9 research outputs found
Giza papilomabirusa eta umetoki lepoko minbizia: aldakortasun genetikoa, biomarkatzaileak eta epidemiologia
148 p.Giza papilomabirusa (HPV) umetoki lepoko minbiziaren erantzulea da. Minbizi mota honek urtero 270.000 emakumeen heriotza eragiten du. Lan honetan ahalmen onkogeniko altuagoa zuten arrisku altuko HPV genotipoen populazioa baheketaren ondorioz, gure inguruan, genotipo horien intzidentzia % 10,63koa zela behatu zen. Gainera, genotiporik onkogenikoenetarikoa den HPV-16aren aldaera intratipikoen azterketaren bidez aldaera ez-europarrak, hau da, B/C/D leinuetako aldaerak, aldaera Europarrak (A leinuko aldaerak) baino ahalmen onkogeniko altuagoa dute. Bestalde, HPV-16aren banako infekzioa eta infekzio anitzak (HPV-16az gain beste genotipo batzuk kutsatuta dauden pazienteak) ahalmen onkogeniko desberdina dute; infekzio anitzak lesioak sortzeko ahalmen handiagoa zuten, lesio mota hori zuten pazienteen % 42,65ean lesioak detektatu ziren. Azkenik umetoki lepoko biomarkatzaile bilaketan, E6 eta E7 onkogeneen RNA mezulariaren detekzioa biomarkatzaile aproposa dirudi patologiarekin eta lesioen eboluzioarekin aurkeztu zuen adostasunagatik. Hala ere, lan honetan RNA erauzketa metodo desberdinen erabilera RNA mezulariaren detekzioan eragina izan ahal duela behatu genuen; aztertutako hiru RNA erauzketa metodoen artean bat baztertua izan zen lortutako emaitza txarren ondorioz eta beste bien artean, bioMérieux eta Roche etxe komertzialetako metodoen artean, Roche erauzketa metodoa umetoki lepoko minbiziaren bahetzea burutzeko metodo egokiena zirudien bere PPV, NPV eta espezifikotasun balio altuengatik
901-5 Intravenous Amiodarone Restores Sinus Rhythm in Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated with Atrial Fibrillation
The effectiveness and tolerance of intravenous (IV) amiodarone (Am) in atrialfibrillation (AF) complicated acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is not well studied. Thus, twenty patients (Pts) with AMI complicated with AF occurring within 30h (11.9 ± 10) of the onset of AMI symptoms were treated with IV administration of digitalis (d, 0.5mg and an additional 0.25mg later) followed by IV Am 300mg over 2h (starting 2h after the initial dose of d) and followed by 44mg/h for up to 3 days, if sinus rhythm (SR) was not restored. Intravenous d restored SR within 2h in 5/20pts. AF relapsed in 2 of them. Subsequent administration of Am for 2 h restored SR in the remaining 15/20pts and in the 2pts in whom AF had relapsed after the initial restoration of SR by d. Am restored SR within an average of 12.8 (range 0.5–56) h of infusion. Total dose of Am was 1922 ± 720mg in 4pts and 425 ± 241mg in the remaining 13. Am was well tolerated by all pts including 1 with cardiogenic shock assisted with the intraaortic balloon pump. In conclusion, IV Am administration ishighly effective in restoring sinusrhythm in AF complicating AMI and is well tolerated
Genetic structure of Plasmodium falciparum populations across the Honduras-Nicaragua border
Abstract Background The Caribbean coast of Central America remains an area of malaria transmission caused by Plasmodium falciparum despite the fact that morbidity has been reduced in recent years. Parasite populations in that region show interesting characteristics such as chloroquine susceptibility and low mortality rates. Genetic structure and diversity of P. falciparum populations in the Honduras-Nicaragua border were analysed in this study. Methods Seven neutral microsatellite loci were analysed in 110 P. falciparum isolates from endemic areas of Honduras (n = 77) and Nicaragua (n = 33), mostly from the border region called the Moskitia. Several analyses concerning the genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium, population structure, molecular variance, and haplotype clustering were conducted. Results There was a low level of genetic diversity in P. falciparum populations from Honduras and Nicaragua. Expected heterozigosity (H e ) results were similarly low for both populations. A moderate differentiation was revealed by the FST index between both populations, and two putative clusters were defined through a structure analysis. The main cluster grouped most of samples from Honduras and Nicaragua, while the second cluster was smaller and included all the samples from the Siuna community in Nicaragua. This result could partially explain the stronger linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the parasite population from that country. These findings are congruent with the decreasing rates of malaria endemicity in Central America.We would like to thank Dr Udhayakumar Venkatachalam and his research team at Malaria Branch, CDC, for technical assistance and providing amplification protocols and DNA of reference clones. DNA from reference clones was also provided by Irina Jovel from Karolinska Institute, Sweden. The financial support for this work was provided by CSIC (I-COOP0071). Complementary funds were provided by Direccion de Investigacion Cientifica – UNAH.Peer Reviewe
Amplification of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) with Chloroplast-Specific Markers: Geographical Implications on Diversity and Dispersion Studies
Previously developed Annona cherimola specific primers based on the plant barcode gene matK were tested in 546 cherimoya accessions. Of those, 296 belong to an ex situ world reference germplasm collection maintained at the IHSM La Mayora-CSIC-UMA in Málaga (Spain) and 250 to cherimoya samples collected in situ in three Central American countries (Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica). Results showed the existence of two different haplotypes in the samples analyzed with geographical association. A new marker that amplified all the samples was designed based on the trnL-F locus using DNA information from seven species of the Annona genus. The information generated will be useful to analyze and conserve the extant genetic diversity present in situ and ex situ and to understand de dispersion of the crop from its center of origin in Central America
Populazio baheketaren garrantzia: giza papilomabirusaren aurkako borroka
Giza papilomabirusa (HPV) 120 genotipo baino gehiagoz osaturiko birus taldea da. Genotipo horien guztien artean 40 bat inguruk gaitasun onkogenikoa dute eta minbizia sor dezakete gorputzeko hainbat ataletan:orofaringea, bulba, zakila edo umetoki-lepoa. Azken minbizi mota honek urtero 250.000 emakumeren heriotza eragiten du. Halaber, kontuan izan behar da HPV genotipo guztiek ez dutela onkogenikotasun maila bera aurkezten. 16 eta 18 genotipoak, adibidez, umetoki lepoko minbizi kasuen % 75etan aurkitu dira. Ikerketa lan honetan minbizia garatzeko arrisku altua duten giza papilomabirus (HPV) genotipoen populazio-baheketa egin dugu gure inguruko emakume talde batean (Bilbo, Euskal Herria), birus honen nagusitasuna eta genotipo desberdinen arteko banaketa ezagutzeko. Gure ikerketa honetan, ikusi da birus honen arrisku altuko genotipoen intzidentzia gure inguruan % 10,63 dela eta HPV 16 eta 18ak sortutako infekzioak umetoki-lepoko epitelioan lesioak sortzeko gaitasun altuagoa dutela; hain zuzen, HPV 16 duten emakumeen % 56,25ak lesioren bat garatu dute. Gainera, egiaztatu ahal izan da emakume gazteei nagusiki eragiten dien birusa dela; 30 urtetik beherako emakumeetan birusaren nagusitasuna % 24,87koa izan da, 30 eta 50 urte arteko emakumeetan % 8,37koa eta 50 urte baino nagusiagoak diren emakumeetan % 3,36koa. Azkenik, behatu izan da infekzio anitzek gaitasun handia dutela umetoki lepoko epitelioan lesioak sortzeko, batez ere 16 genotipoa arrisku altuko beste genotipo batzuekin batera daudenean. Gainera, infekzio anitzak emakume gazteetan baizik ez dira agertzen (batez besteko adina 28,89 urte)
Underutilized Fruit Crops at a Crossroads: The Case of Annona cherimola—From Pre-Columbian to Present Times
Fruits of the cherimoya tree (Annona cherimola Mill.) were consumed by native cultures in Central America, from where the crop was disseminated to South America in pre-Columbian times. Despite its historical significance and cultivation in subtropical regions worldwide, cherimoya remains an underutilized crop, particularly in its area of origin where the conservation of its genetic diversity is under threat. In this study, we provide a comprehensive overview of the research performed on this fruit tree over the past two decades, shedding light on its current status in terms of commercial production and germplasm conservation efforts in the main cherimoya producing countries in the Americas and Europe
Microsatellite dataset of 1765 Annona cherimola DNA samples
A total of 1765 A. cherimola DNA samples collected in the highlands of Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia geopositioned in decimal degrees were analyzed with 9 selected microsatellite loci. Those microsatellites were previously shown to be highly informative in A. cherimola (Escribano et al. 2008; van Zonneveld et al. 2012): LMCH1, LMCH4, LMCH16, LMCH48, LMCH69, LMCH87, LMCH122, LMCH139 and LMCH144