47 research outputs found

    Особенности своеобразия проявлений бронхиальной астмы в гериатрическом возрасте

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    Results of clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of 883 patients with bronchial asthma are given. 347 of the patients were elderly or senile; 322 parameters for each patient were taken into account. The material was processed with a mathematical method of COMOD systemic modelling technology. A reliable correlation between the "Peculiarity of bronchial asthma" parameter and 40 parameters of the geriatric patients’ status was revealed. A complex of reliably interrelated parameters providing the particularities of bronchial asthma manifestations in elderly and senile patients was established. Based on these data conclu­sions about arising mechanisms of bronchial asthma peculiarities in elderly patients were made.Проведен анализ клинических и лабораторно-инструментальных исследований 883 больных бронхиальной астмой, из них 347 пожилого и старческого возраста (322 показателя состояния у одного больного). Материал обработан с помощью математического метода системного моделирования СОМОД-технологии. Выявлена достоверная связь показателя "особенности бронхиальной астмы" в гериатрическом возрасте с 40 показателями состояния больных. Установлена совокупность достоверно взаимосвязанных показателей, обусловливающих своеобразие проявлений бронхиальной астмы в пожилом и старческом возрасте. На основе полученных данных сделаны выводы о механизмах формирования особенностей бронхиальной астмы у гериатрических больных

    Alcohol and fatal life trajectories in Russia: understanding narrative accounts of premature male death in the family

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    Background: In the post-Soviet period, Russian working-age men have suffered unusually high mortality rates. Earlier quantitative work found that part of this is attributable to hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, which increased in the period of transition at a time of massive social and economic disruption and uncertainty. However, there has been very little work done to document and understand in detail the downward life trajectories of individual men who died prematurely from alcohol-related conditions. Building on an earlier case-control study, this unique qualitative study investigates the perceived interplay between men's drinking careers, their employment and family history, health and eventual death.Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with close relatives (most often the widow) of 19 men who died between 2003 and 2005 aged 25-54 years whose close relatives reported that alcohol contributed to their death. The study was conducted in a typical medium-sized Russian city. The relative's accounts were analysed using thematic content analysis.Results: The accounts describe how hazardous drinking both contributed to serious employment, family and health problems, and was simultaneously used as a coping mechanism to deal with life crises and a decline in social status. The interviews highlighted the importance of the workplace and employment status for shaping men's drinking patterns. Common themes emerged around a culture of drinking in the workplace, peer pressure from colleagues to drink, use of alcohol as remuneration, consuming non-beverage alcohols,Russian-specific drinking patterns, attitudes to treatment, and passive attitudes towards health and drinking.Conclusions: The study provides a unique insight into the personal decline that lies behind the extremely high working-age mortality due to heavy drinking in Russia, and highlights how health status and hazardous drinking are often closely intertwined with economic and social functioning. Descriptions of the development of drinking careers, hazardous drinking patterns and treatment experiences can be used to plan effective interventions relevant in the Russian context

    Social factors influencing Russian male alcohol use over the life course: a qualitative study investigating age based social norms, masculinity, and workplace context

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    The massive fluctuations occurring in Russian alcohol-related mortality since the mid-1980s cannot be seen outside of the context of great social and economic change. There is a dearth of qualitative studies about Russian male drinking and especially needed are those that address social processes and individual changes in drinking. Conducted as part of a longitudinal study on men’s alcohol consumption in Izhevsk, this qualitative study uses 25 semi-structured biographical interviews with men aged 33–60 years to explore life course variation in drinking. The dominant pattern was decreasing binge and frequent drinking as men reached middle age which was precipitated by family building, reductions in drinking with work colleagues, and health concerns. A minority of men described chaotic drinking histories with periods of abstinence and heavy drinking. The results highlight the importance of the blue-collar work environment for conditioning male heavy drinking in young adulthood through a variety of social, normative and structural mechanisms. Post-Soviet changes had a structural influence on the propensity for workplace drinking but the important social function of male drinking sessions remained. Bonding with workmates through heavy drinking was seen as an unavoidable and essential part of young men’s social life. With age peer pressure to drink decreased and the need to perform the role of responsible breadwinner put different behavioural demands on men. For some resisting social pressure to drink became an important site of self-determination and a mark of masculine maturity. Over the lifetime the place where masculine identity was asserted shifted from the workplace to the home, which commonly resulted in a reduction in drinking. We contribute to existing theories of Russian male drinking by showing that the performance of age-related social roles influences Russian men’s drinking patterns, drinking contexts and their attitudes. Further research should be conducted investigating drinking trajectories in Russian men

    Nimesulide (Nise) influence on blood serum prostaglandin E2 concentration and cardiovascular system function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective. The purpose of the current study was to investigate nimesulide effects on prostaglandin E 2 concentration in blood serum and some parameters of the cardiovascular system in pts with RA during a 6-month period. Materials and methods. 40 RA pts were studied, 20 of them took 200 mg of nimesulide per day (24 hours) in combination with low doses of metatrexate (7.5-10.0 mg per week). The pts were studied for 6 months. The content of E2 prostaglandin in blood serum was evaluated and estimated by means of the immuneenzymic method in 20 pts who took 200 mg of nimesulide per day (24 hours) in comparison with 20 pts who took 100 mg of sodium diclofenac per day. The cardiovascular system was evaluated and estimated by means of screening examinations and after the 6-month treatment period by means of 24-hour monitoring of arterial blood pressure, ECG-monitoring and echocardioscopy. Results. In case of the nimesulide treatment the above RA pts did not show reliable reduction of PGE- 2 in blood serum as compared with sodium dicofenac after a 5 day and the 6-month treatment. This showed the selective effect of nimesulide in relation to COX-2. As far as the parameters of the cardiovascular system are concerned, no negative dynamics were revealed at the background of nimesulide treatment . It was revealed that nimesulide is quite effective and has good tolerance

    Federal Financial Monitoring Service as A Member of the National Security of the Russian Federation and the Implementation of the Strategy of the Country's Economic Security

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    National-State interests of the Russian Federation are the most significant and objective political determinants of the totality of the vital needs of the population, which are aimed at the satisfaction and development of an individual, society and the State in all their areas of activity: International, military, economic, social, information, internal political, environmental. Maintaining a level of well-being of citizens, to ensuring high standards of life and health, the country's territorial integrity, its sovereignty, guaranteing citizens ' constitutional rights, stable economic development are relevant political objectives activities in Russia

    Работоспособность базовых станций в цифровых сетях радиосвязи железнодорожного транспорта

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    Base station (BS) is a terminal device of a radio communication network, while railway radio communications play an important role in ensuring safety of passenger and cargo transportation.A proposed method for calculating the performance of base stations in railway digital radio communication networks is intended to calculate for the BS the probabilities of being in certain state.BS was decomposed and such functional elements as circuit groups and a radio frequency path were identified, as well as the central module ensuring the exchange of information with elements of this BS and with other BSs. A detailed study of each element has increased accuracy of the proposed method. Following the Markov model, BS is presented as a system in which all possible states are considered. Models for BS with two and three circuit groups have been constructed. The parameters of each functional element of the model can be obtained through observation over a certain period. The solution of the system of equations for each of the models presented in the article will allow obtaining the values of the system being in a certain state. The obtained characteristics can be used to calculate the reliability of the entire radio communication network, and then to assess quality of service provided to the users of this network.Conclusions are made about the possibilities of using the obtained models when designing new railway communication networks and when calculating quality indices of existing ones. The proposed models can be applied not only to railway radio communication networks but also to mobile communication networks of commercial operators. Базовая станция (БС) является оконечным устройством сети радиосвязи, а радиосвязь на железнодорожном транспорте играет важную роль в обеспечении безопасности перевозок пассажиров и грузов.Предлагается методика расчёта работоспособности базовых станций в цифровых сетях радиосвязи железнодорожного транспорта с целью рассчитать вероятности нахождения БС в определённых состояниях.Произведена декомпозиция БС и выделены такие функциональные элементы, как пучки каналов связи, радиочастотный тракт и центральный модуль, обеспечивающий обмен информацией с элементами данной и других БС. Детально исследован каждый элемент, что повысило точность предлагаемой методики. В соответствии с Марковской моделью БС представлена как система, в которой учтены все возможные состояния. Построены модели для БС с двумя и тремя пучками каналов. Параметры каждого функционального элемента модели могут быть получены с помощью наблюдения в течение определённого периода времени. Решение системы уравнений для каждой из приведённых в статье моделей позволит получить значения нахождения системы в определённом состоянии. Полученные характеристики можно использовать для расчёта надёжности всей сети радиосвязи, а в итоге для оценки качества обслуживания абонентов этой сети.Сделаны выводы о возможностях применения полученных моделей при проектировании новых и расчёте показателей качества существующих сетей связи железнодорожного транспорта. Предложенные модели могут применяться не только для сетей радиосвязи железнодорожного транспорта, но и для сетей подвижной связи коммерческих операторов.