proposed method needs no preprocessing stages. In addition, the experiments show its privilege over other related methods


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    Between the synergies of environmental perception and technological advancement evolves the parallel world of the metaverse. Evolutionary virtuality intends to aid humanity in envisioning the threatened future of cities under environmental risks through tailored features. Traditionally, the sense of sight – which is the focus of virtual reality – has dominated the architectural practice. However, architects and urban designers have begun incorporating other senses into their work over the recent decade. The expanding understanding of the multimodal nature of the human mind that has evolved from cognitive neuroscience research has received little attention so far in the architecture field. This paper investigates the role of synthesized sensory experiences – such as visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and thermal sensations – in designing revolutionary settings that aim to improve people’s interactions with their surrounding environments. A 15-minute experiment of an immersive experience in an office setting using virtual reality headsets is utilized to explore the role of multimodal sensory integration towards tolerance to the thermal environment. The findings revealed significant potential in using multiple senses – especially gustatory – to design thermally comfortable spaces. It is hoped that architectural design practice would progressively include our developing understanding of human senses and how they interact. This holistic approach ought to lead to the development of multisensory-inclusive workspaces that promote rather than hinder our social, cognitive, and emotional development

    Whole-body diffusion-weighted imaging with background body signal suppression and quantitative apparent diffusion coefficient in the detection, staging, and grading of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Purpose: Assess reproducibility of detection, staging, and grading of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) using wholebody diffusion-weighted imaging with background body signal suppression (WB-DWIBS). Material and methods: Thirty NHL patients underwent WB-DWIBS, divided into 2 groups according to staging and grading. Image analysis and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurement of the largest lymph node in each group were performed by 2 observers. Inter-observer agreement was performed. Results: Overall inter-observer agreement for detection of NHL was excellent (k = 0.843; 92.05%) with excellent inter-observer agreement of nodal disease (cervical, thoracic and abdominal) (k = 0.783, 0.769, and 0.856; 96.67%, 90.0%, and 93.3% respectively), extra-nodal disease (k = 1; 100%), and splenic involvement (k = 0.67; 83.3%). The overall inter-observer agreement of DWIBS in staging of NHL was excellent (k = 0.90; 94.9%) with excellent inter-observer agreement for stage I (k = 0.93; 96.4%), stage II (k = 0.90; 94.8%), stage III (k = 0.89; 94.6%), and stage IV (k = 0.88; 94.0%). There was significant difference between ADC in stage I, II (0.77 ± 0.13, 0.85 ± 0.09 × 10-3 mm2/s), and stage III, IV (0.63 ± 0.08, 0.64 ± 0.11 × 10-3 mm2 /s, p < 0.002, < 0.001). Interclass correlation showed almost perfect agreement for ADC measurement in staging and grading groups (r = 0.96 and r = 0.85, respectively, p < 0.001). There was significant difference between ADC in aggressive lymphoma (0.65 ± 0.1, 0.67 ± 0.13 × 10-3 mm2/s) and indolent lymphoma (0.76 ± 0.14, 0.84 ± 0.09 × 10-3 mm2/s, p < 0.028, < 0.001). Conclusion: DWIBS is reproducible for detection and staging of nodal and extra-nodal involvement in patients with NHL. ADC can quantitatively participate in the staging and grading of NHL

    Optimising dopants and properties in BiMeO3 (Me = Al, Ga, Sc, Y, Mg2/3Nb1/3, Zn2/3Nb1/3, Zn1/2Ti1/2) lead-free BaTiO3-BiFeO3 based ceramics for actuator applications

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    A crystallochemical framework is proposed based on electronegativity difference (en) and tolerance factor (t) to optimise the BiMeO3 dopants and therefore the piezoelectric and electrostrictive response in BaTiO3-BiFeO3 based ceramics. Compositions in the series 0.05Bi(Me)O3-0.25BaTiO3-0.7BiFeO3 (BMe-BT-BF, Me: Y, Sc1/2Y1/2, Mg2/3Nb1/3, Sc, Zn2/3Nb1/3, Zn1/2Ti1/2, Ga, and Al) were fabricated using solid state synthesis and furnace cooled. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction revealed that only Bi(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O3 and BiScO3 dopants, which lie in a narrow range of en vs. t, form homogeneous ceramics, free from secondary phases reflected in their superior piezoelectric coefficients (d33 ~145 pC/N). All other BiMeO3 additions exhibited either secondary phases (Y) and/or promoted a two-phase perovskite matrix (Zn, Ga and Al). The promising initial properties of BiScO3 doped compositions prompted further studies on 0.05BiScO3-(0.95-x)BaTiO3-(x)BiFeO3 (BS-BT-BF, x = 0.55, 0.60, 0.625, 0.65, and 0.70) ceramics. As x increased the structure changed from predominantly pseudocubic to rhombohedral, resulting in a transition from a relaxor-like to ferroelectric response. The largest d33 * (465 pm/V) was achieved for x = 0.625 under 5 kV/mm at the crossover from relaxor to ferroelectric behaviour. BS-BT-BF with x = 0.625 showed >0.3% strain under 6 kV/mm up to 175ÂșC, demonstrating its potential for actuator applications

    Is Forced Coughing Effective in Reducing Pain During Cervical Biopsy? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Our objective was to compare potential analgesic effect of forced coughing (FC) technique versus local anesthetics (LA) or placebo during cervical biopsy. We systematically searched five electronic databases from inception till March 2021; Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar. The data was extracted from six RCTs and analyzed them using Review Manager Software. During cervical biopsy, the overall effect estimate favored LA over FC group (MD =1.06; 95% CI [0.58 to 1.54]; p &lt; 0.0001). On the other hand, when compared to no pain management pooled data were comparable between the two groups (MD = -1.2; 95% CI [-3.35 to 0.94]; p = 0.27). Procedure duration was significantly longer in LA than FC group (MD = -1.94; 95% CI [-2.47 to - 1.41]; p &lt; 0.00001). FC and LA seemed to useful pain-lowering modalities during the cervical biopsy according to settings and availability. Further studies are recommended. Keywords: Cervical Biopsy; Colposcopy; Forced Coughing; Pain

    Exploring the Causal Relationship among Green Taxes, Energy Intensity, and Energy Consumption in Nordic Countries: Dumitrescu and Hurlin Causality Approach

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    Improving energy efficiency and minimizing environmental concerns through environmen tal laws and green taxes are regarded as the primary motivating factors of climate change policy. This analysis clarifies the significance of green taxes in lowering energy use and intensity from 1994 to 2020. As part of our contribution to the literature on energy economics, this study examines how green taxes interact with energy intensity and consumption in four Nordic nations. Environmental policies and sustainable development goals (SDGs) are driving new research into the effects of green taxes on energy consumption and intensity. According to the outcomes of fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS), panel dynamic ordinary least square (PDOLS), and panel quantile regression, a green tax helps to reduce total energy consumption. It increases energy efficiency by motivating governments, companies, and citizens to encourage innovation in environment-related technology. When it comes to creating a more sustainable environment, the study argues that regulations that ensure the displacement of non-renewable resources while increasing energy efficacy should be implemented
