8,063 research outputs found

    Consensus must be found on intravenous fluid therapy management in trauma patients

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    Introduction: Trauma is an important cause of death among young people and 30-40% of this mortality rate is due to hypovolemic shock, intensified by trauma's lethal triad: Hypothermia, Acidosis, and Coagulopathy. Nurses are responsible for managing fluid therapy administration in trauma victims. The purpose of this study is to analyse the reasons why intravenous fluid therapy is recommended for trauma patients' hemodynamic stabilization. Methods: This narrative literature review included published and unpublished studies in English, Spanish or Portuguese between 1994 and January 2019. The search results were analyzed by two independent reviewers. Inclusion criteria encompasses quantitative studies involving trauma victims aged over 18 who underwent fluid therapy in a prehospital assessment context. Results&Discussion: 11 quantitative studies were included. 9 involved the use of fluid therapy for hypotension treatment and 2 of the studies analyzed involved the use of warmed fluid therapy for hypothermia treatment. The analysis performed reveals that the administration of aggressive fluid therapy seems to be responsible for the worsening of the lethal triad. In the presence of traumatic brain injury, permissive hypotension is not allowed due to the negative impact on cerebral perfusion pressure. Used as warming measure, warmed fluid therapy does not seem to have a significant impact on body temperature. Conclusions: There is no consensus regarding the administration of fluid therapy to trauma patients. This conclusion clearly supports the need to develop more randomized controlled trials in order to understand the effectiveness of such measure when it comes to control hypovolemia and hypothermia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    All that Glitters: A Review of Payments for Watershed Services in Developing Countries

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    This report reviews the current status of payments for watershed services in developing countries. It highlights the main trends in the evolution of these schemes, synthesising the available evidence on their environmental and social impacts, and drawing lessons for the design of future initiatives. The interest in payments for watershed services (PWS) as a tool for watershed management in developing countries is growing, despite major setbacks. This review identified 50 ongoing schemes, 8 advanced proposals and 37 preliminary proposals for PWS. A previous review published by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) on markets and payments for environmental services (Silver Bullet or Fools' Gold? (Landell-Mills and Porras 2002)) identified just 41 proposed and ongoing PWS schemes in developing countries, which suggests a considerable growth in interest in this approach

    The first dinuclear zinc(II) dithiocarbarnate complex with butyl substituent groups

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, bis( -N,N- dibutyldithiocarbamato- 2S:S0)bis[(N,N-dibutyldithiocarba\- forcelb]mato- 2S,S0)zinc(II)], [Zn2(C9H18NS2)4], has been determined at 180 K. The structure contains two crystallographically unique Zn2+ metal centres, showing almost identical slightly distorted tetrahedral coordination environments, and forming a dinuclear complex with two skew-bridging syn-N,N-dibutyldithiocarbamate ligands. Two other dithiocarbamate ligands are connected to the Zn2+ centres in a syn,syn-chelate coordination mode

    Distribution Costs and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics During Exchange-Rate-Based-Stabilizations

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    This paper studies the role played by the distribution sector in shaping the behavior of the real exchange rate during exchange-rate-based-stabilizations. We use data for the U.S. and Argentina to document the importance of distribution margins in retail prices and disaggregated price data to study price dynamics in the aftermath of Argentina's 1991 Convertibility plan. Distribution services require local labor and land so they drive a natural wedge between retail prices in different countries. We study in detail the impact of introducing a distribution sector in an otherwise standard model of exchange-rate-based-stabilizations. We show that this simple extension improves dramatically the ability of the model to rationalize observed real exchange rate dynamics.

    Sistema de biossorção produzido a partir de biofilmes suportados em zeólito faujasite (FAU), processo para a obtenção e sua utilização na remoção de crómio hexavalente (Cr(VI))

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    A presente invenção refere-se a um sistema de biossorção composto por um biofilme bacteriano suportado em zeólitos sintéticos, com utilização em vários tipos de indústrias para remoção do crómio hexavalente, através da retenção dos iões metálicos no biofilme, em soluções com concentrações entre 50 e 250 mgCr/l, processo para a sua obtenção e respectivas utilizações. Este processo consiste na obtenção de um biofilme bacteriano de arthrobacter viscosus, suportado num zeólito faujasite (FAU). O biofilme promove a redução de Cr(VI) a Cr(III) e, posteriormente, o Cr(III) é fixado no zeólito por permuta iónica. Várias técnicas de caracterização, como métodos espectroscópicos (FTIR e ICP-AES), análise superficial (XRD e SEM) e análise térmica (TGA), demonstram que o processo de biossorção não modifica a morfologia ou estrutura do zeólito FAU. O sistema de biossorção, e respectivo processo de fixação de crómio hexavalente em zeólitos faujasite (FAU), pode ser aplicável ao tratamento de águas residuais, industriais, mineiras ou agrícolas, para remoção do crómio hexavalente

    Optical doping and damage formation in AIN by Eu implantation

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    AlN films grown on sapphire were implanted with 300 keV Eu ions to fluences from 3×1014 to 1.4×1017 atoms/cm2 in two different geometries: “channeled” along the c-axis and “random” with a 10° angle between the ion beam and the surface normal. A detailed study of implantation damage accumulation is presented. Strong ion channeling effects are observed leading to significantly decreased damage levels for the channeled implantation within the entire fluence range. For random implantation, a buried amorphous layer is formed at the highest fluences. Red Eu-related photoluminescence at room temperature is observed in all samples with highest intensities for low damage samples (low fluence and channeled implantation) after annealing. Implantation damage, once formed, is shown to be stable up to very high temperatures.FCT - POCI/FIS/57550/2004FCT - PTDC/FIS/66262/2006FCT - PTDC/CTM/100756/200

    Metallicity of M dwarfs III. Planet-metallicity and planet-stellar mass correlations of the HARPS GTO M dwarf sample

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    Aims. The aim of this work is the study of the planet-metallicity and the planet-stellar mass correlations for M dwarfs from the HARPS GTO M dwarf subsample Methods. We use a new method that takes advantage of the HARPS high-resolution spectra to increase the precision of metallicity, using previous photometric calibrations of [Fe/H] and effective temperature as starting values. Results. In this work we use our new calibration (rms = 0.08 dex) to study the planet-metallicity relation of our sample. The well-known correlation for Giant planet FGKM hosts with metallicity is present. Regarding Neptunians and smaller hosts no correlation is found but there is a hint that an anti-correlation with [Fe/H] may exist. We combined our sample with the California Planet Survey late-K and M-type dwarf sample to increase our statistics but found no new trends. We fitted a power law to the frequency histogram of the Jovian hosts for our sample and for the combined sample, f_p = C10^\alpha[Fe/H], using two different approaches: a direct bin fitting and a bayesian fitting procedure. We obtained a value for C between 0.02 and 0.04 and for \alpha between 1.26 and 2.94. Regarding stellar mass, an hypothetical correlation with planets was discovered, but was found to be the result of a detection bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 11 Figures, 12 Table