2,585 research outputs found

    Aproximación al estudio de la justicia penal negociada de los EE.UU : The Plea Bargaining Process

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    The purpose of this article is to explain the guilty plea system in the criminal courts, because the right to a trial by jury, a right guaranteed by the sixth amendment, has\ud been seriously undermined by the huge criminal case load and the limited resources of the judicial system. Jury trial has become the exception, and the rule is the guilty pleas. The specifics of its operations vary from place to place. The essential element is the exchange of concessions between prosecutor and defendant: the defendant gives up his right to trial and convicts himself in exchange for charging and/or sentencing concessions by the prosecutor

    d8···d10 RhI···AuI Interactions in Rh 2,6-Xylylisocyanide Complexes with [Au(CN)2]: Bond Analysis and Crystal Effects

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    Producción CientíficaThe well known [RhL4]n(anion)n structures, with RhI···RhI d8···d8 interactions, are replaced by others with RhI···AuI d8···d10 interactions such as [{RhL4}{Au(CN)2}] (L = 2,6-Xylylisocyanide) or [{RhL4}{Au(CN)2} {RhL4}{Au2(CN)3}·4(CHCl3)]∞ when the anion is [Au(CN)2]–. Orbital (Rh···Au), coulombic, and inter-unit π-π aryl stacking interactions stabilize these crystal structures.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant CTQ2017-89217-P)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA038G18

    Álvaro Cunqueiro: poemas e confesións do ano 1933

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    No presente artigo dáse conta da existencia dun suplemento literario publicado nas páxinas de La Región ourensá no ano 1933 (“Los viernes literarios de la Región”), dirixido por Manuel Luís Acuña e X.L. Ramos Colemán, no que a presenza de Álvaro Cunqueiro foi destacada publicando alí textos poéticos e un discurso biográfico de interese que se comentan e exhuman pois nunca foron compilados. - En el presente artículo se informa de la existencia de un suplemento literario publicado en las páginas de La Región ourensana en el año 1933 (“Los viernes literarios de la Región”), dirigido por Manuel Luís Acuña y X.L. Ramos Colemán, en el que la presencia de Álvaro Cunqueiro fue destacada publicando allí textos poéticos y un discurso biográfico de interés que se comentan y exhuman pues nunca fueron compilados.This article informs about a literary supplement published on the pages of “La Región” from Ourense in the year 1933 (called “Los viernes literarios de la Región”), edited by Manuel Luís Acuña and X.L. Ramos Colemán, where the presence of Alvaro Cunqueiro was remarkable by publishing here poetic texts and an interesting biographical speech which are commented and recovered as they had never been compiled.No presente artigo dáse conta da existencia dun suplemento literario publicado nas páxinas de La Región ourensá no ano 1933 (“Los viernes literarios de la Región”), dirixido por Manuel Luís Acuña e X.L. Ramos Colemán, no que a presenza de Álvaro Cunqueiro foi destacada publicando alí textos poéticos e un discurso biográfico de interese que se comentan e exhuman pois nunca foron compilados. - En el presente artículo se informa de la existencia de un suplemento literario publicado en las páginas de La Región ourensana en el año 1933 (“Los viernes literarios de la Región”), dirigido por Manuel Luís Acuña y X.L. Ramos Colemán, en el que la presencia de Álvaro Cunqueiro fue destacada publicando allí textos poéticos y un discurso biográfico de interés que se comentan y exhuman pues nunca fueron compilados

    The development of categorisation and conceptual thinking in early childhood: methods and limitations

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    We present a systematic and qualitative review of academic literature on early conceptual development (0–24 months of age), with an emphasis on methodological aspects. The final sample of our review included 281 studies reported in 115 articles. The main aims of the article were four: first, to organise studies into sets according to methodological similarities and differences; second, to elaborate on the methodological procedures that characterise each set; third, to circumscribe the empirical indicators that different sets of studies consider as proof of the existence of concepts in early childhood; last, to identify methodological limitations and to propose possible ways to overcome them. We grouped the studies into five sets: preference and habituation experiments, category extension tasks, object sorting tasks, sequential touching tasks and object examination tasks. In the “Results” section, we review the core features of each set of studies. In the “Discussion” and “Conclusions” sections, we describe, for one thing, the most relevant methodological shortcomings. We end by arguing that a situated, semiotic and pragmatic perspective that emphasises the importance of ecological validity could open up new avenues of research to better understand the development of concepts in early childhood