377 research outputs found

    The strong Lefschetz property of monomial complete intersections in two variables

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    In this paper we classify the monomial complete intersection algebras, in two variables, and of positive characteristic, which has the strong Lef- schetz property. Together with known results, this gives a complete classi- fication of the monomial complete intersections with the strong Lefschetz property

    Subalgebras generated in degree two with minimal Hilbert function

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    What can be said about the subalgebras of the polynomial ring, with minimal or maximal Hilbert function? This question was discussed in a recent paper by M. Boij and A. Conca. In this paper we study the subalgebras generated in degree two with minimal Hilbert function. The problem to determine the generators of these algebras transfers into a combinatorial problem on counting maximal north-east lattice paths inside a shifted Ferrers diagram. We conjecture that the subalgebras generated in degree two with minimal Hilbert function are generated by an initial Lex or RevLex segment.Comment: To appear in Mathematica Scandinavic

    Toric and non-toric Bayesian networks

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    In this paper we study Bayesian networks from a commutative algebra perspective. We characterize a class of toric Bayesian nets, and provide the first example of a Bayesian net which is proved non-toric under any linear change of variables. Concerning the class of toric Bayesian nets, we study their quadratic relations and prove a conjecture by Garcia, Stillman, and Sturmfels for this class. In addition, we give a necessary condition on the underlying directed acyclic graph for when all relations are quadratic

    Meditation and the Inner Life of Today’s Educator

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    This project stemmed from the researcher’s feeling stress as a new teacher and the need for self-care. The study is contextualized and the theoretical frameworks include meditation and mindfulness. (Venditti et al., 2020). Teaching is a stressful profession and many teachers experience daily stresses that can often lead to teacher burnout. When teachers are stressed, their ability to effectively teach and connect with students is diminished. This is further exacerbated by the fact that educators are teaching through the unprecedented times of COVID-19. Meditation and mindfulness are universal and free tools that educators can use to decrease stress and increase joy in their own lives. This study used a mixed methods approach to the study in a group setting with 8 educational professionals who met weekly for 6 weeks. The findings of this research indicate a universal sense that these educators are feeling lonely and seeking community, that there are high levels of criticism around meditation and self-care, and that the impact of participants in group mediation resulted in participants engaging in activities beyond the core practice of the group. This has important implications for time and resources for teachers to gather and for community practices that focus on meditation or other self-care practices

    "Det skall löna sig att plugga" ­ En undersökning av processerna bakom det nya betygsförslaget (Ds 2008:13), samt tidigare betygsskiften, utifrån aspekter såsom politiska ideologier.

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    Syfte I detta arbete tas en närmare till på Jan Björklunds förslag på ny betygsskala (Ds 2008:13) samt hur den process som ligger bakom förslaget har sett ut. Syftet är att utifrån aspekter som bland annat politiska ideologier och kunskapssyner studera vad som lett fram till förslaget. Huvudfråga Hur mycket och på vilket sätt påverkar politiska ideologier i det nya och tidigare betygsystembyte? Metod och material En historisk tillbakablick med fokus på betyg och de olika betygsreformer som skett i Sverige genomförs genom en litteraturstudie. Vidare har även olika propositioner, betänkande samt dokument från Statens offentliga utredningar kring betygsfrågan studerats men också artiklar av betyg- och bedömningsforskare har granskats. Därefter utfördes en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervjuer med betyg- och bedömningsforskare samt en politisk sakkunnig från den nu sittande regeringen(2008). Resultat I analys och resultat genomförs en jämförande analys utifrån våra kvalitativa intervjuer. Slutsatsen är att politiska ideologier tydligt påverkar beslut vid betygsystembyten. Genom historien kan man se att inflytande i debatten flyttats från forskare till allmänheten, men att det ändå är politikerna som tar det slutgiltiga beslutet i processen. Betydelse för läraryrket Det är viktigt att som lärare ha kunskap i vilka olika kunskapssyner och politiska influenser som styr och påverkar i skolreformer. Det är viktigt för att ha en medvetenhet och ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till olika styrdokumen

    Chain algebras of finite distributive lattices

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    We introduce a family of toric algebras defined by maximal chains of a finite distributive lattice. When the lattice is planar, the corresponding chain algebra is isomorphic to a Hibi ring. As a consequence it has a defining toric ideal with a quadratic Gr\"obner basis, and its hh-vector counts ascents in certain standard Young tableaux. If instead the lattice has dimension n>2n>2, we will show that the defining ideal has minimal generators of degree at least nn. We will also give a combinatorial interpretation of the Krull dimension of a chain algebra