7 research outputs found


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    Ā Rijeka Sava je recipijent sa velikim faktorom razrjeđenja, ali posljedice zagađenja njenog ekosistema otpadnim vodama mogu biti drastične i dugoročne. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog sastava zajednice zoobentosa Save uzvodno i nizvodno od ispusta otpadnih voda Rafinerije Brod i utvrđivanje nivoa uticaja otpadnih voda rafinerije na stanje taksona zoobentosa ove rijeke. Uzorci zoobentosa (12) su sakupljani Sarberovom mrežom, po tri 250 m uzvodno i nizvodno od ispusta otpadnih voda Rafinerije Brod, u avgustu i oktobru 2010. godine. Analizom uzoraka je utvrđena veća vrijednost gustine naselja ove zajednice, kao i veći broj taksona u ljetnjem nego u jesenjem aspektu, Å”to se dovodi u vezu sa smanjenjem gustine naselja zoobentosa usljed povećavanja povrÅ”ine staniÅ”ta zbog poplava. Pronađen je veći broj taksona sa većom gustinom naselja nizvodno u ljetnjem aspektu nego uzvodno, dok je veća vrijednost ovih parametara u jesenjem aspektu utvrđena uzvodno od ispusta, vjerovatno zbog upliva otpadnih voda.Odsustvo larvi insekata iz reda Plecoptera, u obje sezone, ukazuje na opterećenje vode oko ispusta Rafinerije Brod zagađujućim materijama, jer ovaj takson među prvima nestaje iz biotopa usljed zagađenja

    Antibacterial activity of thymol/carvacrol and clinoptilolite composites prepared by supercritical solvent impregnation

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    Novel composites based on natural zeolite-clinoptilolite and monoterpene phenols-thymol and carvacrol were prepared by supercritical solvent impregnation (SSI) in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) at 30 MPa and 35 degrees C during 18 h. The content of phenols in composites (thymol-23.0 and carvacrol-19.1 wt%) was determined using both C,H,N and thermal analysis (TGA); interactions of the phenols with the zeolite lattice studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) showed that the zeolite lattice was preserved in the composites. The composites exhibited antibacterial activity toward Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli DSM 498 and Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 in different water media (phosphate buffer solution, spring water and lake water). After 1 h carvacrol-containing clinoptilolite showed better antibacterial activity than composite with thymol. Both composites expressed bactericidal effect after 24 h of contact. Leaching of the phenols from composite in water was more pronounced from thymol (22.7-32.1%) than for carvacrol (6.2-8.9%) suggesting influence of steric effect on the desorption process

    Use of Natural Clinoptilolite in the Preparation of an Efficient Adsorbent for Ciprofloxacin Removal from Aqueous Media

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    The adsorption of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) from an aqueous solution by natural zeolite, the calcium-rich clinoptilolite (CLI), and magnetite-coated CLI (MAG-CLI) was investigated. Both CLI and MAG-CLI showed a high adsorption affinity towards CIP at 283, 288 and 293 K at a pH of 5. Adsorption kinetics studied for the initial concentrations of 15-75 mg CIP dm(-3) follow Lagergren's pseudo-second order equation and the adsorption is best represented by the Langmuir model. The adsorption mechanism involves strong electrostatic interactions between negatively charged aluminosilicate lattice and the cationic form of CIP accompanied by an ion-exchange reaction. Magnetite coverage (approx. 12 wt.%) induces magnetism, which can facilitate the separation process. The coverage does not influence the adsorption activity of CLI. The leaching test showed that the MAG coating protects the adsorbent from CIP leaching. This is ascribed to interactions between the CIP carboxyl groups and magnetite nano-particles. Antibacterial tests showed strong antibacterial activity of the ciprofloxacin-containing adsorbents towards pathogenic E. coli and S. aureus

    Changes in Attitudes toward COVID-19 Vaccination and Vaccine Uptake during Pandemic

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    The epidemic control approach was based on non-pharmacological measures in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by vaccine uptake in the second year. Vaccine uptake depends on the individual attitude toward vaccination. The aim was to assess the changes in attitudes regarding COVID-19 vaccine protection during the pandemic and to determine the vaccination uptake concerning these attitudes. A panel study on COVID-19 vaccine attitudes and vaccination against COVID-19 was conducted in Belgrade, Serbia. The first survey was carried out in Mayā€“June 2020, and the second survey was organized in Augustā€“September 2021. During the baseline testing performed in 2020, 64.4% of respondents believed that the future vaccine against COVID-19 could protect against the COVID-19 disease, while 9.7% thought that it could not, and 25.9% were unsure. One year later, in the second survey, the percentage of participants with positive attitudes was slightly lower (64.7% vs. 62.5%). However, negative attitudes turned positive in 34% of cases, and 28.9% became unsure about vaccine protection (p < 0.001). Out of the 390 participants included in the study, 79.7% were vaccinated against COVID-19 until follow-up. There is a statistically significant difference in vaccination uptake compared to the baseline attitude about the protection of the COVID-19 vaccine. The main finding of our study is that the majority of participants who were vaccine hesitant during the baseline testing changed their opinion during the follow-up period. Additionally, the baseline attitude about the protection of the COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to be a potential determinant of vaccination uptake

    "Me at the Centre': perspectives of children with disabilities on community-based services in Serbia

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    This paper presents results of the research into perspectives of children with disabilities on the space within community-based services in Serbia. The concept of children's agency and participation is considered in the context of inclusion of children with disabilities in the evaluation of services. Using specially developed Me at the Centre' evaluation method, 20 children aged between 7 and 17 years receiving the home care, day-care centre and respite care services were interviewed in order to understand their perspectives on the services and the ways to improve them from the child perspective. The research results show that children with disabilities can make a significant contribution to the review and enhancement of community services designed for them