65 research outputs found

    Aharonov-Bohm Effect with δ\delta--type Interaction

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    A quantum particle interacting with a thin solenoid and a magnetic flux is described by a five-parameter family of Hamilton operators, obtained via the method of self-adjoint extensions. One of the parameters, the value of the flux, corresponds to the Aharonov-Bohm effect; the other four parameters correspond to the strength of a singular potential barrier. The spectrum and eigenstates are computed and the scattering problem is solved.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    Robust induction of DARPP32-expressing GABAergic striatal neurons from human pluripotent stem cells

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    Efficient generation of disease relevant neuronal subtypes from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is fundamental for realizing their promise in disease modeling, pharmaceutical drug screening and cell therapy. Here we describe a step-by-step protocol for directing the differentiation of human embryonic and induced PSCs (hESCs and hiPSCs, respectively) toward medium spiny neurons, the type of cells that are preferentially lost in Huntington’s disease patients. This method is based on a novel concept of Activin A-dependent induction of the lateral ganglionic/striatal fate using a simple monolayer culture paradigm under chemically defined conditions. Transplantable medium spiny neuron progenitors amenable for cryopreservation are produced in less than 20 days, which differentiate and mature into a high yield of dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, Mr 32 kDa (DARPP32) expressing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic neurons in vitro and in the adult rat brain after transplantation. This method has been validated in multiple hESC and hiPSC lines, and is independent of the regime for PSC maintenance

    Hadron Energy Reconstruction for the ATLAS Calorimetry in the Framework of the Non-parametrical Method

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    This paper discusses hadron energy reconstruction for the ATLAS barrel prototype combined calorimeter (consisting of a lead-liquid argon electromagnetic part and an iron-scintillator hadronic part) in the framework of the non-parametrical method. The non-parametrical method utilizes only the known e/he/h ratios and the electron calibration constants and does not require the determination of any parameters by a minimization technique. Thus, this technique lends itself to an easy use in a first level trigger. The reconstructed mean values of the hadron energies are within ±1\pm 1% of the true values and the fractional energy resolution is [(58±3)/E+(2.5±0.3)[(58\pm3)% /\sqrt{E}+(2.5\pm0.3)%]\oplus (1.7\pm0.2)/E. The value of the e/he/h ratio obtained for the electromagnetic compartment of the combined calorimeter is 1.74±0.041.74\pm0.04 and agrees with the prediction that e/h>1.7e/h > 1.7 for this electromagnetic calorimeter. Results of a study of the longitudinal hadronic shower development are also presented. The data have been taken in the H8 beam line of the CERN SPS using pions of energies from 10 to 300 GeV.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, Will be published in NIM

    Construction and test of a fine-grained liquid argon preshower prototype

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    A separate liquid argon preshower detector consisting of two layers featuring a fine granularity of 2.5~103^{\mathrm{-3}} was studied by the RD3 collaboration. A prototype covering approximately 0.8 in pseudo-rapidity and 9 degrees in azimuth was built and tested at CERN in July 94. CMOS and GaAs VLSI preamplifiers were designed and tested for this occasion. The combined response of this detector and an accordion electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to muons, electrons and photons is presented. For minimum ionizing tracks a signal-to-noise ratio of 4.5 per preshower layer was measured. Above 150~GeV the space resolution for electrons is better than 250~μ\mum in both directions. The precision on the electromagnetic shower direction, determined together with the calorimeter, is better than 4 mrad above 50~GeV. It is concluded that the preshower detector would adequately fulfil its role for future operation at CERN Large Hadron Collider

    Test beam results of a stereo preshower integrated in the liquid argon accordion calorimeter

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    This paper describes the construction of an integrated preshower within the RD3 liquid argon accordion calorimeter. It has a stereo view which enables the measurement of two transverse coordinates. The prototype was tested at CERN with electrons, photons and muons to validate its capability to work at LHC ( Energy resolution, impact point resolution, angular resolution, πo\pi^o/γ\gamma rejection )

    Construction and test of a fine-grained liquid argon preshower prototype

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    A separate liquid argon preshower detector consisting of two layers featuring a fine granularity of 2.5~103^{\mathrm{-3}} was studied by the RD3 collaboration. A prototype covering approximately 0.8 in pseudo-rapidity and 9 degrees in azimuth was built and tested at CERN in July 94. CMOS and GaAs VLSI preamplifiers were designed and tested for this occasion. The combined response of this detector and an accordion electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to muons, electrons and photons is presented. For minimum ionizing tracks a signal-to-noise ratio of 4.5 per preshower layer was measured. Above 150~GeV the space resolution for electrons is better than 250~μ\mum in both directions. The precision on the electromagnetic shower direction, determined together with the calorimeter, is better than 4 mrad above 50~GeV. It is concluded that the preshower detector would adequately fulfil its role for future operation at CERN Large Hadron Collider

    Test beam results of a stereo preshower integrated in the liquid argon accordion calorimeter

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    This paper describes the construction of an integrated preshower within the RD3 liquid argon accordion calorimeter. It has a stereo view which enables the measurement of two transverse coordinates. The prototype was tested at CERN with electrons, photons and muons to validate its capability to work at LHC (Energy resolution, impact point resolution, angular resolution, π o γ rejection). (Elsevier

    Results from a combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter

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    The first combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon accordion calorimeter and a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter was carried out at the CERN SPS. These devices are prototypes of the barrel calorimeter of the future ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The energy resolution of pions in the energy range from 20 to 300~GeV at an incident angle θ\theta of about 11^\circ is well-described by the expression \sigma/E = ((46.5 \pm 6.0)\%/\sqrt{E} +(1.2 \pm 0.3)\%) \oplus (3.2 \pm 0.4)~\mbox{GeV}/E. Shower profiles, shower leakage, and the angular resolution of hadronic showers were also studied