123 research outputs found

    Observatoires de la vie étudiante des universités contre Portail étudiant du Ministère : conflit statistique, territorial ou organisationnel?

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    En France, l’université a fait longtemps l’objet d’un désintérêt sociologique, et ce, contrairement à celle des pays anglo-saxons. Cet article participe donc à l’ouverture de la boîte noire universitaire par une réflexion au coeur de l’actualité politique relative à l’autonomie et à l’adaptabilité de l’université au monde du travail. Afin de répondre à cette problématique contemporaine, le Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche a proposé la création d’un nouveau site Web, le Portail étudiant, auquel s’opposent les observatoires de la vie étudiante (OVE). L’analyse de ce conflit d’ordre méthodologique soulève un questionnement plus large sur la prégnance de la dimension territoriale dans la construction des indicateurs statistiques réalisés par les OVE.In France, unlike in Anglo-Saxon countries, university has been for a long time the object of a sociological indifference. This article contributes to the opening of the university black box and reflects on university autonomy and adaptability to the work field. In view of this problem, the French ministry of higher education and research has created a new Web site, the Portail étudiant, to which the observatories of student life (OVE) are opposed. The analysis of the methodological conflict raises a broader questioning on the importance of territorial dimension in the construction of statistical indicators realized by the OVE

    Approche multiéchelle du comportement mécanique des matériaux composites à renfort tissé = Multiscale modelling of the mechanical behaviour of woven composite materials

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    National audienceCet article présente une modélisation multiéchelle du comportement mécanique des matériaux composites à renfort tissé. Le modèle proposé (DMD) repose sur une description de l'architecture du renfort tissé, l'arrangement des constituants et leurs modes d'endommagement. Le modèle développé est identifié et validé pour un matériau composite tissé à matrice céramique, et appliqué à des cas tests de calcul de structure

    Développement d'une stratégie d'identification d'un nouveau modèle de zones cohésives adapté à l'étude du délaminage dans les composites stratifiés

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    International audienceLe délaminage est l'un des endommagements les plus critiques en terme de tenue mécanique des structures en composites stratifiés. Afin de prédire ce mécanisme d'endommagement, les modèles de zones cohésives semblent être l'approche la plus adaptée. Dans une première partie, les points essentiels d'un modèle de zones cohésives pour décrire le délaminage dans un stratifié carbone/époxy sont mis en évidence dans le but de proposer un nouveau modèle de zones cohésives plus adapté. Puis dans une seconde partie, une stratégie d'identification originale est proposée. Cette dernière s'appuie (i) sur une procédure expérimentale sur des cornières afin d'identifier le critère d'amorçage et (ii) sur un essai original de traction sur plaque rainurée pour déterminer le critère de propagation. Ces deux procédures permettent également d'identifier les différents critères en fonction du niveau d'endommagement intralaminaire

    Fast and efficient FPGA implementation of connected operators

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    International audienceThe Connected Component Tree (CCT)-based operators play a central role in the development of new algorithms related to image processing applications such as pattern recognition, video-surveillance or motion extraction. The CCT construction, being a time consuming task (about 80% of the application time), these applications remain far-off mobile embedded systems. This paper presents its efficient FPGA implementation suited for embedded systems. Three main contributions are discussed: an efficient data structure proposal adapted to representing the CCT in embedded systems, a memory organization suitable for FPGA implementation by using on-chip memory and a customizable hardware accelerator architecture for CCT-based applications

    Memory System for a Dynamically Adaptable Pixel Stream Architecture

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    International audienceNowadays, embedded vision systems have to face new hard requirements involved by modern applications: realtime processing of high resolution images issued by multiple image sensors. Recently, a new adaptable ring-based interconnection network on chip has been proposed. Based on adaptive datapath, it allows handling of multiple parallel pixel streams. In this paper, we present a new hierarchical memory system proposed for this adaptable ring-based architecture. The design of its different levels is discussed and we show how the memory system adapts dynamically with respect to the datapath and data access management in the interconnection network. We also present the timing performance and area occupation measured on an FPGA prototype

    Genetic control of plasticity of oil yield for combined abiotic stresses using a joint approach of crop modeling and genome-wide association

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    Understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity is crucial for predicting and managing climate change effects on wild plants and crops. Here, we combined crop modeling and quantitative genetics to study the genetic control of oil yield plasticity for multiple abiotic stresses in sunflower. First we developed stress indicators to characterize 14 environments for three abiotic stresses (cold, drought and nitrogen) using the SUNFLO crop model and phenotypic variations of three commercial varieties. The computed plant stress indicators better explain yield variation than descriptors at the climatic or crop levels. In those environments, we observed oil yield of 317 sunflower hybrids and regressed it with three selected stress indicators. The slopes of cold stress norm reaction were used as plasticity phenotypes in the following genome-wide association study. Among the 65,534 tested SNP, we identified nine QTL controlling oil yield plasticity to cold stress. Associated SNP are localized in genes previously shown to be involved in cold stress responses: oligopeptide transporters, LTP, cystatin, alternative oxidase, or root development. This novel approach opens new perspectives to identify genomic regions involved in genotype-by-environment interaction of a complex traits to multiple stresses in realistic natural or agronomical conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Plant, Cell and Environmen

    A Gene-Phenotype Network Based on Genetic Variability for Drought Responses Reveals Key Physiological Processes in Controlled and Natural Environments

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    Identifying the connections between molecular and physiological processes underlying the diversity of drought stress responses in plants is key for basic and applied science. Drought stress response involves a large number of molecular pathways and subsequent physiological processes. Therefore, it constitutes an archetypical systems biology model. We first inferred a gene-phenotype network exploiting differences in drought responses of eight sunflower (Helianthus annuus) genotypes to two drought stress scenarios. Large transcriptomic data were obtained with the sunflower Affymetrix microarray, comprising 32423 probesets, and were associated to nine morpho-physiological traits (integrated transpired water, leaf transpiration rate, osmotic potential, relative water content, leaf mass per area, carbon isotope discrimination, plant height, number of leaves and collar diameter) using sPLS regression. Overall, we could associate the expression patterns of 1263 probesets to six phenotypic traits and identify if correlations were due to treatment, genotype and/or their interaction. We also identified genes whose expression is affected at moderate and/or intense drought stress together with genes whose expression variation could explain phenotypic and drought tolerance variability among our genetic material. We then used the network model to study phenotypic changes in less tractable agronomical conditions, i.e. sunflower hybrids subjected to different watering regimes in field trials. Mapping this new dataset in the gene-phenotype network allowed us to identify genes whose expression was robustly affected by water deprivation in both controlled and field conditions. The enrichment in genes correlated to relative water content and osmotic potential provides evidence of the importance of these traits in agronomical conditions

    Women in (Dis)placement: The Field of Studies on Migrations, Social Remittances, Care and Gender in Chile

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    This article presents current perspectives on the gender approach to the study of migration in Chile between 1990 and 2018, contextualizing it in light of international debates in the social sciences. We will discuss how the feminization and the growth of Latin American migrations have given rise to a prolific field of research, as exemplified by studies conducted in central and northern Chile. We will show how the concepts of social remittances and caregiving permeate the Chilean debate on migrant women. We conclude with reflections on topics and perspectives to be incorporated into the Chilean research agenda on gender and migration.Se presenta un estado del arte sobre el enfoque de género en los estudios de la migración en Chile entre 1990 y 2018, contextualizándolo a la luz de debates internacionales de las ciencias sociales. Abordaremos cómo la feminización y el incremento de las migraciones latinoamericanas inauguran un prolijo campo de investigaciones, articulado a través de estudios desarrollados en el centro y en el norte de Chile. Señalaremos cómo los conceptos de remesas sociales y cuidados permean el debate chileno sobre las mujeres migrantes. Finalizamos con reflexiones sobre temas y perspectivas a ser incorporados en la agenda chilena de investigaciones sobre género y migración.The authors would like to thank the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) for funding the study that led to this article through Fondecyt Regular Project number 1160683: “Ser Mujer Mayor en Santiago. Organización social de los cuidados, feminización del envejecimiento y desigualdades acumuladas” (“Being an older woman in Santiago. Social organization of care, feminization of ageing and accumulated inequalities”), led by Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo and Fondecyt Regular Project number 1190056: “The Boundaries of Gender Violence: Migrant Women’s Experiences in South American Border Territories” led by Menara Lube Guizardi