127 research outputs found

    EvoIO: Community-driven standards for sustainable interoperability

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    Interoperability is the property that allows systems to work together independent of who created them, or how or for what purpose they were implemented. It is crucial for aggregating data from different online resources and for integrating different kinds of data. Interoperability is based on effective standards that become and remain broadly adopted. We argue that to develop and apply such standards for evolutionary and biodiversity data sustainably, we need a community-driven, open, and participatory approach. With the goal to build such an approach, the EvoIO collaboration emerged in 2009 from several NESCent-sponsored activities. EvoIO aims to be a nucleating center for developing, applying and disseminating interoperability technology that connects and coordinates between stakeholders, developers, and standards bodies.

Members of the EvoIO group have harnessed a variety of collaborative events to successfully build an initial stack of interoperability technologies that is owned by the community and open to participation. The stack addresses syntax, semantics, and programmable services, and at present includes the following components: NeXML (http://nexml.org), a NEXUS-inspired XML format that is validatable yet extensible; CDAO (http://www.evolutionaryontology.org), an ontology of comparative data analysis formalizing the semantics of evolutionary data and metadata; and PhyloWS (http://evoinfo.nescent.org/PhyloWS), a web- services interface standard for querying, retrieving, and referencing phylogenetic data on the web. Beyond demonstration prototypes, reference implementations of EvoIO stack technologies are starting to appear in production use. 

Aside from producing such information artefacts, EvoIO devotes much of its energy to applying principles of communication and organization that result in open and inclusive processes of community science. One of the key tools employed by EvoIO is the hackathon event format. Hackathons are highly collaborative, hands-on working meetings that catalyze practical innovation, train researchers, and foster cohesion as well as a sense of shared ownership in the results. In summary, we find that broad community participation, buy-in, and ownership are critical for developing interoperability in a sustainable fashion, and there are approaches and tools that can foster these effectively

    Peeling back the layers: First phylogenomic insights into the Ledebouriinae (Scilloideae, Asparagaceae)

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    The Ledebouriinae (Scilloideae, Asparagaceae) are a widespread group of bulbous geophytes found predominantly throughout seasonal climates in sub-Saharan Africa, with a handful of taxa in Madagascar, the Middle East, India, and Sri Lanka. Phylogenetic relationships within the group have been historically difficult to elucidate. Here, we provide the first phylogenomic perspective into the Ledebouriinae. Using the Angiosperms353 targeted enrichment probe set, we consistently recovered four major clades (i.e., two Ledebouria clades, Drimiopsis, and Resnova). The two Ledebouria clades closely align with geography, either consisting almost entirely of sub-Saharan African taxa (Ledebouria Clade A), or East African and non-African taxa (Ledebouria Clade B). Our results suggest that the Ledebouriinae likely underwent a rapid radiation leading to rampant incomplete lineage sorting. We additionally find evidence for potential historical hybridization between Drimiopsis and a subclade within Ledebouria Clade A.Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolutio

    Community next steps for making globally unique identifiers work for biocollections data

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    Biodiversity data is being digitized and made available online at a rapidly increasing rate but current practices typically do not preserve linkages between these data, which impedes interoperation, provenance tracking, and assembly of larger datasets. For data associated with biocollections, the biodiversity community has long recognized that an essential part of establishing and preserving linkages is to apply globally unique identifiers at the point when data are generated in the field and to persist these identifiers downstream, but this is seldom implemented in practice. There has neither been coalescence towards one single identifier solution (as in some other domains), nor even a set of recommended best practices and standards to support multiple identifier schemes sharing consistent responses. In order to further progress towards a broader community consensus, a group of biocollections and informatics experts assembled in Stockholm in October 2014 to discuss community next steps to overcome current roadblocks. The workshop participants divided into four groups focusing on: identifier practice in current field biocollections; identifier application for legacy biocollections; identifiers as applied to biodiversity data records as they are published and made available in semantically marked-up publications; and cross-cutting identifier solutions that bridge across these domains. The main outcome was consensus on key issues, including recognition of differences between legacy and new biocollections processes, the need for identifier metadata profiles that can report information on identifier persistence missions, and the unambiguous indication of the type of object associated with the identifier. Current identifier characteristics are also summarized, and an overview of available schemes and practices is provided

    Evolution and biogeography of the endemic Roucela complex (Campanulaceae: Campanula) in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    At the intersection of geological activity, climatic fluctuations, and human pressure, the Mediterranean Basin – a hotspot of biodiversity – provides an ideal setting for studying endemism, evolution, and biogeography. Here, we focus on the Roucela complex (Campanula subgenus Roucela), a group of 13 bellflower species found primarily in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Plastid and low-copy nuclear markers were employed to reconstruct evolutionary relationships and estimate divergence times within the Roucela complex using both concatenation and species tree analyses. Niche modeling, ancestral range estimation, and diversification analyses were conducted to provide further insights into patterns of endemism and diversification through time. Diversification of the Roucela clade appears to have been primarily the result of vicariance driven by the breakup of an ancient landmass. We found geologic events such as the formation of the mid-Aegean trench and the Messinian Salinity Crisis to be historically important in the evolutionary history of this group. Contrary to numerous past studies, the onset of the Mediterranean climate has not promoted diversification in the Roucela complex and, in fact, may be negatively affecting these species. This study highlights the diversity and complexity of historical processes driving plant evolution in the Mediterranean Basin

    From southern Africa and beyond: Historical biogeography of the Ledebouriinae (Scilloideae, Asparagaceae)

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    Within sub-Saharan Africa, plants inhabiting more seasonal and arid landscapes showcase unique distributional patterns that hint at fascinating evolutionary histories. Research on plants in these habitats have highlighted a complex interplay between climate and orogenic activities. However, despite a steady improvement in our understanding of evolution within these diverse and widespread habitats, many taxa within these regions remain understudied. The Ledebouriinae (Scilloideae, Asparagaceae) are widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and can also be found in Madagascar, the Middle East, India, and Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, this widespread distribution coupled with taxonomic uncertainties have made uncovering the evolutionary history of the Ledebouriinae very difficult. Here, using the most comprehensive sampling of the lineage to date, we investigate the timing and historical biogeography of these bulbous monocots within and outside of Africa.Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolutio

    A two-tier bioinformatic pipeline to develop probes for target capture of nuclear loci with applications in Melastomataceae

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    Putatively single-copy nuclear (SCN) loci, which are identified using genomic resources of closely related species, are ideal for phylogenomic inference. However, suitable genomic resources are not available for many clades, including Melastomataceae. We introduce a versatile approach to identify SCN loci for clades with few genomic resources and use it to develop probes for target enrichment in the distantly related Memecylon and Tibouchina (Melastomataceae)

    Rates of niche and phenotype evolution lag behind diversification in a temperate radiation

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Environmental change can create opportunities for increased rates of lineage diversification, but continued species accumulation has been hypothesized to lead to slowdowns via competitive exclusion and niche partitioning. Such density-dependent models imply tight linkages between diversification and trait evolution, but there are plausible alternative models. Little is known about the association between diversification and key ecological and phenotypic traits at broad phylogenetic and spatial scales. Do trait evolutionary rates coincide with rates of diversification, are there lags among these rates, or is diversification niche-neutral? To address these questions, we combine a deeply sampled phylogeny for a major flowering plant clade—Saxifragales—with phenotype and niche data to examine temporal patterns of evolutionary rates. The considerable phenotypic and habitat diversity of Saxifragales is greatest in temperate biomes. Global expansion of these habitats since the mid-Miocene provided ecological opportunities that, with density-dependent adaptive radiation, should result in simultaneous rate increases for diversification, niche, and phenotype, followed by decreases with habitat saturation. Instead, we find that these rates have significantly different timings, with increases in diversification occurring at the mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum (∼15 Mya), followed by increases in niche and phenotypic evolutionary rates by ∼5 Mya; all rates increase exponentially to the present. We attribute this surprising lack of temporal coincidence to initial niche-neutral diversification followed by ecological and phenotypic divergence coincident with more extreme cold and dry habitats that proliferated into the Pleistocene. A lack of density-dependence contrasts with investigations of other cosmopolitan lineages, suggesting alternative patterns may be common in the diversification of temperate lineages

    Mass Taxon-Sampling as a Strategy towards Illuminating the Natural History of Campanula (Campanuloideae)

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    Speciose clades usually harbor species with a broad spectrum of adaptive strategies and complex distribution patterns, and thus constitute ideal systems to disentangle biotic and abiotic causes underlying species diversification. The delimitation of such study systems to test evolutionary hypotheses is difficult because they often rely on artificial genus concepts as starting points. One of the most prominent examples is the bellflower genus Campanula with some 420 species, but up to 600 species when including all lineages to which Campanula is paraphyletic. We generated a large alignment of petD group II intron sequences to include more than 70% of described species as a reference. By comparison with partial data sets we could then assess the impact of selective taxon sampling strategies on phylogenetic reconstruction and subsequent evolutionary conclusions

    Inselect: Automating the Digitization of Natural History Collections

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    Copyright: © 2015 Hudson et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    TOLKIN – Tree of Life Knowledge and Information Network: Filling a Gap for Collaborative Research in Biological Systematics

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    The development of biological informatics infrastructure capable of supporting growing data management and analysis environments is an increasing need within the systematics biology community. Although significant progress has been made in recent years on developing new algorithms and tools for analyzing and visualizing large phylogenetic data and trees, implementation of these resources is often carried out by bioinformatics experts, using one-off scripts. Therefore, a gap exists in providing data management support for a large set of non-technical users. The TOLKIN project (Tree of Life Knowledge and Information Network) addresses this need by supporting capabilities to manage, integrate, and provide public access to molecular, morphological, and biocollections data and research outcomes through a collaborative, web application. This data management framework allows aggregation and import of sequences, underlying documentation about their source, including vouchers, tissues, and DNA extraction. It combines features of LIMS and workflow environments by supporting management at the level of individual observations, sequences, and specimens, as well as assembly and versioning of data sets used in phylogenetic inference. As a web application, the system provides multi-user support that obviates current practices of sharing data sets as files or spreadsheets via email
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