1,984 research outputs found

    Psychological Aspects in lifelike synthetic agents: Towards to the Personality Markup Language (A Brief Survey)

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    This paper describes how human psychological aspects have been used in lifelike synthetic agents in order to provide believability during the human-computer interaction. We describe a brief survey of applications where Affective Computing Scientists have applied psychological aspects, like Emotion and Personality. Based on those aspects we describe the effort done by Affective Computing scientists in order to create a Markup Language to express and standardize Emotions. Because they have not yet concentrated their effort on Personality, here, we propose a starting point to create a Markup Language to express Personality

    The Airport A-CDM Operational Implementation Description and Challenges

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    Purpose: This research aims to address an issue that today is a significant challenge for all signatory countries of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The implementation of the areas for improving practices recommended in the Global Navigation Plan (GANP). More specifically on the theme of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM), which involves three of the most critical stakeholders in the Air Sector, which are Airlines, Airports and Air Traffic Control Bodies. Design/methodology: The strategy chosen to achieve the objective is to present the vision of the leading entities that represent the aviation area. Thus, the methodology of the Case Study, more precisely the Multiple Case Study, is one of the bases in the elaboration of the article, in the sense that analyses and recommendations prepared by Central Aviation Organizations are carried out, as well as by other entities that bring together the Sector members. Findings: In addition to having a basis for the functioning of a Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) process within the Air Sector –because of the extreme dynamics of the sector–, readers will have a signal of the importance of having a systematic backing of document contents ICAO before starting any professional or research work. Mainly from the GANP document, a compass for these activities in the coming decades. Practical implications: Academics and members of the Air Sector will have a brief reference and focused on the practical application of this topic, which still has very few approaches in academic research sources. Originality/value: The educational form in which this article is sequenced, as well as the different views presented, can serve as a guide for the understanding of all those interested in the airline industry. Making it an original document in its content and of great value to its professionals and researchers.Peer Reviewe

    Microfibers for juice analysis by solid-phase microextraction.

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    In view of the interest in analyzing volatile compounds by SPME, the following five microfibers were tested, polydimethylsiloxane; polyacrylate; polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene; carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane, and carbowax/divinylbenzene, to select the one which presents the best performance for the adsorption of the volatile compounds present in the headspace of acid lime juice samples. Sample stabilization time variations (30 and 60 minutes) were assessed as well the addition of NaCl to the samples. It was verified that the chromatogram with the most adsorbed volatile compounds was obtained with PDMS/DVB microfiber at 30 minutes and the addition of 0.2 g NaCl

    CDM description and operational implementation challenges

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    The purpose of this research is to discuss a subject that, today, is a significant challenger of all the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) signatory countries: the implementation of the Performance Improvement Areas preconized in the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). To achieve the objective of providing a better understanding of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) processes the strategy chosen was to present the vision and implementation of the main entities representing the aviation area, such as the didactic form as the article is sequenced and the case studies discussed will present solutions for countries that aren’t so advanced in the implementation of their A-CDM operational processes. Also, the article will act as a guide for all stakeholders. The contribution of the research will be to provide further support to all stakeholders in the air transport sector, regarding basic knowledge and more technical approaches of compliance with the recommended guidelines for the next decades in GANP. ICAO. In this specific case, regarding Performance Improvement Area: Airport Operations and the A-CDM module.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Seedeaters (Sporophila spp.) comprise a rich Neotropical bird group of seed consumers common in open habitats. In this study, we documented the feeding habits of seedeaters and seed production at a Tecoma savanna (dominated by Tabebuia aurea) in southern Pantanal, Brazil. We also analyzed the relationship between seed offer (abundance, richness, and diversity) and the number of seedeaters foraging across seasons. Six species (Sporophila angolensis, S. caerulescens, S. collaris S. hypoxantha, S.leucoptera, and S. lineola) occurred in the savanna, mainly in the height of the wet season, when seed production increased abruptly, attracting seedeaters. Seedeaters used 14 of 16 grass species that produced seeds. Indeed, the number of foraging seedeaters paralleled the abundance and diversity of seeds, and the number of species consumed. During much of the dry season, when seeds were not produced, the few remaining seedeaters mostly consumed arthropods and flowers. The diet of seedeaters ranged from mostly seeds (S. angolensis) to a moderate proportion of flowers and arthropods (S. leucoptera). The offer of a rich set of seeds attractive to seedeaters indicates that the Tecoma savanna is a seasonally important habitat for these birds. Of concern, large areas of native grasses in the Pantanal have recently been transformed into exotic pastures, and extensive fires have become common. Thus, conservation of this singular area is important for seedeaters, which move over wide areas searching for an abundant and diverse seed supply

    Reflexões sobre políticas educativas, BNCC e formação docente

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    This article deals with a discussion about language teaching policies in the contemporary setting for a reflection on the education of the teacher of the Letters area. It is based on linguistic theories and educational policies, as well as on studies on language teaching in Brazil, which reflect directly on the teaching-learning process and was constituted throughout the historical process of Brazilian education. Its objectives are to present the contemporary scenario of language teaching; and describe the political-educational discourses of teaching and teacher education. The methodology is that of a descriptive research, of qualitative approach, on linguistic theories and the curricular guidelines for the Course of Letters, for a reflection on the contemporary linguistic practices and the educational policies of education and the teaching of languages.Este artículo aborda una discusión sobre las políticas de enseñanza de idiomas en el escenario contemporáneo para una reflexión sobre la formación de docentes en el área de las letras. Se basa en teorías lingüísticas y políticas educativas, además de presentar estudios sobre la enseñanza de idiomas en Brasil, que reflejan directamente el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y que se constituyó a lo largo del proceso histórico de la educación brasileña. Sus objetivos son presentar el escenario contemporáneo de enseñanza de idiomas; y describir discursos político-educativos de enseñanza y formación docente. La metodología es la de una investigación descriptiva, con un enfoque cualitativo, sobre teorías lingüísticas y pautas curriculares para el curso de formación en lenguas, para una reflexión sobre las prácticas lingüísticas contemporáneas y las políticas educativas de formación y enseñanza de idiomas.Este artigo trata de uma discussão sobre políticas de ensino de línguas no cenário contemporâneo para uma reflexão sobre a formação do professor da área de Letras. Fundamenta-se em teorias linguísticas e nas políticas educacionais, além de se apresentarem também estudos sobre o ensino de línguas no Brasil que refletem diretamente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem que se constituiu ao longo do processo histórico da educação brasileira. Tem como objetivos, apresentar o cenário contemporâneo do ensino de línguas; e descrever discursos político-educacionais de ensino e de formação do professor. A metodologia é a de uma pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, sobre teorias linguísticas e diretrizes curriculares do curso de Letras, para uma reflexão sobre as práticas linguísticas contemporâneas e políticas educacionais de formação e de ensino de línguas

    The Unified National Health System and public policies : psychological care for menopausal women in the Federal District, Brazil

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    Objetivou-se investigar a situação de atendimento psicológico à mulher de meia-idade, na rede pública de saúde do Distrito Federal, Brasil. Discutiu-se a saúde da mulher, mais especificamente, daquela que se encontra no período da menopausa e seu lugar nas atuais políticas públicas. Levantamento realizado na rede pública apontou a existência de poucas intervenções psicológicas destinadas à mulher nesta fase do ciclo vital. Em geral, apenas o atendimento ambulatorial ginecológico era oferecido. Em nenhuma das unidades de saúde pesquisadas existiam psicólogos no quadro de pessoal, cujo trabalho fosse dedicado especificamente à mulher na meia-idade. Concluiu-se que esta etapa da vida feminina não tem sido contemplada com assistência psicológica, negligenciando os princípios fundamentais do SUS. O estudo reafirma a necessidade de essa mulher ter acesso ao atendimento integral de sua saúde, incluindo uma escuta psicológica dos conflitos relacionados às dimensões biológicas, psíquicas e sócio-culturais do processo de envelhecimento. Esta escuta especializada pode contribuir para a elaboração da maturidade feminina.This study focused on psychological care for middle-aged women in public health services in the Federal District (Brasilia), Brazil. The article discusses women’s health and more specifically menopause and its place in Brazilian public health policies. The survey confirmed the lack of psychological support for menopausal women. In most cases only outpatient medical care was offered. No psychologist had been designated in any of the units surveyed to assist these women. The study concludes that this period of women’s life has failed to receive psychological care in Brazil, thus neglecting the principles of the Unified National Health System. Menopausal women deserve comprehensive health care, including attention to conflicts related to biological, psychological, and socio-cultural dimensions of aging, thus contributing to the process of working through maturity

    Petrografia da quadrícula de conceição do Rio Verde - Minas Gerais

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    La Fura Dels Baus em quarentena, quarenta anos de trajetória grupal: 1979-2019

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    La Fura Dels Baus en Quarantena - 40 anys de trajectória grupal: 1979-2019 é um livro que foi lançado em Barcelona, na Espanha, em comemoração aos quarenta anos da companhia teatral catalã. Composta por sete capítulos a publicação dispõe também de conteúdo interativo. O histórico do grupo, seu repertório, processos de criação e de transmissão de conhecimento são abordados por Mercè Saumell que é investigadora e professora do Instituto de teatro de Barcelona. Esta resenha enfoca especificamente os aspectos referentes à remontagem do espetáculo Manes, às metodologias de criação do grupo e às noções de formação e investigação em artes cênicas

    Avaliação das condições de acessibilidade do passeio público da Avenida Santos Dumont, município de Criciúma - SC

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    Artigo submetido ao Curso de Engenharia Civil da UNESC - como requisito parcial para obtenção do Título de Engenheiro CivilSegundo a NBR 9050/2015, acessibilidade é a possibilidade e condição de alcance, percepção e entendimento para utilização com segurança e autonomia, de espaços, mobiliários, equipamentos urbanos, edificações, transportes, informação e comunicação, inclusive seus sistemas e tecnologias, bem como outros serviços e instalações abertos ao público, de uso público ou privado de uso coletivo, tanto na zona urbana como na rural, por pessoa com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral avaliar a acessibilidade do passeio público da Avenida Santos Dumont – Criciúma/SC. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e alcance dos objetivos, verificou-se a infraestrutura de cada quadra da avenida por meio da lista de verificação, obtida de Faustini, Maia e Magagnin (2016) e obteve-se assim o índice de acessibilidade espacial por quadra e geral. Os índices de acessibilidade encontrados foram classificados como acessíveis, parcialmente acessíveis e não acessíveis. Os resultados obtidos indicam um percentual de 27% da Avenida Santos Dumont como não acessível com nove quadras, 67% de parcialmente acessível com 22 quadras e 6% acessível, com 02 quadras. O índice geral da avenida foi de 0,45 em uma escala de índice máximo de 1. Os resultados encontrados indicam a importância da adaptação dos passeios públicos em relação às normas de acessibilidade