4,649 research outputs found

    Foreign Banks and Credit Volatility: The Case of Latin American Countries

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    Foreign bank presence has substantially increased in Latin America during the second half of the 1990s, which has prompted an intense debate on its banking and macroeconomic consequences. In this paper, we apply ARCH techniques to jointly estimate the impact of foreign bank presence on the level and volatility of real credit in a panel of eight Latin American countries, using quarterly data over the period 1995:1-2001:4. Results show that, together with financial development, foreign bank presence has contributed to reduce real credit volatility, improving the buffer shock function of the banking sector. This finding is consistent with the fact that foreign banks are typically well diversified institutions holding higher quality assets and having access to a broad set of liquidity sources. Keywords: foreign banks; credit volatility; Latin America; panel data; ARCH techniquesForeign Banks; Credit Volatility; Latin America; Panel Data; ARCH techniques

    Does 3D phenotyping yield substantial insights in the genetics of the mouse mandible shape?

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    11 pagesInternational audienceWe describe the application of high-resolution 3D microcomputed tomography, together with 3D landmarks and geometric morphometrics, to validate and further improve previous quantitative genetic studies that reported QTL responsible for variation in the mandible shape of laboratory mice using a new backcross between C57BL/6J and A/J inbred strains. Despite the increasing availability of 3D imaging techniques, artificial flattening of the mandible by 2D imaging techniques seems at first an acceptable compromise for large-scale phenotyping protocols, thanks to an abundance of low-cost digital imaging systems such as microscopes or digital cameras. We evaluated the gain of information from considering explicitly this additional third dimension, and also from capturing variation on the bone surface where no precise anatomical landmark can be marked. Multivariate QTL mapping conducted with different landmark configurations (2D vs. 3D; manual vs. semilandmarks) broadly agreed with the findings of previous studies. Significantly more QTL (23) were identified and more precisely mapped when the mandible shape was captured with a large set of semilandmarks coupled with manual landmarks. It appears that finer phenotypic characterization of the mandibular shape with 3D landmarks, along with higher density genotyping, yields better insights into the genetic architecture of mandibular development. Most of the main variation is, nonetheless, preferentially embedded in the natural 2D plane of the hemi-mandible, reinforcing the results of earlier influential investigations

    Le patrimoine par l'image : socio-sémiotique des centres d'interprétation et de l'architecture et du patrimoine

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    peer reviewedLe dĂ©veloppement des centres d’interprĂ©tation de l’architecture et du patrimoine (CIAP) invite Ă  s’interroger sur le mĂ©dia-exposition dans des espaces d’exposition oĂč les objets sont par dĂ©finition absents. À partir d’une analyse socio-sĂ©miotique de deux exemples de CIAP (Annecy et ChambĂ©ry), il est possible de montrer comment la prĂ©sentation et la reprĂ©sentation du patrimoine dans ces deux expositions pallient le manque d’objet par le recours Ă  des images. Celles-ci sont Ă  la fois des documents visuels (photographies, cartes postales
) exposĂ©s dans les diffĂ©rentes salles mais aussi des « images » construites par la mise en forme scĂ©nographique de l’espace. La logique communicationnelle inspirĂ©e par la thĂ©orie de l’interprĂ©tation prend alors comme prĂ©alable les images mentales du visiteur pour faire rĂ©agir ce dernier en le confrontant Ă  d’autres reprĂ©sentations du territoire

    Colorectal cancer population screening programs worldwide in 2016: An update

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. The incidence and mortality show wide geographical variations. Screening is recommended to reduce both incidence and mortality. However, there are significant differences among studies in implementation strategies and detection. This review aimed to present the results and strategies of different screening programs worldwide. We reviewed the literature on national and international screening programs published in PubMed, on web pages, and in clinical guidelines. CRC Screening programs are currently underway in most European countries, Canada, specific regions in North and South America, Asia, and Oceania. The most extensive screening strategies were based on fecal occult blood testing, and more recently, the fecal immunochemical test (FIT). Participation in screening has varied greatly among different programs. The Netherlands showed the highest participation rate (68.2%) and some areas of Canada showed the lowest (16%). Participation rates were highest among women and in programs that used the FIT test. Men exhibited the greatest number of positive results. The FIT test has been the most widely used screening program worldwide. The advent of this test has increased participation rates and the detection of positive results

    Data modeling as a main source of discrepancies in single and multiple marker association methods

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    Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified several loci underlying complex diseases in humans. The development of high density SNP maps in domestic animal species should allow the detection of QTLs for economically important traits through association studies with much higher accuracy than traditional linkage analysis. Here we report the association analysis of the dataset simulated for the XII QTL-MAS meeting (Uppsala). We used two strategies, single marker association and haplotype-based association (Blossoc) that were applied to i) the raw data, and ii) the data corrected for infinitesimal, sex and generation effects. Both methods performed similarly in detecting the most strongly associated SNPs, about ten loci in total. The most significant ones were located in chromosomes 1, 4 and 5. Overall, the largest differences were found between corrected and raw data, rather than between single and multiple marker analysis. The use of raw data increased greatly the number of significant loci, but possibly also the rate of false positives. Bootstrap model aggregation removed most of discrepancies between adjusted and raw data when SMA was employed. Model choice should be carefully considered in genome-wide association studies

    Atmospheric gravitational tides of Earth-like planets orbiting low-mass stars

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    Temperate terrestrial planets orbiting low-mass stars are subject to strong tidal forces. The effects of gravitational tides on the solid planet and that of atmospheric thermal tides have been studied, but the direct impact of gravitational tides on the atmosphere itself has so far been ignored. We first develop a simplified analytic theory of tides acting on the atmosphere of a planet. We then implement gravitational tides into a general circulation model of a static-ocean planet in a short-period orbit around a low-mass star -- the results agree with our analytic theory. Because atmospheric tides and solid-body tides share a scaling with the semi-major axis, we show that there is a maximum amplitude of the atmospheric tide that a terrestrial planet can experience while still having a solid surface; Proxima Centauri b is the poster child for a planet that could be geophysically Earth-like but with atmospheric tides more than 500×\times stronger than Earth's. In this most extreme scenario, we show that atmospheric tides significantly impact the planet's meteorology -- but not its climate. Two possible modest climate impacts are enhanced longitudinal heat transport and cooling of the lowest atmospheric layers. The strong radiative forcing of such planets dominates over gravitational tides, unlike moons of cold giant planets, such as Titan. We speculate that atmospheric tides could be climatologically important on planets where the altitude of maximal tidal forcing coincides with the altitude of cloud formation and that the effect could be detectable for non-Earth-like planets subject to even greater tides

    Diseño de una central fotovoltaica para cubrir la demanda energética del Centro Poblado La Ramada Nueva, distrito de Llama, Chota, Cajamarca

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    En esta investigaciĂłn se abordĂł una problemĂĄtica de la reciente localidad La Ramada nueva, como es la falta de sus servicios bĂĄsicos, en este caso la energĂ­a elĂ©ctrica la cual agilizarĂ­a sus actividades diarias. La localidad cuenta con casas preconstruidas, terrenos señalizados, que a causa del crecimiento poblacional en un centro poblano cercano las personas optaron por desplazarse a nuevas tierras. Para este proyecto se hizo una proyecciĂłn de 25 años, lo cual se empezĂł con un nĂșmero de habitantes para el 2014 de 25 viviendas. Se inicio con la recopilaciĂłn de datos sobre la irradiaciĂłn solar en la zona obtuvimos esos datos de la pĂĄgina de la NASA los cual se estableciĂł una radiaciĂłn de 5.11 kWh/m2 aceptable para la generaciĂłn de energĂ­a, se visitĂł la zona concluyendo que cuanta con un clima caluroso con cielo despejado casi la mayor parte del año. Para el cĂĄlculo de la demanda elĂ©ctrica se acudiĂł a un centro poblado cercano al proyecto que cuenta con energĂ­a elĂ©ctrica, se obtuvieron datos como la tarifa elĂ©ctrica de los recibos de luz recolectados de dicha localidad. Se hizo la investigaciĂłn sobre el crecimiento poblacional a nivel distrital teniendo como fuente el INEI, al igual que se obtuvo la hora solar pico, como tambiĂ©n se hicieron los cĂĄlculos para obtener el nĂșmero de paneles a utilizar al igual que las baterĂ­as, cables, controladores, inversor y protecciones, se realizĂł el arreglo y ubicaciĂłn de los paneles solares con la finalidad de ocupar poco espacio y tener una buena estĂ©tica, las estructuras de soporte de los paneles se dimensionaron segĂșn las caracterĂ­sticas del lugar con fines de no alterar las actividades de los lugareños. Finalmente se realizĂł el anĂĄlisis financiero y econĂłmico del proyecto concluyendo con los resultados del valor actual neto (VAN), tasa interna de rentabilidad (TIR) y el periodo de recuperaciĂłn (PR)

    « Vos publics derriĂšre la donnĂ©e » : une nouvelle Ă©conomie de l’évaluation

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    peer reviewedDans un contexte de dĂ©ploiement d’outils numĂ©riques de mĂ©diation des patrimoines qui intĂšgrent l’enregistrement d’actions effectuĂ©es sur les outils par les visiteurs, cet article interroge les modalitĂ©s de figuration des publics et de leur pratique Ă  travers les logiciels de reporting et/ou « tableaux de bord ». Inscrivant ces logiciels dans leur filiation avec la montĂ©e en puissance de l’évaluation musĂ©ale comme instrument de gouvernance politique, il montre d’une part le pouvoir de la reprĂ©sentation statistique des publics et d’autre part redonne Ă  voir l’épaisseur des mĂ©diations, Ă  travers les choix Ă©ditoriaux effectuĂ©s dans les logiciels donnant une place centrale aux agences prestataires

    Un territoire standardisé : les expériences Airbnb

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    editorial reviewedL’entreprise Airbnb propose depuis 2016 des expĂ©riences en complĂ©ment de son offre d’hĂ©bergement, promettant une rencontre unique avec un territoire et ses habitants. L’analyse de cette promesse, Ă  partir de sa diffusion en ligne sur le site internet d’Airbnb, montre que cette idĂ©e d’expĂ©rience s’inscrit dans et reproduit les cadres touristiques traditionnelles. Ainsi, contrairement Ă  la promesse de dĂ©couverte inĂ©dite, la standardisation de l’offre des expĂ©riences condense l’expĂ©rience du territoire
