1,032 research outputs found

    Performance of Polyethylene Vapor Barrier Systems in Temperate Climates

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    The performance of nine different vapor barrier systems comprising polyethylene (PE) membranes were assessed. The vapor barrier systems comprised membranes of virgin PE, 100% new PE, regenerated PE and multilayered virgin and regenerated PE. Membranes were joined either with tape suited to the individual system or an adhesive base on butyl rubber. The vapor barrier systems were evaluated and compared using standard laboratory tests. Chemical analytical techniques and physicomechanical tests were used. Mechanical properties were assessed using laboratory tests recommended by the harmonized standard EN 1385. Chemical analyses followed standard laboratory protocols performed with specialized equipment and visual examination. Chemical and mechanical properties were determined before and after exposure to an aging regime comprising 168 days at 70 °C in total. The chemical stability of the plastic present in each membrane was further evaluated after an additional exposure to an aging regime comprising 50 days followed by another 30 days at 70 °C. Additional aging indicated chemical changes in the membrane material with time. However, it was not possible to distinguish between aging properties for membranes containing virgin PE, 100% new PE, regenerated PE or multilayered virgin and regenerated PE

    Capsaicin-sensitive cutaneous primary afferents convey electrically induced itch in humans

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    Specially designed transcutaneous electrical stimulation paradigms can be used to provoke experimental itch. However, it is unclear which primary afferent fibers are activated and whether they represent pathophysiologically relevant, C-fiber mediated itch. Since low-threshold mechano-receptors have recently been implicated in pruriception we aimed to characterize the peripheral primary afferent subpopulation conveying electrically evoked itch in humans (50 Hz stimulation, 100 μs square pulses, stimulus-response function to graded stimulus intensity). In 10 healthy male volunteers a placebo-controlled, 24-h 8% topical capsaicin-induced defunctionalization of capsaicin-sensitive (transient receptor potential V1-positive, ‘TRPV1’+) cutaneous fibers was performed. Histaminergic itch (1% solution introduced by a prick test lancet) was provoked as a positive control condition. Capsaicin pretreatment induced profound loss of warmth and heat pain sensitivity (pain threshold and supra-threshold ratings) as assessed by quantitative sensory testing, indicative of efficient TRPV1-fiber defunctionalization (all outcomes: P 0.0001). The topical capsaicin robustly, and with similar efficaciousness, inhibited itch intensity evoked by electrical stimulation and histamine (−89 ± 4.1% and −78 ± 4.9%, respectively, both: P 0.0001 compared to the placebo patch area). The predominant primary afferent substrate for electrically evoked itch in humans, using the presently applied stimulation paradigm, is concluded to be capsaicin-sensitive polymodal C-fibers.FSW - Self-regulation models for health behavior and psychopathology - ou

    A broad range quorum sensing inhibitor working through sRNA inhibition

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    Abstract For the last decade, chemical control of bacterial virulence has received considerable attention. Ajoene, a sulfur-rich molecule from garlic has been shown to reduce expression of key quorum sensing regulated virulence factors in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Here we show that the repressing effect of ajoene on quorum sensing occurs by inhibition of small regulatory RNAs (sRNA) in P. aeruginosa as well as in Staphylococcus aureus, another important human pathogen that employs quorum sensing to control virulence gene expression. Using various reporter constructs, we found that ajoene lowered expression of the sRNAs RsmY and RsmZ in P. aeruginosa and the small dual-function regulatory RNA, RNAIII in S. aureus, that controls expression of key virulence factors. We confirmed the modulation of RNAIII by RNA sequencing and found that the expression of many QS regulated genes encoding virulence factors such as hemolysins and proteases were lowered in the presence of ajoene in S. aureus. Importantly, our findings show that sRNAs across bacterial species potentially may qualify as targets of anti-virulence therapy and that ajoene could be a lead structure in search of broad-spectrum compounds transcending the Gram negative-positive borderline

    Distribution of Stromal Cell Subsets in Cultures from Distinct Ocular Surface Compartments

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    Purpose: To reveal the phenotypic differences between human ocular surface stromal cells (hOSSCs) cultured from the corneal, limbal, and scleral compartments. Methods: A comparative analysis of cultured hOSSCs derived from four unrelated donors was conducted by multichromatic flow cytometry for six distinct CD antigens, including the CD73, CD90, CD105, CD166, CD146, and CD34. Results: The hOSSCs, as well as the reference cells, displayed phenotypical profiles that were similar in high expression of the hallmark mesenchymal stem cell markers CD73, CD90, and CD105, and also the cancer stem cell marker CD166. Notably, there was considerable variation regarding the expression of CD34, where the highest levels were found in the corneal and scleral compartments. The multi-differentiation potential marker CD146 was also expressed highly variably, ranging from 9% to 89%, but the limbal stromal and endometrial mesenchymal stem cells significantly surpassed their counterparts within the ocular and reference groups, respectively. The use of six markers enabled investigation of 64 possible variants, however, just four variants accounted for almost 90% of all hOSSCs, with the co-expression of CD73, CD90, CD105, and CD166 and a combination of CD146 and CD34. The limbal compartment appeared unique in that it displayed greatest immunophenotype diversity and harbored the highest proportion of the CD146+CD34- pericyte-like forms, but, interestingly, the pericyte-like cells were also found in the avascular cornea. Conclusions: Our findings confirm that the hOSSCs exhibit an immunophenotype consistent with that of MSCs, further highlight the phenotypical heterogeneity in stroma from distinct ocular surface compartments, and finally underscore the uniqueness of the limbal region.&nbsp

    Complement activation capacity in plasma before and during high-dose prednisolone treatment and tapering in exacerbations of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

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    BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) are characterized by intestinal inflammation mainly caused by a disturbance in the balance between cytokines and increased complement (C) activation. Our aim was to evaluate possible associations between C activation capacity and prednisolone treatment. METHODS: Plasma from patients with exacerbations of UC (n = 18) or CD (n = 18) were collected before and during high dose prednisolone treatment (1 mg/kg body weight) and tapering. Friedman's two way analysis of variance, Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed-rank sum test were used RESULTS: Before treatment, plasma from CD patients showed significant elevations in all C-mediated analyses compared to the values obtained from 38 healthy controls (p < 0.02), and in mannan binding lectin (MBL)-concentration and MBL-C4-activation capacity (AC) values compared to UC patients (p < 0.02). Before treatment, plasma from UC patients showed significant elevations only in the classical pathway-mediated C3-AC compared to values obtained from healthy controls (p < 0.01). After treatment was initiated, significant reductions, which persisted during follow-up, were observed in the classical pathway-mediated C3-AC and MBL-C4-AC in plasma from CD patients (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that C activation capacity is up-regulated significantly in plasma from CD patients. The decreases observed after prednisolone treatment reflect a general down-regulation in immune activation

    Declining detection rates for APC and biallelic MUTYH variants in polyposis patients, implications for DNA testing policy

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    This study aimed to determine the prevalence of APC-associated familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) in a large cohort, taking into account factors as adenoma count and year of diagnosis. All application forms used to send patients in for APC and MUTYH variant analysis between 1992 and 2017 were collected (n = 2082). Using the data provided on the application form, the APC and biallelic MUTYH prevalence was determined and possible predictive factors were examined using multivariate multinomial logistic regression analysis in SPSS. The prevalence of disease causing variants in the APC gene significantly increases with adenoma count while MAP shows a peak prevalence in individuals with 50–99 adenomas. Logistic regression analysis shows significant odds ratios for adenoma count, age at diagnosis, and, interestingly, a decline in the chance of finding a variant in either gene over time. Moreover, in 22% (43/200) of patients with FAP-related extracolonic manifestations a variant was identified. The overall detection rates are above 10% for patients with >10 adenomas aged 20 adenomas aged T variant in the tumor or a first-degree relative with >10 adenomas. Therefore, APC and MUTYH testing in patients with >10 adenomas aged 20 adenomas aged <70 is advised. Almost all FAP and MAP patients not meeting these criteria showed other characteristics that can be used as an indication to prompt genetic testing