483 research outputs found

    Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform in the Frequency Domain and an Application to Signal Classification

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    We examine Kingsbury's dual-tree complex wavelet transform in the frequency domain, where it can be formulated for standard wavelet filters without special filter design and apply the method to the classification of signals. The obtained transforms achieve low shift sensitivity and better directionality compared to the real discrete wavelet transform while retaining the perfect reconstruction property

    Predicting chemical environments of bacteria from receptor signaling

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    Sensory systems have evolved to respond to input stimuli of certain statistical properties, and to reliably transmit this information through biochemical pathways. Hence, for an experimentally well-characterized sensory system, one ought to be able to extract valuable information about the statistics of the stimuli. Based on dose-response curves from in vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments of the bacterial chemotaxis sensory system, we predict the chemical gradients chemotactic Escherichia coli cells typically encounter in their natural environment. To predict average gradients cells experience, we revaluate the phenomenological Weber's law and its generalizations to the Weber-Fechner law and fold-change detection. To obtain full distributions of gradients we use information theory and simulations, considering limitations of information transmission from both cell-external and internal noise. We identify broad distributions of exponential gradients, which lead to log-normal stimuli and maximal drift velocity. Our results thus provide a first step towards deciphering the chemical nature of complex, experimentally inaccessible cellular microenvironments, such as the human intestine.Comment: DG and GM contributed equally to this wor

    Feasible Adaptation Criteria for Hybrid Wavelet - Large Margin Classifiers

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    In the context of signal classification, this paper assembles and compares criteria to easily judge the discrimination quality of a set of feature vectors. The quality measures are based on the assumption that a Support Vector Machine is used for the final classification. Thus, the ultimate criterion is a large margin separating the two classes. We apply the criteria to control the feature extraction process for signal classification. Adaptive features related to the shape of the signals are extracted by wavelet filtering followed by a nonlinear map. To be able to test many features, the criteria are easily computable while still reliably predicting the classification performance. We also present a novel approach for computing the radius of a set of points in feature space. The radius, in relation to the margin, forms the most commonly used error bound for Support Vector Machines. For isotropic kernels, the problem of radius computation can be reduced to a common Support Vector Machine classification problem

    Effectively Finding the Optimal Wavelet for Hybrid Wavelet - Large Margin Signal Classification

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    For hybrid wavelet - large margin classifiers, adapting the wavelet may significantly improve the classification performance. We propose to select the wavelet with respect to a large margin classifier and data to improve class separability and minimise the generalisation error. In this paper, we show that this wavelet adaptation problem can be formulated as an optimisation problem with polynomial objective function and investigate some techniques to solve it. In particular, we propose an adaptive grid search algorithm that efficiently solves the problem compared with standard optimisation techniques

    Gene flow in admixed populations and implications for the conservation of the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera

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    Anthropogenic activity, especially modern apiculture, has considerable impact on the natural distribution of the Western honeybee, Apismellifera, leading to the spread, replacement and fragmentation of many subspecies. This creates demand for the conservation of some subspecies, in particular, Apismelliferamellifera, which once was widely distributed in Western Europe and nowadays is endangered through habitat loss and fragmentation. Moreover, A.m.mellifera may be further endangered by hybridisation in populations that now occur in artificial sympatry with other subspecies. Here, we quantify and compare individual hybridisation between sympatric and allopatric honeybee populations of A.m.mellifera and A.m.carnica using microsatellite markers and a Bayesian model-based approach. We had a special focus on pure breeding populations, which are a major tool in honeybee conservation. Our results demonstrate that subspecies are still highly differentiated, but gene flow is not prevented by the current management strategies, creating urgent demand for an improved conservation management of A.m.mellifera. However, the occurrence of a high number of pure individuals might suggest that some sort of hybrid barrier acts against the complete admixture of the two subspecie

    Considerações sobre a revisão da tradução do conto Sommerliebe (Amor de Verão), de Johanna Schopenhauer

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre a revisão da versão traduzida de Sommerliebe (Amor de Verão), conto da autoria de JohannaSchopenhauer. Esse trabalho foi realizado em abril de 2023 como atividade final da disciplina de Revisão de Textos Traduzidos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Ao longo do artigo, serão expostos os aspectos mais dignos de nota do processo de revisão da tradução desse conto –com destaque às particularidades e aos empecilhos ocasionais que puderam ser observados no decorrer da realização do trabalho. Nesse contexto, haverá a abordagem de exemplos de trechos traduzidos cuja revisão exigiumaior atenção. Além disso, a experiência prática descrita ao longo do artigo será utilizada como base para o estabelecimento de uma breve reflexão acerca do papel da subjetividade no âmbito da revisão textual e do contraste entre a língua alemã e a língua portuguesa –já que ambos foram aspectos cuja consideração revelou-se indispensável no contexto do processo de revisão do conto em questão.Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit der Korrektur der übersetzten Fassung von "Sommerliebe", einer Erzählung von Johanna Schopenhauer. Diese Arbeit wurde im April 2023 als Aktivität des Fachs Übersetzungskorrekturlesen an der Bundesuniversität von Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Artikels werden die bemerkenswertesten Aspekte des Revisionsprozesses der Übersetzung dieser Erzählung herausgestellt -mit Schwerpunkt auf den Besonderheiten und gelegentlichen Schwierigkeiten, die im Laufe der Arbeit beobachtet werden konnten; in diesem Zusammenhang werden Beispiele von übersetzten Passagen angeführt, deren Korrektur mehr Aufmerksamkeit erforderte. Darüber hinaus werden die im Artikel beschriebenen praktischen Erfahrungen als Grundlage für eine kurze Reflexion über die Rolle der Subjektivität innerhalb der Korrekturlesen und den Kontrast zwischen der deutschen und der portugiesischen Sprache dienen -beide Aspekte, deren Berücksichtigung sich im Rahmen des Überarbeitungsprozesses der Erzählung als unerlässlich erwies

    Particularidades e impressões acerca do processo tradutório da obra Drückender Tango, de Herta Müller

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    Der vorliegende Artikel berichtet über die bemerkenswertesten Aspekte des Übersetzungsprozesses des Buches Drückender Tango, das von Herta Müller geschrieben und 1984 veröffentlicht wurde. Dieser Prozess wurde im Rahmen des Übersetzungspraktikums I an der Bundesuniversität von Rio Grande do Sul durchgeführt; es begann im Juli 2022 und endete im Oktober 2022. Im Laufe des Artikels wird die Begründung für die Wahl dieses spezifischen Werkes als Arbeitsgegenstand im Rahmen des Faches Übersetzungspraktikum I hervorgehoben. Darüber hinaus werden eine kurze Geschichte des Lebens der Autorin und ihres jeweiligen Werks sowie allgemeine Informationen über Drückender Tango vorgestellt. Vor allem werden die wichtigsten Punkte des Übersetzungsprozesses dieses Buches hervorgehoben, wie zum Beispiel die Zweifel, die in bestimmten Punkten aufkommen und einige mögliche Lösungen, die in diesen unsicheren Textabschnitten angenommen wurden. Außerdem werden die bemerkenswertesten Eindrücke über den Schreibstil der Autorin und ihre Umsetzung in der portugiesischen Übersetzung des Buches vorgestellt. Schlüsselwörter: Deutsch-Portugiesisch-Übersetzung; literarische Übersetzung; deutsche Literatur; Herta Müller.O objetivo deste artigo é relatar os aspectos mais notáveis do processo de tradução do livro Drückender Tango, escrito por Herta Müller e lançado em 1984. Esse processo foi realizado como parte da disciplina de Estágio em Tradução do Alemão I da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo início em julho de 2022 e fim em outubro de 2022. Ao longo do artigo, será ressaltada a motivação para a escolha dessa obra específica como objeto de trabalho no contexto da disciplina de Estágio em Tradução I. Além disso, será exposto um breve histórico da vida da autora e sua respectiva obra, assim como informações gerais sobre Drückender Tango. Acima de tudo, serão destacados os pontos mais relevantes do processo tradutório desse livro, como as dúvidas surgidas em pontos específicos e algumas possíveis soluções que foram adotadas nesses trechos incertos; também serão expostas as impressões mais notáveis sobre o estilo de escrita da autora e como ele procurou ser adaptado na versão traduzida para o português do livro. Palavras-chave: tradução alemão-português; tradução literária; literatura alemã; Herta Müller

    Particularidades e impressões acerca do processo tradutório da obra Drückender Tango, de Herta Müller

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    O objetivo deste artigo é relatar os aspectos mais notáveis do processo de tradução do livro Drückender Tango, escrito por Herta Müller e lançado em 1984. Esse processo foi realizado como parte da disciplina de Estágio em Traduçãodo AlemãoI da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo início em julho de 2022 e fim em outubro de 2022. Ao longo do artigo, será ressaltada a motivação para a escolha dessa obra específica como objeto de trabalho no contexto da disciplina de Estágio em Tradução I. Além disso, será exposto um breve histórico da vida da autora e sua respectiva obra, assim como informações gerais sobre Drückender Tango. Acima de tudo, serão destacados os pontos mais relevantes do processo tradutório desse livro, como as dúvidas surgidas em pontos específicos e algumas possíveis soluções que foram adotadas nesses trechos incertos; também serão expostas as impressões mais notáveis sobre o estilo de escrita da autora e como ele procurou ser adaptado na versão traduzida para o português do livro.Der vorliegende Artikel berichtet über die bemerkenswertesten Aspekte des Übersetzungsprozesses des Buches Drückender Tango, das von Herta Müller geschrieben und 1984 veröffentlicht wurde. Dieser Prozess wurde im Rahmen des Übersetzungspraktikums I an der Bundesuniversität von Rio Grande do Sul durchgeführt; es begann im Juli 2022 und endete im Oktober 2022. Im Laufe des Artikels wird die Begründung für die Wahl dieses spezifischen Werkes als Arbeitsgegenstand im Rahmen des Faches Übersetzungspraktikum I hervorgehoben. Darüber hinaus werden eine kurze Geschichte des Lebens der Autorin und ihres jeweiligen Werks sowie allgemeine Informationen über Drückender Tangovorgestellt. Vor allem werden die wichtigsten Punkte des Übersetzungsprozesses dieses Buches hervorgehoben, wie zum Beispiel die Zweifel, die in bestimmten Punkten aufkommen und einige mögliche Lösungen, die in diesen unsicheren Textabschnitten angenommen wurden. Außerdem werden die bemerkenswertesten Eindrücke über den Schreibstil der Autorin und ihre Umsetzung in der portugiesischen Übersetzung des Buches vorgestellt

    Structural origins of the cohesive energy in metal-terpyridine oligomer thin-films

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    FeII-terpyridine based oligomers have attracted considerable interest as key constituents for the realization of highly robust, ultra-thin ordered layers of metal center oligomers (MCOs) for organic electronics applications. By using molecular simulations and nanotribology investigations, we report on the origins of the surprisingly high mechanical and thermal stability in this type of MCO layers, which finds its expression in nanowear resistance values of up to 1.5 μN for the MCO films, as well as in a thermal stability of two-terminal MCO junctions to temperatures up to ∼100 °C under electrical load. A theoretical analysis of the fundamental cohesive forces among the constituents within the context of an electrostatic model reveal that the cohesive energy is essentially based on Coulomb interactions among the ionic constituents of the oligomers, leading to an estimated cohesive energy per molar mass of 0.0132 eV mol g−1 for MCO layers that advantageously compare to the 0.0061 eV mol g−1 reported for pentacene crystals