1,073 research outputs found

    On simple arrangements of lines and pseudo-lines in P^2 and R^2 with the maximum number of triangles

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    We give some new advances in the research of the maximum number of triangles that we may obtain in a simple arrangements of n lines or pseudo-lines.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Constitutionnalisme et exclusion : critique du regard français sur le modÚle canadien de pluralisme

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    La recherche vise Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les relations entre constitutionnalisme et exclusion dans le cadre d’unecritique du regard français sur le modĂšle canadien de pluralisme. La problĂ©matique de l’exclusion, ĂȘtre altĂ©risĂ©en raison de l’identitĂ© du droit, naĂźt des silences de la comparaison diffĂ©rentielle France – Canada. Une critiqueidentitaire permet de dĂ©placer la triple dialectique de la comparaison : positivisme c. pluralisme, universalisme c.diffĂ©rentialisme et rĂ©publicanisme c. libĂ©ralisme pluraliste. La problĂ©matique de l’orientation identitaire du droitest commune aux deux systĂšmes juridiques. Aussi, la recherche est relative Ă  l’identitĂ© du constitutionnalisme.L’exclusion se dĂ©finit comme le dĂ©calage entre l’orientation identitaire du constitutionnalisme et l’identitĂ© ducorps du sujet. La mĂ©thode d’analyse proposĂ©e, afin de traiter de l’exclusion en droit, et dĂ©placer la comparaison,est tripartite : mettre en Ă©vidence l’orientation identitaire du constitutionnalisme, en identifier la structureidentitaire, pour, enfin, en dĂ©terminer les Ă©trangers ou « Autres. » La recherche vise Ă  dĂ©placer la comparaison enproduisant une phĂ©nomĂ©nologie de l’exclusion constitutionnelle, ou « dehors constitutifs, » avec une typologiedes Ă©trangers du droit. La dĂ©monstration sera faite dans le cadre des conflits de la religion et de l’orientationsexuelle dĂ©montrant l’orientation blanche, hĂ©tĂ©ropatriarcale et hĂ©tĂ©ronormative du droit constitutionnel.This research intends on proving how constitutionalism and exclusion collide one against the other trhough a critique of the french gaze on a supposedly canadian model of pluralism. This negative comparison's silencesbetween France and Canada gave birth to this question of how one is being excluded and othered based on the identity of constitutional law. This critique, that focuses on identities, is shifting those three dialectics supporting the aforementioned negative comparison: positivism v. pluralism; universalism v. differentialism; republicanism v. liberal pluralism. France and Canada share this issue of how reality is oriented towards specific identities. This research is, then, a critique of constitutional identities. Exclusion is defined as the gap between the orientation of law's identitiesnd the bodily reality of its subjects.The analytical tool developed here to tackle exclusionin law has three steps:shedding lighton the orientations of constitutionalism, its identity structure, and its constitutional Others.The research purports on turning shcolars' critical gazetowards this phenomenology of constitutional exclusion, its "constitutive outside," by deciphering a typologyof constitutional Others. Thiw will be through the collisions of freedom of religionand sexual orientation. Constitutionalism is per se oriented towardshe ascendency of whiteness, patriarcalism and heteronormativity

    Etude péridynamique de la rupture de particules sous impact

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    La réduction en poudre des matériaux, ou comminution, est un procédé omniprésent dans divers secteurs industriels. La maßtrise de la distribution des tailles de particules est un enjeu déterminant pour garantir les qualités d'usage des produits. Dans cette étude on s'intéressera plus particuliÚrement à la modélisation numérique de la fragmentation de particules individuelles 2D soumises à des impacts à différentes énergies. La mécanique de la rupture de ces particules est étudiée à l'aide d'une approche péridynamique. La propagation des fissures est étudiée ainsi que l'appartion de fragments. Enfin, la statistique des tailles de fragments est obtenue sur une collection de particules broyées à partir d'une analyse d'images basée sur un algorithme de type floodfill

    Orientational order of carbon nanotube guests in a nematic host suspension of colloidal viral rods

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    In order to investigate the coupling between the degrees of alignment of elongated particles in binary nematic dispersions, surfactant stabilized single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been added to nematic suspensions of colloidal rodlike viruses in aqueous solution.We have independently measured the orientational order parameter of both components of the guest-host system by means of polarized Raman spectroscopy and by optical birefringence, respectively. Our system allows us therefore to probe the regime where the guest particles (CNTs) are shorter and thinner than the fd virus host particles. We show that the degree of order of the CNTs is systematically smaller than that of the fd virus particles for the whole nematic range. These measurements are in good agreement with predictions of an Onsager-type second-viral theory, which explicitly includes the flexibility of the virus particles, and the polydispersity of the CNTs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Fractal properties of the frontier in Poissonian coloring

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    We study a model of random partitioning by nearest-neighbor coloring from Poisson rain, introduced independently by Aldous and Preater. Given two initial points in [0,1]d[0,1]^d respectively colored in red and blue, we let independent uniformly random points fall in [0,1]d[0,1]^d, and upon arrival, each point takes the color of the nearest point fallen so far. We prove that the colored regions converge in the Hausdorff sense towards two random closed subsets whose intersection, the frontier, has Hausdorff dimension strictly between (d−1)(d-1) and dd, thus answering a conjecture raised by Aldous. However, several topological properties of the frontier remain elusive.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Comments welcome

    Pain perception after colorectal surgery: A propensity score matched prospective cohort study.

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    The purpose of this prospective cohort study was to compare multimodal pain management and pain perception after open vs. laparoscopic colorectal surgery within enhanced recovery care. Pain scores at rest and at mobilization were prospectively assessed in consecutive patients using Visual Analog Scales (VAS 0-10) and consumption of different analgesics was recorded daily until 96 hours postoperatively. Uni- and multivariate risk factors for pain peaks (≄ 4/10) were identified by logistic regression and compared between two propensity score matched groups (open vs. laparoscopic). 156 open and 176 laparoscopic procedures were included. Mean VAS scores were consistently < 3 until 96 hours at rest and at mobilization. Patients operated by laparoscopy experienced more pain peaks (≄ 4) within 24 hours (p < 0.05), while patients operated by open approach experienced more pain peaks (≄ 4) during mobilization at 72 hours (p < 0.05). Independent risk factors for insufficient pain control (≄ 4) within 24 hours from surgery were duration of the procedure (OR 3.37, 95%CI 2.03-5.59), emergency surgery (OR 3.01, 95%CI 1.72-5.31), wound infiltration (OR 3.23, 95%CI 0.97-10.70), age < 70 years (OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.18-3.48) and ASA I-II score (OR 2.06, 95% CI 1.19-3.56). The perioperative adding of lidocaine ± ketamine to opioids did not improve postoperative pain perception nor decrease morphine equivalents. In conclusion, overall pain scores were low after colorectal surgery. However, pain peaks remained a concern early after minimally invasive surgery and after epidural removal for open surgery. Multimodal strategies were not superior to opioids alone

    Artificial Gene Regulatory Network and Spatial Computation: A Case Study

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    International audienceThis paper explores temporal and spatial dynamics of a population of Genetic Regulatory Networks (GRN). In order to so, a GRN model is spatially distributed to solve a multi-cellular ArtiïŹcial Embryogeny problem, and Evolutionary Computation is used to optimize the developmental sequences. An in-depth analysis is provided and show that such a population of GRN display strong spatial synchronization as well as various kind of behavioral patterns, ranging from smooth diffusion to abrupt transition patterns
