67 research outputs found

    ennemi : Non-linear correlation detection with mutual information

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    We present ennemi, a Python package for correlation analysis based on mutual information (MI). MI is a measure of relationship between variables. Unlike Pearson correlation it is valid also for non-linear relationships, yet in the linear case the two are equivalent. The effect of other variables can be removed like with partial correlation, with the same equivalence. These features make MI a better correlation measure for exploratory analysis of many variable pairs. Our package provides methods for common correlation analysis tasks using MI. It is scalable, integrated with the Python data science ecosystem, and requires minimal configuration. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Kuolleisuus vÀlittömÀsti koronarokottamisen jÀlkeen : Koronarokotusten turvallisuus Suomessa

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    Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) asettama koronarokotusten turvallisuustyöryhmĂ€ aloitti tammikuussa 2021 seurantatutkimuksen, jossa tutkitaan, onko kokonaiskuolleisuus odotettua korkeampaa vĂ€littömĂ€sti koronarokottamisen jĂ€lkeen. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan koronarokotettujen kuolemia 63 pĂ€ivĂ€n sisĂ€llĂ€ rokottamisesta, kuolinsyystĂ€ ja haittaepĂ€ilyistĂ€ riippumatta. TutkimusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ on Suomen vĂ€estön kattava havainnoiva rekisteripohjainen tutkimus, jossa vĂ€estöÀ seurataan takautuvasti 1.10.2020 alkaen kuolemaan tai tutkimuksen pÀÀttymiseen 19.9.2022 saakka. Kuolleisuutta 0–20, 21–41 ja 42–62 pĂ€ivÀÀ koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen verrataan kuolleisuuteen rokottamattomana aikana rokotevalmisteittain ja annoksittain kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ Poisson-regressiomallia. Analyysissa vakioidaan ikĂ€, sukupuoli, taustasairaudet, hoitoisuus ja ajankohta. Kuolleisuuserot raportoidaan uhkasuhteina ja nĂ€iden 95 % luottamusvĂ€leinĂ€ (LV). Rokotevalmisteista ja annoksista mukana ovat Comirnaty ja Spikevax ensimmĂ€isen neljĂ€n annoksen osalta, sekĂ€ lisĂ€ksi Vaxzevria ensimmĂ€isen ja toisen annoksen osalta. Kuolleisuus oli ensimmĂ€isten 63 pĂ€ivĂ€n aikana koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen alhaisempaa kaikkien rokotetuotteiden ja annosten kohdalla verrattuna aikaan ilman koronarokotusta. Kuolleisuus oli kunkin rokoteannoksen jĂ€lkeen alhaisinta ensimmĂ€isten 21 pĂ€ivĂ€n aikana verrattuna myöhĂ€isempiin aikaikkunoihin. Suurin uhkasuhde 0–20 pĂ€ivÀÀ minkĂ€ tahansa koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen oli 0,48 (LV; 0,41–0,55) ensimmĂ€isen Spikevax-annoksen jĂ€lkeen, eli tuona aikana rokotettujen kuolleisuus oli suurimmillaan noin puolet samankaltaisten rokottamattomien kuolleisuudesta. Suurin uhkasuhde 21–41 tai 42–62 pĂ€ivÀÀ minkĂ€ tahansa koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen oli 0,68 (LV; 0,60–0,76) ensimmĂ€isen Spikevax-annoksen jĂ€lkeen, eli tuona aikana rokotettujen kuolleisuus oli noin kolmasosan pienempi rokottamattomiin verrattuna. Alhaisempi kokonaiskuolleisuus 63 pĂ€ivĂ€n sisĂ€llĂ€ koronarokottamisesta johtuu todennĂ€köisesti suurelta osin muista syistĂ€ kuin koronarokotteen suojaavasta vaikutuksesta. Koronakuolemalta suojaava vaikutus ei ala vĂ€littömĂ€sti ensimmĂ€isen koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen, ja lisĂ€ksi koronakuolemat muodostavat vain pienen osan kokonaiskuolleisuudesta Suomessa. Mahdollinen selitys alhaisemmalle kokonaiskuolleisuudelle rokottamisen jĂ€lkeen voi olla se, ettĂ€ vĂ€littömĂ€ssĂ€ kuoleman vaarassa olevia henkilöitĂ€ ei rokoteta

    Kuolleisuus vÀlittömÀsti koronarokottamisen jÀlkeen : Koronarokotusten turvallisuus Suomessa

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    Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) asettama koronarokotusten turvallisuustyöryhmĂ€ aloitti tammikuussa 2021 seurantatutkimuksen, jossa tutkitaan, onko kokonaiskuolleisuus odotettua korkeampaa vĂ€littömĂ€sti koronarokottamisen jĂ€lkeen. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan koronarokotettujen kuolemia 63 pĂ€ivĂ€n sisĂ€llĂ€ rokottamisesta, kuolinsyystĂ€ ja haittaepĂ€ilyistĂ€ riippumatta. TutkimusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ on Suomen vĂ€estön kattava havainnoiva rekisteripohjainen tutkimus, jossa vĂ€estöÀ seurataan takautuvasti 1.10.2020 alkaen kuolemaan tai tutkimuksen pÀÀttymiseen 19.9.2022 saakka. Kuolleisuutta 0–20, 21–41 ja 42–62 pĂ€ivÀÀ koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen verrataan kuolleisuuteen rokottamattomana aikana rokotevalmisteittain ja annoksittain kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ Poisson-regressiomallia. Analyysissa vakioidaan ikĂ€, sukupuoli, taustasairaudet, hoitoisuus ja ajankohta. Kuolleisuuserot raportoidaan uhkasuhteina ja nĂ€iden 95 % luottamusvĂ€leinĂ€ (LV). Rokotevalmisteista ja annoksista mukana ovat Comirnaty ja Spikevax ensimmĂ€isen neljĂ€n annoksen osalta, sekĂ€ lisĂ€ksi Vaxzevria ensimmĂ€isen ja toisen annoksen osalta. Kuolleisuus oli ensimmĂ€isten 63 pĂ€ivĂ€n aikana koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen alhaisempaa kaikkien rokotetuotteiden ja annosten kohdalla verrattuna aikaan ilman koronarokotusta. Kuolleisuus oli kunkin rokoteannoksen jĂ€lkeen alhaisinta ensimmĂ€isten 21 pĂ€ivĂ€n aikana verrattuna myöhĂ€isempiin aikaikkunoihin. Suurin uhkasuhde 0–20 pĂ€ivÀÀ minkĂ€ tahansa koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen oli 0,48 (LV; 0,41–0,55) ensimmĂ€isen Spikevax-annoksen jĂ€lkeen, eli tuona aikana rokotettujen kuolleisuus oli suurimmillaan noin puolet samankaltaisten rokottamattomien kuolleisuudesta. Suurin uhkasuhde 21–41 tai 42–62 pĂ€ivÀÀ minkĂ€ tahansa koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen oli 0,68 (LV; 0,60–0,76) ensimmĂ€isen Spikevax-annoksen jĂ€lkeen, eli tuona aikana rokotettujen kuolleisuus oli noin kolmasosan pienempi rokottamattomiin verrattuna. Alhaisempi kokonaiskuolleisuus 63 pĂ€ivĂ€n sisĂ€llĂ€ koronarokottamisesta johtuu todennĂ€köisesti suurelta osin muista syistĂ€ kuin koronarokotteen suojaavasta vaikutuksesta. Koronakuolemalta suojaava vaikutus ei ala vĂ€littömĂ€sti ensimmĂ€isen koronarokotuksen jĂ€lkeen, ja lisĂ€ksi koronakuolemat muodostavat vain pienen osan kokonaiskuolleisuudesta Suomessa. Mahdollinen selitys alhaisemmalle kokonaiskuolleisuudelle rokottamisen jĂ€lkeen voi olla se, ettĂ€ vĂ€littömĂ€ssĂ€ kuoleman vaarassa olevia henkilöitĂ€ ei rokoteta

    Cardiorespiratory fitness and heart rate recovery predict sudden cardiac death independent of ejection fraction

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    Objective To evaluate whether cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and heart rate recovery (HRR) associate with the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) independently of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Methods The Finnish Cardiovascular Study is a prospective clinical study of patients referred to clinical exercise testing in 2001-2008 and follow-up until December 2013. Patients without pacemakers undergoing first maximal or submaximal exercise testing with cycle ergometer were included (n=3776). CRF in metabolic equivalents (METs) was estimated by achieving maximal work level. HRR was defined as the reduction in heart rate 1 min after maximal exertion. Adjudication of SCD was based on death certificates. LVEF was measured for clinical indications in 71.4% of the patients (n=2697). Results Population mean age was 55.7 years (SD 13.1; 61% men). 98 SCDs were recorded during a median follow-up of 9.1 years (6.9-10.7). Mean CRF and HRR were 7.7 (SD 2.9) METs and 25 (SD 12) beats/min/min. Both CRF and HRR were associated with the risk of SCD in the entire study population (HR(CRF)0.47 (0.37-0.59), p Conclusions CRF and HRR are significantly associated with the risk of SCD regardless of LVEF.Peer reviewe

    Characteristics of new particle formation events and cluster ions at K-puszta, Hungary

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    Atmospheric new particle formation events were analyzed based on particle size distributions measured with a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) and an Air Ion Spectrometer (AIS) during the BIOSOL (Formation mechanisms, marker compounds, and source apportionment for biogenic atmospheric aerosols) campaign on 22 May-29 June 2006 at the K-puszta measurement site in Hungary. The particle size distribution data were classified into different new particle event classes and growth and formation rates of the particles were calculated. New particle formation was observed on almost all days and the median diameter growth rates of nucleation mode particles increased with increasing particle size. The observed formation rate of 10 nm particles was typically somewhat larger than 1 cm(-3) s(-3) (median 1.2), and the growth rate for sub 3 nm particles was 1.7 nm h(-1) and for nucleation mode 6 nm h(-1). The ambient concentrations of gases or meteorological data were not able to explain the differences in the growth and formation rates or in the particle formation between the days. However, 0.3-1.8 nm cluster ion concentrations correlated negatively with wind speed

    The Duke treadmill score with bicycle ergometer : Exercise capacity is the most important predictor of cardiovascular mortality

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    BackgroundThe Duke treadmill score, a widely used treadmill testing tool, is a weighted index combining exercise time or capacity, maximum ST-segment deviation and exercise-induced angina. No previous studies have investigated whether the Duke treadmill score and its individual components based on bicycle exercise testing predict cardiovascular death.DesignTwo populations with a standard bicycle testing were used: 3936 patients referred for exercise testing (2371 men, age 56?±?13 years) from the Finnish Cardiovascular Study (FINCAVAS) and a population-based sample of 2683 men (age 53?±?5.1 years) from the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease study (KIHD).MethodsCox regression was applied for risk prediction with cardiovascular mortality as the primary endpoint.ResultsIn FINCAVAS, during a median 6.3-year (interquartile range (IQR) 4.5?8.2) follow-up period, 180 patients (4.6%) experienced cardiovascular mortality. In KIHD, 562 patients (21.0%) died from cardiovascular causes during the median follow-up of 24.1 (IQR 18.0?26.2) years. The Duke treadmill score was associated with cardiovascular mortality in both populations (FINCAVAS, adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 3.15 for highest vs. lowest Duke treadmill score tertile, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.83?5.42, P?Peer reviewe

    Case-control analysis of truncating mutations in DNA damage response genes connects TEX15 and FANCD2 with hereditary breast cancer susceptibility

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    Several known breast cancer susceptibility genes encode proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR) and are characterized by rare loss-of-function mutations. However, these explain less than half of the familial cases. To identify novel susceptibility factors, 39 rare truncating mutations, identified in 189 Northern Finnish hereditary breast cancer patients in parallel sequencing of 796 DDR genes, were studied for disease association. Mutation screening was performed for Northern Finnish breast cancer cases (n = 578-1565) and controls (n = 337-1228). Mutations showing potential cancer association were analyzed in additional Finnish cohorts.c.7253dupT in TEX15, encoding a DDR factor important in meiosis, associated with hereditary breast cancer (p = 0.018) and likely represents a Northern Finnish founder mutation. A deleterious c.2715 + 1G > A mutation in the Fanconi anemia gene, FANCD2, was over two times more common in the combined Finnish hereditary cohort compared to controls. A deletion (c.640_644del5) in RNF168, causative for recessive RIDDLE syndrome, had high prevalence in majority of the analyzed cohorts, but did not associate with breast cancer. In conclusion, truncating variants in TEX15 and FANCD2 are potential breast cancer risk factors, warranting further investigations in other populations. Furthermore, high frequency of RNF168 c.640_644del5 indicates the need for its testing in Finnish patients with RIDDLE syndrome symptoms.Peer reviewe

    3D morphometric analysis of calcified cartilage properties using micro-computed tomography

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    OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to establish methods for quantifying morphometric properties of calcified cartilage (CC) from micro-computed tomography (muCT). Furthermore, we evaluated the feasibility of these methods in investigating relationships between osteoarthritis (OA), tidemark surface morphology and open subchondral channels (OSCCs). METHOD: Samples (n = 15) used in this study were harvested from human lateral tibial plateau (n = 8). Conventional roughness and parameters assessing local 3-dimensional (3D) surface variations were used to quantify the surface morphology of the CC. Subchondral channel properties (percentage, density, size) were also calculated. As a reference, histological sections were evaluated using Histopathological osteoarthritis grading (OARSI) and thickness of CC and subchondral bone (SCB) was quantified. RESULTS: OARSI grade correlated with a decrease in local 3D variations of the tidemark surface (amount of different surface patterns (rs = -0.600, P = 0.018), entropy of patterns (EP) (rs = -0.648, P = 0.018), homogeneity index (HI) (rs = 0.555, P = 0.032)) and tidemark roughness (TMR) (rs = -0.579, P = 0.024). Amount of different patterns (ADP) and EP associated with channel area fraction (CAF) (rp = 0.876, P < 0.0001; rp = 0.665, P = 0.007, respectively) and channel density (CD) (rp = 0.680, P = 0.011; rp = 0.582, P = 0.023, respectively). TMR was associated with CAF (rp = 0.926, P < 0.0001) and average channel size (rp = 0.574, P = 0.025). CC topography differed statistically significantly in early OA vs healthy samples. CONCLUSION: We introduced a mu-CT image method to quantify 3D CC topography and perforations through CC. CC topography was associated with OARSI grade and OSCC properties; this suggests that the established methods can detect topographical changes in tidemark and CC perforations associated with OA

    The Finnish Cardiovascular Study (FINCAVAS): characterising patients with high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of the Finnish Cardiovascular Study (FINCAVAS) is to construct a risk profile – using genetic, haemodynamic and electrocardiographic (ECG) markers – of individuals at high risk of cardiovascular diseases, events and deaths. METHODS AND DESIGN: All patients scheduled for an exercise stress test at Tampere University Hospital and willing to participate have been and will be recruited between October 2001 and December 2007. The final number of participants is estimated to reach 5,000. Technically successful data on exercise tests using a bicycle ergometer have been collected of 2,212 patients (1,400 men and 812 women) by the end of 2004. In addition to repeated measurement of heart rate and blood pressure, digital high-resolution ECG at 500 Hz is recorded continuously during the entire exercise test, including the resting and recovery phases. About 20% of the patients are examined with coronary angiography. Genetic variations known or suspected to alter cardiovascular function or pathophysiology are analysed to elucidate the effects and interactions of these candidate genes, exercise and commonly used cardiovascular medications. DISCUSSION: FINCAVAS compiles an extensive set of data on patient history, genetic variation, cardiovascular parameters, ECG markers as well as follow-up data on clinical events, hospitalisations and deaths. The data enables the development of new diagnostic and prognostic tools as well as assessments of the importance of existing markers
