1,923 research outputs found

    Optimal control of single-server fluid networks

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    We consider a stochastic single server fluid network with both a discounted reward and a cost structure. It can be shown that the optimal policy is a priority index policy. The indices coincide with the optimal indices in a Semi-Markovian Klimov problem. Several special cases like single server re-entrant fluid lines are considered. The approach we use is based on sample path arguments and Pontryagins maximum principle

    Dependence properties of dynamic credit risk models

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    We give a unified mathematical framework for reduced-form models for portfolio credit risk and identify properties which lead to positive dependence of default times. Dependence in the default hazard rates is modeled by common macroeconomic factors as well as by inter-obligor links. It is shown that popular models produce positive dependence between defaults in terms of association. Implications of these results are discussed, in particular when we turn to pricing of credit derivatives. In mathematical terms our paper contains results about association of a class of non-Markovian processes

    Clinical identification of feeding and swallowing disorders in 0-6 month old infants with Down syndrome

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    Feeding and swallowing disorders have been described in children with a variety of neurodevelopmental disabilities, including Down syndrome (DS). Abnormal feeding and swallowing can be associated with serious sequelae such as failure to thrive and respiratory complications, including aspiration pneumonia. Incidence of dysphagia in young infants with DS has not previously been reported. To assess the identification and incidence of feeding and swallowing problems in young infants with DS, a retrospective chart review of 174 infants, ages 0-6 months was conducted at a single specialty clinic. Fifty-seven percent (100/174) of infants had clinical concerns for feeding and swallowing disorders that warranted referral for Videofluroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS); 96/174 (55%) had some degree of oral and/or pharyngeal phase dysphagia and 69/174 (39%) had dysphagia severe enough to warrant recommendation for alteration of breast milk/formula consistency or nonoral feeds. Infants with certain comorbidities had significant risk for significant dysphagia, including those with functional airway/respiratory abnormalities (OR = 7.2). Infants with desaturation with feeds were at dramatically increased risk (OR = 15.8). All young infants with DS should be screened clinically for feeding and swallowing concerns. If concerns are identified, consideration should be given to further evaluation with VFSS for identification of dysphagia and additional feeding modifications

    Understanding space, place and leisure of women over 85 living in the community

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    There is an increase in the number of older adults 85 and over, who are choosing to live alone within the community. Moreover, older adults who live alone are reportedly spending an extensive amount of time alone within the home environment. In an effort to provide additional support and resources to older adults living in the community, a compliment of services are being offered through public and private organizations. These in-home supports focus on the instrumental or functional tasks of daily living, such as personal and rehabilitative care, nourishment, maintenance and upkeep of the home, as well as volunteer social visitation. However leisure resources and programs are not included among these services. Consequently, this creates a gap in leisure provision among this segment of the population. Throughout the life course, an individual's identity, role and purpose are developed and sustained through instrumental work roles in the formal and informal sector, as well as through personally meaningful leisure pastimes and experiences. Although roles shift post retirement, participation in instrumental and expressive activities can provide opportunities through which older adults are able to fulfill their need for agency (individuality and autonomy) and affiliation (social relatedness). Therefore barriers that inhibit instrumental or leisure experiences can negatively impact older adults' quality of life. This study explored the leisure lifestyles of four older adults, all of whom were over 85, lived alone within the community and were oriented to person, time and place. It became apparent that participants ordered their lives around a routine that consisted of instrumental, expressive and socially integrated tasks and activities. Moreover participants purposely chose to remain at home because their home environment facilitated freedom, choice and independence. As a result all four participants viewed their independence within the home as a critical determinant to their overall quality of life. Challenges associated with the home environment, participants' personal capacities and relationships were negotiated on a daily basis. Failure to positively adapt to these challenges inhibited meaningful engagement and personal fulfillment. Traditionally, leisure service delivery has been offered within institutions and through various community based venues. As a result leisure provision has been focused on the needs of the frail elderly who reside in institutions or the well elderly who are able to access leisure amenities within the community. However the growing number of older adults electing to live alone is on the rise. As individuals age the home becomes the preferred context for leisure experiences. If older adults are choosing to live alone, then both their instrumental and leisure needs must be addressed. As a result, it is imperative that leisure professionals extend the scope of service delivery to include home centered older adults

    The Evolution of Gamma-ray Burst Jet Opening Angle through Cosmic Time

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    Jet opening angles of long gamma-ray bursts (lGRBs) appear to evolve in cosmic time, with lGRBs at higher redshifts being on average more narrowly beamed than those at lower redshifts. We examine the nature of this anti-correlation in the context of collimation by the progenitor stellar envelope. First, we show that the data indicate a strong correlation between gamma-ray luminosity and jet opening angle, and suggest this is a natural selection effect - only the most luminous GRBs are able to successfully launch jets with large opening angles. Then, by considering progenitor properties expected to evolve through cosmic time, we show that denser stars lead to more collimated jets; we argue that the apparent anti-correlation between opening angle and redshift can be accounted for if lGRB massive star progenitors at high redshifts have higher average density compared to those at lower redshifts. This may be viable for an evolving IMF - under the assumption that average density scales directly with mass, this relationship is consistent with the form of the IMF mass evolution suggested in the literature. The jet angle-redshift anti-correlation may also be explained if the lGRB progenitor population is dominated by massive stars at high redshift, while lower redshift lGRBs allow for a greater diversity of progenitor systems (that may fail to collimate the jet as acutely). Overall, however, we find both the jet angle-redshift anti-correlation and jet angle-luminosity correlation are consistent with the conditions of jet launch through, and collimation by, the envelope of a massive star progenitor

    The Extension of the German CERAD Neuropsychological Assessment Battery with Tests Assessing Subcortical, Executive and Frontal Functions Improves Accuracy in Dementia Diagnosis

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Neuropsychological assessment of individuals with AD primarily focuses on tests of cortical functioning. However, in clinical practice, the underlying pathologies of dementia are unknown, and a focus on cortical functioning may neglect other domains of cognition, including subcortical and executive functioning. The current study aimed to improve the diagnostic discrimination ability of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease - Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (CERAD-NAB) by adding three tests of executive functioning and mental speed (Trail Making Tests A and B, S-Words).; Logistic regression analyses of 594 normal controls (NC), 326 patients with mild AD and 224 patients with other types of dementia (OD) were carried out, and the area under the curve values were compared to those of CERAD-NAB alone.; All comparisons except AD-OD (65.5%) showed excellent classification rates (NC-AD: 92.7%; NC-OD: 89.0%; NC-all patients: 91.0%) and a superior diagnostic accuracy of the extended version.; Our findings suggest that these three tests provide a sensible addition to the CERAD-NAB and can improve neuropsychological diagnosis of dementia

    Widespread occurrence of an intranuclear bacterial parasite in vent and seep bathymodiolin mussels

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    Many parasitic bacteria live in the cytoplasm of multicellular animals, but only a few are known to regularly invade their nuclei. In this study, we describe the novel bacterial parasite "Candidatus Endonucleobacter bathymodioli" that invades the nuclei of deep-sea bathymodiolin mussels from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Bathymodiolin mussels are well known for their symbiotic associations with sulfur- and methane-oxidizing bacteria. In contrast, the parasitic bacteria of vent and seep animals have received little attention despite their potential importance for deep-sea ecosystems. We first discovered the intranuclear parasite "Ca. E. bathymodioli" in Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis from the Logatchev hydrothermal vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Using primers and probes specific to "Ca. E. bathymodioli" we found this intranuclear parasite in at least six other bathymodiolin species from vents and seeps around the world. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and transmission electron microscopy analyses of the developmental cycle of "Ca. E. bathymodioli" showed that the infection of a nucleus begins with a single rod-shaped bacterium which grows to an unseptated filament of up to 20 ÎĽm length and then divides repeatedly until the nucleus is filled with up to 80 000 bacteria. The greatly swollen nucleus destroys its host cell and the bacteria are released after the nuclear membrane bursts. Intriguingly, the only nuclei that were never infected by "Ca. E. bathymodioli" were those of the gill bacteriocytes. These cells contain the symbiotic sulfur- and methane-oxidizing bacteria, suggesting that the mussel symbionts can protect their host nuclei against the parasite. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the "Ca. E. bathymodioli" belongs to a monophyletic clade of Gammaproteobacteria associated with marine metazoans as diverse as sponges, corals, bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms, ascidians and fish. We hypothesize that many of the sequences from this clade originated from intranuclear bacteria, and that these are widespread in marine invertebrates

    Gardnerella vaginalis promotes group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization, enabling ascending uteroplacental infection in pregnant mice

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    BACKGROUND: Group B Streptococcus is a common vaginal bacterium and the leading cause of invasive fetoplacental infections. Group B Streptococcus in the vagina can invade through the cervix to cause ascending uteroplacental infections or can be transmitted to the neonate during vaginal delivery. Some studies have found that women with a dysbiotic polymicrobial or Lactobacillus-depleted vaginal microbiota are more likely to harbor group B Streptococcus. Gardnerella vaginalis is often the most abundant bacteria in the vaginas of women with dysbiosis, while being detected at lower levels in most other women, and has been linked with several adverse pregnancy outcomes. Mouse models of group B Streptococcus and Gardnerella vaginalis colonization have been reported but, to the best of our knowledge, the two have not been studied together. The overarching idea driving this study is that certain members of the dysbiotic vaginal microbiota, such as Gardnerella vaginalis, may directly contribute to the increased rate of group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization observed in women with vaginal dysbiosis. OBJECTIVE: We used a mouse model to test the hypothesis that vaginal exposure to Gardnerella vaginalis may facilitate colonization and/or invasive infection of the upper reproductive tract by group B Streptococcus during pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: Timed-pregnant mice were generated using an allogeneic mating strategy with BALB/c males and C57Bl/6 females. Dams were vaginally inoculated at gestational day 14 with group B Streptococcus alone (using a 10-fold lower dose than previously reported models) or coinoculated with group B Streptococcus and Gardnerella vaginalis. Bacterial titers were enumerated in vaginal, uterine horn, and placental tissues at gestational day 17. The presence (Fisher exact tests) and levels (Mann-Whitney U tests) of bacterial titers were compared between mono- and coinoculated dams in each compartment. Relative risks were calculated for outcomes that occurred in both groups. Tissue samples were also examined for evidence of pathophysiology. RESULTS: Inoculation of pregnant mice with 10 CONCLUSION: These data suggest that Gardnerella vaginalis vaginal exposure can promote group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization, resulting in a greater likelihood of invasive perinatal group B Streptococcus infections. These findings suggest that future clinical studies should examine whether the presence of Gardnerella vaginalis is a risk factor for group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization in women. Because Gardnerella vaginalis can also be present in women without bacterial vaginosis, these findings may be relevant both inside and outside of the context of vaginal dysbiosis

    Gamma-Ray Constraint on Galactic Positron Production by MeV Dark Matter

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    The Galactic positrons, as observed by their annihilation gamma-ray line at 0.511 MeV, are difficult to account for with astrophysical sources. It has been proposed that they are produced instead by dark matter annihilation or decay in the inner Galactic halo. To avoid other constraints, these processes are required to occur "invisibly," such that the eventual positron annihilation is the only detectable signal. However, electromagnetic radiative corrections to these processes inevitably produce real gamma rays (``internal bremsstrahlung"); this emission violates COMPTEL and EGRET constraints unless the dark matter mass is less than about 20 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    ASPIRE: Activity Safety Planning and Infection Risk Estimator for COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted multiple researchers to investigate this domain since 2020. One aspect being explored in this topic is the available tools in assisting the public in estimating virus risks. Due to the limited availability of the tools, Jimenez and Peng created the Aerosol Transmission Estimator, which is a peer-reviewed risk estimator that garnered positive reception. The tool is encoded in Google sheets. However, people may find it difficult to use due to the terminologies and information presented in that sheet. To solve this, MyCOVIDRisk, a user-friendly website was built for this estimator, but it is only configured for the United States setting. Accordingly, this study created a website called ASPIRE using Jimenez and Peng’s estimator to evaluate the risk and MyCOVIDRisk as reference for the interface design. ASPIRE is configured for the Philippine setting. The usability of ASPIRE was evaluated through surveys and interviews using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and content analysis. The SUS used for measuring usability yielded a grade of A—above average. The overall feedback of the respondents was mostly positive. Issues and suggestions raised by the respondents were addressed. Further research is needed to improve ASPIRE, determine its usability to medical professionals, learn its accessibility and inclusivity to users, and identify its impact on the Philippine community. Overall, this study shows how a COVID-19 risk estimation website was developed and improved based on user evaluation, which can be used as a reference in creating e-health tools
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