456 research outputs found

    Blind multi-signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithm problem

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    One of the important objectives of information security systems is providing authentication of the electronic documents and messages. In that, blind signature schemes are an important solution to protect the privacy of users in security electronic transactions by highlighting the anonymity of participating parties. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes, however, most of the studied schemes are based on single computationally difficult problem. Also digital signature schemes from two difficult problems were proposed but the fact is that only finding solution to single hard problem then these digital signature schemes are breakable. In this paper, we propose a new signature schemes base on the combination of the RSA and Schnorr signature schemes which are based on two hard problems: IFP and DLP. Then expanding to propose a single blind signature scheme, a blind multi-signature scheme, which are based on new baseline schemes


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    長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(工)甲第106号 学位授与年月日:令和3年9月17日Nagasaki University (長崎大学)課程博

    Improvement of Tuning Fork Gyroscope Drive-mode Oscillation Matched using a Differential Driving Suspension Frame

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    This paper presents a novel design of a vibration tuning fork gyroscope (TFG) based on a differential driving suspension coupling spring between two gyroscopes. The proposed TFG is equivalent to a transistor differential amplifier circuit. The mechanical vibrations of driving frames are, therefore, well matched. The matching level depends on stiffness of spring. When three various TFG structures respond to differential stiffness of spring, their the driving frame mechanical vibration is well matched in case the input excitation driving differential phase is less than 3.5°, 2.5°, and 4°, respectively. The fabricated tuning fork gyroscope linearly operates in the range from -200 to +200 degree/s with the resolution of about 0.45 mV/degree/s

    Monitoring of Landslides in Mountainous Regions based on FEM Modelling and Rain Gauge Measurements

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    Vietnam is a country heavily influenced by climate change. The effect of climate change leads to a series of dangerous phenomena, such as landslides. Landslides occur not only in the mountainous province, but also in Delta provinces, where hundreds of landslides are reported annually in the North-Western provinces of Vietnam. These events have catastrophic impact to the community as well as the economy. In mountainous areas, the conditions for landslides to occur are met frequently, especially after heavy rains or geological activity, causing harm to the community as well as damaging or destroying much needed infrastructure and key transport routes. However, in Vietnam, investment in mountainous regions has been often lower than in urban areas. The meteorology monitoring and forecasting systems are ill equipped and overloaded, so they cannot deliver earlier and more accurate forecasts for complex weather events, unable to provide timely warnings. It can be seen that in countries that landslide often occur, researchers have been trying to develop low cost and efficient landslide detection system. This paper precisely addressed the problems mentioned, by designing and implementing an efficient and reliable Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning (LMnE) system based on the 3G/2G mobile communication system, and a rain gauge at the field site along with a carefully FEM (finite element method) simulation using the rain density information on the server. The system uses advanced processing algorithms combining obtained data at the central station

    Lower and upper bound intercept probability analysis in amplifier-and-forward time switching relaying half-duplex with impact the eavesdropper

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    In this paper, we proposed and investigated the amplifier-and-forward (AF) time switching relaying half-duplex with impact the eavesdropper. In this system model, the source (S) and the destination (D) communicate with each other via a helping of the relay (R) in the presence of the eavesdropper (E). The R harvests energy from the S and uses this energy for information transferring to the D. For deriving the system performance, the lower and upper bound system intercept probability (IP) is proposed and demonstrated. Furthermore, the Monte Carlo simulation is provided to justify the correctness of the mathematical, analytical expression of the lower and upper bound IP. The results show that the analytical and the simulation curves are the same in connection with the primary system parameters

    Síntesis de interpolación de los controladores para un sistema de accionamiento eléctrico multimotor que contiene un elemento enlazado elásticamente

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    Partial differential equations, integral, differential, or other equations describe multi-motor automatic electric drive systems containing elastic conveyor belts. Because of the elastic and distributive nature of the system parameters, the transfer function describing them is often a complex expression, containing not only the arguments as a linear system but also the inertial and transcendental components. This makes the precise control of tension and speed synchronously much more complicated than the centralized parameter system. A promising numerical solution based on the real interpolation method will simplify the procedure for synthesizing control loops while preserving the characteristic properties of objects with distributed parameters. The objective of the study is to propose a feasible solution for synthesizing the regulators based on the real interpolation method; it allows direct operation with the original transfer function containing the inertial and transcendental components. In this paper, we proposed an approach to synthesize the control system for objects with distributed parameters using the real interpolation method to reduce computational capacity and synthesis error while preserving the properties of this object class. Building an experimental model of the two-motor electric drive system containing an elastic conveyor to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The simulation and experimental results indicate that the control system with the received regulators operating stably and meets the required quality criteria. It proves the efficiency of the synthesis algorithm based on the real interpolation method.Introducción: los sistemas de accionamiento eléctrico multimotor que incluyen transportadores elásticos son un ejemplo de sistemas típicos con parámetros distribuidos descritos por ecuaciones complejas. Debido a la naturaleza elástica y distributiva de los parámetros del sistema, la función de transferencia que los describe suele ser una expresión compleja que contiene los componentes inercial y trascendental. Problema: la naturaleza elástica y distributiva de los parámetros del sistema hace que el control preciso de la tensión y la velocidad sincrónicamente sea mucho más complicado que el sistema de parámetros centralizados. Metodología: se propone una solución numérica para sintetizar los reguladores basada en el método de interpolación real para reducir la capacidad computacional y el error de síntesis preservando las propiedades características de los objetos con parámetros distribuidos. Conclusión: la eficacia del algoritmo propuesto se verifica mediante un modelo experimental del sistema de accionamiento eléctrico de dos motores que contiene un transportador elástico. Los resultados de simulación y experimentales indican que el sistema de control con los reguladores recibidos opera de manera estable y cumple con los criterios de calidad requeridos. Originalidad: los resultados de la investigación se pueden aplicar en el desarrollo de sistemas centrales de control y monitoreo para líneas de producción automáticas con sistemas de accionamiento multimotor que incluyen transportadores

    Power beacon-assisted energy harvesting in a half-duplex communication network under co-channel interference over a Rayleigh fading environment: Energy efficiency and outage probability analysis

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    In this time, energy efficiency (EE), measured in bits per Watt, has been considered as an important emerging metric in energy-constrained wireless communication networks because of their energy shortage. In this paper, we investigate power beacon assisted (PB) energy harvesting (EH) in half-duplex (HD) communication network under co-channel Interferer over Rayleigh fading environment. In this work, we investigate the model system with the time switching (TS) protocol. Firstly, the exact and asymptotic form expressions of the outage probability (OP) are analyzed and derived. Then the system EE is investigated and the influence of the primary system parameters on the system performance. Finally, we verify the correctness of the analytical expressions using Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we can state that the simulation and analytical results are the same.Web of Science1213art. no. 257

    Wireless Technology for Monitoring Site-specific Landslide in Vietnam

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    Climate change has caused an increasing number of landslides, especially in the mountainous provinces of Vietnam, resulting in the destruction of vital transport and other infrastructure. Current monitoring and forecasting systems of the meteorology department cannot deliver accurate and reliable forecasts for weather events and issue timely warnings. This paper describes the development of a simple, low cost, and efficient system for monitoring and warning landslide in real-time. The authors focus on the use of wireless and related technologies in the implementation of a technical solution and some of the problems of the wireless sensor network (WSN) related to power consumption. Promising compressed sensing (CS) based solution for landslide monitoring is discussed and evaluated in the paper

    New Blind Muti-signature Schemes based on ECDLP

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    In various types of electronic transactions, including election systems and digital cash schemes, user anonymity and authentication are always required. Blind signatures are considered the most important solutions to meeting these requirements. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes; however, most of the studied schemes are single blind signature schemes. Although blind multi-signature schemes are available, few studies have focused on these schemes. In this article, blind multi-signature schemes are proposed based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). The proposed schemes are based on the GOST R34.10-2012 digital signature standard and the EC-Schnorr digital signature scheme, and they satisfy blind multi-signature security requirements and have better computational performance than previously proposed schemes. The proposed schemes can be applied in election systems and digital cash schemes