101 research outputs found

    Biodiversités « utile » et « nuisible » dans les agrosystÚmes : importance pour la lutte biologique par conservation

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    La lutte biologique par conservation repose sur la mise en place d’amĂ©nagements dans ou autour de parcelles cultivĂ©es ou de modifications des pratiques culturales de façon Ă  favoriser la rĂ©gulation des ravageurs des cultures par des auxiliaires de lutte biologiques indigĂšnes. Pour ĂȘtre efficaces, les mĂ©thodes de lutte biologique par conservation nĂ©cessitent toutefois plusieurs prĂ©-requis : (i) une bonne comprĂ©hension de la biodiversitĂ© associĂ©e aux agrosystĂšmes, (ii) l’optimisation des Ă©changes entre la culture et les autres composantes de l’agrosystĂšme, (iii) la prise en compte d’éventuels effets non-intentionnels associĂ©s aux auxiliaires favorisĂ©s. Ces trois points sont discutĂ©s dans le cadre d’un programme en cours dont l’objectif est d’évaluer l’intĂ©rĂ©t d’une plante mĂ©diterranĂ©enne, l’inule visqueuse Dittrichia viscosa L. (W. Greuther) (Asteraceae), pour la rĂ©gulation de ravageurs dans deux agrosystĂšmes, l’oliveraie et la culture sous serres

    The contrasting origins of glauconite in the shallow marine environment highlight this mineral as a marker of paleoenvironmental conditions

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    Glauconite is an authigenic mineral reputed to form during long-lasting contact between a nucleus (a pre-existing phyllosilicate) and seawater. This protracted contact makes it possible to subtract the ions necessary for the construction of the neoformed phyllosilicate, here, glauconite (a mineral very close to an illite, rich in K and Fe). As a result, glauconite is often associated with sediments deposited in a transgressive context with a strong slowdown in the rate of sedimentation and a relatively large water layer thickness. This is the case of the Cenomanian chalk of Boulonnais (north of France). Being chemically and physically resistant, glauconite is a mineral that is often reworked, like quartz grains. This is frequently the case of the Jurassic deposits of the Boulonnais, where glauconite, almost ubiquitous, either in traces or in significant proportions of the sediments, presents a grain size sorting attesting to its transport and reworking. However, these Jurassic deposits are shallow (shoreface, upper offshore), which supports the idea that the “glauconite factory” was itself in the shallow areas of the Boulonnais. The only identified Jurassic facies of the Boulonnais where glauconite is both relatively abundant, large in size and unsorted (non reworked) are oyster reefs that formed at the outlet of cold seeps linked to a late-Jurassic synsedimentary tectonic (Kimmeridgian, Tithonian). Our work makes it possible to hypothesize that isolated oyster reefs were environments combining the redox conditions and in contact with seawater favoring the authigenic formation of glauconite. The weakly reducing conditions necessary for the formation of glauconite here are attested by the contents of metallic trace elements sensitive to redox conditions (vanadium, germanium, arsenic, in this case). Our work thus adds a new element to the understanding of the mechanisms of formation of glauconite in shallow environments

    A novel approach to volcano surveillance using gas geochemistry

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    The aim of this paper is to test a simple damage model of a cohesive granular medium to study the relationship between the damage and velocity of elastic waves. Our numerical experiments of edometric compression show that the mi- croscopic deformation quickly becomes very heterogeneous, while our simulations of elastic waves propagation show that a small amount of damage induces a dra- matic decrease in the elastic velocity. This shows that cohesive discrete media are very sensitive to strain field heterogeneity, and that the wave velocities in these media can measure subtle transient deformation processes, such as earthquake initiation phases

    New Northwestern and Southwestern Range Limits of De Brazza's Monkey, Mbam Et Djerem National Park, Cameroon, and Bateke Plateau, Gabon and Congo

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    Recent surveys carried out in Cameroon in the Mbam Djerem National Park, in Gabon in the Bateke Plateau National Park, and the adjoining Bateke Plateau area, in Congo, have recorded the presence of De Brazza's monkey Cercopithecus neglectus on both sides of the Djerem River in Cameroon, along the Mpassa and its tributaries in Gabon, along the Nambouli River in the Lefini Reserve in Congo, and up to the right bank of the Ogooué River on the Congo side of the border. These areas lie at the northern and southern edges of the Central African forest block, where rivers have relatively wide bands of riparian forest. As for the range extension of the talapoin (this volume), the species may simply have been overlooked by previous rapid wildlife surveys. It has an antipredator behavior that renders it relatively inconspicuous, tends to live in small family groups in the region, and lives in habitats that are difficult to survey on foot. However, unlike talapoin, it calls every morning along major watercourses, and can be heard for some distance. It is possible that the southern limit of this species in Gabon may be the Ogooué River. Future survey teams are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the long call of this species and to be aware that it can occur in gallery forests throughout the savannas of the Bateke Plateau and also in the area between the Mbam, the Djerem, and the Lom in Cameroon.; Les recensements récents au Cameroun dans le parc national de Mbam et Djerem, au Gabon dans le parc national de Plateau Bateke et dans les savanes Bateke avoisinante au Congo ont notée la présence du singe de Brazza Cercopithecus neglectus sur les deux rives du Djerem au Cameroun, le long de l'Mpassa et ses tributaires au Gabon, le long de la rivière Nambouli dans la Reserve de la Lefini au Congo, et jusqu'au rive droite de la rivière Ogooué sur la coté Congolaise de la frontière. Les deux zones se trouvent aux bords nord et sud du grand bloc forestier du bassin du Congo, et contiennent les rivières importantes, qui coulent dans les galeries assez larges de foret ripicole. Comme pour les talapoins (ce volume), l'espèce a été peutêtre simplement ratée par les équipes de recensement dans la région auparavant. Il a un comportement anti-prédateur qui le rend très discret, une tendance ïżœ vivre par petits groupes familiaux, difficiles ïżœ repérer, de plus occupe un habitat plus difficilement accessible ïżœ un observateur ïżœ pied les habitats de la plupart des autres guenons. Néanmoins, et contrairement au comportement des talapoins, chaque matin il pousse des cris très caractéristiques, audible sur des grandes distances le long des grandes rivières. Il est possible que la limite sud de cette espèce au Gabon soit la rivière Ogooué. Les équipes de recensement de la faune sont encouragées de se familiarisée avec les vocalisations de cette espèce, et garder ïżœ l'esprit que le singe de Brazza peut être présent dans les forets galeries dans toutes les savanes du plateaux Batéké et aussi, au Cameroun, la zone entre les rivières Mbam, Djerem, et Lom

    Notes on the distribution and status of small carnivores in Gabon

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    The distribution and status of small carnivore species in Gabon have never been comprehensively assessed. We collated data from general wildlife surveys, camera-trap and transect studies and analyses of bushmeat consumption and trade, to map their country-wide occurrence and assess current exploitation levels. Records of Common Slender Mongoose Herpestes sanguineus and Cameroon Cusimanse Crossarchus platycephalus represent the first confirmation of their occurrence in Gabon. Cameroon Cusimanse was believed to extend into north-east Gabon, but the Slender Mongoose records extend its known range well outside that previously suspected. We furthermore extended the known range for Egyptian Mongoose Herpestes ichneumon. Crested Genet Genetta cristata has also been proposed to occur in Gabon but our records were not suited to evaluating this possibility given the difficulties of separation from Servaline Genet G. servalina. Most species appear to be distributed widely across the country. While several are commonly recorded in hunter catch and bushmeat markets, they form only a small proportion (3.4% and 3.1%, respectively) of all bushmeat records. However, in proximity to settlements, small carnivore exploitation, for bushmeat and use of body parts in traditional ceremonies, appears to have adverse effects on species richness and abundance

    New range limits of the sun-tailed monkey, Cercopithecus solatus, in Central Gabon

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    Cercopithecus solatus is a recently discovered monkey endemic to Gabon, present in parts of the Lopé National Park and the Forêt des Abeilles in the center of the country. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List (2010) due to its restricted extent of occurrence and continuing decline in population caused by high hunting pressure. All known field observations of this species are compiled here. Data collected since 1999 show that C. solatus occurs further to the south, east, and west than was previously known, and that its extent of occurrence almost certainly includes three national parks, rather than one
