32 research outputs found

    Gölgeleme araçlarının mekânın toplam soğutma yükleri açısından etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi

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    During most hot period it is possible to obtain passive cooling by decrease of surface temperatures with airflow velocities caused by wind, entering interior with the effect of pressure difference through the openings during the time intervals when the outside air is cooler than interior. This effect turns inversed when the outside air temperature is more than interiors. Shading devices used to protect from unwanted solar radiation acting on interior surfaces change the airflow effects acting interiors according to their types. The changes in volume flow rates, interior velocities and solar radiation amount can be advantageous or disadvantageous for total cooling loads according to the time interval as the interior and outside temperatures changes through the day.  Determination of the combined effect of shading device efficiency through solar radiation protection strategy and natural ventilation, will give opportunity of designing optimum shading device. In validation of shading device efficiency with different types of shading device alternatives, zone gains and losses with convection, zone sensible gain and losses with ventilation, zone gains from windows and total cooling loads through specific time intervals are compared. Cooling load calculations are run through energy analysis simulation program Energyplus using heat balance calculation method. Convection coefficients, exhibiting the effects of the interior velocities which change by shading devices are calculated by using the datas of velocity measurements performed on wind tunnel with a model with 4 different types of shading device and without shading device. Heat gain from opaque interior surfaces by the effect of solar radiation are considered in Energyplus with the output of heat gain to air by convection. As opening dimensions are directly related to volume flow rates, required in calculation of sensible heat gains of zone by ventilation, it  is expressed by discharge coefficients obtained by measured velocities on wind tunnel in front of the model and pressure differences between front and back openings for all alternatives. Shaded and unshaded areas occuring by solar radiation acting on facade with different shading device alternatives are considered. All these parameters of shading devices are used in Energyplus cooling load calculation process. For every alternatives 4 simulations of cooling load calculations had been done for open window and closed window in order to emerge the effects of airflows and solar radiation effects through specific times changing by effects of shading devices. The situations with shading device alternatives are classified as follows; Closed window, no shading device, 1SİM3kap.pen; with shading device, parallel to facade with 90ο slat angle parallel to ground, 2.1SİM5kap.pen; parallel to facade with 45ο slat angle parallel to ground, 2.2SİM9kap.pen; perpendicular to facade with 90ο slat angle parallel to facade, 3.1SİM12kap.pen; perpendicular to facade with 45ο slat angle parallel to facade, 3.2SİM15kap.pen, Open window, with no shading device, 1SİM3ac.pen; with shading device, parallel to facade with 90ο slat angle parallel to ground, 2.1SİM5ac.pen; parallel to facade with 45ο slat angle parallel to ground, 2.2SİM9ac.pen; perpendicular to facade with 90ο slat angle parallel to facade, 3.1SİM12ac.pen; perpendicular to facade with 45ο slat angle parallel to facade,  3.2SİM15ac.pen,  The effects of shading devices on total cooling loads and 3 gain components  are evaluated through the time intervals of 01:00-07:00, 08:00-18:00, 19:00-24:00 during the day. 4 simulations of cooling load are made for the situation with no shading device and shading device. In the 1. simulation run for closed window (1SİM3kap.pen, 2.1SİM5 kap.pen, 2.2SİM9kap.pen, 3.1SİM12 kap.pen, 3.2SİM15kap.pen) and 2. Simulation for open window (1SİM3ac.pen, 2.1SİM5ac.pen, 2.2SİM9 ac.pen, 3.1SİM12ac.pen,3.2SİM15ac.pen); Zone’s hourly gain by convection from interior surfaces, Zone’s hourly gain and loss by ventilation; Zone’s hourly gain and loss from window; Zone’s total cooling load, are obtained.3 and 4. simulations of cooling load are made for the situation without shading device and with shading device for open and closed window  in order to get interior mean air and surface temperatures. The average results of total cooling load, infiltration sensible gain, convection to air rate, window heat gain through these hours are compared with no shading device situation by summing the results through 01:00-07:00, 08:00-18:00, 19:00-24:00time intervals. Keywords: Shading device, natural ventilation, total cooling load.Isıtmaya gereksinim duyulmayan dönemlerde (ESD) güneşin istenmeyen ısıl etkilerinden korunmak üzere gölgeleme araçları kullanılmaktadır. Dış hava sıcaklığının iç hava sıcaklığından az olduğu saatlerde, açıklıklardan rüzgâr basıncı ile içeri giren hava akımlarının etkisi ile yüzeyden ısı taşınımıyla soğutma sağlamak mümkündür. Bu etki dış hava sıcaklığının iç hava sıcaklığından yüksek olduğu saatlerde tersine dönmektedir. Güneşin açılarına göre farklı tipte tasarlanan gölgeleme araçlarının hem doğal havalandırma hem de güneş korunumuna bağlı bileşik etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi ile optimum gölgeleme aracı tasarlamak mümkün olacaktır. Gölgeleme araçlarının gün içerisinde farklı zaman aralıklarında etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesinde; farklı tipte gölgeleme aracı takılı durumda, ortamın yüzeylerden taşınım yolu ile kazanım, havalandırma yolu ile hissedilen kazanım, pencerelerden kazanım bileşenlerinin ve mekânda oluşan toplam soğutma yüklerinin gün içerisinde belirli zaman aralıklarındaki ortalamaları karşılaştırılmıştır. Soğutma yükü hesapları ısı dengesi hesap yöntemini kullanan Energyplus programında yürütülmüştür. Ortamın yüzeylerden taşınım yolu ile kazanımlarının hesaplanmasında gölgeleme araçları ile değişen iç hava hareketi hızlarının etkisini ortaya koyan ortalama taşınım katsayıları rüzgâr tünelinde gölgeleme araçsız ve 4 farklı tipte gölgeleme aracı takılı durum için bina modeli içinde gerçekleştirilen hız ölçüm bulguları ile hesaplanmıştır. Güneş yolu ile iç opak yüzeylerin ısı kazanımları da bu bileşen içinde göz önüne alınmıştır. Ortamın havalandırma yolu ile hissedilen kazanımlarının hesaplanmasında gereken hacimsel debi miktarları gölgeleme araçları takılı durumda model ön ve arka yüzeyinde ölçülen basınçlar, hızlar, boşaltım katsayıları ve gölgeleme araç tiplerine göre değişim gösteren açıklık alanları ile bulunmuştur. Pencereden kazanımlarda dış yüzeyde oluşan gölgeli ve gölgesiz alanlar göz önüne alınmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Gölgeleme araçları, doğal havalandırma, soğutma yükü

    Expectations and problems of adolescent students in Koran courses

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    Kur'an Kurslarında Ergenlik Dönemi Öğrencilerinin Beklenti ve Sorunları? başlığını taşıyan bu çalışma ?Giriş? ve ?Sonuç? bölümleri dışında iki ana bölümden oluşmaktadır.Giriş bölümünde, araştırmanın problemi, amaç ve önemi, yöntemi, evren ve örneklemi, hipotezleri, sınırlılıkları ve konuyla ilgili daha önce yapılan çalışmalar dile getirilmiştir.Birinci bölümde, ergenlik dönemi gençlerin genel gelişim özellikleri ve dini gelişim özellikleri incelenmiştir.İkinci bölümde, araştırmada öğrencilerin öğrenim gördükleri Kur'an Kursları, öğrencilerin kurslar hakkındaki düşünceleri ve buralardan beklentileri ile ilgili elde edilen bulgular ele alınıp yorumlanmıştır.Sonuç bölümünde ise araştırma sonucunda elde edilen veriler ve neticeler değerlendirilmiş, tespit edilen sorunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur. This study entitled ?Expectations and Problems of Adolescent Students in Koran Courses? consists of two main chapters except ?Introduction? and ?Conclusion? chapters.In the introduction chapter, the problem and purpose, method, system and sample, hypothesis and restraints of research and previous studies on the subject had been expressed.In the first chapter, general development and religious development characteristics of adolescent youngs had been investigated.In the second chapter, Koran Courses where the students study and the ideas of students about Koran Courses and expectations of students from courses had been discussed and interpretted.In the conclusion chapter the datas and consequences that they were gained in the end of research had been assessed and according to the detected problems there had been tabled some solutions

    Kır ile Kent Arasında bir Yer: DEĞİRMENDERE

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    The Effect of Web-Based Instruction on Achievement: A Meta- Analysis Study

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    In this study, the master’s and PhD theses that compare web supported and web based teaching methods with traditional teaching methods according to their effect on students’ academic accomplishment and which are published in The Council of Higher Education (YOK) National Theses Center’s database and that have been given permission to access have been examined. For this aim, 170 theses have been examined and 27 experimental studies that suit the meta-analysis inclusion criteria have been taken within the scope of the research. While including the studies in the research, a categorization as to at which level of the lesson (presentation, lesson preparation, exercise etc.) the web supported teaching were used has not been made. In this study where meta-analytic effect analysis method has been used, the data have been analyzed and the effect size of web supported and web based applications on students’ academic success in the courses and topics that are dealt has been found as 0.807 compared to traditional method. According to this, a conclusion can be drawn that web supported instruction environments make a positive contribution on students’ academic achievement compared to the environments in which traditional teaching is carried out


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    A multidisciplinary atelier course conducted through distance education in Kocaeli University Faculty of Architecture Graduate Program in 2020/21 Fall Semester is analyzed in this article concerning the impacts of the alternative and versatile methods followed during the course process on student learning achievement. The aim is to reveal the new pedagogical visions and contributions that the methods of this course can provide to student learning and instructor intervention in architecture graduate education. During the course, the stages of determining the workshop groups, discussing the activities with the groups, and developing suggestions, conducting discussions in the distance education environment on the students\u27 study subjects and activity plans, and delivering the final report based on the activity week process and the products obtained were carried out. The required data, including the evidence of actual learning achievement in this course, is derived from a catechetical survey with 12 students who took the course, while the final statements and inferences of the study are based on the achievements and critics of these students about the course. The results obtained from this survey are reciprocally evaluated with the learning achievement targets that are placed in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester with concrete numerical values to observe the level of achievement of these learning targets. The learning achievements that students gained most apart from the determined learning achievement targets of the course are the development of presentation abilities of students, the provision of exchange of ideas with students from different departments and with the lecturers apart from their thesis advisors, and the possibility of following the processes of different work items. The findings of this study express that the program and the methods of this course can be instructive for implementing new approaches in post-pandemic distance and face-to-face education of architecture in graduate programs.Bu makalede, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Yüksek Lisans Programı\u27nda 2020/21 Öğretim Yılı Güz Yarıyılında uzaktan eğitim yoluyla gerçekleştirilen multidisipliner bir atölye dersi ve dersin yürütülmesi sürecinde izlenen alternatif ve çok yönlü yöntemler, öğrencinin öğrenme başarısına etkisi bağlamında incelenmektedir. Bu derste izlenen yöntemlerin mimarlık lisansüstü eğitiminde öğrencinin öğrenmesine ve eğitmenin müdahalesine katabileceği yeni pedagojik vizyon ve katkıları ortaya koymak, bu çalışmanın temel amacıdır. Ders sürecinde sırasıyla atölye gruplarının belirlenmesi, gruplar ile etkinliklerin görüşülmesi ve öneriler geliştirilmesi, öğrencilerin çalışma konuları ve etkinlik planları üzerine uzaktan eğitim ortamında tartışmalar yürütülmesi, etkinlik haftası süreci ve elde edilen ürünler üzerinden final raporunun teslimi aşamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Derste öğrenme başarısının sağlandığına dair kanıtları içeren veriler, dersi alan 12 öğrenciyle soru-cevap yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilen bir anket ile elde edilmiştir. Öğrenme hedeflerine ulaşma noktasındaki başarı düzeyini gözlemleyebilmek için bu anketten elde edilen sonuçlar ile dönem başında ders izlencesinde yer verilen öğrenme başarı hedefleri karşılıklı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Dersin belirlenen öğrenme başarı hedefleri dışında, öğrencilerin en çok elde ettiği öğrenme kazanımları; öğrencilerin sunum yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesi, farklı bölümlerdeki öğrencilerle ve tez danışmanı dışındaki öğretim elemanlarıyla fikir alışverişinin sağlanması ve farklı iş kalemlerinin süreçlerini takip etme olanağı bulmaları olmuştur. Çalışmada ulaşılan bulgu ve sonuçlar, bu dersin programının pandemi sonrası uzaktan ve yüz yüze mimarlık lisansüstü eğitiminde yeni yaklaşımların hayata geçirilmesi için yol gösterici olabileceğini ortaya koymuştur

    Correlation between visual function and refractive, topographic, pachymetric and aberrometric data in eyes with keratoconus

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    AIM: To analyze the relationship between two visual functions and refractive, topographic, pachymetric and aberrometric indicators in eyes with keratoconus. METHODS: Corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), and letter contrast sensitivity (CS) were correlated with refraction, corneal topography, pachymetry, and total corneal wavefront data prospectively in 71 eyes with keratoconus. The topographic indices assessed were simulated keratometry for the flattest and steepest meridians (SimK1 and SimK2), posterior steeper K (Ks), elevation value in best-fit sphere (BFS) maps, squared eccentricity (E-2), aspheric asymmetric index (AAI), pachymetry, thickness progression index (TPI), the amount of pachymetric decentralization (APD), and GalileiTM-keratoconus indices. RESULTS: The mean CDVA (expressed as logMAR) were 0.25 +/- 0.21. The mean CS was 1.25 +/- 0.46. The spherical refraction correlated well with CDVA (r=-0.526, P<0.001). From topographic indices, SRI correlated with CS (r=-0.695), and IAI with CS (r=-0.672) (P<0.001 for all). Root mean square (RMS) was 4.3 +/- 1.81 mu m, spherical aberration (SA) was -0.4 +/- 0.67 mu m, vertical and horizontal coma were -2.1 +/- 1.47 and -0.4 +/- 0.72 mu M. All wavefront data (except horizontal coma), AAI, E-2 and maximum BFS correlated significantly with the visual function (P <= 0.001 for all). CONCLUSION: In this study, CS is more affected than CDVA as a visual function. The quantity and quality of vision is significantly correlated with well-known and new topographic indices. There is not a significant correlation between visual function and pachymetric parameters. The significantly correlated indices can be used in staging keratoconus and to follow the outcome of a treatment.Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG, Port, SwitzerlandAnkara Numune Training & Res Hosp, Dept Ophthalmol, TR-06170 Ankara, TurkeyGazi Univ, Sch Med, Dept Ophthalmol, TR-06500 Ankara, TurkeyUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, Dept Ophthalmol, Inst Vis,Ocular Bioengn Sect, BR-05508060 Sao Paulo, Brazil[Arce, Carlos G.] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, Dept Ophthalmol, Inst Vis,Refract Surg Sect, BR-05508060 Sao Paulo, Brazil[Arce, Carlos G.] Zeimer Grp AG, Allmendstr 11, CH-2562 Port, SwitzerlandUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, Dept Ophthalmol, Inst Vis,Ocular Bioengn Sect, BR-05508060 Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Correlation between visual function and refractive, topographic, pachymetric and aberrometric data in eyes with keratoconus

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    AIM: To analyze the relationship between two visual functions and refractive, topographic, pachymetric and aberrometric indicators in eyes with keratoconus. METHODS: Corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), and letter contrast sensitivity (CS) were correlated with refraction, corneal topography, pachymetry, and total corneal wavefront data prospectively in 71 eyes with keratoconus. The topographic indices assessed were simulated keratometry for the flattest and steepest meridians (SimK1 and SimK2), posterior steeper K (Ks), elevation value in best-fit sphere (BFS) maps, squared eccentricity (E-2), aspheric asymmetric index (AAI), pachymetry, thickness progression index (TPI), the amount of pachymetric decentralization (APD), and GalileiTM-keratoconus indices. RESULTS: The mean CDVA (expressed as logMAR) were 0.25 +/- 0.21. The mean CS was 1.25 +/- 0.46. The spherical refraction correlated well with CDVA (r=-0.526, P<0.001). From topographic indices, SRI correlated with CS (r=-0.695), and IAI with CS (r=-0.672) (P<0.001 for all). Root mean square (RMS) was 4.3 +/- 1.81 mu m, spherical aberration (SA) was -0.4 +/- 0.67 mu m, vertical and horizontal coma were -2.1 +/- 1.47 and -0.4 +/- 0.72 mu M. All wavefront data (except horizontal coma), AAI, E-2 and maximum BFS correlated significantly with the visual function (P <= 0.001 for all). CONCLUSION: In this study, CS is more affected than CDVA as a visual function. The quantity and quality of vision is significantly correlated with well-known and new topographic indices. There is not a significant correlation between visual function and pachymetric parameters. The significantly correlated indices can be used in staging keratoconus and to follow the outcome of a treatment