96 research outputs found

    Strengthening Enterprise Competitiveness by Synchronizing Supply Chain

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    When competition is fierce and many producers try to create a competitive advantage by lowering prices, price wars are very common, but only few survive. Low prices erode producers' margins and economic viability of the company. Low prices are very short- lived competitive advantage as it can be easily imitated by other competitors. Only producers with big economies of scale and low labour costs can afford very low sales prices. Eastern European producers have neither economies of scale nor low labour costs (comparing to Far East producers). This paper provides theoretical background and practical experience of how three Eastern European textile producers created significant competitive edge, which enabled them to increase their customer base more than three times. Profitability has increased by 4 times, and net-profit by 5 times

    Dagara Tongue-Root Vowel Harmony

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    Though tongue-root vowel harmony in many Ghanaian languages has been described, there still remain many others which have received little or no description at all. Dagara, a dialect of Dagaare a Mabia language, is one of such dialects. This paper presents a description of Dagara tongue-root vowel harmony using Autosegmental Theory. The paper reveals that Dagara has bi-directional [ATR] harmony with [+ATR] vowels being the triggers of the harmonic process. In the progressive harmony processes, the [+ATR] feature of stem vowels causes [-ATR] vowels of suffixes to change to harmonize with them; in a regressive harmony process, [+ATR] vowels of the suffixes have dominance over those of stems and cause them to change to harmonize. The paper also shows that [f] is an opaque consonant, and blocks [+ATR] harmony spread from stems to suffix vowels. The opacity effect is however unidirectional as there is no evidence of such restriction in left-to-right harmony. The paper concludes that, there is a strict co-occurrence restriction on vowels of words in Dagara

    Udpegning af potentielle sorte pletter via floating car data

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    Formålet med dette paper er at undersøge, om det er muligt at udpege potentielle sorte pletter via floating car data. Der er i projektet udført teoretiske litteraturstudier for at skabe et grundlag for det senere analysearbejde, som danner baggrund for analysearbejdet. Dataene stammer fra Aalborg Universitets Spar på farten projekt, hvor deltagernes hastighed og placering på vejnettet bliver registreret. I dataanalysen bliver der analyseret på 94 personers individuelle kørselsadfærd. Ud fra kørselsadfærden bliver det vurderet, hvornår den enkelte deltager har foretaget en frivillig eller ufrivillig opbremsning. De 1097 registrerede ufrivillige opbremsninger danner grundlag for en lokalitetsudpegning, hvor i alt 12 lokaliteter har fire eller flere registrerede opbremsninger, hvilket var udpegningskriteriet. Derudover er de udpegede lokaliteter samt eventuelle problemstillinger blevet vurderet. Uheldssituationen for lokaliteten med flest deltagere repræsenteret er blevet undersøgt, hvorefter disse bliver sammenlignet med opbremsninger for at undersøge, om der er overensstemmelse mellem opbremsninger og uheld. Til sidst er det vurderet, at metoden trods usikkerhederne kan bruges til en udpegning af potentielle sorte pletter


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    Excessive use of inorganic fertilizers and intensive tillage can cause changes in chemical properties and soil fertility. This study aims to determine the chemical properties of the soil and the level of soil fertility on land that cultivates vegetables. The research was conducted in Rewarangga Selatan Village, Ende Regency. This research was conducted using a survey method, by taking soil samples by composite methods on spinach, mustard and kale vegetables. The variables observed were soil pH, C-Organic, P2O5, K2O, CEC, and KB. These variables were analyzed for soil chemical properties and then matched using soil chemical criteria and soil fertility from the Bogor Soil Research Center. The results showed that the soil chemical criteria were soil pH in the acidic to very acidic category (4.0–5.0) , moderate C-Organic (2.03% – 2.37%), very high P2O5 (39.53 ppm – 48.90 ppm), very high K2O (1.01 me/100gr – 1.24 me/100gr), very high CEC (40.11 me/100gr – 40.33 me/100gr), and very high KB (82 ,11% - 86.76%) . While the criteria for soil fertility in the cultivation of vegetables are moderate


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman dan perspektif mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Flores tentang kebijakan MBKM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sebanyak 97% dari 350 mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Sipil sudah mengetahui tentang kebijakan MBKM. 78% mahasiswa mengatakan bahwa informasi tentang kebijakan MBKM diperoleh dari kanal daring perguruan tinggi dan kegiatan sosialisasi melalui luring/daring yang diselenggrakan oleh perguruan tinggi Universitas Flores. Kegiatan MBKM yang paling diminati oleh mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Sipil yaitu magang/praktek kerja (71%) dan membangun desa atau kuliah kerja nyata tematik (KKNT) (20%). 95% mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Sipil mengatakan bahwa kebijakan MBKM sangat bermanfaat dalam peningkatan hard-skill dan soft-skill dalam pengembangan kompentensi/keterampilan sebagai bekal bekerja setelah lulus dan lebih siap dalam memasuki masa paska kampus.Abstract:  This study aims to determine the understanding and perspective of students of the Civil Engineering Study Program at the University of Flores regarding the MBKM policy. The results showed that 97% of the 350 Civil Engineering Study Program students already knew about the MBKM policy. 78% of students said that information about the MBKM policy was obtained from the university's online channel and offline/online socialization activities organized by the University of Flores college. The MBKM activities that are most in demand by Civil Engineering Study Program students are apprenticeships/work practices (71%) and building villages or thematic real work lectures (KKNT) (20%). 95% of Civil Engineering Study Program students said that the MBKM policy was very useful in increasing hard-skills and soft-skills in competency/skill development as a provision for work after graduation and being better prepared for entering the post-campus period
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