48 research outputs found

    Increasing Technology-Based Driver’s Productivity Under Covid-19 Pandemic in Vietnam: the Significant Contribution of Consumer Behavior

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    Purpose: Ride-hailing service, after the emergence in Hanoi – capital of Vietnam in 2014, has experienced major development and gradually enhanced the inner-city travelling of citizens. This study aims at investigating technology-based driver productivity perception and identifying several important influencing factors during the period of COVID-19 pandemic   Design/methodology/approach: The samples of 370 technology-based drivers have been surveyed to collect significant data about factors impacting on worker productivity in Vietnam ride-hailing service. SPSS 26 software is conducted with two types of analyses, including descriptive analysis and statistical analysis   Findings: The findings indicate that social distances, service waste and customer behaviors possess significant impacts on worker productivity in Vietnam ride-hailing services. Several special concerned factors have been identified to raise driver’s awareness of productivity improvement in ride-hailing service.   Research, Practical and Social implication: Major implications can be suggested for improving driver productivity during and after COVID-19 pandemic, especially in term of reducing service waste and increasing customer behavior towards ride-hailing services.   Originality/value: Basing on research findings, the study becomes significant contribution to further papers as well as service managers to enhance technological driver productivity during COVID-19 pandemic.

    Factors Affecting Consumers’ Impulsive Purchasing Behavior in Circle K Convenience Stores in Hanoi, Vietnam

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    Impulsive purchasing behavior has been observed as one of the important studies conducted by marketers and researchers, as impulse buying has become a prevalent phenomenon in every retail format. The study was conducted to assess factors affecting consumers’ impulsive purchasing behavior in Circle K convenience stores in Hanoi, Vietnam. After reviewing a group of previous studies, the authors indicated 05 factors that affected consumers' impulsive purchasing behavior including impulsiveness, instant gratification, visual appeal, promotions and money availability. The study had selected 05 experts in the field of economics to conduct the expert interview. Moreover, the research team had also handed out the questionnaire and received 310 observations. Specifically, Impulsiveness had the strongest influence on the impulsive purchasing behavior of Circle K’s consumers in Hanoi. Keywords: factors, Impulsive purchasing behavior, Circle K convenience stores DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-8-03 Publication date: April 30th 2023

    GC-MS analysis and cytotoxic activity of the n-hexane fraction from Curcuma sahuynhensis Škornick. & N.S.Lý leaves collected in Vietnam

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    Curcuma sahuynhensis Škornick. & N.S.Lý is an endemic plant in Vietnam that has been used by the Sa Huynh people as a spice and medicine to cure illnesses linked to digestive disorders. Very little information is available so far about the chemical composition and biological effects of C. sahuynhensis. To find new pharmaceutical ingredients, the in vitro cytotoxic effect and the chemical profile of C. sahuynhensis leaf extract were investigated. In this study, the percolation method and liquid-liquid dispersion technique were used to extract dry sample powder. The chemical composition was detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The Sulforhodamine B and MTT methods were used to determine the cytotoxic activity. The chemical composition analysis showed that the leaf extract contained 14 components. The major components in the n-hexane extract were 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one, phytol, 1-ethylbutyl hydroperoxide, isoborneol, 1-methylpentyl hydroperoxide, and neophytadiene. On human cancer cell lines, namely MFC-7, SK-LU-1, Hela, MKN-7, and HL-60, the leaf extract showed dose-dependent cytotoxic activity, with IC50 values ranging from 221.70±10.24 to 369.42±10.60 ?g/mL. The present study provides significant information on the chemical components and cytotoxic effects of the n-hexane extract from C. sahuynhensis leaves. The findings will continue to be crucial in future research on the evaluation of secondary metabolite compound analysis for cancer therapeutic effects

    Academic Anxiety of Vietnamese Secondary School Students as a Reason for Applying Online Learning

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    Academic anxiety is one of the major problems in student psychology across the world. It applies equally to students of all ages, from elementary school to college and university students. Research shows that learning online is an effective way to defuse feelings of academic anxiety. Elimination of anxiety is clearly visible regardless of age, gender, or prior online learning experience. The study aims to identify academic anxiety as one of the most important reasons for moving to online learning or blended learning in secondary school. The study investigated academic anxiety among secondary school students in Vietnam. After surveying 677 students in classroom learning, the results showed that 13.7% of secondary students suffered from frequent anxiety, and 3.0% of them suffered from very frequent anxiety. Lower anxiety was observed among students actively participated in-class activities, and students with excellent academic performance. These factors can be optimally enhanced through blended and online learning. There were no differences in academic anxiety among male and female students, urban and rural students. There was a moderate correlation between a student's anxiety level and pressure of the school, parental expectations, students' motivation for high performance, and especially, among students who have the melancholic temperament. And the influence of these negative factors can also be optimally reduced with the help of online learning. Regression model could provide useful suggestions for parents, teachers and students in reducing academic anxiety for students, including the use of full or blended online learning

    Evaluation Of Allelopathic Potential Of Cissus sicyoides Against the Growth Of Echinochloa Crus-Galli And Some Tested Plants

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    Many plant species in nature exert significant allelopathic potential as part of the defense mechanism system, many among their secondary metabolites (allelochemicals), including mineral constituents, which are responsible for the suppression of weeds and enhancing crop yield when directly incorporated into paddy fields. Cissus sicyoides is considered a high-potential allelopathic plant because of its invasion in nature and detected allelochemicals from the plant parts in some studies. The objective of this research was to exploit the allelopathic properties of C.sicyoides against paddy weeds and some indicator plants under laboratory bioassays and greenhouse conditions. The results demonstrated that C. sicyoides had significant inhibition on E. crus-galli, tested plants, and other paddy weeds. In the laboratory conditions, the extracts from C.sicyoides leaves inhibited the growth of Echinochloa crus-galli by 54.3%. The powders from C.sicyoides leaves inhibited the emergence of paddy weeds by approximately 100.0%. In the greenhouse conditions, the powders from C.sicyoides leaves by adding after 3 and 13 days inhibited the growth of E. crus-galli and the emergence of paddy weeds by 64.4%. Remarkably, negligible harmful effects on rice growth were observed. The findings of the study may provide useful information for the exploitation of this plant species to effectively control weeds in the rice fields for sustainable agriculture production


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    Phytochemical investigation of the rhizomes of Homalomena pendula resulted in the isolation of one flavone and three steroids. These compounds were determined as tangeretin (1), ergosterol peroxide (2), sitoindoside I (3), and stigmasterol (4) on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR data and in comparison with the available data in the literature. Compounds 1‒3 were found for the first time from the genus Homamomena. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts show NO production inhibitory activity in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells with IC50 values of 46.8 and 75.52 µg·mL–1.Hợp chất flavone, tangeretin (1), và ba hợp chất steroid: ergosterol peroxide (2), sitoindoside I (3) và stigmasterol (4) đã được phân lập từ thân rễ của cây thiên niên kiện lá lớn (Homalomena pendula). Cấu trúc hóa học của chúng được xác định dựa trên phân tích dữ liệu phổ cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân (1D và 2D NMR) và so sánh với các tài liệu đã công bố. Các hợp chất (1-3) được phân lập lần đầu tiên từ chi Homalomena. Cao chiết n-hexane và ethyl acetate của cây này có hoạt tính ức chế sản sinh NO trên đại thực bào RAW 264.7 kích thích bằng lipopolysaccharide với các giá trị IC50 là 46,80 và 75,52 µg·mL–1

    Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 4-[3-(4-hy-droxy-phen-yl)-4,5-di-hydro-1H-pyrazol-5-yl]-2-meth-oxy-phenol monohydrate.

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    In the title pyrazoline derivative, C16H16N2O3·H2O, the pyrazoline ring has an envelope conformation with the substituted sp 2 C atom on the flap. The pyrazoline ring makes angles of 86.73 (12) and 13.44 (12)° with the tris-ubstituted and disubstituted benzene rings, respectively. In the crystal structure, the mol-ecules are connected into chains running in the b-axis direction by O-H⋯N hydrogen bonding. Parallel chains inter-act through N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking of the tris-ubstituted phenyl rings. The major contribution to the surface contacts are H⋯H contacts (44.3%) as concluded from a Hirshfeld surface analysis

    The impacts of lead recycling activities to human health and environment in Dong Mai craft village, Hung Yen, Vietnam

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    Lead (Pb) recycling activities in Dong Mai village, Chi Dao commune, Van Lam district, Hung Yen province have been taking place for more than 30 years. The development of recycling activities contributed to the improvement of the local economics. However, along with economic development, Dong Mai craft village is facing to serious pollution. Soil, air and water polluted by lead (Pb) caused food containing Pb at higher levels than allowed limit from 20 to 40 times. The pollution had the bad effect on human health in this village. The investigation results showed that 100 % of employee who participated on melting lead and 63.5 % of local children were poisoned by Pb. Besides, the local people got diseases relating to skin, eyes, etc. This situation requires the provincial authorities to find immediate solutions to reduce the impacts of Pb recycling activities to environment and human.Hoạt động tái chế chì của thôn Đông Mai, xã Chỉ Đạo, huyện Văn Lâm, tỉnh Hưng Yên đã diễn ra hơn 30 năm nay. Sự phát triển của nghề tái chế đã làm góp phần cải thiện kinh tế của địa phương. Tuy nhiên, cùng với sự phát triển kinh tế, làng nghề Đông Mai đã và đang đối mặt với ô nhiễm môi trường nghiêm trọng. Môi trường đất, nước không khí bị ô nhiễm bởi chì (Pb) dẫn đến thực phẩm nhiễm chì ở hàm lượng cao hơn mức cho phép từ 20- 40 lần. Sự ô nhiễm gây ra những ảnh hưởng xấu tới sức khỏe của người dân làng nghề. Kết quả điều tra cho thấy 100% công nhân tham gia nấu chì và 63.5% trẻ em địa phương bị nhiễm độc chì. Bên cạnh đó, người dân địa phương còn bị mắc của các loại bệnh ngoài da, bệnh về mắt, …. Tình trạng này đòi hỏi chính quyền địa phương phải tìm ra giải pháp khẩn cấp để giảm thiểu tác động của những hoạt động tái chế chì tới môi trường và con người

    Evaluation of awake prone positioning effectiveness in moderate to severe COVID-19

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    Evidence mainly from high income countries suggests that lying in the prone position may be beneficial in patients with COVID-19 even if they are not receiving invasive ventilation. Studies indicate that increased duration of prone position may be associated with improved outcomes, but achieving this requires additional staff time and resources. Our study aims to support prolonged (≥ 8hours/day) awake prone positioning in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 disease in Vietnam. We use a specialist team to support prone positioning of patients and wearable devices to assist monitoring vital signs and prone position and an electronic data registry to capture routine clinical data