60 research outputs found

    Pan‐European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    To provide the most comprehensive picture of species phylogeny and phylogeography of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), we analyzed mtDNA control region (610 bp) of 1469 samples of roe deer from Central and Eastern Europe and included into the analyses additional 1541 mtDNA sequences from GenBank from other regions of the continent. We detected two mtDNA lineages of the species: European and Siberian (an introgression of C. pygargus mtDNA into C. capreolus). The Siberian lineage was most frequent in the eastern part of the continent and declined toward Central Europe. The European lineage contained three clades (Central, Eastern, and Western) composed of several haplogroups, many of which were separated in space. The Western clade appeared to have a discontinuous range from Portugal to Russia. Most of the haplogroups in the Central and the Eastern clades were under expansion during the Weichselian glacial period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the expansion time of the Western clade overlapped with the Eemian interglacial. The high genetic diversity of extant roe deer is the result of their survival during the LGM probably in a large, contiguous range spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Caucasus Mts and in two northern refugia.202


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    Data used for modelling the association between environmental variables and genetic variation measured as probability of each individual (n = 752) to be assigned to Cluster 1 (based on STRUCTURE with K = 2, please see Figure 3 and Table 3)

    Data from: Regional and local patterns of genetic variation and structure in yellow-necked mice − the roles of geographic distance, population abundance and winter severity

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    The goal of this study, conducted in seven large woodlands and three areas with small woodlots in north-eastern Poland in 2004-2008, was to infer genetic structure in yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis population and to evaluate the roles of environmental and population ecology variables in shaping the spatial pattern of genetic variation using 768 samples genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci. Genetic variation was very high in all studied regions. The primal genetic subdivision was observed between the northern and the southern parts of the study area, which harboured two major clusters and the intermediate area of highly admixed individuals. The probability of assignment of individual mice to the northern cluster increased significantly with lower temperatures of January and July and declined in regions with higher proportion of deciduous and mixed forests. Despite the detected structure, genetic differentiation among regions was very low. Fine-scale structure was shaped by the population density, whereas higher level structure was mainly shaped by geographic distance. Genetic similarity indices were highly influenced by mouse abundance (which positively correlated with the share of deciduous forests in the studied regions) and exhibited the greatest change between 0 and 1 km in the forests, 0 and 5 km in small woodlots. Isolation by distance pattern, calculated among regions, was highly significant but such relationship between genetic and geographic distance was much weaker, and held the linearity at very fine scale (~1.5 km), when analyses were conducted at individual level


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    Genotypes of 13 microsatellite markers for 768 samples

    Winter temperature correlates with mtDNA genetic structure of yellow-necked mouse population in NE Poland.

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    We analysed a fragment (247 bp) of cytochrome b of mitochondrial DNA sequenced using 353 samples of yellow-necked mice Apodemus flavicollis trapped in seven forests and along three woodlot transects in north-eastern Poland. Our aims were to identify the phylogeographic pattern and mtDNA structure of the population and to evaluate the role of environmental conditions in shaping the spatial pattern of mtDNA diversity. We found out that three European haplogroups occurred sympatrically in north-eastern Poland. Inferences based on mtDNA haplotype distribution and frequency defined five subpopulations. The mtDNA-based structure of mice significantly correlated with winter temperature: frequency of Haplogroup 1 was positively, and that of Haplogroup 3 negatively correlated to mean temperature of January in the year of trapping. Synthesis of the published pan-European data on the species phylogeography also showed that the possibly 'thermophilous' Haplogroup 1 has the westernmost occurrence, whereas the more 'cold-resistant' Haplogroup 3 occurs much further to north-east than the other haplogroups. The observed patter may be a byproduct of the tight coevolution with nuclear genes, as we have earlier found that - in mice population in NE Poland - the spatial pattern of nuclear DNA was best explained by January temperature. Alternatively, the observed association of mitochondrial genetic variation with temperature is possible to be adaptive as cytochrome b is involved in the process of ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation

    Ochrona uczestników badań klinicznych w Polsce

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    Data from: Weak population structure in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and evidence of introgressive hybridization with Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus) in northeastern Poland

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    We investigated contemporary and historical influences on the pattern of genetic diversity of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The study was conducted in northeastern Poland, a zone where vast areas of primeval forests are conserved and where the European roe deer was never driven to extinction. A total of 319 unique samples collected in three sampling areas were genotyped at 16 microsatellites and one fragment (610 bp) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Genetic diversity was high, and a low degree of genetic differentiation among sampling areas was observed with both microsatellites and mtDNA. No evidence of genetic differentiation between roe deer inhabiting open fields and forested areas was found, indicating that the ability of the species to exploit these contrasting environments might be the result of its phenotypic plasticity. Half of the studied individuals carried an mtDNA haplotype that did not belong to C. capreolus, but to a related species that does not occur naturally in the area, the Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus). No differentiation between individuals with Siberian and European mtDNA haplotypes was detected at microsatellite loci. Introgression of mtDNA of Siberian roe deer into the genome of European roe deer has recently been detected in eastern Europe. Such introgression might be caused by human-mediated translocations of Siberian roe deer within the range of European roe deer or by natural hybridization between these species in the past

    Pan-European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    To provide the most comprehensive picture of species phylogeny and phylogeography of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), we analyzed mtDNA control region (610 bp) of 1469 samples of roe deer from Central and Eastern Europe and included into the analyses additional 1541 mtDNA sequences from GenBank from other regions of the continent. We detected two mtDNA lineages of the species: European and Siberian (an introgression of C. pygargus mtDNA into C. capreolus). The Siberian lineage was most frequent in the eastern part of the continent and declined toward Central Europe. The European lineage contained three clades (Central, Eastern, and Western) composed of several haplogroups, many of which were separated in space. The Western clade appeared to have a discontinuous range from Portugal to Russia. Most of the haplogroups in the Central and the Eastern clades were under expansion during the Weichselian glacial period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the expansion time of the Western clade overlapped with the Eemian interglacial. The high genetic diversity of extant roe deer is the result of their survival during the LGM probably in a large, contiguous range spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Caucasus Mts and in two northern refugia