6 research outputs found

    Eigentum und Geschlecht

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    This book examines the financial circumstances of Jewish men and women in Vienna from the turn of the century to 1938, focusing on gender as a social category. The central issue is the extent to which the amount and, above all, the category of assets were structured according to gender. Furthermore, the gender specifics of financial withdrawals by the National Socialists and restitution and compensation payments after 1945 shall be examined. Three subject areas will be carefully covered for the period before 1938, in which structured relevance is accorded to the category of gender. These are economic activity, which includes gainful employment and entrepreneurial activity, inheritance practices, and marriage as an influential financial factor. The study is based on a sample of 788 individuals (337 women, 451 men), who were affected by National Socialist proprietary measures, i.e. looting policy, in 1938. The sample was drawn for a study by the Austrian Historical Commission. It includes the assets of these 788 people on April 27, 1938 as they were recorded in the so-called assets declaration with which all people defined as Jewish had to declare their property to the authorities. The sample, which has been entered into a database, includes further data on restitution and compensation. This paper will evaluate the data in terms of gender for the first time. Moreover, the financial situation of 78 of the 788 individuals (Sample II) and their familial environment, in particular their parents and siblings, are researched through further sources including inheritance files, wills, marriage contracts, and commercial and land registers. One of the objectives is to investigate the origin of the assets declared in 1938. Based on the selection of individuals, which was dependent upon the existence of a minimum asset level, there are no significant differences between the asset volume of men and women from the sample. Nevertheless, the study points out that the composition of the assets, which means the occurrence and scope of different categories of assets, was determined by gender specific factors. Inheritance practices and segregated access to asset acquisition, particularly in economic activity, are identified as reasons for this. Gender specifics in real estate and business as well as asset transfers between generations and married couples are elaborated upon in detail. Dowries not only influenced the financial situation of the wife or widow and her husband, but also presented essential financial resources for companies. The possibility of economic activity and thereby acquisition of assets is of particular importance; this possibility is primarily decided in the family, as is shown in the individual case histories. Although gender specific differences can hardly be verified in National Socialist asset withdrawal, they can be documented in the National Socialists' approach to mixed couples. The restitution results are influenced by several factors; among these are also the claimed asset categories. In a comparative evaluation of men and women, the restitution results reflect the success of the respective asset categories.Dieses Buch untersucht die Vermögensverhältnisse von Wiener Juden und Jüdinnen von der Jahrhundertwende bis 1938 mit dem Fokus auf Geschlecht als sozialer Kategorie. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, inwieweit die Höhe und vor allem die Art von Vermögen nach Geschlecht strukturiert waren. Weiters werden die Entziehung von Vermögen durch die Nationalsozialisten und die Restitutionen und Entschädigungszahlungen nach 1945 auf Geschlechterspezifika hin untersucht. Für die Zeit vor 1938 werden drei Themenbereiche besonders behandelt, in denen der Kategorie Geschlecht strukturierende Bedeutung zukommt, dazu gehören ökonomisches Handeln, worunter vor allem unternehmerische Tätigkeit verstanden wird, Vererbungspraktiken sowie die Ehe als Vermögen beeinflussender Faktor. Die Studie gründet sich auf ein Sample von 788 Personen (337 Frauen, 451 Männer), die 1938 von vermögensrechtlichen Maßnahmen der Nationalsozialisten, d.h. deren Raubpolitik betroffen waren. Das Sample war für eine Studie der Historikerkommission der Republik Österreich erstellt worden. Es beinhaltet Vermögenswerte dieser 788 Personen zum Stichtag 27. April 1938, wie sie in der so genannten Vermögensanmeldung, mit der alle als jüdisch definierten Personen, ihr Eigentum den Behörden deklarieren mussten, erfasst waren. Das in eine Datenbank eingespeiste Sample umfasst ferner Daten zu Restitution und Entschädigung. Diese Daten werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals geschlechtsspezifisch ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus werden mittels weiterer Quellen, darunter Verlassenschaftsakten, Testamente, Eheverträge, Handelsregister und Grundbücher, die Vermögenssituation von 78 der 788 Personen (Sample II) und ihrem familiären Umfeld, insbesondere ihrer Eltern und Geschwister erforscht. Ziel ist es unter anderem, die Herkunft des 1938 deklarierten Vermögens zu ergründen. Begründet durch die Auswahl der Untersuchungspersonen, die vom Vorhandensein eines gewissen Mindestvermögens abhängig war, lagen die Unterschiede zwischen den Männern und Frauen des Samples weniger in den Vermögensvolumina begründet, als vielmehr in der Zusammensetzung des Vermögens. Das heißt, das Vorkommen und der Umfang von verschiedenen Vermögensarten waren geschlechtsspezifisch determiniert. Als Ursachen dafür werden in der vorliegenden Studie Vererbungspraktiken und ein segregierter Zugang zum Vermögenserwerb, insbesondere im Bereich des ökonomischen Handelns, des Unternehmertums, identifiziert. Im Detail herausgearbeitet werden Geschlechterspezifika bei Grundbesitz und Unternehmen sowie Vermögenstransfers zwischen den Generationen sowie zwischen Eheleuten. Heiratsgüter beeinflussten nicht nur die Vermögenssituation der Ehefrau bzw. Witwe und des Ehemannes, sondern stellten auch essentielle Finanzierungsquellen für Unternehmen dar. Als besonders bedeutsam stellt sich die Möglichkeit zum ökonomischen Handeln und damit zum Vermögenserwerb heraus, diese Möglichkeit wird, wie die einzelnen Fallgeschichten zeigen, vorrangig in der Familie entschieden. Beim nationalsozialistischen Vermögensentzug war eine Unterscheidung nach Geschlecht kein vorrangiges Kriterium, so ein Ergebnis, jedoch können Geschlechtereffekte im Vorgehen der Nationalsozialisten gegenüber "Mischehepaaren" dokumentiert werden. Die Restitutionsergebnisse werden von mehreren Faktoren beeinflusst, darunter auch die beanspruchten Vermögenskategorien. Nach Männern und Frauen im Vergleich ausgewertet, spiegeln die Restitutionsergebnisse die Erfolgsquoten der jeweiligen Vermögenskategorien und indirekt die dahinter stehenden geschlechterspezifischen Vermögensstrukturen

    Eigentum und Geschlecht

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    This book examines the financial circumstances of Jewish men and women in Vienna from the turn of the century to 1938, focusing on gender as a social category. The central issue is the extent to which the amount and, above all, the category of assets were structured according to gender. Furthermore, the gender specifics of financial withdrawals by the National Socialists and restitution and compensation payments after 1945 shall be examined. Three subject areas will be carefully covered for the period before 1938, in which structured relevance is accorded to the category of gender. These are economic activity, which includes gainful employment and entrepreneurial activity, inheritance practices, and marriage as an influential financial factor. The study is based on a sample of 788 individuals (337 women, 451 men), who were affected by National Socialist proprietary measures, i.e. looting policy, in 1938. The sample was drawn for a study by the Austrian Historical Commission. It includes the assets of these 788 people on April 27, 1938 as they were recorded in the so-called assets declaration with which all people defined as Jewish had to declare their property to the authorities. The sample, which has been entered into a database, includes further data on restitution and compensation. This paper will evaluate the data in terms of gender for the first time. Moreover, the financial situation of 78 of the 788 individuals (Sample II) and their familial environment, in particular their parents and siblings, are researched through further sources including inheritance files, wills, marriage contracts, and commercial and land registers. One of the objectives is to investigate the origin of the assets declared in 1938. Based on the selection of individuals, which was dependent upon the existence of a minimum asset level, there are no significant differences between the asset volume of men and women from the sample. Nevertheless, the study points out that the composition of the assets, which means the occurrence and scope of different categories of assets, was determined by gender specific factors. Inheritance practices and segregated access to asset acquisition, particularly in economic activity, are identified as reasons for this. Gender specifics in real estate and business as well as asset transfers between generations and married couples are elaborated upon in detail. Dowries not only influenced the financial situation of the wife or widow and her husband, but also presented essential financial resources for companies. The possibility of economic activity and thereby acquisition of assets is of particular importance; this possibility is primarily decided in the family, as is shown in the individual case histories. Although gender specific differences can hardly be verified in National Socialist asset withdrawal, they can be documented in the National Socialists' approach to mixed couples. The restitution results are influenced by several factors; among these are also the claimed asset categories. In a comparative evaluation of men and women, the restitution results reflect the success of the respective asset categories

    Neues aus Wissenschaft und Lehre Jahrbuch der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 2008/2009

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    Chernobyl Accident : Assessing the Data

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    Most common breast cancer susceptibility variants have been identified through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of predominantly estrogen receptor (ER)-positive disease. We conducted a GWAS using 21,468 ER-negative cases and 100,594 controls combined with 18,908 BRCA1 mutation carriers (9,414 with breast cancer), all of European origin. We identified independent associations at P < 5 × 10(-8) with ten variants at nine new loci. At P < 0.05, we replicated associations with 10 of 11 variants previously reported in ER-negative disease or BRCA1 mutation carrier GWAS and observed consistent associations with ER-negative disease for 105 susceptibility variants identified by other studies. These 125 variants explain approximately 16% of the familial risk of this breast cancer subtype. There was high genetic correlation (0.72) between risk of ER-negative breast cancer and breast cancer risk for BRCA1 mutation carriers. These findings may lead to improved risk prediction and inform further fine-mapping and functional work to better understand the biological basis of ER-negative breast cancer