211 research outputs found

    P02-187 Assessing initial patient's affective disposition towards the hospitalization and the treatment: A validation study

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    The present work shows some preliminary results of a longitudinal study aimed at validating a psychometric instrument - the Subjective Distance Scale (SDS) - developed to assess the patient's affective nearness/remoteness towards/from the psychiatric treatment in a Day Hospital program. 55 day hospital patients were assessed at different moments of the treatment: At admission they were evaluated by means of the SDS, the SCL-90-R (patient's psychiatric symptoms) and the GAS (patient's mental health level). Institutional therapeutic alliance was assessed one week from admission (IWAI-p) and finally, patient's psychiatric symptoms were retested (SCL-90-R) at the end of the treatment and 3 months from discharge. The main results reveal good psychometric properties of the SDS: its factorial structure partially confirms the dimensions theoretically hypothesised; its internal consistency - total and most of its subscales - reach adequate reliability levels; and related to its predicted validity, the scale correlates with some important aspects of the treatment, like the quality of the early institutional alliance, the symptomatic improvement and the stability of the improvements in time. New studies with larger samples and conducted in additional psychiatric settings are necessary to guarantee the validity and reliability of the scale before it could be used as a clinical screening instrument

    Resolution enhancement in nonlinear scanning microscopy through post-detection digital computation

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    In the last decade, the resolution of optical microscopy has been doubled thanks to linear structured illumination. The resolution has been further improved by combining structured illumination with nonlinear photoresponse. Recently, structured illumination has been combined with point-scanning microscopy. In this paper, we investigate whether, as in wide field acquisition, significant resolution enhancement can be obtained by harnessing the nonlinear response of the sample when point-scanning structured illumination is employed. We compare point scanning with wide field structured illumination microscopy in terms of signal-to-noise ratio. We conclude that superresolution using saturated point-scanning structured illumination is severely restricted to the first nonlinear orders. We identify possibilities for how different beam shapes or nonlinear phenomena might be envisaged for future implementations

    Prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies in cows in the municipalities of Nova Guarita and Nova Santa Helena, Mato Grosso State, Brazil.

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    EN-US: Frequently, leptospirosis is related to reproductive problems in livestock, such as abortion, increased embryonic mortality and stillbirths. Unfortunately, there are few reports addressing the prevalence of the disease in cattle in the North of Mato Grosso State (MT), Brazil. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies in cattle in the municipalities of Nova Guarita and Nova Santa Helena, MT. Nine hundred and eighty blood samples were taken from cows aged ≥24 months from 49 farms slaughtered in Sinop, MT. Microscopic Agglutination Test was used for the detection of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies. The animal prevalence was 17.9% (95% CI = 15.6-20.5%). The prevalence observed in the municipalities Nova Guarita and Nova Santa Helena was 13.4% (95% CI = 12.8-14.1%) and 23.2% (95% CI = 22.0-24.3%), respectively. The herd prevalence was 83.6% (95% CI = 79.4-87.8%). The most frequent serovar was Wolffi (47.7%), followed by Hardjo (16.1%), Hardjo - Bolivia sample (11.0%), Australis (7.4%), Grippotyphosa (4.6%), Pomona (3.4%), Batavie (3.4%), Autumnalis (1.7%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (1.7%), Hebdomadis (1.1%), Hardjo-bovis (1.1%), and Castellonis (0.5%). Infection by Leptospira spp. is endemic in both municipalities, reinforcing the need for new epidemiological studies to subsidize the control of the disease in Mato Grosso. | PT-BR: A leptospirose está frequentemente relacionada a problemas reprodutivos em rebanhos bovinos, como abortamentos, aumento da mortalidade embrionária e nascimento de bezerros fracos. Infelizmente, existem poucos estudos envolvendo a prevalência da enfermidade em bovinos na região norte do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a presença de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. em rebanhos bovinos dos municípios de Nova Guarita e Nova Santa Helena, Mato Grosso. No total, 980 amostras de sangue foram coletadas de fêmeas bovinas oriundas de 49 propriedades, todas com idade ≥ 24 a meses abatidas em abatedouro frigorifico localizado no município de Sinop, MT. O teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica foi utilizado para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. A prevalência animal foi de 17,9 % (95% IC = 15,6?20,5%). A prevalência observada entre os municípios de Nova Guarita e Nova Santa Helena foi de 13,4% (95% IC = 12,8?14,1%) e 23,2% (95% IC = 22,0?24,3%), respectivamente. A prevalência de propriedades foco foi de 83,6% (95% IC = 79,4?87,8%). A sorovariedade mais frequente foi a Wolffi (47,7%), seguido pelas sorovariedades Hardjo (16,1%); Hardjo amostra Bolívia (11,0%); Australis (7,4%); Grippotyphosa (4,6%); Pomona (3,4%); Batavie (3,4%); Autumnalis (1,7%); Icterohaemorrhagiae (1,7%); Hebdomadis (1,1%); Hardjobovis (1,1%) e Castellonis (0,5%). Concluiu-se que a infecção por Leptospira spp. é endêmica nos dois os municípios, reiterando a necessidade de novos estudos epidemiológicos para subsidiar o controle da doença em Mato Grosso

    Algumas características das cultivares de soja Embrapa 48 e BR 16 em diferentes regimes hídricos.

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    O objetivo foi avaliar a influência do estresse hídrico sobre as cultivares de soja convencionais BR 16 e Embrapa 48, consideradas sensível e tolerante ao estresse hídrico, respectivamente, em resposta a quatro disponibilidades hídricas no camp

    Data on network of live cattle exports from Brazil

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    This report describes the network of live cattle exports from Brazil using Microsoft Office Excel® files, Terraview®, Maporama®, Pajek® and Google Maps® softwares. The database contains estimates obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and underwent descriptive, spatial and flow network. The network of live cattle exports from Brazil was determined using data from 27,517 Animal Transit Certificates (ATC) and 579 Veterinary Certificate for International Trade. International departure points, municipalities and states of origin, destination countries, purpose of export and compliance with sanitary requirements for exports, cattle movement and the main transportation corridors were showed through flow network. The states that exported live cattle were Pará, Rio Grande do Sul, Tocantins, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Maranhão. Vila do Conde Port, located in Barcarena municipality in the state of Pará, was the main international departure point of animals, which were intended mostly for immediate slaughter in the importing country. The internal cattle transportation corridors of the main counties and farms that provide animals for exports in 2009 were mapped

    Synthesis of 7-Chloroquinoline Derivatives Using Mixed Lithium-Magnesium Reagents

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    We have prepared a library of functionalized quinolines through the magnesiation of 7-chloroquinolines under mild conditions, employing both batch and continuous flow conditions. The preparation involved the generation of mixed lithium-magnesium intermediates, which were reacted with different electrophiles. Mixed lithium-zinc reagents allowed the synthesis of halogenated and arylated derivatives. Some of the synthesized 4-carbinol quinolines have shown interesting antiproliferative properties, their hydroxyl group being a suitable amino group bioisostere. We also report a two-step approach for optically active derivatives

    Serological and molecular detection of Theileria equi in horses from Sinop, Mato Grosso state, Brazil.

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    Abstract: Equine piroplasmosis is the most important tick-borne disease to affect horses in Brazil. Theileria equi is one of the causative agents of equine piroplasmosis. Chronic cases are expected, in which the animals show no apparent signs of infection and remain asymptomatic but constitute a source of the infectious agent that ticks can spread. This study was conducted across 81 ranches located in the municipality of Sinop, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. A sample calculation was performed to estimate the apparent prevalence of T. equi among horses. A total of 1,853 animals were included in the sampling analysis based on the information available from the Institute of Agricultural and Livestock Defense of Mato Grosso State. The serological analysis of 367 serum samples using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect anti-T. equi antibodies revealed that 337 animals were positive, representing a frequency of 90.70%. The molecular analysis to amplify the EMA-1 gene showed positivity in 20 of 89 tested samples. The fragments of four samples were sequenced and analyzed to determine their similarities to sequences from other species, based on sequences deposited at GenBank. All showed 100% similarity with T. equi. Our study represents the first report of T. equi antibodies among the equids in north-central region of Mato Grosso, revealing the widespread distribution of seropositive animals. | Resumo: A piroplasmose equina é a doença transmitida por carrapatos mais importante em cavalos no Brasil. Theileria equi é um dos agentes causadores da piroplasmose equina. São esperados casos crônicos, nos quais os animais não apresentam sinais aparentes de infecção e permanecem assintomáticos, mas constituem uma fonte de infecção e disseminação por carrapatos. Este estudo foi realizado em 81 fazendas localizadas no município de Sinop, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Um cálculo amostral foi realizado para estimar a prevalência aparente de T. equi entre cavalos. No total, 1.853 animais foram incluídos na análise amostral com base nas informações disponíveis no Instituto de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado de Mato Grosso. A análise sorológica de 367 amostras de soro por meio de ensaio imunoenzimático indireto (ELISA) para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. equi revelou que 337 animais eram positivos, representando uma frequência de 90,70%. A análise molecular para o gene EMA-1 mostrou positividade em 20 das 89 amostras testadas. Os fragmentos de quatro amostras foram sequenciados e analisados para determinar suas semelhanças com sequências de outras espécies, a partir das sequências depositadas no GenBank. Todos mostraram 100% de similaridade com T. equi. Nosso estudo representa o primeiro relato de anticorpos contra T. equi entre os equídeos na região centro norte de Mato Grosso, revelando a ampla distribuição de animais soropositivos.Título em português: Detecção sorológica e molecular de Theileria equi em equinos oriundos de Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brasil

    Establishing glycaemic control with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: experience of the PedPump Study in 17 countries

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To assess the use of paediatric continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSII) under real-life conditions by analysing data recorded for up to 90 days and relating them to outcome. METHODS: Pump programming data from patients aged 0-18 years treated with CSII in 30 centres from 16 European countries and Israel were recorded during routine clinical visits. HbA(1c) was measured centrally. RESULTS: A total of 1,041 patients (age: 11.8 +/- 4.2 years; diabetes duration: 6.0 +/- 3.6 years; average CSII duration: 2.0 +/- 1.3 years; HbA(1c): 8.0 +/- 1.3% [means +/- SD]) participated. Glycaemic control was better in preschool (n = 142; 7.5 +/- 0.9%) and pre-adolescent (6-11 years, n = 321; 7.7 +/- 1.0%) children than in adolescent patients (12-18 years, n = 578; 8.3 +/- 1.4%). There was a significant negative correlation between HbA(1c) and daily bolus number, but not between HbA(1c) and total daily insulin dose. The use of 7.5%. The incidence of severe hypoglycaemia and ketoacidosis was 6.63 and 6.26 events per 100 patient-years, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: This large paediatric survey of CSII shows that glycaemic targets can be frequently achieved, particularly in young children, and the incidence of acute complications is low. Adequate substitution of basal and prandial insulin is associated with a better HbA(1c)

    Acute effect of aerobic exercise in different intensities in mucociliary clearance of patients with COPD

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    Design of the Study: Clinical Trial. Objective (s): To analyze the acute effect of aerobic exercise at different intensities in mucociliary clearance in patients with COPD, and to investigate possible associations of the autonomic nervous system in this response. Methods: 22 COPD patients underwent an initial evaluation for collecting personal data and spirometry to assess lung function. It was performed a progressive treadmill test for aerobic exercise prescription. Finally two randomized sessions of aerobic exercise with intensity of 60 % and 90 % of peak speed reached during the incremental test ( vVO2peack ) were performed with at least 24 hours of rest between them. The mucociliary clerance was assessed before and after the exercise sessions by testing the saccharin transit time (STT). Assessment of autonomic modulation was performed by heart rate variability (HRV) which continued throughout the protocol. Results: The values obtained in the STT test after aerobic exercise at 60 % of vVO2peack (9,08 minutes ± 4,96 ) was lower when compared to the STT before exercise ( 11,96 ± 6,31, p = 0,005 ) . That response also occurred after aerobic exercise at 90% of vVO2peack ( 8,90 ± 4,21 min ) compared to baseline ( 12,94 ± 7,22 , p = 0,023 ). Correlation analysis between the final values of STT test and HRV indexes did not show significant differences. Conclusions: Patients with COPD showed acceleration of mucociliary clerance right after a session of aerobic exercise. It was not possible to observe the association of autonomic modulation in this responseModelo do Estudo: Experimental. Objetivo(s) do estudo: Analisar o efeito agudo do exercício aeróbio em diferentes intensidades no transporte mucociliar de pacientes com DPOC, bem como investigar possíveis associações do sistema nervoso autônomo nesta resposta. Metodologia: Foram analisados 22 pacientes com DPOC que realizaram avaliação inicial para coleta de dados pessoais e espirometria a fim de avaliar a função pulmonar. Realizou-se um teste progressivo em esteira ergométrica para prescrição do exercício aeróbio. Por fim foram realizadas duas sessões de exercício aeróbio randomizadas em esteira ergométrica com intensidade de 60% e 90% do pico da velocidade atingida no teste incremental (vVO2pico) com pelo menos 24 horas de descanso entre elas. O transporte mucociliar foi avaliado antes e após realização do exercício por meio do teste do tempo de trânsito da sacarina (TTS). A avaliação da modulação autonômica foi realizada por meio da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) a qual prosseguiu durante todo o protocolo. Resultados: Os valores obtidos no teste de TTS dos pacientes com DPOC após exercício aeróbio a 60% da vVO2pico (9,08 ± 4,96 minutos) foi menor comparado ao TTS antes do exercício (11,96 ± 6,31; p = 0,005). O que também ocorreu após exercício aeróbio a 90% da vVO2pico (8,90 ± 4,21 minutos) quando comparado ao momento basal (12,94 ± 7,22; p = 0,023). As análises de correlação entre os valores finais de TTS e índices da VFC não apontaram diferenças significativas. Conclusões: Pacientes com DPOC apresentaram aceleração da transportabilidade mucociliar frente a uma sessão de exercício aeróbio. Não foi possível observar associação da modulação autonômica nesta resposta após o exercíci