862 research outputs found

    Regionalization of the Telencephalon in Urodele Amphibians and Its Bearing on the Identification of the Amygdaloid Complex

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    The brain of urodele amphibians has formed the basis for numerous comparative neuroanatomical studies because its simplified arrangement of neurons and fibers was considered to represent the basic pattern common to all tetrapods. However, on the basis of classical histological techniques many common features shared by the brain of amniotes could not be identified in the anamniotic amphibians. Recently, the combined analysis of the chemoarchitecture and hodology has demonstrated that the brain, and particularly the telencephalon, of anuran amphibians shares all major basic features with amniotes. In the present study, we have conducted a series of immunohistochemical detections for telencephalic regional markers (nitric oxide synthase (NOS), γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), Islet-1 (Isl1), and Nkx2.1) that were useful tools for unraveling telencephalic organization in other vertebrates. In addition, the combination of tract-tracing techniques with dextran amines to demonstrate olfactory secondary centers, hypothalamic projections, and brainstem connections has served to propose subdivisions within the amygdaloid complex. The results of the present analysis of the urodele telencephalon using a multiple approach have demonstrated, among other features, the presence of a ventral pallial region, striatopallidal subdivision in the basal ganglia, and three main components of the amygdaloid complex. Therefore, in spite of its apparently simple organization, within the telencephalon of urodeles it is possible to identify most of the features observed in amniotes and anurans that are only revealed with the use of combined modern techniques in neuroanatomy

    Efectos de los programas de actividad física para la mejora de las capacidades funcionales de personas con parálisis cerebral: Una revisión sistemática

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    El objetivo de esta revisión fue conocer los efectos de los programas de AF en la mejora de las capacidades funcionales y físicas de personas con parálisis cerebral (PC), especialmente de aquellas personas dependientes de silla de ruedas. Para ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de los distintos programas de actividad física (AF) en cinco bases de datos distintas. 24 artículos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se encontró evidencia de la mejora de las capacidades funcionales mediante distintos programas de AF, siendo los de capacidad aeróbica, los de fuerza y los mixtos (capacidad aeróbica y fuerza) los más utilizados y analizados en la literatura científica. De todos ellos, los programas mixtos parecen ser los más idóneos, ya que se ha observado que es en estos donde mayores mejoras se producen de las capacidades funcionales. Además, para aquellas personas dependientes de silla de ruedas parecen ser una muy buena opción para el trabajo de propulsión de la silla de ruedas. Sin embargo es necesaria una mayor investigación ya que son escasos los artículos dirigidos excesivamente a las personas son PC dependientes de silla de ruedas

    Link failure testing project on a satellite SDN network using Bidirectional Forwarding Detection

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    This project focuses on implementing a variable grid topology network for simulating an inter-satellite links connection to evaluate link failure detection times in a satellite SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN) using the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol (RFC 5880). Today, there is significant growth and deployment of LEO satellite networks, and SDN technology is being successfully used in these LEO satellite constellation networks due to the flexibility that this technology offers in the face of dynamic variation in topology network, limited bandwidth and traffic variations. An important point for the correct operation of these networks is the reliability and stability of the links that interconnect the satellites of the constellation, since this constellation is in permanent motion, orbiting the earth. The work developed in this project is directly related to this topic and the BFD detection protocol has been used to determine the connectivity failures of the test network links. The BFD is a protocol which provides fast forwarding path failure detection times and it is independent from physical media, routing protocols and data protocols. The BFD protocol works in the forwarding plane and is well suited for use with SDN switches. The testbed has been built using the "ContainerNet" Python API to implement the network topology and link interconnection of each satellite node. The satellite switching service is implemented in a docker instance, using OpenVirtualSwitch (OVS) as the internal packet switch of each node. OpenVirtualSwitch is an SDN-compliant programmable switching network device that has support for the BFD protocol. A transmission scenario is built on this switching network. This scenario includes two nodes that work as communication endpoints. The nodes have been configured so that between the endpoints there are two separate alternative paths. In addition to the datapath configuration, the BFD protocol has been configured to monitor the status of each link. A software developed running in all intermediate nodes are able to notify a link failure upstream of the datapath until the end nodes. An then end nodes can switch to another path. The final results must determine which are the BFD parameters to achieve a compromise between the BFD packet signaling period and the bandwidth used to keep the VoIP communication parameters within the acceptable limits in the event of a link failure with a route update

    A Multimodal Approach to Banks' TV Commercials in Spain

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2014-2015[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivo informar sobre los resultados de un análisis sobre las estrategias comunicativas de diez anuncios de la televisión nacional española, correspondiendo a cinco bancos diferentes (Santander, ING Direct, Bankia, Sabadell y BBVA). El presente estudio se centrará en cómo los publicistas emplean diferentes fuentes semióticas, es decir, una construcción multimodal para crear una relación interpersonal entre el productor y el público deseado. Para ello, este trabajo se basa en el enfoque hermenéutico del SF-MDA, análisis sistémico-funcional del discurso multimodal, basado en la conceptualización de Halliday de la ‘triple funcionalidad’ del significado presentado en su trabajo Introducción a la gramática funcional de Halliday (2014). Por lo tanto, este enfoque lingüístico nos permitirá estudiar cada fuente semiótica de forma aislada, un proceso conocido como ‘intrasemiosis’, y la combinación de los modos semióticos para ampliar relaciones de significado, considerado como ‘intersemiosis’.[EN]This paper aims at reporting the findings of an analysis on the communicative strategies of ten TV commercials of the Spanish national television, corresponding to five different banks (Santander, ING Direct, Bankia, Sabadell and, BBVA). The present study will focus on how advertisers employ different semiotic resources, that is, a multimodal construction to create an interpersonal relationship between the producer and the target audience. For this purpose, this paper draws on the hermeneutic approach of SF-MDA, systemic-functional multimodal discourse analysis, based on Halliday’s ‘tri-functional’ conceptualization of meaning presented in his work Halliday’s Introduction to Functional Grammar (2014). Therefore, this linguistic approach will enable us to study each semiotic source in isolation, a process known as ‘intrasemiosis’, and the combination of semiotic modes so as to expand meaning relations, regarded as ‘intersemiosis’

    Determinación de metales en tabaco y cenizas mediante técnicas espectroscópicas

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    El análisis de las evidencias encontradas en la escena de un crimen es crucial para su posterior resolución. La ciencia forense es la encargada de analizar estas evidencias por las técnicas que se requieran. En este trabajo se pretende analizar una de estas evidencias que pueden ser halladas a la hora de resolver un crimen, como lo son restos de tabaco o cenizas de éste. De este modo, se analizaron por espectroscopía de absorción atómica (EAA) las concentraciones de Cd, Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb, Co, Cr, Ca y Zn, y mediante espectroscopía de emisión atómica las concentraciones de Na y K, en muestras de tabaco y cenizas de 13 marcas comerciales. Se realizó también el análisis de 5 muestras test. Por otra parte, se realizó un análisis de componentes principales con el fin de clasificar las muestras en función de la distribuidora o de la variedad de tabaco.The analysis of the evidence found at a crime scene is crucial for its subsequent resolution. Thus, forensic science is responsible for analyzing these evidences by the techniques required, whether chemical, physical, computational methods… In this study, it is intended to analyze one of these evidences that can be found when solving a crime, such as tobacco remains or ashes. The presence of metals in both tobacco and ashes can be decisive when classifying the different tobacco brands marketed in Spain. Thereby, the levels of metals in tobacco and ash samples from 13 trademarks were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), for Cd, Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb, Co, Cr, Ca and Zn, or by flame emission spectroscopy, for Na and K. The analysis of 5 test samples was also performed. Once these concentrations were obtained, a principal components analysis was performed in order to classify the analyzed brands, as well as to classify the samples according to their distributor or the variety of tobacco

    The Non-Evaginated Secondary Prosencephalon of Vertebrates

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    The secondary prosencephalon (telencephalon plus hypothalamus) is probably the most complex area of the brain, with complicated patterning specifications. As yet, no prosomeric subdivisions have been reported and only distinct histogenetic territories have been recognized. In the present comparative study we analyzed cross-correlated expression maps in the non-evaginated territories of the secondary prosencephalon in different vertebrates throughout development, to assess the existence of comparable divisions and subdivisions in the different groups. Each division is characterized by expression of a unique combination of developmental regulatory genes, and each appears to represent a self-regulated and topologically constant histogenetic brain compartment that gives rise to a specific cell group. The non-evaginated area of the telencephalon corresponds to the preoptic region, whereas the hypothalamus, topologically rostral to the diencephalic prethalamus, includes basal (mammillary and tuberal) and alar (paraventricular and suprachiasmatic) parts. This complex area is specified by a cascade of transcription factors, among which the Dlx family members and Nkx2.1 are essential for the correct development. The only exception is found in the subdivision named termed the supraoptoparaventricular area, in which the transcription factor Orthopedia is essential in restricting the fate of multiple categories of neuroendocrine neurons, in the absence of the Dlx/Nkx2.1 combination. Our analysis, based on own data and published results by other researchers, suggests that common features are shared at least by all tetrapods and, therefore, they most likely were present in the stem tetrapods. The available data for agnathans (lampreys) and other fish groups indicate that not all subdivisions of the secondary prosencephalon were present at the origin of vertebrates, raising important questions about their evolution

    Pattern of Neurogenesis and Identification of Neuronal Progenitor Subtypes during Pallial Development in Xenopus laevis

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    The complexity of the pallium during evolution has increased dramatically in many different respects. The highest level of complexity is found in mammals, where most of the pallium (cortex) shows a layered organization and neurons are generated during development following an inside-out order, a sequence not observed in other amniotes (birds and reptiles). Species-differences may be related to major neurogenetic events, from the neural progenitors that divide and produce all pallial cells. In mammals, two main types of precursors have been described, primary precursor cells in the ventricular zone (vz; also called radial glial cells or apical progenitors) and secondary precursor cells (called basal or intermediate progenitors) separated from the ventricle surface. Previous studies suggested that pallial neurogenetic cells, and especially the intermediate progenitors, evolved independently in mammalian and sauropsid lineages. In the present study, we examined pallial neurogenesis in the amphibian Xenopus laevis, a representative species of the only group of tetrapods that are anamniotes. The pattern of pallial proliferation during embryonic and larval development was studied, together with a multiple immunohistochemical analysis of putative progenitor cells. We found that there are two phases of progenitor divisions in the developing pallium that, following the radial unit concept from the ventricle to the mantle, finally result in an outside-in order of mature neurons, what seems to be the primitive condition of vertebrates. Gene expressions of key transcription factors that characterize radial glial cells in the vz were demonstrated in Xenopus. In addition, although mitotic cells were corroborated outside the vz, the expression pattern of markers for intermediate progenitors differed from mammals

    Spanish efl teachers and ict tools. A survey-based analysis

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    In the last few years, teachers in Spain have experienced numerous changes in their methodology due to the implementation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in education. This research provides a survey-based analysis of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers that assesses their attitude towards digital resources and the current state of affairs in Spain concerning digital tools. Results indicate that despite receiving training in digital skills, teachers still need more support from their educational centres and that the technical equipment available is limited. Besides, they use more often ICT tools for practicing listening and evaluate favourably collaboration among teaching staff and the figure of the ICT coordinato

    Ontogenetic Distribution of the Transcription Factor Nkx2.2 in the Developing Forebrain of Xenopus Laevis

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    The expression of the Nkx2.2 gene is involved in the organization of the alar-basal boundary in the forebrain of vertebrates. Its expression in different diencephalic and telencephalic regions, helped to define distinct progenitor domains in mouse and chick. Here we investigated the pattern of Nkx2.2 protein distribution throughout the development of the forebrain of the anuran amphibian, Xenopus laevis. We used immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization techniques for its detection in combination with other essential territorial markers in the forebrain. No expression was observed in the telencephalon. In the alar hypothalamus, Nkx2.2 positive cells were scattered in the suprachiasmatic territory, but also in the supraopto-paraventricular area, as defined by the expression of the transcription factor Orthopedia (Otp) and the lack of xDll4. In the basal hypothalamus Nkx2.2 expressing cells were localized in the tuberal region, with the exception of the arcuate nucleus, rich in Otp expressing cells. In the diencephalon it was expressed in all three prosomeres (P1–P3) and not in the zona limitans intrathalamica. The presence of Nkx2.2 expressing cells in P3 was restricted to the alar portion, as well as in prosomere P2, whereas in P1 the Nkx2.2 expressing cells were located in the basal plate and identified the alar/basal boundary. These results showed that Nkx2.2 and Sonic hedgehog are expressed in parallel adjacent stripes along the anterior–posterior axis. The results of this study showed a conserved distribution pattern of Nkx2.2 among vertebrates, crucial to recognize subdivisions that are otherwise indistinct, and supported the relevance of this transcription factor in the organization of the forebrain, particularly in the delineation of the alar/basal boundary of the forebrain

    La danza y la expresión corporal como asignatura dentro del currículum de educación

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    La evolución de la danza como disciplina didáctica en el currículum de la Educación Primaria, ha ido evolucionando notablemente con el paso del tiempo. Dicha disciplina contiene un sinfín de beneficios que podrán enriquecer el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje, y por lo tanto influenciar a nuestro alumnado. Gracias a la danza se trabaja de manera lúdica y dinámica elementos como la atención, la concentración, la coordinación, la condición física, elementos culturales, la creatividad, la autonomía, el respeto, etc. Es por ello que consideramos oportuna la creación de una asignatura que se pueda incluir en el currículum de Educación Primaria, donde se trabaje únicamente la danza y la expresión corporal, ya que aunque se den algunas pinceladas en la asignatura de Educación Física, el tiempo empleado no es el suficiente para conseguir observar los beneficios que antes mencionamos. Esta asignatura tendrá su sistema de evaluación puramente práctico y dinámico, su temporalización ajustada al calendario escolar, y sus actividades tipo para poder cubrir las diferentes sesiones que podrían plantearse (todo ello teniendo en cuenta la legislación vigente). Hoy en día, conseguir esta conversión de la enseñanza es una tarea fundamental para ese alumnado con necesidades especiales, ya que todos los factores positivos que se trabajan con la danza, también afectarían de forma directa a este tipo de niños, consiguiendo mejorías en breves períodos de tiempo y logrando así la denominada educación inclusiva.The evolution of dance as a didactic discipline in the curriculum of Primary Education, has evolved significantly with the passage of time. This discipline contains a host of benefits that can enrich the teaching-learning process, and therefore influence our students. Thanks to dance, elements such as attention, concentration, coordination, physical condition, cultural elements, creativity, autonomy, respect, etc. are worked in a playful and dynamic manner. That is why we consider it opportune to create a subject that can be included in the curriculum of Primary Education, where only dance and body language are worked, since although some brushstrokes are given in the subject of Physical Education, the time spent It is not enough to observe the benefits mentioned above. This subject will have its system of evaluation purely practical and dynamic, its 2 timing adjusted to the school calendar, and its type activities to cover the different sessions that could arise (all this taking into account the current legislation). Nowadays, achieving this conversion of teaching is a fundamental task for those students with special needs, since all the positive factors that are worked with dance, would also directly affect this type of children, getting improvements in short periods of time and thus achieving the so-called inclusive education.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari