306 research outputs found

    A galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure

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    We present a new, galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure, in which the galaxies entering a given sample are the fundamental objects. Haloes attach to galaxies, in contrast to the standard halo model, in which galaxies attach to haloes. The galaxy-halo model pertains mainly to the relationships between the power spectra of galaxies and mass, and their cross-power spectrum. With surprisingly little input, an intuition-aiding approximation to the galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient R(k) emerges, in terms of the halo mass dispersion. This approximation seems valid to mildly non-linear scales (k < ~3 h/Mpc), allowing measurement of the bias and the matter power spectrum from measurements of the galaxy and galaxy-matter power spectra (or correlation functions). This is especially relevant given the recent advances in precision in measurements of the galaxy-matter correlation function from weak gravitational lensing. The galaxy-halo model also addresses the issue of interpreting the galaxy-matter correlation function as an average halo density profile, and provides a simple description of galaxy bias as a function of scale.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Minor changes, suggested by refere

    Redshift-Space Enhancement of Line-of-Sight Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the SDSS Main-Galaxy Sample

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    We show that redshift-space distortions of galaxy correlations have a strong effect on correlation functions with distinct, localized features, like the signature of the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). Near the line of sight, the features become sharper as a result of redshift-space distortions. We demonstrate this effect by measuring the correlation function in Gaussian simulations and the Millennium Simulation. We also analyze the SDSS DR7 main-galaxy sample (MGS), splitting the sample into slices 2.5 degrees on the sky in various rotations. Measuring 2D correlation functions in each slice, we do see a sharp bump along the line of sight. Using Mexican-hat wavelets, we localize it to (110 +/- 10) Mpc/h. Averaging only along the line of sight, we estimate its significance at a particular wavelet scale and location at 2.2 sigma. In a flat angular weighting in the (pi,r_p) coordinate system, the noise level is suppressed, pushing the bump's significance to 4 sigma. We estimate that there is about a 0.2% chance of getting such a signal anywhere in the vicinity of the BAO scale from a power spectrum lacking a BAO feature. However, these estimates of the significances make some use of idealized Gaussian simulations, and thus are likely a bit optimistic.Comment: 17 pages, 27 figures. Minor changes to match final version accepted to Ap

    Interpolating Masked Weak Lensing Signal with Karhunen-Loeve Analysis

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    We explore the utility of Karhunen Loeve (KL) analysis in solving practical problems in the analysis of gravitational shear surveys. Shear catalogs from large-field weak lensing surveys will be subject to many systematic limitations, notably incomplete coverage and pixel-level masking due to foreground sources. We develop a method to use two dimensional KL eigenmodes of shear to interpolate noisy shear measurements across masked regions. We explore the results of this method with simulated shear catalogs, using statistics of high-convergence regions in the resulting map. We find that the KL procedure not only minimizes the bias due to masked regions in the field, it also reduces spurious peak counts from shape noise by a factor of ~ 3 in the cosmologically sensitive regime. This indicates that KL reconstructions of masked shear are not only useful for creating robust convergence maps from masked shear catalogs, but also offer promise of improved parameter constraints within studies of shear peak statistics.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Ap

    The Effect of Corner Modes in the Initial Conditions of Cosmological Simulations

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    In view of future high-precision large-scale structure surveys, it is important to quantify the percent and subpercent level effects in cosmological N-body simulations from which theoretical predictions are drawn. One such effect involves deciding whether to zero all modes above the one-dimensional Nyquist frequency, the so-called “corner” modes, in the initial conditions. We investigate this effect by comparing power spectra, density distribution functions, halo mass functions, and halo profiles in simulations with and without these modes. For a simulation with a mass resolution of mp ~ 1011 -h M 1 , we find that at z > 6, the difference in the matter power spectrum is large at wavenumbers above ∼80% of kNy, reducing to below 2% at all scales by z ~ 3. Including corner modes results in a better match between low- and high-resolution simulations at wavenumbers around the Nyquist frequency of the low-resolution simulation, but the effect of the corner modes is smaller than the effect of particle discreteness. The differences in mass functions are 3% for the smallest halos at z = 6 for the mp ~ 1011 -h M 1 simulation, but we find no significant difference in the stacked profiles of well-resolved halos at z 6. Thus removing power at ∣k∣ > kNy in the initial conditions of cosmological simulations has a small effect on small scales and high redshifts, typically below a few percent

    Robust, data-driven inference in non-linear cosmostatistics

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    We discuss two projects in non-linear cosmostatistics applicable to very large surveys of galaxies. The first is a Bayesian reconstruction of galaxy redshifts and their number density distribution from approximate, photometric redshift data. The second focuses on cosmic voids and uses them to construct cosmic spheres that allow reconstructing the expansion history of the Universe using the Alcock-Paczynski test. In both cases we find that non-linearities enable the methods or enhance the results: non-linear gravitational evolution creates voids and our photo-z reconstruction works best in the highest density (and hence most non-linear) portions of our simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Talk given at "Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V," held at Penn Stat

    Probing dark energy with cluster counts and cosmic shear power spectra: including the full covariance

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    (Abridged) Combining cosmic shear power spectra and cluster counts is powerful to improve cosmological parameter constraints and/or test inherent systematics. However they probe the same cosmic mass density field, if the two are drawn from the same survey region, and therefore the combination may be less powerful than first thought. We investigate the cross-covariance between the cosmic shear power spectra and the cluster counts based on the halo model approach, where the cross-covariance arises from the three-point correlations of the underlying mass density field. Fully taking into account the cross-covariance as well as non-Gaussian errors on the lensing power spectrum covariance, we find a significant cross-correlation between the lensing power spectrum signals at multipoles l~10^3 and the cluster counts containing halos with masses M>10^{14}Msun. Including the cross-covariance for the combined measurement degrades and in some cases improves the total signal-to-noise ratios up to plus or minus 20% relative to when the two are independent. For cosmological parameter determination, the cross-covariance has a smaller effect as a result of working in a multi-dimensional parameter space, implying that the two observables can be considered independent to a good approximation. We also discuss that cluster count experiments using lensing-selected mass peaks could be more complementary to cosmic shear tomography than mass-selected cluster counts of the corresponding mass threshold. Using lensing selected clusters with a realistic usable detection threshold (S/N~6 for a ground-based survey), the uncertainty on each dark energy parameter may be roughly halved by the combined experiments, relative to using the power spectra alone.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures. Revised version, invited original contribution to gravitational lensing focus issue, New Journal of Physic

    ZOBOV: a parameter-free void-finding algorithm

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    ZOBOV (ZOnes Bordering On Voidness) is an algorithm that finds density depressions in a set of points, without any free parameters, or assumptions about shape. It uses the Voronoi tessellation to estimate densities, which it uses to find both voids and subvoids. It also measures probabilities that each void or subvoid arises from Poisson fluctuations. This paper describes the ZOBOV algorithm, and the results from its application to the dark-matter particles in a region of the Millennium Simulation. Additionally, the paper points out an interesting high-density peak in the probability distribution of dark-matter particle densities.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS, accepted. Added explanatory figures, and better edge-detection methods. ZOBOV code available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~neyrinck/vobo