849 research outputs found

    Neutral-current neutrino cross section and expected supernova signals for 40^{40}Ar from a three-fold increase in the magnetic dipole strength

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    In view of the great interest in liquid argon neutrino detectors, the 40^{40}Ar(γ,γ\gamma,\gamma')40^{40}Ar^{*} reaction was revisited to guide a calculation of the neutral current neutrino cross section at supernova energies. Using the nuclear resonance fluorescence technique with a monoenergetic, 99% linearly polarized photon beam, we report a three-fold increase in magnetic dipole strength at around 10 MeV in 40^{40}Ar. Based on shell-model calculations, and using the experimentally identified transitions, the neutral current neutrino cross sections for low-energy reactions on 40^{40}Ar are calculated

    Magnetic Resonance

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    Contains research objectives and reports on three research projects

    Environmentally and behaviourally mediated co-occurrence of functional traits in bird communities of tropical forest fragments

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    Two major theories of community assembly - based on the assumption of limiting similarity' or 'habitat filtering', respectively - predict contrasting patterns in the spatial arrangement of functional traits. Previous analyses have made progress in testing these predictions and identifying underlying processes, but have also pointed to theoretical as well as methodological shortcomings. Here we applied a recently developed methodology for spatially explicit analysis of phylogenetic meta-community structure to study the pattern of co-occurrence of functional traits in Afrotropical and Neotropical bird species inhabiting forest fragments. Focusing separately on locomotory, dietary, and dispersal traits, we tested whether environmental filtering causes spatial clustering, or competition leads to spatial segregation as predicted by limiting similarity theory. We detected significant segregation of species co-occurrences in African fragments, but not in the Neotropical ones. Interspecific competition had a higher impact on trait co-occurrence than filter effects, yet no single functional trait was able to explain the observed degree of spatial segregation among species. Despite high regional variability spanning from spatial segregation to aggregation, we found a consistent tendency for a clustered spatial patterning of functional traits among communities in fragmented landscapes, particularly in non-territorial species. Overall, we show that behavioural effects, such as territoriality, and environmental effects, such as the area of forest remnants or properties of the landscape matrix in which they are embedded, can strongly affect the pattern of trait co-occurrence. Our findings suggest that trait-based analyses of community structure should include behavioural and environmental covariates, and we here provide an appropriate method for linking functional traits, species ecology and environmental conditions to clarify the drivers underlying spatial patterns of species co-occurrence

    Application of reliability-based robustness assessment of steel moment resisting frame structures under post-mainshock cascading events

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    This paper proposes a reliability-based framework for quantifying structural robustness considering the occurrence of a major earthquake (mainshock) and subsequent cascading hazard events, such as aftershocks that are triggered by the mainshock. These events can significantly increase the probability of failure of buildings, especially for structures that are damaged during the mainshock. The application of the proposed framework is exemplified through three numerical case studies. The case studies correspond to three SAC steel moment frame buildings of three, nine, and 20 stories, which were designed to pre-Northridge codes and standards. Two-dimensional nonlinear finite-element models of the buildings are developed with the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation framework (OpenSees), using a finite length plastic hinge beam model and a bilinear constitutive law with deterioration, and are subjected to multiple mainshock-aftershock seismic sequences. For the three buildings analyzed herein, it is shown that the structural reliability under a single seismic event can be significantly different from that under a sequence of seismic events. The reliability based robustness indicator shows that the structural robustness is influenced by the extent to which a structure can distribute damage

    Behavior, for the Lorca earthquake on 11-05-2011, of wide beam building designed without seismic considerations

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    El terremoto de Lorca (11-05-2011) fue el movimiento sísmico más destructivo registrado en España, a pesar de su moderada magnitud. Este artículo describe la simulación numérica de la respuesta dinámica, al registro principal del terremoto de Lorca, de seis edificios de tres y seis plantas con forjados unidireccionales de hormigón con vigas planas; estos edificios fueron proyectados sin tener en cuenta la acción sísmica. Se ha elegido esta tipología constructiva por presentar, potencialmente, una elevada vulnerabilidad sísmica. Los seis edificios han sido seleccionados para representar un número importante de edificios de este tipo existentes en zonas de sismicidad baja o media (como Lorca) de España y correspondientes a los años 1974-1994, posteriores a la PDS-1 1974 y previos a la NCSE-94. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que estos edificios, aun contando con la cooperación de los muros, no poseen capacidad para resistir la componente más intensa del registro de Lorca.The recent earthquake in Lorca (11-05-2011) was the most destructive recorded event in Spain, despite its moderate magnitude. This paper describes the numerical simulation of the dynamic response to the main record of the Lorca earthquake of six 3 and 6-story buildings with one-way concrete slabs with wide beams; these buildings were designed without any seismic consideration. We have chosen this type of construction because it is potentially highly vulnerable. The six considered buildings were selected to represent a large number of buildings of this type in areas of low-to-medium seismicity (as Lorca) of Spain along the period 1974-1994. The results show that these buildings, even with the cooperation of the walls, do not have sufficient capacity to withstand the most severe component of the Lorca record.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el gobierno de España, proyectos CGL2008-00869/BTE, CGL2011-23621, BIA2008- 00050 y BIA2011-26816 y por la Unión Europea (fondos Feder)

    Effects of high-amylose maize starch and butyrylated high-amylose maize starch on azoxymethane-induced intestinal cancer in rats

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major cause of death worldwide. Studies suggest that dietary fibre offers protection perhaps by increasing colonic fermentative production of butyrate. This study examined the importance of butyrate by investigating the effects of resistant starch (RS) and butyrylated-RS on azoxymethane (AOM)-induced CRC in rats. Four groups (n = 30 per group) of Sprague–Dawley rats were fed AIN-93G-based diets containing a standard low-RS maize starch (LAMS), LAMS + 3% tributyrin (LAMST), 10% high-amylose maize starch (HAMS) and 10% butyrylated HAMS (HAMSB) for 4 weeks. Rats were injected once weekly for 2 weeks with 15 mg/kg AOM, maintained on diets for 25 weeks and then killed. Butyrate concentrations in large bowel digesta were higher in rats fed HAMSB than other groups (P < 0.001); levels were similar in HAMS, LAMS and LAMST groups. The proportion of rats developing tumours were lower in HAMS and HAMSB than LAMS (P < 0.05), and the number of tumours per rat were lower in HAMSB than LAMS (P < 0.05). Caecal digesta butyrate pools and concentrations were negatively correlated with tumour size (P < 0.05). Hepatic portal plasma butyrate concentrations were higher (P < 0.001) in the HAMSB compared with other groups and negatively correlated with tumour number per rat (P < 0.009) and total tumour size for each rat (P = 0.05). HAMSB results in higher luminal butyrate than RS alone or tributyrin. This is associated with reduced tumour incidence, number and size in this rat model of CRC supporting the important protective role of butyrate. Interventional strategies designed to maximize luminal butyrate may be of protective benefit in humans

    Potential of Macrostomum lignano to recover from γ-ray irradiation

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    Stem cells are the only proliferating cells in flatworms and can be eliminated by irradiation with no damage to differentiated cells. We investigated the effect of fractionated irradiation schemes on Macrostomum lignano, namely, on survival, gene expression, morphology and regeneration. Proliferating cells were almost undetectable during the first week post-treatment. Cell proliferation and gene expression were restored within 1 month in a dose-dependent manner following exposure to up to 150 Gy irradiation. During recovery, stem cells did not cross the midline but were restricted within lateral compartments. An accumulated dose of 210 Gy resulted in a lethal phenotype. Our findings demonstrate that M. lignano represents a suitable model system for elucidating the effect of irradiation on the stem cell system in flatworms and for improving our understanding of the recovery potential of severely damaged stem-cell systems