74 research outputs found

    Integrating interaction through CMC for French as a second language in the Anglophone context in Cameroon: the Melff project at the University of Buea

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    English and French are both official languages of Cameroon. After independence, a series of events occurred that caused the Anglophone community, a minority, to consider that French was becoming the dominant language. Part of the elite continued to galvanize "Anglophone nationalism" (Dobegang, 2009). The University of Buea is situated in one of the two Anglophone regions. It is one of the few Universities where students and lecturers are obliged to work in English. In the framework of the promotion of bilingualism and national integration, English and French are taught in all state universities. It is within this context that Functional French, a level A2 (CEFR) course is offered at the University of Buea. The course is compulsory for the validation of Bachelor degrees in order to enable the students to communicate in a French-speaking environment, i.e. the majority of regions in Cameroon. These goals are never met because of many problems related to student attitudes and motivation, and the conditions in which the course is taught: time allocated to the course is limited (40 hours over two semesters), mixed-level groups, and large groups up to 80 students. With respect to the total number of students registered, many retake the course. Language competences almost exclusively focus upon reading and listening comprehension with little or no interaction. The Melff project aims to improve this situation by introducing blended learning using two online platforms: Moodle and VoiceForum (Fynn, 2010); a forum for posting text and audio with a space for teacher feedback. Melff coordinates the contents of face-to-face classes with weekly sessions in the computer resource centre (plus extra private home access). With this design we aim, while keeping constant the amount of mandatory teacher and students workloads, to offer students the first occasion for real interaction in the second language. Tests will be made in order to compare achievement in the former learning context and the new blended context. By increasing students' levels we expect to reduce the number of students who fail the course and, thus, reduce the number of years they have to wait before validating their Bachelor's. In turn, we hope to reduce the class sizes (because of exam success). We are now in the pilot phase which will finish in June 2012. This phase involves two classes - a sample of thirty students. In our communication, we will report on this pilot phase based on the oral and written forums and questionnaires concerning participation, motivation and learning benefit. Our challenge, similar to that of many other language teachers in developing countries, will be to introduce real oral and written communicative situations using CALL, despite time and resources being limited

    Apprentissage du français dans une universitĂ© anglophone au Cameroun : de l’expĂ©rience du quasi-synchrone Ă  un nouveau modĂšle d’intĂ©gration des TIC

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    Information and Communication Technologies are now part of the life of many institutions of higher education, secondary education and even primary education. The benefits for these institutions, as well as for teachers and learners are established. However, there are very few cases of experiments carried out in learning Institutions with positive results.This thesis is about integrating ICTs into a French course in the Anglo-Saxon university of Buea in Cameroon. The context in which the course is taught in classrooms makes it difficult for the objectives to be met. Because of the large class size, the little time allocated to the course and the heterogeneous nature of students’ language levels, speaking, writing and interactional skills are not worked out in class. This action research thesis sets out to propose a blended learning set-up that hinges around the university IT Centre. Online classes are articulated with classroom sessions. Thus, students have the opportunity to involve in small groups, in communicative activities and in quasi synchronous mode. These communication modality, very often less studied by CMC researchers, is an efficient alternative to synchronous communication and environments that are very much reliable as far as internet quality is concerned in that part of the world. The general question that has driven the research is: How can a technology instrumented approach help in overcoming difficulties and ease learning? To answer that question, two technology based experiences were carried out. They were guided by a research protocol. Data collected enable me to analyse interactions and determine traces of language acquisition. From the circumstances surrounding the experiments, it is discovered that there are a number of obstacles to the integration of ICT in “low tech context” like that which is studied. The technology-based stet-up pattern is then questioned. This research work goes further to propose mobile learning as an alternative to the ICT integration model that concentrates all the resources in a single location.Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) font dĂ©sormais partie du paysage de nombreux Ă©tablissements d’enseignement supĂ©rieur, secondaire et mĂȘme primaire en Afrique. Les avantages pour l’Institution, l’enseignant et l’apprenant sont avĂ©rĂ©s (Mvoto Meyong, 2010). Cependant les expĂ©riences, Ă  l’échelle des Ă©tablissements de formation, sont encore peu nombreuses et peu concluantes.Cette thĂšse porte sur l’intĂ©gration des TIC dans un cours de français pour anglophones Ă  l’universitĂ© de BuĂ©a au Cameroun. Le cours traditionnel, dans sa version uniquement prĂ©sentiel en classe, se dĂ©roule dans un contexte limitant fortement la satisfaction d’objectifs pĂ©dagogiques essentiels. En effet, les effectifs plĂ©thoriques, le peu de temps allouĂ© Ă  la formation, l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des groupes d’apprenants font que les compĂ©tences de production ainsi que les compĂ©tences en interaction des intĂ©ressĂ©s ne peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©es. En rĂ©ponse Ă  cet existant, cette thĂšse, de type recherche-action, prĂ©sente un dispositif hybride articulant travail en classe et dans le centre technologique de l’universitĂ©. LĂ  sont offertes des activitĂ©s de communication en petits groupes dans une modalitĂ© quasi-synchrone. Cette modalitĂ©, peu souvent Ă©tudiĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature de recherche, offre une alternative rĂ©aliste aux environnements synchrones peu fiables, compte tenu de l’état des rĂ©seaux et de l’Internet dans cette partie du monde.Afin d’étudier si ce nouveau dispositif de formation permet de dĂ©passer les difficultĂ©s Ă©voquĂ©es et de faciliter l’apprentissage, je l’ai dĂ©ployĂ© deux annĂ©es successives, en l’entourant d’un protocole de recherche. Les donnĂ©es recueillies m’ont permis d’analyser les interactions, de mettre en Ă©vidence les traces d’apprentissage. Mais cette double expĂ©rimentation apporte aussi un nouvel Ă©clairage au travers de l’analyse des obstacles qui ont handicapĂ© la mise en oeuvre du dispositif technopĂ©dagogique. Je questionne le modĂšle d’intĂ©gration des TIC qui traditionnellement concentre toutes les ressources en un seul endroit, sans tenir compte des contextes technologiquement limitĂ©s. J’esquisse une voie alternative destinĂ©e, grĂące Ă  l’apprentissage mobile, Ă  intĂ©grer les TIC dans des dispositifs de formation de langues et un contexte technologique proches de notre situation prototypique

    L'attention comme catalyseur des communications environnementales axées sur la peur

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    Cette Ă©tude sur l'attention comme catalyseur des communications environnementales axĂ©es sur la peur a pour but d'accroĂźtre l'efficacitĂ© des communications Ă©co persuasives axĂ©es sur la peur, en optimisant les processus attentionnels de traitement de l'information, prĂ©cisĂ©ment, de dĂ©finir le rĂ©pertoire visuel le plus reprĂ©sentatif de la perception d'un risque environnemental Ă©levĂ© pour les jeunes quĂ©bĂ©cois ĂągĂ©s de 18 Ă  25 ans, et d'identifier le type de visuels plus propices Ă  l'adoption de comportements Ă©cologiques rĂ©els chez ces jeunes. Nous avons procĂ©dĂ© par une approche exclusivement qualitative oĂč nous avons prĂ©sentĂ© des images des risques climatiques susceptibles de se produire au QuĂ©bec Ă  un Ă©chantillon de 20 jeunes quĂ©bĂ©cois divisĂ©s en 4 groupes de discussion composĂ©s de 5 jeunes par groupe. Nous avons ensuite procĂ©dĂ© Ă  l'analyse directe des enregistrements des donnĂ©es de chaque groupe sans transcription. Il en ressort de notre analyse, en ce qui concerne le rĂ©pertoire visuel qui reprĂ©sente les perceptions du risque environnemental chez les jeunes que ; les images qui mettent en Ă©vidence des inondations ne sont pas automatiquement reliĂ©es aux changements climatiques ; contrairement Ă  nos attentes, les images de canicule suscitent de l'excitation plutĂŽt que la peur chez les jeunes qui sont au contraire heureux de pouvoir profiter du soleil plus longtemps ; l'ampleur des dĂ©gĂąts causĂ©s par un risque climatique est proportionnelle au niveau de perception du risque comme Ă©tant Ă©levĂ©. En ce qui concerne les images propices Ă  l'adoption de comportements rĂ©els, il en ressort que ; les images qui mettent en Ă©vidence des animaux et des humains en dĂ©tresse sont plus efficaces que celles reliĂ©es aux plantes ; les images qui prĂ©sentent le feu ou la chaleur comme risque climatique sont tout de suite perçues comme de grandes menaces dues Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© de destruction du feu, contrairement Ă  l'eau qui est vue comme un Ă©lĂ©ment utile dans la vie quotidienne. Au regard de ces rĂ©sultats, nous pensons que l'efficacitĂ© des communications environnementales pourrait s'amĂ©liorer si celles-ci faisaient davantage usage d'images qui prĂ©sentent des animaux ou des humains en dĂ©tresse sous la menace d'un risque environnemental causĂ© par le feu, mais surtout, mettre un accent sur l'Ă©ducation des plus jeunes dĂšs le bas Ăąge aux risques liĂ©s aux changements climatiques.The purpose of this study on attention as a catalyst for fear-based environmental communications is to increase the effectiveness of fear-based eco-persuasive communications by optimizing attentional information processing processes, specifically, to define the visual repertoire most representative of the perception of high environmental risk for young Quebecers aged 18 to 25, and to identify the type of visuals most conducive to the adoption of real ecological behaviors among these youth. We proceeded with an exclusively qualitative approach where we presented images of climate risks likely to occur in Quebec to a sample of 20 young Quebecers divided into 4 focus groups composed of 5 young people each. We then proceeded to directly analyze the data recordings of each group without resorting to transcription. Our analysis shows that, with regard to the visual repertoire representing the perceptions of environmental risk among young people, images that highlight flooding are not automatically linked to climate change; contrary to our expectations, images of heat waves arouse excitement rather than fear among young people, who are, on the contrary, happy to be able to enjoy the sun longer; the extent of the damage caused by a climate risk is proportional to the level of perception of the risk as being high. With regard to the images that are conducive to the adoption of real behaviors, it appears that; the images that highlight animals and humans in distress are more effective than those related to plants; the images that present fire or heat as a climate risk are immediately perceived as great threats due to the destructive property of fire, unlike water, which is seen as a useful element in everyday life. In view of these results, we believe that the effectiveness of environmental communications could be improved if they made more use of images that present animals or humans under the threat of an environmental risk caused by fire, but above all, put an emphasis on educating the youngest from an early age to the risks related to climate change

    Diagnostic value of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides and association with HLA-DRB1 shared epitope alleles in African rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to examine the diagnostic performance of autoantibodies against citrullinated peptides/proteins (ACPA) and to determine the prevalence of HLA-DRB1 shared epitope alleles (SE) in African patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Serum levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides antibodies (anti-CCP2, anti-CCP3), IgM and IgA rheumatoid factors (RF) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the serum of 56 consecutive RA patients regularly followed in the Rheumatology Unit of the School of Medicine, University of Yaounde, Yaounde, Cameroon. Genotyping of HLA-DRB1 alleles was performed by polymerase chain reaction and hybridization with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes on microbeads arrays. Fifty-one patients with other inflammatory rheumatic diseases and 50 healthy individuals were included as controls. RESULTS: An anti-CCP2 assay showed the best diagnosis sensitivity (82%) and specificity (98%) with high positive predictive (PPV) (96%) and negative predictive values (NPV) (91%). Thirty percent of RA patients were carrying at least one copy of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE) compared to 10% and 14% of patients with other inflammatory rheumatic diseases and healthy individuals, respectively. The presence of the SE was associated with the production of ACPA. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-CCP2 antibodies are useful markers of RA in African patients. In this cohort, the prevalence of the SE is higher in RA patients than in controls but lower than that reported in patient cohorts of European ancestry. The discrepancy between the high prevalence of ACPA-positive patients and the relatively low number of SE-positive cases suggest that, in addition to SE, other genetic factors control the development of ACPA in African RA patients

    Inventaire Et Profil Epidémiologique Des Parasites De Cinq EspÚces De Poissons A Potentiel Piscicole Dans Le Cours Supérieur Du Fleuve NKAM (Littoral-Cameroun)

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    RĂ©sumĂ© – La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite de mai Ă  septembre  2019 en amont du fleuve Nkam, dans la plaine des MbĂŽ en vue de  contribuer Ă  la connaissance de la biodiversitĂ© et de l’écologie des parasites des poissons. Ainsi, un total de 130 spĂ©cimens de poissons (13 Clarias gariepinus, 34 Clarias jaensis, 24 Labeobarbus batesii, 29 Oreochromis niloticus et 30 Parachanna obscura) a Ă©tĂ© collectĂ© de maniĂšre alĂ©atoire auprĂšs des pĂȘcheurs. L’examen parasitologique a permis de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence et l’intensitĂ© moyenne d’infestation. Les rĂ©sultats ont un montrĂ© un polyparasitisme chez toutes les espĂšces de poissons avec un total de six taxons de parasites (monogĂšnes, myxosporidies, nĂ©matodes, cestodes, copĂ©podes, trĂ©matodes). La prĂ©valence gĂ©nĂ©rale (48%) a Ă©tĂ© faible. IndĂ©pendamment de l’espĂšce hĂŽte, la prĂ©valence a Ă©tĂ© faible pour les monogĂšnes (49,23%), trĂ©matodes (28,46%) et myxosporidies (24,62%) pendant que les cestodes (1,53%), copĂ©podes (5,38%) et nĂ©matodes (6,92%) ont enregistrĂ© une prĂ©valence trĂšs faible. Les paramĂštres espĂšce, sexe, taille et poids n’ont pas significativement affectĂ© la prĂ©valence et l’intensitĂ© d’infestation des poissons. Par ailleurs, la prĂ©valence des monogĂšnes a Ă©tĂ© maximale (100%) chez Oreochromis niloticus suivis de Clarias gariepinus (76,92%). En outre, 75% de poisson Labeobarbus batesii a Ă©tĂ© parasitĂ© par les trĂ©matodes. Globalement, l’intensitĂ© d’infestation a variĂ© de trĂšs faible Ă  faible.  Au terme de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, il ressort un polyparasitisme par une faune parasitaire composĂ©e de six groupes parmi lesquels les monogĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©s. Dans l’ensemble, la prĂ©valence et l’intensitĂ© d’infestation ont Ă©tĂ© affectĂ©es par l’espĂšce, le sexe, les classes de taille et poids de poissons du fleuve Nkam sans toutefois montrer de grande diffĂ©rence.MotsclĂ©s – Polyparasitisme ; PrĂ©valence; Intensité ; BiodiversitĂ©, Ecologie.Abstract – This study was conducted from May to September 2019 uptream of the Nkam river, in the “plaine des Mbî” in order to contribute to the knowledge of fish parasites biodiversity and ecology.  So, a total of 130 fish specimens (13 Clarias gariepinus, 34 Clarias jaensis, 24 Labeobarbus batesii, 29 Oreochromis niloticus and 30 Parachanna obscura) randomly collected from the fishermen were parasitologically examined so as to determine the prevalence and mean intensity of infestation. Results revealed the polyparasitism of all the fish species with six taxa of parasites (monogeneans, myxosporeans, nematodes, cestodes, copepods, trematodes). The overall prevalence (48%) was low. Irrespective of the host species, the prevalence was low with monogeneans (49.23%), trematodes (28.46%) and myxosporeans (24.62%) while cestodes (1.53%), copepods (5.38%) and nematodes (6.92%) recorded a very low prevalence. Fish species, sex, size classes and weights did not significantly influence the prevalence and intensity of infestation. In addition, the prevalence of monogeneans was maximum (100%) in Oreochromis niloticus followed by Clarias gariepinus (76.92%). On the other hand, 75% of the fish Labeobarbus batesii was infested by trematodes. The overall intensity varied from very low to low. This study finally reveals the polyparasitism of fishes by a parasitic fauna composed of six groups of parasites among which monogeneans were the most represented. Overall, the prevalence and the intensity of infestation was affected by the species, sex, sizes and weight classes of fishes from the Nkam river with no significant difference.Keywords – Polyparasitism, Prevalence; Intensity; Biodiversity, Ecology

    Pediatric rheumatology in Africa: thriving amidst challenges

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    Background: Pediatric Rheumatology is an orphan specialty in Africa which is gradually gaining importance across the continent. Main body: This commentary discusses the current state of affairs in the sphere of Pediatric Rheumatology across Africa and offers practical strategies to navigate the challenges encountered in research, models of care, education and training. We outline the establishment, opportunities of growth and achievements of the Pediatric Society of the African League Against Rheumatism (PAFLAR). Conclusion: This commentary lays the foundation for establishment of a formidable framework and development of partnerships for the prosperity of Pediatric Rheumatology in Africa and beyond

    African League Against Rheumatism (AFLAR) preliminary recommendations on the management of rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objectives To develop recommendations for the management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method A task force comprising of 25 rheumatologists from the 5 regions of the continent was formed and operated through a hub-and-spoke model with a central working committee (CWC) and 4 subgroups. The subgroups championed separate scopes of the clinical questions and formulated preliminary statements of recommendations which were processed centrally in the CWC. The CWC and each subgroup met by several virtual meetings, and two rounds of voting were conducted on the drafted statements of recommendations. Votes were online-delivered and recommendations were pruned down according to predefined criteria. Each statement was rated between 1 and 9 with 1–3, 4–6 and 7–9 representing disagreement, uncertainty and agreement, respectively. The levels of agreement on the statements were stratified as low, moderate or high according to the spread of votes. A statement was retired if it had a mean vote below 7 or a ‘low’ level of agreement. Results A total of 126 initial statements of recommendations were drafted, and these were reduced to 22 after the two rounds of voting. Conclusions The preliminary statements of recommendations will serve to guide the clinical practice of rheumatology across Africa amidst the changing practices and uncertainties in the current era of COVID-19. It is recognized that further updates to the recommendations will be needed as more evidence emerges

    Aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de la coxarthrose. A propos de 80 cas

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    There is a paucity of studies about coxarthrosis in Cameroon. The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of this disease in Cameroonian milieu. It was a retrospective study of this disease through a population of patients attending a rehabilitation centre for the disabled persons in Cameroon during 13 years. From 1998 to 2010, 30.656 patients have been seen in consultation in general among which 10.107 were orthopedic patients of whose 80 cases of coxarthrosis was notified (0.79%). The average age was 51.21 years. Sixty one patients (76.75%) were seen at advanced stages of the disease. There were 23 primary coxarthrosis versus 57 secondary coxarthrosis. There were 47 males versus 33 females. The mean duration of the beginning of the symptoms was 7.06 years. The attack of the hip was unilateral in 57 patients (71.25%) and bilateral among 23 patients (28.75%). There were 23 primary coxarthrosis for 57 secondary coxarthrosis (71.25%). The traumatisms (31 cases, 36.47%) were the first identified risk factor, followed by avascular necrosis of the femoral head (8 cases, 9.41%). Only 2 patients (3.22%) underwent total hip arthroplasty. The incidence of coxarthrosis remains weak in Cameroon where the population is young in majority. The disease remains however severe in this milieu where patients consult at a late stage and where the total hip arthroplasty is neither available or accessible every-where. The conservative surgical methods, of limited indication, remain the only accessible alternative

    Learning French in an English-speaking university in Cameroon

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    Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) font dĂ©sormais partie du paysage de nombreux Ă©tablissements d’enseignement supĂ©rieur, secondaire et mĂȘme primaire en Afrique. Les avantages pour l’Institution, l’enseignant et l’apprenant sont avĂ©rĂ©s (Mvoto Meyong, 2010). Cependant les expĂ©riences, Ă  l’échelle des Ă©tablissements de formation, sont encore peu nombreuses et peu concluantes. Cette thĂšse porte sur l’intĂ©gration des TIC dans un cours de français pour anglophones Ă  l’universitĂ© de BuĂ©a au Cameroun. Le cours traditionnel, dans sa version uniquement prĂ©sentiel en classe, se dĂ©roule dans un contexte limitant fortement la satisfaction d’objectifs pĂ©dagogiques essentiels. En effet, les effectifs plĂ©thoriques, le peu de temps allouĂ© Ă  la formation, l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des groupes d’apprenants font que les compĂ©tences de production ainsi que les compĂ©tences en interaction des intĂ©ressĂ©s ne peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©es. En rĂ©ponse Ă  cet existant, cette thĂšse, de type recherche-action, prĂ©sente un dispositif hybride articulant travail en classe et dans le centre technologique de l’universitĂ©. LĂ  sont offertes des activitĂ©s de communication en petits groupes dans une modalitĂ© quasi-synchrone. Cette modalitĂ©, peu souvent Ă©tudiĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature de recherche, offre une alternative rĂ©aliste aux environnements synchrones peu fiables, compte tenu de l’état des rĂ©seaux et de l’Internet dans cette partie du monde. Afin d’étudier si ce nouveau dispositif de formation permet de dĂ©passer les difficultĂ©s Ă©voquĂ©es et de faciliter l’apprentissage, je l’ai dĂ©ployĂ© deux annĂ©es successives, en l’entourant d’un protocole de recherche. Les donnĂ©es recueillies m’ont permis d’analyser les interactions, de mettre en Ă©vidence les traces d’apprentissage. Mais cette double expĂ©rimentation apporte aussi un nouvel Ă©clairage au travers de l’analyse des obstacles qui ont handicapĂ© la mise en Ɠuvre du dispositif technopĂ©dagogique. Je questionne le modĂšle d’intĂ©gration des TIC qui traditionnellement concentre toutes les ressources en un seul endroit, sans tenir compte des contextes technologiquement limitĂ©s. J’esquisse une voie alternative destinĂ©e, grĂące Ă  l’apprentissage mobile, Ă  intĂ©grer les TIC dans des dispositifs de formation de langues et un contexte technologique proches de notre situation prototypique.Information and Communication Technologies are now part of the life of many institutions of higher education, secondary education and even primary education. The benefits for these institutions, as well as for teachers and learners are established. However, there are very few cases of experiments carried out in learning Institutions with positive results. This thesis is about integrating ICTs into a French course in the Anglo-Saxon university of Buea in Cameroon. The context in which the course is taught in classrooms makes it difficult for the objectives to be met. Because of the large class size, the little time allocated to the course and the heterogeneous nature of students’ language levels, speaking, writing and interactional skills are not worked out in class. This action research thesis sets out to propose a blended learning set-up that hinges around the university IT Centre. Online classes are articulated with classroom sessions. Thus, students have the opportunity to involve in small groups, in communicative activities and in quasi synchronous mode. These communication modality, very often less studied by CMC researchers, is an efficient alternative to synchronous communication and environments that are very much reliable as far as internet quality is concerned in that part of the world. The general question that has driven the research is: How can a technology instrumented approach help in overcoming difficulties and ease learning? To answer that question, two technology based experiences were carried out. They were guided by a research protocol. Data collected enable me to analyse interactions and determine traces of language acquisition. From the circumstances surrounding the experiments, it is discovered that there are a number of obstacles to the integration of ICT in “low tech context” like that which is studied. The technology-based stet-up pattern is then questioned. This research work goes further to propose mobile learning as an alternative to the ICT integration model that concentrates all the resources in a single location

    SynthÚse de diamant par CVD contenant des centres colorés pour des applications en technologies quantiques

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    To capture physical phenomena that were previously inaccessible at the nanoscale, it is necessary to have measurement instruments tailored to this scale. Over the past few years, a new generation of quantum sensors using the electronic spins associated with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres hosted in diamond has garnered significant interest, particularly due to their manipulation of optical and spin properties at room temperature. In the course of this doctoral research, the optimization of the chemical vapour deposition diamond film fabrication process containing nitrogen was carried out to create ensembles of NV centres distributed throughout the material volume. Specifically, the growth and post-treatment conditions aimed at maximizing the concentration of negatively charged NV centers were investigated. The development of a recently acquired implantation process at the LSPM, with the goal of creating NV centres very close to the surface of the diamond, is also discussed. In particular, the impact of high-temperature implantation is presented.Pour saisir les phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques qui Ă©taient jusque-lĂ  inaccessibles Ă  l'Ă©chelle nanomĂ©trique il est nĂ©cessaire d'avoir des instruments de mesure adaptĂ©s Ă  cette Ă©chelle. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, une nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration de capteurs quantiques exploitant les spins Ă©lectroniques associĂ©s aux centres azote-lacune hĂ©bergĂ©s dans le diamant a suscitĂ© un vif intĂ©rĂȘt, en particulier grĂące Ă  la manipulation de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques et de spin Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante. Au cours de ces travaux de thĂšse, l'optimisation du procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication des films de diamant contenant de l'azote a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e  afin de crĂ©er des ensembles de centres NV rĂ©partis dans tout le volume du matĂ©riau. De maniĂšre spĂ©cifique, les conditions de croissance et de post-traitement permettant de maximiser la concentration de centres NV Ă  charge nĂ©gative ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. Le dĂ©veloppement d'un processus d'implantation rĂ©cemment acquis au sein du LSPM, dans le but de crĂ©er des centres NV trĂšs prĂšs de la surface du diamant. En particulier l'impact de l'implantation Ă  haute tempĂ©rature est prĂ©sentĂ©
