45 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Content Based Image Retrieval by Combining Visual Features of an Image With A Threshold

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) uses the visual features of an image such as color, shape and texture to represent and index the image. In a typical content based image retrieval system, a set of images that exhibit visual features similar to that of the query image are returned in response to a query. CLUE (CLUster based image rEtrieval) is a popular CBIR technique that retrieves images by clustering. In this paper, we propose a CBIR system that also retrieves images by clustering just like CLUE. But, the proposed system combines all the features (shape, color, and texture) with a threshold for the purpose. The combination of all the features provides a robust feature set for image retrieval. We evaluated the performance of the proposed system using images of varying size and resolution from image database and compared its performance with that of the other two existing CBIR systems namely UFM and CLUE. We have used four different resolutions of image. Experimentally, we find that the proposed system outperforms the other two existing systems in ecery resolution of imag


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    Momordica charantia is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, is known as bitter melon, karela, and pare. It grows in tropical areas of the Amazon, , Asia, South America India, East Africa and  Caribbean, and is used traditionally as both food and medicine. The fruit ripens, the flesh (rind) becomes slightly tougher and more bitter, and many think it too repulsive to eat. On the other hand, the pith becomes sweet and intensely red; it can be eaten uncooked in this state, and is a popular part in some Southeast Asian salads .Momordica charantia have provided many remedies for various diseases from ancient days to now a day. It has been used in various Asian traditional medicines for the treatment of cholera,  anemia, diarrhea blood diseases, bronchitis, gout, dysentery, gonorrhea rheumatism,  ulcer, colic, worms, disease of liver and spleen, cancer and diabetes etc.In preliminary phytochemical analysis we observed glycosides, phytosterols, alkaloids, phenolic, saponins compounds, fats, proteins, and fixed oils, flavonoids, and thin layer chromatography (TLC) was also performed. The medicinal values of Bitter melon lies in the bioactive phytochemical constituents that are non nutritive chemicals that produce clear-cut physiological effects on human body and protect them from various diseases. Juice of Momordica charantia the leaves used to treat piles totally. Momordica charantia is used as a blood purifier due to its bitter tonic properties. Keywords: Momordica charantia, medicinal properties, pharmacolog

    Analysis of an inflection s-shaped software reliability model considering log-logistic testing-effort and imperfect debugging

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    Gokhale and Trivedi (1998) have proposed the Log-logistic software reliability growth model that can capture the increasing/decreasing nature of the failure occurrence rate per fault. In this paper, we will first show that a Log-logistic testing-effort function (TEF) can be expressed as a software development/testing-effort expenditure curve. We investigate how to incorporate the Log-logistic TEF into inflection S-shaped software reliability growth models based on non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). The models parameters are estimated by least square estimation (LSE) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) methods. The methods of data analysis and comparison criteria are presented. The experimental results from actual data applications show good fit. A comparative analysis to evaluate the effectiveness for the proposed model and other existing models are also performed. Results show that the proposed models can give fairly better predictions. Therefore, the Log-logistic TEF is suitable for incorporating into inflection S-shaped NHPP growth models. In addition, the proposed models are discussed under imperfect debugging environment

    Novel Coronavirus: A Newly Arranged Mini-Review

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was originally known as a virus that infects animals and rarely can be transmitted to humans in large populations, is now transformed into one of the most feared pandemics causes worldwide. Infection by a virus that is officially known as COVID-19 has caused global concern mainly due to the number of deaths caused. Since it was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019, now COVID-19 has spread to almost all parts of the world with a very rapid spread rate. The main symptom of this infection is a respiratory disease accompanied by other symptoms that resemble flu-like illness. Everyone can suffer from COVID-19, but the elderly, toddlers, pregnant women, and people with certain diseases and disorders of the immune system show more severe symptoms. The disease is transmitted through inhalation or contact with droplets, where the incubation period ranges from 2 to 14 days. Until now, specific therapy to treat COVID-19 has not been found, with preventive measures taken to control its spread. In this mini-review, we will explain important information related to COVID-19

    Software Reliability Growth Models from the Perspective of Learning Effects and Change-Point.

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    Increased attention towards reliability of software systems has led to the thorough analysis of the process of reliability growth for prediction and assessment of software reliability in the testing or debugging phase. With many frameworks available in terms of the underlying probability distributions like Poisson process, Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP), Weibull, etc, many researchers have developed models using the Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP) analytical framework. The behavior of interest, usually, is S-shaped or exponential shaped. S-shaped behavior could relate more closely to the human learning. The need to develop different models stems from the fact that nature of the underlying environment, learning effect acquisition during testing, resource allocations, application and the failure data itself vary. There is no universal model that fits everywhere to be called an Oracle. Learning effects that stem from the experiences of the testing or debugging staff have been considered for the growth of reliability. Learning varies over time and this asserts need for conduct of more research for study of learning effects.Digital copy of ThesisUniversity of Kashmi

    A study of Afghanistan's Uzbek poet Tashkin Bahayi and his novels

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    Afganistanlı Özbek Şairlerden Taşkın Bahayi ve Eserleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme çalışması, giriş, Taşkın Bahayi'nin Hayatı ve Eserleri, Eserlerinin Çevriyazı ile Latin Alfabesine Aktarılması, Eserlerinden Seçilmiş Tıpkıbasım Örnekler, Sonuç ve Kaynakça bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. "Giriş" kısmında, Afganistan hakkında genel bilgi, Afganistan'da Türkler, Afganistan'da Türk Edebiyatı, Afganistan'da Özbek Edebiyatı ve Taşkın Bahayi hakkında yazılanlar ve eserleri üzerine yapılmış çalışmalar başlıkları altında ayrı ayrı bilgi verilmiştir. "I. Bölüm"de, Taşkın Bahayi'nin hayatı ve edebi şahsiyeti, eserleri (manzum ve mensur) Taşkın Bahayi'nin aktardığı veya editörlüğünü yaptığı eserler, şiirlerinde şekil, şiirlerde kullandığı nazım birimleri, şiirlerde kullandığı nazım türleri, şiirlerindeki ahenk unsurları, şiirlerindeki muhteva, şiirlerindeki dil ve üslup, şiirlerde kullanılan atasözleri ve deyimler, şiirlerde kullanılan edebî sanatlar ve şiirlerdeki temalar gibi birçok başlıklar altında detaylı değerlendirmeler verilmiştir. "II. Bölüm"de 53 şiirinin çevriyazı ile Latin alfabesindeki metni, bir hikâye, üç bilimsel ve bir çeviri makalesinin Türkiye Türkçesindeki çevirisi verilmiştir. "III. Bölüm"de şiir, hikâye ve bilimsel yazılarından seçilmiş tipkibasim örnekler yer almaktadır. Çalışmamız sonuç ve kaynakça ile sona ermiştir.A Study on the Tashkin Bahayi from Afghanistan Uzbek Poets and its Works. İn introduction, the life and works of the Tashkin Bahayi, transferring the works to the cyrillic and Latin alphabet, Selected Examples from the works, results and bibliography. In the "Introduction" section, separate information has been given under the titles "General Information about Afghanistan", "Turks in Afghanistan", "Turkish Literature in Afghanistan", "Uzbek Literature in Afghanistan" and "Research on Writings and Works of Tashkin Bahayi". "I.Section, the life and literary personality of Tashkin Bahayi, works (verses and proses), Taskin Bahayi's works of transcription or editing; types of his poems, knowledge of verses used in poems, types of verses used in poems, harmoney elements in his Poems, contents in his poems, language and genre in his poems, proverbs and idioms used in poetry, literary arts used in poetry and themes in poetry, are samples of titles which detailed assessments are given under the headings. "II. Chapter" 53 poems transcription of the text in the Latin alphabet, one story, three scientific articles and a translation of scientific articles is given in Turkey Turkish translation. "III. The chapter contains examples of typical poetry, stories and scientific texts. Our work ends with results and sources

    Folad Sebagai Inspirasi Dalam Karya Seni Lukis

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    Perang muncul karena adanya perbedaan yang tidak dapat diterima oleh suatu golongan. Hal tersebut digunakan oleh golongan/kelompok atau suatu bangsa untuk menjajah dan menguasai kelompok/bangsa lain, seperti halnya yang terjadi di Afghanistan. Afghanistan mengalami perang sejak abad ke-3 hingga sekarang, oleh beberapa kelompok, bangsa dan negara, seperti Taliban, Mujahidin, Makedonia (Yunani), Rusia, Inggris, Amerika. Afghanistan mengalami pasang surut, mengalami masa-masa kejayaan hingga masa terpuruk tetapi hingga saat ini Afghanistan masih berdiri, negeri yang tidak terkalahkan oleh bangsa manapun. Dari hal tersebut dapat dilihat sifat kesamaan dengan Folad (baja), meski dihantam beberapa kali perang tetapi Afghanistan yang tidak pernah putus asa/harapan meski perang terus berlanjut. Seperti baja yang terus ditempa agar menjadi sesuatu yang lebih bernilai tinggi. Dari sinilah muncul inspirasi melukiskan Afghanistan sebagai refleksi dari baja/ Folad ) فولاد ), yang kuat dan pantang menyerah. Pada kesempatan ini pengalaman yang disertai perasaan dan juga harapan bagi Afghanistan menjadi inspirasi munculnya ide untuk memvisualkan dalam bentuk karya seni lukis. Dalam proses perwujudan gagasan-gagasan divisualisasikan ke dalam beberapa karya dengan memperhatikan unsur-unsur seni rupa itu sendiri, yaitu warna, bentuk, dan tekstur sehingga apa yang menjadi tujuan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik kepada penikmat seni. Secara visual, objek pada karya terwakili oleh bentuk figur-figur wajah Afghan, seni, budaya, dan benda-benda lainnya yang menjadi simbol-simbol dari perang dan perdamaian, seperti tank, kawat, dan bunga. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai tanggung jawab dan kecintaan untuk menunjukkan identitas sebagai seniman Afghanistan dengan menampilkan wajah-wajah Afghanistan dan juga seni serta budaya dalam karya seni lukis

    Seısmıc performance evaluatıon of mıd and hıgh-rıse storey rc buıldıngs usıng two dımensıonal frame models

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    Türkiye sismik olarak aktif bir coğrafyada yer almaktadır. Geçmişte meydana gelen birçok yıkıcı deprem nedeniyle büyük can ve mal kaybı yaşanmıştır. Bu nedenle, depremlerin sebep olabileceği hasar seviyelerinin tahmin edilebilmesi deprem mühendisliği açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Gerçekleştirilen çalışmanın amacı kuvvetli yer hareketi parametreleri ile sismik talepler arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda 12 adet iki boyutlu betonarme çerçeve modeli 40 ivme kaydı altında doğrusal elastik ve doğrusal elastik olmayan zaman tanım alanında analiz yapılmıştır. Toplam 960 zaman tanım alanında analizin gerçekleştirildiği çalışmada her iki analiz yöntemi için deplasman talepleri ve V/W Oranı (taban kesme kuvveti ile bina ağırlığı oranı) elde edilerek güçlü yer hareketi parametreleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları incelendiğinde yer hareketi parametreleri ile doğrusal modeller için elde edilen talepler arasında doğrusal olmayan modellere oranla daha yüksek bir korelasyon gözlemlenmiştir. Yapı dinamik tepkisinin doğrusal modellerde zamana bağlı olarak değişmemesi nedeniyle bunun beklenen bir durum olduğu söylenebilir. Elde edilen talepler ile en yüksek korelasyonun hesaplandığı her hareketi parametresi Housner Intesity’dir. Çatı katı deplasman talepleri ve housner intensity için korelasyon katsayıları sırasıyla 0.76 ve 0.66 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Doğrusal modeller için spektral ivme talebi ile yüksek bir korelasyon bulunurken, doğrusal olmayan davranış özellikleri dikkate alındığında büyük oranda düşmektedir. Regresyon analizi ile türetilen denklem ile doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan modeller için elde edilen çatı katı deplasman talepleri, taban kesme kuvveti ve V/W ile parametreler arasındaki korelasyon katsayıları sırasıyla 0.9486, 0.8049, 0.7108 ve 0.8314 olarak elde edilmiştir. Türetilen denklem SaT1 (bina periyoduna denk gelen spektral ivme) için elde edilen korelasyon katsayısıyla anlamlı bir gelişim gösterdiğini söylenebilir.Turkey is located in an active seismic region. Our country has suffered great loss of life and property due to many devastating earthquakes in the past. As a result, it is important for earthquake engineering to predict the damage potential that earthquakes can cause. This study aims to investigate the relationship between strong ground motion parameters and seismic demands. In this context, 12 twodimensional reinforced concrete frame models analyzed under 40 acceleration records using the linear elastic and nonlinear time history analyses. In this study, strong ground motion parameters compared to displacement demands and V / W ratio (base shear force and building weight ratio) which obtained from both analysis methods. When the results are analyzed, a higher correlation was observed between the ground motion parameters and the demands obtained for the linear models compared to the nonlinear models. The ground motion parameter, which calculates the highest correlation with the demands obtained, is Housner Intesity. Correlation coefficients for displacement demands and housner intensity were calculated as 0.76 and 0.66, respectively. While there is a high correlation with spectral acceleration demand for linear models, it decreases considerably in nonlinear behavior characteristics. Correlation coefficients of displacement demands, base shear force and V/W with ground motion parametres obtained for linear and nonlinear models with the equation derived by regression analysis were obtained as 0.9486,0.8049, 0.7108 and 0.8314, respectively. There is a significant improvement with the correlation coefficient obtained for the derived equation SaT1 (spectral acceleration corresponding to the building period)

    How to develop Afghan Karakul marketing

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    This study was specifically concerned with the Afghan karakul marketing development. After carpet and fruit, Afghan karakul is one of the most important export item of Afghanistan to international market especially western market. The study attempted to investigate, explore and analyze the current marketing of Afghan karakul and the significance of its marketing development. The objective of the study was to find ways in order to develop Afghan karakul marketing Qualitative research method was applied in this study in order to achieve in depth understanding of the karakul marketing situation, as this method is mostly analyzing and descriptive instead of numerical or statistical. A semi-structured interview with the customers was conducted as a tool for the gathering of primary data. The data was focused on the current Afghan karakul marketing and how to further develop it. Further, Nvivo as a computer assisted qualitative data analysis software or analyzing tool was used to analyze the data. Using of software for analyzing qualitative data saves time by providing organized filling system for the data. Further, less clerical work is needed to analyze the data and gives more time to think instead of printing papers The study offered a new marketing approach for the development of Afghan karakul marketing. It presented that, by changing of marketing from stage 1.0 to stage 3.0, Afghan karakul marketing needs to be changed. The result of the study advocates that in order to increase Afghan karakul export and customer loyalty it is needed to focus on customer-oriented marketing. Moreover, Conducting of this study was significant to provide new marketing knowledge for the Afghan karakul merchants. Achieved study goal will contribute to Afghan karakul development, that results export growth